Sort file:- Deal, September, 2021.

Page Updated:- Wednesday, 29 September, 2021.


Earliest 1974+

(Name from)


Open 2020+

47 Beach Street


01304 361939

Bohemian in Deal The rather boring Bohemian sign in Deal

All photos above by Paul Skelton, 26 July 2008. And I must say that the sign of the Bohemian is the most boring one I have come across. Glad they make up for it with the quality of the beer.

From the Dover Mercury 7 June 2007.

Bohemian Jonathan Brown

Jonathan Brown, owner of the Bohemian, which is already a smoke free pub.

Picture: Terry Scott pd1185718



At one time called the "Antwerp Hotel", now trades under the name of the Bohemian. Changed name after 1974.

The CAMRA branch meeting of June 2008 reported that the "Bohemium" had been bought out by Enterprise Inns.


From the East Kent Mercury Online, Saturday 16 June, 2012

Fire officers are investigating the cause of what has been described as a severe fire which ripped through a Deal Pub.

The "Bohemian" on Beach Street was the scene of the blaze after it broke out at about midnight on Sunday evening, May 27.

Malcolm Cowie, watch manager at Deal Fire Station, said: "The downstairs was severely damaged and the smoke damage spread to the upstairs."

About 25 firefighters were called to tackle the blaze including Deal's retained crew as the staff crew was on standby at Westwood Cross where the new Primark building was alight.

Fire appliances from Dover, Eastry and Wingham joined the team to search the building and extinguish the flames.

By midday on Monday, a Kent Fire and Rescue investigation team were starting their enquiry into the cause.


Bohemian fire damage

Above showing the fire damage.

From the Dover Mercury, 7 Feb, 2018.

Artist takes a peek at town life in cartoons.

Bohemian drawing 2018

A cartoon interpretation of the bars, shops and leisure spaces in Deal has been created for a new exhibition.

It is the work of fashion artist and former clothes designer Linda Warren.

The Deal resident said the 14 pieces were to be showcased at the newly refurbished 81 Beach Street restaurant.

It opens tomorrow (Thursday) February 8.

Mrs Warren creates the pieces at her studio in Admiralty Mews.

There she also makes fashion-inspired works such as painted lamp shades, cups and colouring cards left blank so people can add splashes of colour to the images according to their taste.

Linda Warren’s work can be visited at 81 Beach Street, Deal, during opening hours each lunchtime and evening.



Last pub licensee had BROWN Jonathan 1999-2007+ Next pub licensee had

BURROWS Buzz 2013+


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-