Sort file:- Canterbury, December, 2024.

Page Updated:- Sunday, 15 December, 2024.


Earliest 1692-

Cardinal's cap

(Name to)

Open 2023?

13 Rosemary Lane


Cardinal's Cap pub outing 1911

Above photo showing the regulars at a pub outing in 1911.

Cardinal's Cap gas workers

Above image, date unknown. The gas works were housed in the old castle keep nearby and this is an old photo of the labourers. It is said the workers would collect gallons of beer from the "Cardinals Cap" to drink when working as it was such hot work.

Cardinals Cap ladies outing

Above outing for the ladies. Date unknown.

Pictured during the Rosemary Lane street party celebrations for the Queen's Coronation on Tuesday 2nd June 1953. Kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Cardinal's Cap street party 1953

Pictured during the Rosemary Lane street party celebrations for the Queen's Coronation on Tuesday 2nd June 1953. Kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Cardinals Cap 1958

Above photo, 1958.

Cardinal's Cap 1960

Above photo 1960, kindly sent by Tim Timpson.

Cardinals Cap 1961

Above photo, 1961.

Above photograph taken by Edward Wilmot in 1965.

Cardinals Cap

Above photo, date unknown, from the Paul Crampton Archives.

Cardinals Cap outing

Above outing date and names unknown.

Above photo August 2000 taken from

Cardinal's Cap 2023

Above photo 2023.

Cardinal's Cap inside 2023

Refurbished insides before opening in April 2023. 

Cardinal's Cap sign 1974Cardinal's Cap sign 1991

Cardinal's Cap sign left 1974, sign right, May 1991.

Above with thanks from Brian Curtis and Roger Pester.

Cardinal's Cap match box

Above matchbox, circa 1985, kindly sent by Debi Birkin.


Not sure when this venue opened at present, but this building states that it was built in 1820. However, a "Cardinall Capp" is mentioned in the Licensing List of 1692 and was billeting 8 soldiers the following year, I am assuming it is on the same foundation, although there is records of William Glydwyn who was a witness to a robbery in Stower Street in 1553 that mentions a visit to the "Cardinall's Hat."

Michael David Mirams in his book "Kent Inns and Inn Signs" 1987 says:- "It is interesting to learn that there was a "Cardinal's Hat Inn" at Canterbury in 1449.

The pub was mentioned in a list in 1692 for the Billeting for soldiers in 1693 asked the inn to take 8 soldiers.

The deeds of the property mention the tenement being rebuilt about 1821.

This area was not hit by German bombing but the majority of the street was demolished after the War on the spurious grounds it was a slum.

Until the mid-1970s, the Cardinal's Cap sported some very fine Flint's Fine Ales windows. These were casualties of the pub's conversion to Rosie's Diner in 1975 and probably just ended up being chucked into a skip! The rather nice houses opposite the Cardinal's Cap survived another 10 years before the Council demolished them, in order to build something else.

When the old Penny Theatre became a Scream pub at the end of 1999, the "Cardinal's Cap" became the only proper indie/rock music venue left in the city (excluding the University venues). The pub was suitably attired, with black wood everywhere. All this changed in February 2001, when it had a makeover to become very bright, and all traces of its old incarnation disappeared. This was only the beginning, as just a few months later the transformation was complete the original name was lost too as the pub became the "Blind Dog." It hasn't really changed much since its final months as the Cardinal's Cap.

In February 2001 it changed name to the "Blind Dog." Probably taking advantage that the original "Blind Dog at St. Dunstan's" had been renamed earlier in the same year.

 As of January 2021, nothing has ever materialised and the site of these houses is still just a car park.


From the Kentish Gazette, 10 July 1838.


July 2, of the small-pox, Ann, third daughter of Mr. Thomas Gilby, landlord of the "Cardinal’s Cap," St. Mildred’s, Canterbury, aged six years.


From the Kentish Gazette, 30 June 1840.

TO LET, the "CARDINAL'S CAP," Rosemary Lane, Canterbury.

Apply on the premises.

June 29, 1840.


Kentish Gazette, 9 January 1844.


Dec. 31, Mrs. Gilby, wife of Mr. Thomas Gilby, landlord of the "Cardinal's Cap," Rosemary lane, Canterbury.


From the Kentish Gazette, 20 October 1857.


(Before W. Mount, Esq., and E. Holttum, Esq.)

George Wood, a sergeant in the East Kent Militia, was charged with an assault on James Chambers.

The complainant stated:— I keep the "Cardinal’s Cap" public-house in Rosemary-lane. Between ten and eleven o’clock last night Wood came to my house and asked me to draw him a pint of beer. I refused to comply, because he had previously misconducted himself in my house. He then tried to get into the bar, and draw the beer himself, as he said. I prevented him and shut the door against him. He immediately struck me with his fist, and knocked me down. When prostrate he again struck me violently. Next he ran up-stairs, got a knife, and when he came dawn again declared that he would do for me. I was at this time in actual terror for my life. The police were sent for; and I gave him into the custody of Inspector Spratt.

Inspector Spratt:— I received information last evening that an assault had been committed on the complainant, and I therefore proceeded to his house. There was great confusion in it, and a crowd of persons round the door. The prisoner was given into my custody by complainant for assaulting him. The man struck Chambers twice in my presence. He was extremely violent and excited. I was told that he had a knife concealed about him; so I caught hold of his wrists and held him till Dodd came to my assistance. Shortly afterwards I took the knife now produced out of his waistcoat pocket. (The knife was a very large one, and seemed a formidable instrument. I asked defendant what made him carry such a knife. He replied, "I mean to use it. I will hang for him yet." He was conveyed to the police station with the assistance of Dodd. When there he reiterated the threats towards Mr. Wood.

The magistrates said that though they had the power in cases of this description to deal summarily, and inflict a fine of £5 or two months’ imprisonment, yet in the present instance the conduct of the defendant had been so disgraceful, and his threats so revengeful and desperate, that they should send him to the sessions, to be indicted there for the offence.

We understand that the defendant was paying his addresses to the daughter of the complainant, who did not approve of it. He forbid the man his house, and to this probably owes the assault committed on him.


From the Kentish Gazette, 20 October 1857.


(Before John Deedes, Esq., Recorder.)

George Wood was charged with an assault upon James Chambers.

The prosecutor is a publican and keeps the "Cardinal’s Cap,"” and the prisoner is a sergeant in the Militia. The case was brought before the city bench last week, and the particulars of the assault will be found in our police report.

Mr. Francis appeared for the prisoner, who pleaded not guilty. Mr. Harris conducted the case for the prosecution.

The prosecutor, in cross-examination, said that the prisoner was paying addresses to his niece, and he had forbidden him the house in consequence.

The jury found the prisoner guilty.

The Recorder remarked upon the serious aspect of the case as regarded the possession of the knife, and the threats used; and referred to a late occasion in this city when a young man was led away in a moment of passion to commit a crime which he expiated on the scaffold.

The prisoner was sentenced to be imprisoned two months without hard labour.


From the Kentish Gazette 9 Feb 1858.

Canterbury Police Court

James CHAMBERS of “Cardinal's Cap” on charge of selling beer at unlawful hours. Proved.


From the Kentish Gazette, 23 August 1864.

"Cardinal's Cap" public house, Rosemary Lane, Canterbury; landlord James Chambers.


Kentish Gazette 19 April 1870.


Authority was given to Mr. Francis Godden to sell liquor at the Cardinal's Cap, until next transfer day.


From the Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald. 17 March 1900. Price 1d.


At six o'clock the same evening the Coroner held an inquest at the “Cardinals Cap,” Rosemany Lane, on the body of Ann Ellen Bradley, a widow, aged 64, who resided with her daughter in Castle Street.

Clara Coltham, of 55, Castle Streat, deposed that I deceased, who was her mother, had been ailing for the past eleven years, and had suffered from nervousness and weakness, in her limbs. She had been attended by Mr. J. Greasley. On Thursday the 1st inst., witness was leading deceased from one room to another when she slipped, fall backwards, and struck her head on the edge of the mangle. Witness got some water and bathed her head and seat for Mr. Greasley, who did not consider the wound bad enough for a stitch. On the following day deceased seemed all right, and on Saturday and Sunday she appeared to be brighter. On Sunday evening she talked rather strange, as had been the case for some time. Witness went downstairs to fetch some writing paper, and on returning deceased took no notice of her. Witness sent for Mr. Greasley, and he said she had had a fit. On Monday she foamed at the mouth, and on Thursday, the 8th inst, she had another fit, from which she never regained consciousness. She died on the following day.

Edith Blogg, of 56, Castla Street, deposed that on the 1st March she went in and assisted the last witness to bath deceased head, she having had a fall. Witness had seen deceased poorly before, but did not know whether she had ever had a fit previously.

Mr. John Greasley, surgeon, deposed that on the 1st March, at 10.30, he was called to see deceased, who was said to have had a fall. On arrival he found she had a wound at the back part of the head, not extensive, but probably about 1½ inches in length. There had been bleeding, but haemorrhage had then stopped. He could find no evidence of fracture. He dressed the wound and ordered her removal to bed. He saw her the next day, and continued to do so up to the 4th inst., on which date he received an urgent message to go and see deceased. He found her suffering from extravagation of blood from the brain, and quite unconscious. She remained so till her death on the 9th inst. The cause of death was haemorrhage, combined with shock to the system. Deceased had suffered from epileptic seizures, and she had very brittle cerebral vessels, which would easily be injured by a slight blow.

The jury returned a verdict of “Accidental Death.”


From the Whitstable Times, 16 June, 1900.


William Scamp was summoned for being drunk and disorderly.

Sergeant Jackson said he was called to the "Cardinal's Cap," where defendant, who had been refused liquor by the landlady, was drunk and abusing her. Earlier in the evening witness had been called to eject defendant from the "Hop Poles."

Fined 10s. and 12s. 6d. costs, or 14 days'.


From the Whitstable Times, 29 September, 1900.


Swinford Butcher, a grocer, of Chartham, was charged with stealing a pony, the property of William Powell.

Mr. B. Broughton defended.

William Powell, living at Oaten Hill Place, stated that on the 20th inst., at 3.30 in the afternoon, he was in Rosemary Lane, where he brought the pony in question off a man named May (the landlord of the "Cardinal's Cap,") Prosecutor paid for it. Just after that the prisoner drove up in a cart and spoke to May and asked him how much he wanted for the pony. May said he had just sold it to him (witness). Prisoner then asked witness if he would sell it. Witness said he would, and the price would be £4 10s. Prisoner bid £4, which witness refused. He then agreed to have the pony at £4 10s. Prisoner put a pound's worth of silver on the bar of the public-house and wanted the pony. Witness said "You cannot have it unless you pay for it." Prisoner said he had not the money in his pocket, but he would go and fetch it. Witness said he should have the pony put up in a stable till he brought the money. Prisoner dared witness to move the pony. Witness then agreed to drive prisoner to his house at Chartham Hatch to get the remainder of the money, £3 10s. They started, witness leading and prisoner trailing at his side. They had got near the "Victoria Inn," Wincheap, when prisoner wanted to take the reins. He said the pony was his, and he was going up to where he liked with it. Prisoner jumped out of the trap and disconnected the harness. Witness also got out and tried to resist him. Prisoner rolled him in the ground. When prisoner got the pony out of the trap he was going to take it away. A Mr. Roberts then came up and there was an agreement come to. The agreement was that the pony should be put up at the stables adjoining the "Station Hotel" until prisoner had fetched the remainder of the money. They went into the hotel and prisoner then slipped through the house, opened the stable, and got the pony. They went in to tell the landlord that prisoner could have the pony on payment of £3 10s. Witness followed prisoner and said to him "You must not take the pony away." he said he was going to, and would knock witness' brains out if he did not leave go of the halter which witness was holding. Prisoner then knocked him down with his fist and took away the pony. On Saturday prisoner came to witness and asked him what he was going to do about the pony. Witness said he had nothing more to do with it - it was in the hands of the police.

In answer to Mr. Brughton, witness said he had not heard that the prisoner called at his house on Friday.

Stephen May, landlord of the "Cardinal's Cap," corroborated.

Thomas Roberts, Inspector of Weights and Measures for the Home Division of the county of Kent, stated that he was coming down Wincheap on Thursday, when he saw a disturbance in Wincheap Green. He went up to see what was the matter. He then saw Powell and prisoner. There was a crowd of people present. The two men were holding the pony. The prisoner wanted to take the pony away as he had paid £1 on it. Powell objected and said he was not to take the pony until he had paid for it. Witness tried to assist matters and finally it was arranged that the pony should be left at the "Station Hotel" stables until the prisoner had paid the remaining £3 10s. for it.

The Bench at this stage adjourned the case until Wednesday in order that more evidence might be called.

The prisoner was let out on bail.


From the Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald. 9 March 1901. Price 1d.


The City Coroner (Dr. T. S. Johnson) held an inquest at the “Cardinal's Cap,” Rosemary Lane, Canterbury, on Monday evening, touching the death of Charlotte Burch, aged 38.

Daniel Burch, husband of deceased, and living at 21, Rosemary Lane, stated that he was a tanner, working for Messrs. Williamson. His wife was in good health when he went to work at two o'clock on the afternoon of Friday, March 1st. At about 4 o'clock witness was sent for, and on returning home he found his wife lying on the sofa in a fit. He sent for a doctor, who came about twenty minutes later. He said he could not do anything for the deceased as she was in a fit. She was not able to take any medicine. She never regained consciousness and never spoke.

In answer to the Coroner, witness said the deceased had liver and crow and curry for dinner. Witness did not think she ate it in a hurry.

Mary Hills, wife of Charles Hills, a carman, stated that she had known the deceased for thirteen years. On Friday afternoon witness was called at about twenty minutes to four o'clock. On going to see the deceased she found her unconscious. The deceased had a fit about two years ago.

Mr. Sidney Wacher, surgeon, stated that he was called to see the deceased on Friday, and on arriving at the house found her in a fit. He was afterwards told she was dead. Death was due to apoplexy.

In answer to the Coroner, witness said a full meal might have had something to do with her death.

The jury returned a verdict of Death from Natural Causes.


From the Whitstable Times, 8 June, 1901.


Before Mr. G. J. Drury (in the chair), and Mr. T. Wacher.


Elizabeth Stewart was summoned for using obscene language to Stephen Abraham Baker, in Rosemary Lane, on the 25th May.

Mr. W. H. Scripps appeared to support of the summons.

Prosecutor, a gas fitter, of 6, Rosemary Lane, deposed that on the date in question he was in the "Cardinal's Cap" with a friend from Folkestone, talking about an uncle in South Africa, when defendant, who was also present, asked him if he was talking about her. Witness replied "Certainly not." Defendant then called him and his family bad names. In order to get away from her he and his friend went outside. Defendant followed them into the street, repeated the bad language, and put her fist in witness's face.

Algernon Hogbin, labourer, of Folkestone, corroborated.

William Sharp, gas stoker, of 10, Rosemary Lane, also gave similar evidence.

Defendant denied the charge, and said Baker insulted her. She called Henry Moars, of 12, Simmons Row, but he could not help her much as he did not hear the language used in the street.

William Filmer deposed there was a squabble between the parties, and both used bad language.

The Bench arrived at the conclusion that there was no doubt defendant used the bad language complained of, and fined him 2s. 6d., and costs 19s.


From the Canterbury Journal, Kentish Times and Farmers' Gazette 20 February 1904.


Albert Penticost, landlord of the "Cardinal's Cap," Rosemary Lane, was summoned at the Canterbury Police Court on Friday, for selling a bottle of stout to a woman named Son, who was under the influence of drink, on February 4th.

Mr. Percy Maylam appeared for the defence.

P.C. Holness stated that at 8.45 on the 4th inst. he was on duty in Castle Row facing Rosemary Lane where he saw a woman, who he had since ascertained to be Louisa Son, drunk and rolling about the street. She went across the lane and entered the bottle and jug department of the "Cardinal’s Cap." He followed and found the woman standing in front of the bar and the landlord behind the bar. As soon as witness entered he saw the landlord take a bottle from the woman's hand. The woman said "Don't take my stout" and the landlord said "You have had enough to-night." Witness said to the defendant, "You have not served this woman have you?" but he made no reply. The woman then said to the defendant "Now you have taken my stout give me back my three-pence, which I paid you for it." The defendant did not take any notice of the woman. Witness then said to the defendant "Give me that bottle of stout," and the landlord said "Oh, no I refuse to serve her." Witness told the landlord that he had seen him snatch a bottle from her, but he made no reply to this. As the woman was drunk and incapable of taking care of herself witness took her to the police station, and on the following day she was charged before the magistrates with being drunk on licensed premises and convicted.

Louisa Son stated that at about 8 o'clock on the evening in question she went into the "Cardinal's Cap" to get a bottle of stout. The landlord served her with a bottle, but she did not bring it away as it was taken from her by the landlord. She had paid three-pence for it, she having put the money on the counter. The money was taken up before she got the bottle, and she had not received her three-pence back. She admitted being drunk.

In defence Mr. Maylam submitted that the woman was leaning on the bar, and that Pentieos did not notice her condition until she removed her elbow and endeavoured to grasp the bottle containing the stout.

The defendant stated that on the day in question he was in the public bar when Son entered but he could not see her. When he got round to the private bar she was leaning against the counter in the ordinary way and she asked for a bottle of stout. He got a bottle but on handing it to the woman she took one hand off the counter and then seeing her condition he said "You must not have it you have had enough." Just at that moment the constable entered.

Cross-examined witness said it was about three minutes between the time the woman entered and the constable came in. Defendant denied receiving the three-pence from the woman.

Robert Saffery, a carter, living at All Saint's Lane, who was sitting behind the door in the private bar when the constable entered, gave corroborative evidence.

Daniel Burch, living at 21, Rosemary Lane, who was in the public bar at the time, stated that from what he saw no money passed between Son and the landlord.

The Magistrates considered that the police were absolutely right in what they had done and were not exceeding their duty, but as there was a conflict of evidence the case would be dismissed.


From a book titled Quaint Signs of Olde Inns, by G. J. Monson-Fitzjohn, B.Sc. 1926.

CARDINAL'S HAT. Windsor, Canterbury, etc.

Before the Reformation, when Roman Catholicism was at its height, the rank of Cardinal was extremely high, ranking with that of Princes of the Royal Blood. The hats worn by cardinals, which were regarded as the outward sign of their dignity, are recognised by the two cords and innumerable tassels with which they are adorned. The Cardinal's Hat was therefore used as a sign in honour of a noted ecclesiastic in the same way as the crest of a nobleman* Records tell us that houses bore the sign of a Cardinal's hat long before the great Cardinal Wolsey’s era, and even as late as the time of Henry, Cardinal Duke of York, the Benedict brother of "Bonnie Prince Charlie."

Cardinal's Hat sign


As from April 2023, after being shut down as the "Limes" due to antisocial behaviour, drugs offences and even an attack using a sword, this was supposed to have opened again with it's original name of the "Cardinal's Cap." Although at present it's not known whether it did actually open.

Latest news, September 2024, I have heard that it is under offer and may re-open again soon, but what as is anyone's guess.



ROUSE Robert 1792+ Edward Wilmot Canterbury

WILDS William 1795+ Edward Wilmot Canterbury

FRANKS Johnson 1824-28+ Pigot's Directory 1824Pigot's Directory 1828-29

LAMBOURNE Levi 1832+ Pigot's Directory 1832-34

GILBY Thomas 1838-44+ (age 47 in 1841Census) Stapletons GuidePigot's Directory 1840

WILKINSON Thomas 1847+ Bagshaw's Directory 1847

CHAMBERS James 1854-64+ (age 63 in 1861Census) Melville's 1858Edward Wilmot CanterburyPost Office Directory 1862

CHAMBERS Ann 1867-68+ Edward Wilmot CanterburyGreens Canterbury Directory 1868

GODDEN Francis Apr/1870+ Kentish Gazette

JORDAN William 1871-88+ (age 54 in 1881Census) Post Office Directory 1874Post Office Directory 1882

BACK Albert 1891+ Post Office Directory 1891

PENTECOST Albert 1903+ Post Office Directory 1903Kelly's 1903

HARRIS J H 1913+ Post Office Directory 1913

MARTIN J E 1922+ Post Office Directory 1922

HALEY Newman 1930+ Post Office Directory 1930

BEAL Frederick Thomas 1938+ Post Office Directory 1938

MORRIS Charlie ????


Pigot's Directory 1824From the Pigot's Directory 1824

Pigot's Directory 1828-29From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29

Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34

Stapletons GuideStapleton's Guide 1838

Pigot's Directory 1840From the Pigot's Directory 1840

Bagshaw's Directory 1847From Bagshaw Directory 1847

Melville's 1858From Melville's Directory 1858

Post Office Directory 1862From the Post Office Directory 1862

Greens Canterbury Directory 1868Greens Canterbury Directory 1868

Post Office Directory 1874From the Post Office Directory 1874

Post Office Directory 1882From the Post Office Directory 1882

Post Office Directory 1891From the Post Office Directory 1891

Post Office Directory 1903From the Post Office Directory 1901

Post Office Directory 1903From the Post Office Directory 1903

Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903

Post Office Directory 1913From the Post Office Directory 1913

Post Office Directory 1922From the Post Office Directory 1922

Post Office Directory 1930From the Post Office Directory 1930

Post Office Directory 1938From the Post Office Directory 1938

Edward Wilmot CanterburyInns of Canterbury by Edward Wilmot, 1988


Kentish GazetteKentish Gazette


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
