22 London Road (Dorset Street 1881) (22 High Street 1891)
Above photo, circa 1860. Dorset Arms (left). |
Above photo, 1887. |
Above postcard, circa 1900, showing part of the pub extreme right. |
Above photo, circa 1880s, also showing the "Royal
Crown Hotel" the building on the left.. |
Above Google image, August 2023. |
The pub was once called the "Bull"
but I do not know when the name changed.
The original Dorset Arms was demolished and rebuilt in 1887 to allow for
the widening of Dorset Street.
It has now (before 1987) changed name again to the "Square" in 2008 and "Dorset
Steak and Oyster House."
Kentish Gazette, 20 June 1854.
Sevenoaks. Sudden Death.
An inquest was held at the "Dorset Arms," on Tuesday last, before
Mr. Wildes, on the body of John Weaver, a
labourer. It appeared that the deceased went to his work as usual on
Monday morning, and about seven o'clock the same
morning, George Ashdown saw the deceased lying on the ground. He
went up to him and immediately hastened for medical
assistance, but human aid was of no avail. He had for many years
past been subject to fits.
Verdict—"Died from a fit of apoplexy.
Kentish Gazette, 17 March 1857.
James Jenner, 24, labourer, for entering the dwelling house of
William Hoath, and stealing two sovereigns, his money, at Sevenoaks.
The prosecutor kept his money in a box in his bedroom, and the box
was locked. The prisoner was in the habit of going to his house. He
missed his money on the 29th November. The prisoner was there on the
previous day. When the prisoner went there, the prosecutor, his
daughter-in-law, and three children were in the house. The prisoner
remained in the house after the prosecutor and his wife went out.
One of the little girls heard some one up-stairs, and saw the
prisoner come down. On the 26th November, the prisoner went to the
"Crown tap," and had a pint of beer, which he paid for with a
sovereign. On the 28th or 29th of November, he changed another
sovereign at the "Dorset Arms." The prisoner was apprehended by
Superintendent Handler, in Maidstone, on the 24th of January, he
said he had heard that Mr. Hoath did not wish to hurt him for what
he had done.
The prisoner said the money he had changed was his own. He had saved
up £1, and knew nothing of the prosecutors money.
Six months’ hard labour.
From the South Eastern Gazette, Tuesday 1 September, 1857.
(Before Earl Amhurst, in the chair, W. B. Northey, C. R. C. Petley, and
J. Rogers, Esqrs.)
This was the annual licensing day for the renewal of the licenses to the
houses in the division. There were no complaints against the houses in
the division. There were no complaints against any house but the "Dorset
Arms," Sevenoaks, against which certain grave charges were made in
anonymous letters, which, however, were not entertained by the
magistrates, but as the landlord had been cautioned at the last
licensing day, the Superintendent Handley, K.C.C., spoke of the house as
a very disorderly one, the license was suspended until the next bench
day. All the others were renewed.
From the South Eastern Gazette, Tuesday 27 July 1858.
Sevenoaks. Assaulting a Police Superintendent.
Richard Gunter, landlord of the "Dorset Arms" public house, Sevenoaks,
was last week charged before C. R. C. Petley and J.
Rogers, Esq., with assaulting James Haudley, superintendent constable of
the Sevenoaks division, in the execution of his duty. Mr.
Rogers (Tunbridge) appeared for the defendant, and requested that the
case might be adjourned, as his client had only received the
summons between 5 and 6 o'clock on the previous evening, and there had
not been time to prepare the defence or communicate
with witnesses whose evidence was material to the case. The magistrates
consented to this request.
South Eastern Gazette, 21 August, 1860.
A Dishonest Lodger.
Ann Dobbs, a tramp, was charged before C. B. C. Petley, Esq., on
Tuesday, with stealing a knife, the property of Richard Gunter, of
the "Dorset Arms" public-house, in this town. It appeared that the
prisoner had lodged at the prosecutor’s house, and after she had
left several knives were missed. P. C. Bayford apprehended her about
eight miles on the London-road, when one of the missing knives was
found on her.
South Eastern Gazette, 4 September, 1860.
Maidstone Telegraph, Rochester and Chatham Gazette, Saturday 8th September 1860.
Ann Dobbs, who had been under remand for over a fortnight on a
charge of stealing a knife, the property of Richard Gunter, of the
"Dorset Arms," Sevenoaks, was cautioned and discharged.
South Eastern Gazette, 4 September, 1860.
A Lamentable Case.
On Monday, before Arthur Pott, Esq., and Major Scoones, Michael
Grant, in the employ of Mr. Mark Dadson, baker, of this place, was
charged with unlawfully wounding Henry Stevens, a painter, under the
following circumstances.
It appears that the prosecutor, a very steady and industrious man,
in following his business has occasionally to be from home, and
during these absences an improper intimacy ensued between the
prisoner and Mrs. Stevens. This came to the ears of the prosecutor,
and on his meeting Grant in the street on the previous Thursday
evening he spoke to him about walking with his wife. Grant made an
evasive reply, the question was repeated, and the prisoner, finding
the facts were known, attempted to run away, but the prosecutor, no
doubt in a state of great excitement, struck him and he fell. A
fight followed and the parties separated. Prosecutor went home, and
on his coming out of the house again he saw the prisoner and his
(prosecutor’s) wife going towards the bridge. On the following
morning Stevens, accompanied by his child, the wife not having been
home, went to the "Dorset Arms" public-house, and left there in
company with a furniture broker named Shrubsole. As they were going
along towards his house they met Grant, and Shrubsole wished to know
what was the matter with him, as he had black eyes. Words then
ensued, and the two parties were again preparing to fight, when
Stevens was struck with a stick on the head by prisoner. He also
struck him on the head a second time with the stick, so that
Stevens, who tried to get at him, became so exhausted with the loss
of blood that he was unable to do so, and he was at last taken home
In answer to Mr. Rogers, who appeared for the prisoner, Stevens said
that he was struck six or seven times, and every time he got near
him he had a blow, all of them being on the head. He did not attempt
to strike Grant until he was struck. He was not quite sure that it
was his wife whom he saw with the prisoner going towards the bridge,
but he was told it was.
Mrs. Walter and Mrs. Dickenson, who were standing near at the time
of the assault, corroborated the prosecutor’s statement as to the
blows on the head, but Shrubsole, who was actually with the parties,
was unable to say so much, and in reply to Mr. Sagers said that in
his opinion the blows were given in self-defence.
Henry Day assistant to Mr. Parker, surgeon, who was called in to
attend the prisoner, said that when he got to his house be found him
exhausted from loss of blood. On his examining him he found two
contused wounds on the head, with a cut in the centre of the one
behind; that in front appeared to be torn or lacerated. He believed
that he was in a state of danger at the time and he had attended him
since. The wounds appeared to have been done by a stick, similar to
one which was produced.
From the evidence of Edward Laws, who lives at the "Dorset Arms," it
appeared that the prosecutor’s wife accompanied her paramour to that
house after the affray in the street, and shortly after they left by
the back way, the prisoner carrying with him a piece of iron about
half a yard in length.
Information of the dastardly affair having been given to
Superintendent Dance, that officer, accompanied by Thirkell, 173
K.C.C., went in pursuit of the prisoner, who, fearful of the
consequences, had decamped, but was found about four miles from the
town in a stable at Golden-green, and the stick produced, which the
prisoner had used on the head of the prosecutor, was found by his
Committed for trial at the next quarter sessions, but bail was
accepted for his appearance. It appears that the prosecutor had
about £100 in the bank, which his wife had drawn out, no doubt
intending to depart with her Irish paramour. On the husband going
into the upper part of the house to search for it, he found that the
drawers were quite empty, the whole of his linen and clothes having
been removed. Fortunately, however, he recovered the money, but the
other property has not been found.
From the Maidstone Telegraph, Rochester and Chatham Gazette, 25 May 1861.
Sevenoaks. Window Breaking.
Harriet Buxton was charged before W. Lambard, Esq., at the Magistrates'
Clerk's office, on Friday, with having broken the sash frame
and 6 panes of glass, belonging to a window, the property of Richard
Gunter, of the "Dorset Arms," in this town, doing damage to the
amount of 10s.
Mrs. Gunter, wife of prosecutor, stated that the prisoner and her
husband with a sailor, were in the house drinking on the 16th inst,
when the prisoner became excited about 6 in the evening, and while in
that state committed the offence with which he was charged.
Prisoner was not quite sober when she first came to the house, and
therefore no drink was supplied to her, but the sailor who was with
the prisoner and her husband treated her with some drink, and that
contributed to her intoxication.
Prisoner stated by way of defence that she had been drinking, and while
intoxicated shook the door in which was a window in question,
and that cause something inside to fall, which broke the window, but she
did not break it wilfully.
The Magistrates, however, was of different opinion, and committed her to
Maidstone gaol for 21 days, with hard labour, in default of
paying the amount of damage done and costs.
Prisoner said she was without money and was therefore removed in
Kent Times, 1 March 1862.
SEVENOAKS. Vagrancy.
A tramp named Waltor Weaver was charged before
William Lambarde, Esq. and Multon Lambarde Esq. at the Magistrates'
Clerk’s Office, on Tuesday last, with begging, and was committed for
14 days with hard labour.
At the conclusion of the above case the same prisoner was
charged with assaulting Superintendent Colman in the execution of
his duty. From the evidence of the complainant and Mr. Richard
Gunter, of the "Dorset Arms", it appeared that when the
Superintendant was about to take the prisoner into custody on the
first charge the prisoner struck him and attempted to throw him down
— a violent struggle then ensued, in the course of which both
parties rolled on the ground, but the Superintendent still kept his
hold until assistance was obtained, when the prisoner was conveyed
to the lock-up. The prisoner, however, again commenced another
violent attack in the lock-up, and it was not without difficulty
that he was at length confined in one of the cells. The prisoner did
not deny the charge, and was therefore committed for one month’s
imprisonment with hard labour — this sentence to commence at the
expiration of the former.
Maidstone Journal and Kentish Advertiser, Saturday 7 July 1866.
Stealing Meat.
John Barrett, 37, carpenter, and Thomas Smith, 28, labourer, were
charged with stealing a quantity of beef, value £1 10s, the property
of James Reynolds, at Sevenoaks, on the 9th May.
William Reynolds, son of prosecutor, deposed that his father kept a
butchers shop in Sevenoaks. On the 9th May last he went to the
slaughterhouse, where they had been killing some beasts on the
previous evening, and found that one side of a bullock had been
taken away. The meat had not been cut by butcher. Witness informed
his father, and went to the "Dorset Arms," where Barrett was cooking
the meat in the taproom. The other prisoner was at the bar. The meat
in the pan was evidently not cut by butcher. Witness asked Barrett
where he got the meat from, and he said Smith gave it to him.
Barrett pointed out Smith, and witness asked him where he got the
meat, when he said he would rather have 12-months and say where he
got it from. There was a stable and a loft near the slaughterhouse,
and a person could get into the slaughterhouse from the stable.
Witness went to the loft with P.C. Matthews, and the constable found
in some straw a piece of a sirloin of beef, with a carcass from
which some had been cut, and they corresponded. He asked Smith where
he had slept on the previous night, and he said at the "Anchor," but
Mrs. Gunter, the landlady, said he could not have slept at the
"Anchor," as he did not leave the "Dorset Arms" till too late.
Witness noticed some straw on Smith's neckcloth.
Mrs. Gunter, landlady of the "Dorset Arms" said that she saw the
prisoner at her house on the night of the 8th and morning of the
9th. On the morning of the 9th, soon after 7 o'clock, she saw them
in the taproom. She observed a piece of beef on the table, and she
thought it was cut in a very queer manner - not cut by a butcher.
The prisoners came to the house from the direction of Mr. Reynolds
Henry Reynolds, another son of the prosecutor, deposed that about 6
o'clock on the morning of the 9th went to the loft near the
slaughterhouse, where we saw two men sleeping. The prisoners Smith
was one of them. He had not seen the other man since. He told them
and to get off, or his father would have them locked up. The other
man went away, but Smith loitered about.
Thomas Matthews, P.C. said that on the morning of the 19th of May he
went to a loft adjoining Mr. Reynolds slaughterhouse. He searched
the loft, and found 14 1/4lbs of beef and suet. The beef correspond
exactly with the beef in the slaughterhouse.
The jury found Smith guilty, and Barrett not guilty.
The prisoner Smith was sentenced to 4 months' hard labour.
Sussex Agricultural Express 01 January 1889.
David Holloway, of the "Dorset Arms," Sevenoaks, pleaded guilty to
selling adulterated brandy. - Supt. Waghorn said that the defendant had
only been in the house a short time, and had not been used to the
business before. - Fined 20s. and costs.
From Sevenoaks Chronicle and Kentish Advertiser 30 August 1889.
The houses during the past year have been generally well conducted, with
the following exceptions:-
Ale House, No. 40. David Holloway, of the "Dorset Arms," Sevenoaks, fined
20s and costs 9s. on the 28th December, 1888, for selling adulterated
BLACKMAN Thomas 1828+

MARTIN Henry 1832+

SHARP John 1841-51+ (age 30 in 1841 )
GUNTER Richard 1858-62 (age 55 in 1861 )
GUNTER Mrs 1866+
KIPPS John 1874-82+ (age 53 in 1881 )
ISHERWOOD John Richard Ramsbottom to Aug/1888

HOLLOWAY David Aug/1888-91+

COTTON Algernon E 1891+ (age 31 in 1891
licensed victualler)
HICKS Frederick 1903-13+

NEWNHAM Lucy Mrs 1918-22+
NEWNHAM Caleb 1930-38+
From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29
From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34
From the Kelly's Directory 1903
Sevenoaks Chronicle and Kentish Advertiser