Sort file:- Sevenoaks, November, 2024.

Page Updated:- Sunday, 24 November, 2024.


Earliest 1700s-

(Royal) Crown Hotel

Demolished 1936

London Road (17 High Street 1881Census)


Royal Crown Hotel 1880s

Above photo, circa 1880s, also showing the "Dorset Arms" to the right of gentleman in white.

Royal Oak Hotel

Above postcard, date unknown.

Royal Crown Hotel

Above postcard, date unknown, kindly sent by Debi Birkin.

Royal Crown Hotel

Above postcard, date unknown.

Royal Crown Hotel

Above postcard, date unknown, kindly sent by Debi Birkin.

Royal Crown

Above postcard, date unknown, kindly submitted by Mark Jennings.

Royal Crown Hotel

Above photo showing staff at doorway, date unknown.

Royal Crown Hotel

Above photo, date unknown.

Royal Crown Hotel

Above postcard, date unknown.

Royal Croan demolition

Above photo showing demolition, date unknown. Told to make way for a new cinema.

Royal Crown Hotel location 2023

Above Google image, August 2023.

Royal Crown Hotel gardens

Above photo, date unknown showing the gardens, kindly sent by Debi Birkin.


Above engraving appeared inside a seasons greetings card, date unknown, kindly sent by Denialpro in South Westerlo N.Y.


Not sure when it gained it's Royal name, but this was referred to as just the "Crown" in Pigot's Directory of 1828 and also from a list of pubs serving in the first 25 years of the 18th century. 

A popular old staging post, the "Royal Crown", is no more. Until the Great War it was the social hub of the town, hosting banquets, ballroom dancing and even auctions, but was sold after the conflict to make way for the Odeon Cinema. I have however also heard it said that it became the site of the Stag Theatre rather than the cinema.


It was situated at the junction of London Road and South Park and on the site now (2018) is the Pizza outside the Post Office.


Kentish Gazette, 7 December 1768.

To be sold by auction, at the "Crown Inn" in Sevenoaks, in Kent, on Saturday the 31st day of December, inst. Between the hours of 3 and 6 o'clock in the afternoon, on the conditions to be produced at the time of sale. A Messuage, Farm, and Lands, with a large Malthouse there on, situated in the Parish of Ightham in Kent, known by the name of Old Berry Farm, containing upwards of 60 Acres of Land, Arable, Meadow, Pasture and Wood, with a considerable quantity of young Timba growing theiron, the whole being let to John Jull, at the yearly rent of £42. but capable of considerable advancement in the Rent. For further particulars enquire of Mr. John Nash of Sevenoaks aforesaid, or of Mr John Jull, who will show the Premises.


Kentish Gazette, 17 March 1857.


James Jenner, 24, labourer, for entering the dwelling house of William Hoath, and stealing two sovereigns, his money, at Sevenoaks.

The prosecutor kept his money in a box in his bedroom, and the box was locked. The prisoner was in the habit of going to his house. He missed his money on the 29th November. The prisoner was there on the previous day. When the prisoner went there, the prosecutor, his daughter-in-law, and three children were in the house. The prisoner remained in the house after the prosecutor and his wife went out. One of the little girls heard some one up-stairs, and saw the prisoner come down. On the 26th November, the prisoner went to the "Crown tap," and had a pint of beer, which he paid for with a sovereign. On the 28th or 29th of November, he changed another sovereign at the "Dorset Arms." The prisoner was apprehended by Superintendent Handler, in Maidstone, on the 24th of January, he said he had heard that Mr. Hoath did not wish to hurt him for what he had done.

The prisoner said the money he had changed was his own. He had saved up £1, and knew nothing of the prosecutors money.

Six months’ hard labour.


From the Maidstone Gazette and West Kent Courier, 9 January, 1827.

Sevenoaks turnpike Road.

Notice is hereby given, that the tools arising at the Toll Gates on the Turnpike Road leading from Farnborough, in the county of Kent, to Riverhill, in the Parish of Sevenoaks, in the same County, called or known by the names of Pratts Bottom, and Dunton Green Gates, will be late by auction, to the best bidder, at the house of John Harris, known by the sign of the "Crown Inn," at Sevenoaks, on Monday the 22nd day of January next, between the hours of 12 and 2, in the mannor directed by the acts passed in 3rd and 4th years of the reign of his present majesty, for regulating Turnpike Roads, for the term of 1 year, commencing from the 5th day of February next, which Tolls produced the last Year, above the expense of collecting the same, the following Sums, viz.

Pratts Bottom Gate £645 2s. 0d.

Dunton Green Gate £558 8s 5d.

The above Gates will be put up separately or together, at the Sum or Sums as the said Trustees at the said Meeting shall think fit.

Whoever appears to be the best Bidder or Bidders must at the same time pay Three Months in advance of the Rent at which such Tolls may be Let, and give Security, with sufficient Sureties, to the satisfaction of the Trustees of the said Turnpike Road, for payment of the remainder of the Rent, at such times as shall be then agreed upon.

Austin and Claridge.

Clerks to the trustees.

Sevenoaks, 22nd December, 1820.


Kentish Journal and Kentish Advertiser, Tuesday 22 October 1844.

The Auctioneer begs particularly to remind those gentlemen who wish to improve their stocks, that this is an opportunity which seldom occurs in this part of the country, and that Vouchers will be put into the hands of the purchases of each Lot, and the pedigree of each animal will be given in catalogues to be had at the "Star Inn," Maidstone; "Crown," Sevenoaks; "Kentish Hotel," Tunbridge Wells; "White Hart," Ashford; "George," Folkestone; "Star," Lewes; "George," Robertsbridge; "White Hart," Reigate; "Greyhound," Croydon; also of Mr. Stidolph, Dartford, and at the office of the Auctioneer, High Street Tonbridge.

The stock and effects maybe viewed any day previous to the sale.


From the Kentish Gazette, 4 January 1846.


A meeting was held at Kidder’s hotel, Westerham, ("King's Arms Hotel") on Wednesday last, at which a very large assemblage of the gentlemen, farmers, &c., of the neighbourhood, attended to ascertain the views of the vicinity as to starting a coach from this place to Croydon and back. Dr. Thompson having been called to the chair, Mr. P. Pawley, of the "Royal Hotel," Sevenoaks, explained to the company, that he, amongst others, had been called upon by a number of gentlemen in the neighbourhood of Westerham, seeing that every coach was off the road, to place them in something like a position to be able to reach the metropolis. He had great pleasure in saying that the call had been responded to, and he now stood before them as the contractor for such a conveyance. Two coaches started on the 24th, one from Sevenoaks in the morning, and one from Croydon Railway Station, each performing a double journey. He felt assured they should meet with encouragement; he had been over the ground, and certainly if ever there was a conveyance wanted it was here. Westerham, Brasted, and Sundridge, required something like accommodation, to say nothing of Sevenoaks. Mr. Pawley made several other apposite observations, and it was ultimately arranged that these conveyances should be recommended to general support.


Kentish Gazette, 7 August 1849.


On Monday, Mr. John Cooling, the celebrated fancy soap manufacturer, accompanied by his wife, started from Mr. Pawley's, "Crown Hotel," in a horse and gig, on his way to Tonbridge Wells. When about at the "White Hart," Sevenoaks Common, the horse, which had been restive from starting, dashed off at fearful speed, going down River-hill at a tremendous rate. The man at the turnpike seeing them coming, closed the gate; the horse, however, made no pull up, but dashed through it as though were a cobweb, breaking it in the middle, - one half of the gate flying one way and the other in the opposite direction; and strange to say the animal continued his mad career with undiminished speed till within a short distance of Tonbridge, when he pulled up, and commenced kicking at a fearful rate, knocking the dashing iron off. Assistance, however, was obtained, and the affrighted passengers were enabled to alight — miraculously, unhurt.


From the South Eastern Gazette, Tuesday 3 December, 1861.


On Wednesday evening Mr. Young gave his new musical, mimical, and voice entertainment, entitled "Shadows on the Wall," at the "Crown Hotel." That gentleman having visited the town before, and gained well merited laurels, the room was well filled by an audience, who had formed great expectations themselves were laughter-provoking, but the inimitable manner in which they were carried out keep the room in one continued roar of laughter, and the entertainment was brought to a close with bursts of applause. Mr. W. Beale, who presided at the pianoforte, also took an important part in the evening's proceedings, and ably seconded the exertions of Mr. Young.


From the Kent and Sussex Courier, Friday 9 January 1874.


This annual and fashionable re-union was held on New Year's Day, at the "Crown Hotel." The ball-room was handsomely decorated, the corners being filled with stone pedestals, on which were fine foliage and ornamental plants, and hung on the walls at either side of the room were the arms of the stewards, that of Colonel Northey bearing the motto "Steady", and that of Robert Hodgeson, Esq., the motto, "Pax et Fides," on crimson silk, with a border of white fringe, and the arms of the Corporation of Sevenoaks, which are formed of seven acorns, on the same material. The orchestra was also tastefully decorated, and the suggestive mistletoe was placed all round the lower part, almost within reach of the visitors. The death of the Countess Stanhope, however, considerably damped the preparations, as the families of the Earl Amhurst and Sir C. H. Mills, Bart., M.P., with the numerous relatives and friends they generally entertain on these occasions, announced their intention of not being present, so that a very small party, comparatively, was expected. The stewards, however, were equal to the occasions, and their efforts were crowned by the presence of about 115 visitors, all of whom expressed themselves in the highest terms on the manner in which Mr. and Mrs. Pawley had provided for the evening, which characterised the proceedings. Mr. Whitehead's quadrille band was engaged and gave great satisfaction by its excellent playing.


From the Kent and Sussex Courier, Friday 13 March 1874.

Sevenoaks Petty Sessions. Stealing Hay.

Saturday, March 7th. Before Col. Northey.

Benjamin Fletcher, labourer, was charged with stealing a truss of hay, the property of Mr. William Pawley, of the "Royal Crown Hotel," on the previous Thursday. It appeared that the prisoner was employed with a man named Humphrey in cutting out a stack of hay in a meadow near the town, and as one load was being carried, the prisoner took away a trust to the post-office yard, where a portion of it was afterwards found in a stable in the occupation of the Tonbridge mail contractor, by Superintendent Okill.

Remanded till Friday (today).


From the Kent and Sussex Courier, 9 January, 1880.


On Friday evening last, the employees at the “Royal Crown Hotel” had their annual supper at the “Crown Tap”, which was provided in first rate style by Host Barber. The supper was kindly given by Miss Morphey and several tradesmen of the town. Several toasts were given during the evening, and everything passed off very satisfactorily.


From a local paper 1936ish.


On Tuesday the last of the residents of the "Royal Crown Hotel," Sevenoaks — the future of which is still, at the time of writing, in the balence — left the hotel.

The distinction of being the lest resident fell to Mrs. D. D. Mackinnon, who has taken up residence at "Bryn," Pembroke-road.

Mr. Mackinnon had made the "Royal Crown" her home for a number of years, and it vas with a pang of regret she left it for the last time on Tuesday.

Mrs D Mackinnon

Our photograph, taken in the garden of the hotel, shows Mrs. Mackinnon with one of her grandchildren, Dan Mackinnon, youngest son of Rear-Admiral Lauchlan Mackinnon.

We end on a more cheerful note by wishing Mrs. Mackinnon "many happy returns of the day" for Monday next, when she celebrates her 86th birthday, a wish in which her very many friends in the district will join.



WIGGENS Thomas 1828+ Pigot's Directory 1828-29

HARRIS John 1827-32+ Pigot's Directory 1832-34 (Crown)

PAWLEY P Mr 1846-49+

PAWLEY Benjamin 1851+ (age 55 in 1851Census)

PAWLEY William 1874+

BARBER Frank R 1880-91+ fly-driver age 36 in 1881Census) ("Crown Tap")

MORPHEW Marion 1881-91+ (widow age 63 in 1891Census)

LAURD Gerald M C 1891+ (also solicitor age 24 in 1891Census)

MARSHALL George 1911-22+ (age 60 in 1911Census)


Pigot's Directory 1828-29From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29

Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
