Sort file:- Dover, January, 2025.

Page Updated:- Wednesday, 15 January, 2025.

PUB LIST PUBLIC HOUSES Barry Smith and Paul Skelton

Earliest 1900

Boar's Head

Open 2025+

46-48 Eaton Road

01304 330081


Boars Head 1904

The above photo, date circa 1904.

Boars Head1919

The above photo, circa 1919.

Boars Head montage

Above photo showing a montage today (2017) and yesterday. Kindly supplied by the Boars Head.

Boars Head

The above photo from May 1924

Boars Head

The above photo are from May 1924, and show a fete just outside the Boars Head which the population of Elms Vale were entertained by the Dover Town Band. This area is now part of the Dover Grammar School's Football field called Leney's Field.

Part of which later (1970's) was an allotment and today (2012) two houses have been built on the same land.

Boars Head circa 1980

Boars Head circa 1980, photo by Barry Smith.

Boars Head circa 1985

Boars Head circa 1985.

Boars Head 1986

Above photo, 1986, kindly sent by Michael Lock.

Boars Head 1996

Above photo, 1996, kindly sent by Michael Lock.

Boar's Head 2010
Boar's Head Sept 2010
Boar's Head sign 2010

Above 3 photo's taken by Paul Skelton 26 Sept 2010.

Boars Head 2017

Above photo August 2017, taken and kindly sent by Dave Cottington and Debbie Priestman.


Supplied by Alfred Leney Co Ltd, until bought out by Fremlin Brothers brewery of Maidstone in 1926, brewing at the Dover brewery ceased in 1927.

In 1900 he applied for an 'off' licence, the house then being under construction. He met with refusal but Mr. Cheeseman the tenant did occupy the premises on 11 August that year. The road was complete the following year and the houses let.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 30 August, 1901. Price 1d.


Sir Woolaston Knocker applied on behalf of Messrs. A. Leney and Co. for a new licence for houses already completed known as Eaton Road Stores and the adjoining house, 46, Eaton Road. Sir Woolaston Knocker said the locality was on the north side of Elms Road, and application was made last year. By means of some slight structure alterations which would be made in the event of the licence being granted, the two houses would be made into one. Last year a memorial signed by 83 persons was presented asking for the licence, and it was then stated that the house had been built. Other houses had since been completed, and other were in the course of building. The house was situated in the estate of Mr. Monins' trustees, having a mile and three quarters of street frontages in the course of being laid out. It was the site set apart for a licensed house, and there could be no other application for a house on the estate which was at all near. The three nearest houses were the “Westbury,” 775 yards, the “Grapes,” in Winchelsea, 850 yards, and the “Orange Tree,” Maxton, 790 yards. The application was made by Messrs. Leney and Co., and they offered to surrender the licence of the “Round Tower Inn,” Round Tower Street, which they had, by arrangement, acquired.

Mr. F. G. Hayward produced plans of the building, and also a photograph of the existing building. By a slight alteration the house could be adapted to the proposed purpose. He also put in a plan showing the position of the house. This site was set apart for a licence on the estate, and the net rental of the property was £35.

By Mr. Bradley. The houses were the furthest away from Elms Road, and on the other side were only open fields. Eaton Road had been completed, and all the houses let. The land had also been sold in Kitchener Road. Upwards of twenty houses had been built since last year, and all the plots sold.

Mr. Bradley suggested that he should be allowed to reply to all the new applications so as to save time. They were all so impracticable that he could sum them up all together. (Laughter.) He handed in a memorial against them.

Sit Woolaston Knocker said that he did not trouble the Bench with one.

The Chairman: I suppose it is very easy to get them.

Sir Woolaston Knocker: Oh very. (Laughter.)


Mr. Bradley, in addressing the Bench in opposition to the applications, said that he would deal first of all with the new application, which would require very few words. He then came to the three applications which were really a repetition of the applications refused last year. They all had one objection, they were premature, or, to apply an American term, they were previous. In each case they heard a great deal about plots being sold. That showed the weakness of the applications. It showed that the houses which were to be supplied had not yet been built. It was time for the licensed top be granted after the houses had been erected on the plots mentioned as having been sold, and until then they ought not to be granted. In the case of the application of Messrs. Leney and Co., they asked for more than they did last year, when they only applied for an off licence, and Mr. Leney expressed the opinion that an off licence would be all that was necessary. Now they asked for a full licence, but there was not a scrap of additional evidence to show why a full licence was required. The mere fact that there were twenty additional licences could not be sufficient justification. He also thought the position was not of the best, and being at the top of the road, it was certainly not in an ideal position for supervision by the Police.

The Magistrates then retired, and after an absence of three minutes returned.

The Chairman said: The Magistrates have considered these applications, and have come to the conclusion that they will grant the application of Mr. Leney, on condition that the houses proposed to be surrendered be given up.

This was all the business.


Taunton Courier, and Western Advertiser 09 December 1903.


The only trust public-house in Dover, the "Boar's Head," which has been managed by the Rev. Arthur Jepson, vicar of St. Martin's, is to be given up, and will revert to ordinary public-house conditions with the New Year.


From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 11 December, 1903. Price 1d.


The "Boar's Head" public house, Elms Road, which has been run on the lines of Earl Gray's Trust public house, has now been altered so that it will be managed on ordinary public house lines.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 18 January, 1907. Price 1d.


At the Dover Police Court this morning, there were neither any prisoners not summonses to be dealt with. An extension of an hour was granted to the “Boar's Head” public house, Eaton Road, on the occasion of the annual Slate Club dinner on 31st inst.


Dover Express 03 July 1925.


(To the Editor of the Dover Express.)


I should like to bring to your notice an act of bravery which I consider is deserving of great credit and recognition. At 12.30 p.m. on Tuesday June 30th, a horse drawing a large field roller, belonging to Mr. L. Grant, was being led by a boy, aged about 17, in Eaton Rd. when, for no apparent reason it suddenly got out of the lad's control and bolted in the direction of Astor Avenue. Mr. G. Sharp, of 4, Maxton Cottages, stepped out into the road as the horse was careering over the brow of the Avenue, and, at his great personal risk, tried to stop the horse by standing with his arms wide open, without effect. As the horse was passing him, he sprang towards it and managed to clutch the bridle. He was dragged some considerable distance, but eventually succeeded in stopping the horse before it reached Tower St. I served 25 years in the London Police, and can say I never saw a braver deed. Mr. L. Grant gave him 2s. 6d. for his bravery.

A. E. Barton. "Boar's Head," Dover.


From Dover Express 28 March 1941.


(To the Editor of the Dover Express.)

Sir, - Re "Electricity Engineer's report" in your last Friday's edition, of being unable to obtain men for reading the meters, I advertised for a light job to help enable me to "stay put," aged 60, capable, active.

I suggest scrutiny of the local Press, under existing circumstances, would be beneficial.

H. ROBERTS. 48, Eaton Road, Dover.


His second application asked for an 'on' licence, together with plans for the adjoining house to be incorporated. He agreed to surrender the "Round Tower Inn" if the request was granted so with diplomacy of that nature where was the magistrate who could say nay?

Pikes Dover Blue Book 1948-49 inaccurately titles the pub "Bonehead." I bet that went down well with the licensee H. J. Roberts at the time.

Henry Finn Butcher was the son of Richard Howland Butcher, licensee of the "Lord Raglan" in 1871.

In May 2018 the owners changed from Punch Taverns to Star (Heineken Ltd.)




BUTCHER Henry Finn Jan/1904-16 dec'd (age 54 in 1911Census) Dover ExpressPikes 1909Post Office Directory 1913Post Office Directory 1918

BUTCHER Mrs Mary A 1916-19 ?

BARTON Albert Edwin 1919-Apr/32 Post Office Directory 1922Pikes 1923Pikes 1924Post Office Directory 1930Dover Express

WOODS George Henry Apr/1932-Jan/33 Next pub licensee had Pikes 1932-33Dover Express

Last pub licensee had ROBERTS Harold John Jan/1933-53 (age 59 in 1939) Post Office Directory 1938Pikes 1938-39Pikes 48-49Kelly's Directory 1950Kelly's Directory 1953

NICHOLL George William 1953-56+ Kelly's Directory 1956

COUCHMAN E 1962-64

JAMIESON David Christopher 1971-76 dec'd Library archives 1974 Fremlins

JAMIESON Mrs Jackie 1976-83 end

JAMIESON Clifford J 1983-87

McHUGH Dominique 1990-92+

HICKLIN David Apr/2003-Jan/2007 Next pub licensee had

BATHO Dean Jan/2010-31/July/17

COTTINGTON David & PRIESTMAN Debbie 1/Aug/2017-Jan/19

BEARD Karen Jan/2019+


Post Office Directory 1903From the Post Office Directory 1903

Pikes 1909From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1909

Post Office Directory 1913From the Post Office Directory 1913

Post Office Directory 1918From the Post Office Directory 1918

Post Office Directory 1922From the Post Office Directory 1922

Pikes 1923From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1923

Pikes 1924From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1924

Post Office Directory 1930From the Post Office Directory 1930

Pikes 1932-33From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1932-33

Post Office Directory 1938From the Post Office Directory 1938

Pikes 1938-39From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1938-39

Pikes 48-49From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1948-49

Kelly's Directory 1950From the Kelly's Directory 1950

Kelly's Directory 1953From the Kelly's Directory 1953

Kelly's Directory 1956From the Kelly's Directory 1956

Library archives 1974Library archives 1974

Dover ExpressFrom the Dover Express


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
