Page Updated:- Wednesday, 31 August, 2022.


Earliest 1871-


Latest 1901+




Martic Archer kindly sent me reference to a beer-house called the "Eagle" from information gathered from the census of 1891. He says that "following the census sheets backwards and forwards it would appear that the "Game Cock" came after a row of houses called the Retreat (which is still there) and after another row of cottages called Prospect place also on the census there is also reference to the "Eagle" beerhouse on the 1891 census which may have been attached to the Eagle farm (Alfred Casselton a labourer is down as the owner) all of the mentioned buildings fall before the "Plough" which is further on.

This beer house is also identified in the census of 1901.


Maidstone Journal and Kentish Advertiser, Tuesday 17 March 1891.

Charge of Permitting Drunkenness.

Alfred Castleton was summoned for permitting drunkenness on his licensed premises, the "Eagle" beerhouse, at Wilmington, on the 2nd instant.

P.C. Kitney said he went to the defendant's house at half past 12 o'clock and found Edward Terrill there drunk. He called the landlord's attention to him, and Terrell, when he left, had to be taken home by George Ashby. He went again to the house at half past 6 o'clock, and there he saw a man named James Miller drunk.

In cross-examination by Mr Ridley, who appeared for the defendant, said he saw Terrell go into the "Eagle" and he followed him in to see if he was served. He did not see him served. Terrell was convicted at the court on Saturday last with drunkenness. On that occasion he said that Miller was drunk opposite the Vicarage; he did not say then anything about his being drunk on licensed premises.

Robert Brown, a fishmonger, living at Lowfield Street, Dartford, said he went into the "Eagle" beer house, at half past 12 o'clock, and he saw Miller there drunk.

Mr. Byles, farmer, of Wilmington, who lives near, deposed to seeing people drunk and vomiting on the day outside the "Eagle."

Mr. Ridley contended that there was no evidence that Terrell had anything to drink in the defendant's house, and Miller had been drinking about, but he was drunk on the highway, and had not been drunk at defendants house.

Several witnesses were called to sustain Mr. Ridley's contention, and the magistrates dismissed the case.




GRUBB Henry E 1871+ (age 51 in 1871Census)

CASSLETON Alfred 1891+ (also laboured age 46 in 1891Census)

BAKER James 1899-1901+ Kelly's 1899 (also school attendance officer age 52 in 1901Census)



Kelly's 1899From the Kelly's Directory 1899


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
