10 Beach Street and 18 Seven Star Street
Above photo taken in 1910, just after closure. Kindly sent by Stuart Kinnon. |
An outlet of George Beer, fully licensed and at different times having as
its' neighbour, the "Seven Star Inn", The "Admiral" and the "Miner's Arms".
Norris filled the jars in 1861 and we also had a "Folkestone Cutter" so
having associations with the revenue service maybe.
An amusing chapter in its history occurred in the last century when the
licensee Mr. Foreman departed this earthly coil in 1880. Nobody seems to
have considered the brewer or the justices important enough to be acquainted
with the fact and the licence continued to be issued in his name up to 1884,
the matter then coming to light. Without fuss, it was then transferred to
his widow who had kept the pumps working meanwhile without complaint and
indeed, by the time the error was discovered she had selected another lover
and remarried shortly afterwards.
I note that a closing order was made in 1912. That must have referred to
the property as such. The pub had already been closed from 31 December 1909
by the Compensation Authority. It was stated then that it had changed hands
seven times in twenty five years. No compensation figures came to light and
in February 1909 it was one of twenty nine licensed premises in the pier
For photo of Beach Street click here.
From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer,
9 January, 1874. Price 1d.
The license of the "Deal Cutter" was transferred to William
Weatherhead, formerly commissionaire in the employ of Mr. Birmingham.
("Lord Warden Hotel")
From the Dover Express and East Kent News, 5 February, 1909.
This was an objection to the renewal of the licence of the Deal
Cutter, Beach Street, by the Chief Constable.
Mr. R. Mowll appeared for the owners Messrs. Beer and Co.,
The Chief Constable said that the "Deal Cutter Inn" was a fully
licensed house situated in Beach Street, the owners being Messrs. G.
Beer and Co., Canterbury. the present tenant was C. Walton, and it was
transferred to him on February 3rd, 1908. It had had seven tenants in
nine years. The rateable value was £20 gross and £16 net.
Mr. Mowll: The tenants, seven in nine, and eight in 25 years? - I did
not know that; by book only gives since 1899.
Witness added that the licensed premises in the immediate
neighbourhood were the "Miners Arms," next door, to which he was
objecting, the "Sceptre," Beach Street, 18 yards distant, the "Railway
Bell," Beach Street, 31 yards, the "Terminus," Beach Stree, 73 yards,
the "Brussles," beach Street, 78 yards, the "Pier Inn," Beach Street, 96
yards, and the buffet at the South-Eastern Station opposite. The inn is
one of 29 licensed houses in the Pier district. In Beach Street there
were 25 houses, seven being licensed premises, and 18 private houses, of
which five are unoccupied. There is an entrance to this house from
Seven Star Street, where there are several houses. The frontage is 13ft.
4in. There is one entrance at front and one bar. There is also an
entrance from Seven Star Street. At 12.10 p.m. on January 16th, there
was one customer. At 2.50 p.m. on 20th January, no customers. At 10.50
a.m. on Saturday, January 23rd, no customers. At 6.30 p.m. on January
28th, no customers.
Cross-examined by Mr. Mowll: Do you not think that it would be a more
important fact to mention, that the number of private houses in this
street, that it is immediately opposite the South-Eastern Station? - I
have not said anything about the South-Eastern Station. There are very
few trains running into that station now: they run through to the
Harbour station.
The Mayor said he did not see the value of that question. Considering
there were, out of 25 houses, that the evidence of redundancy.
Mr. Mowll said it would be if it were only these people that the
public houses could expect to supply; but they were immediately opposite
the South-Eastern Station. There were twelve trains that came into that
station from Folkestone alone every day. It must be admitted quite
reasonable criticism to say there were just so many public houses just
by it when it was immediately opposite a great centre of traffic like a
railway station.
The Chief Constable: A good many of those trains do not put
passengers down at that platform.
The Mayor: The buffet is immediately opposite; anyone could get
anything there.
Mr. Mowll said that he as afraid the sight of the Chief Constable and
a detective visiting a public house gave rather a sinister aspect to it.
The number of customers did not increase after it.
The Mayor: Did you see anyone leaving as you went in?
The Chief Constable: No.
The Bench retired to consider their decisions in the four cases, and
returned in a very few moments and announced that each would be put
forward for compensation, the licenses would only be provisionally
Dover Express 23rd July 1909.
Town, Port & Garrison.
At a meeting of the East Kent Compensation Authority held at Canterbury
on Wednesday, the licences of the following public houses in Dover were
refused, subject to compensation, notice having been received from the
owners that they raised no objection to that course: "George Hotel,"
Snargate Street (Albert Fitzroy Bidgood), "Deal Cutter," Beach Street,
(Clarence Walton), "Miner’s Arms," Beach Street, (John Mummery).
From the Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, Saturday 16 October, 1909.
A meeting of the East Kent Compensation Authority was held at the
Guildhall, Canterbury, on Tuesday, under the chairmanship of Lord
Harris, the other members of the Committee present being:- The Earl of
Guilford, Lieut.-Col. S. Newton Dickenson, and Messrs. H. Fitzwalter
Plumptre, H. S. Chapman. F. H. Wilbee, F. E. Burke, and H. H. Green.
Compensation in respect of a number of houses was allocated.
"Deal Cutter.” Beach Street, Dover, alehouse, tenant. Mr. Clarence
Walton, owners, Messrs. G. Beer and Co., Star Brewery, Canterbury, and
Mr. Jessie Hind, solicitor, Nottingham (mortgagee).
Total agreed upon £921, brewers to have £311, and the tenant £10 and a
receipt for £80 13s. 6d.
Approved. |
BAKER George 1851+ (also ticket porter age 27 in 1851 )
NORRIS John Smith 1858-61+

PRESCOTT Richard 1871+ (age 58 in 1871 )
WITHERDEN William Jan/1874-75 end
FOREMAN John 1875-84 end
FOREMAN D 1880 dec'd
FOREMAN Mrs Elizabeth 1881-Sept/84+ (age 63 in 1881 )

WILSON Thomas Sept/1884-1899
(Husband of Foreman)
CURLING Charles Finch to Jan/1900

DRIVER William Henry (short stay in) Jan/1900+

TAYLOR Walter Jan/1900-04
(age 25 in 1901 )
PHIPPEN A 1904-05
JEFFORD WaIter Thomas 1905-06 dec'd
DRIVER W H 1906 end
HILTON Samuel 1906-Feb/08

WALTON Clarence Feb/1908-09

Clarence Walton was a private in the 2nd York and Lancashire Regiment
before taking on the Deal Cutter.
From Melville's Directory 1858
From the Post Office Directory 1874
From the Post Office Directory 1882
From the Post Office Directory 1891
From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1895
From the Kelly's Directory 1899
From the Post Office Directory 1901
From the Post Office Directory 1903
From the Kelly's Directory 1903
From the Dover Express