Sort file:- Dover, September, 2021.

Page Updated Dover:- Wednesday, 29 September, 2021.

PUB LIST PUBLIC HOUSES Barry Smith and Paul Skelton

Earliest 1875

(Name from)


Latest 1897

(Name to)

9 Beach Street and Seven Star Street



Known previously as the "Seven Stars Inn", but recognised as the "Admiral" from 1875. It was sold by Satchell in 1881, together with the Westcliffe Brewery and his other outlets. This passed to Bower of Rye for £470. Charles Wittams joined the house in 1877 and was probably still present in 1897 when the name changed to "The Miner's Arms".

For photo of Seven Star Street click here.

For photo of Beach Street click here.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 28 September, 1877. Price 1d.


Mr. James Elson applied for permission to draw at the “Oxford Music Hall,” Last Lane, and Mr. Charles Whittam made application for permission to draw at the “Admiral.”

Granted in both cases.


From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 11 April, 1879. Price 1d.


George Bartholomew was summoned on the information of the Superintendent of Police for playing at pitch and toss in Love Lane , on Sunday morning last.

Police-constable Bailey said: On Sunday morning last, about 12 o'clock, I was on duty at Love Lane, when I saw a crowd of men and boys in the Maison Dieu Fields. I watched them and saw the defendant toss something up twice. When they caught sight of me they ran away. I went to the spot where they had been standing and found six half-penny's on the ground. I called out to the defendant to stop but he would not. I told the defendant, on seeing him at the "Admiral Arms," that I should report the case, and he said "All right." They were playing at pitch and toss.

Defendant was fined 1s. and 9s. 6d. costs, in default went to prison for seven days.

("Pitch and Toss" was a game in which players toss coins at a mark, the person whose coin hits closest to the mark tossing all the coins in the air and winning all those that come down heads up.)


From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 26 September, 1879. Price 1d.


Walter Stammers, a private in the 49th Regiment, was charged with stealing one shirt, value 3s. 6d., from the "Admiral" public-house, Beach Street, the property of the landlord.

Charles Wittams said: I am landlord of the "Admiral" public-house, Beach Street. Yesterday morning about half-past nine the prisoner and another soldier came in my house and walked into the parlour opposite the bar. I asked them what they were doing there and at that time of the day, and they said they had been on duty. I said, "That won't do for me, so you had better be off." I went down stairs into the cellar underneath the parlour, and while there I heard one of the prisoners walk across the room in the direction of the cupboard. I ran upstairs and saw them both in the cupboard. I asked them what they were doing and they said "Nothing." I asked the prisoner what he had under his tunic, and he said, "Nothing." I said I was determined to know and that I should send for the police. He would not show me at first, but afterwards pulled out the shirt produced. I told them they had better be off at once. They left the house immediately. Soon after I gave information to the Garrison Sergeant-Major who came to my house to enquire after the prisoners. We then went in search of the prisoners and found them at the "Providence Tap." I gave the prisoners in charge for stealing the shirt, which I value at 3s. 6d. The other soldier was not given in charge.

Police-constable Fog said: In consequence of something I heard I went with the last witness to the Grand Shaft. he identified the prisoner as having stolen his shirt. The prisoner, who had no shirt on then asked the landlord where his shirt was, and the landlord said he didn't know. In answer to my charging the prisoner with stealing the shirt, he said he knew nothing about it. I then took him to the police-station.

The prisoner pleaded "Not Guilty" stating that he was near the cupboard with the shirt in his hand, but didn't steal it.

A sergeant in the regiment said the prisoners bore a bad character, having been before the military authorities for selling part of his kit. he had only enlisted on the 6th of August.

The Bench sentenced the prisoner to one months' hard labour.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 2 September, 1881. 1d.


The “Admiral,” Beach Street, opposite to the South Eastern Railway Terminus was bought by Mr. Bower, of Rye, for £470.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 22 May, 1885.


Alfred Oliver, a labourer, was charged with being disorderly in the “Admiral” public-house, Beach Street, and with assaulting Police-constable Bass while in the execution of his duty.

Charles Wittams, landlord of the “Admiral,” Beach Street, said: yesterday afternoon about four o'clock prisoner came into my house and asked for a bed. I said what I had, but the price did not suit him. He began to abuse me and my wife. He refused to go out of the house. I sent for a Policeman. Police-constable Bass came to my house and requested the prisoner to leave the house, but he refused. The constable then put him out, and prisoner struck him in the face. He broke a large pane of glass in the door.

Police-constable Bass, said: Last night at 8 o'clock I was on duty in Beach Street, and was called by the last witness to the “Admiralty.” I saw the prisoner sitting in a chair using bad language. He had been drinking, but was not drunk. I told him he was wanted out of the house. He said he should not go. I then put him out. He took off his coat and struck at me, and broke a pane of glass. He struck me in the face and kicked me on the leg. I took him in custody. He was very disorderly going to the station.

The magistrates committed prisoner to 14 days' imprisonment with hard labour.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 17 January, 1890. Price 5d.


William Arrow was charged with striking Henry Martin, in the face with a belt, at the “Admiralty” public-house. [Wrong spelling by Express, I think, Paul Skelton].On Saturday night at about eleven o'clock, as complainant came out of the public-house, the prisoner demanded some tobacco from him, but he told him he hadn't any. The prisoner as the Railway gate, and then struck him in the face with a belt, cutting him badly; he saw P.C. Fogg and gave him into custody. The prisoner was sentenced to one month's imprisonment with hard labour.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 5 September, 1890.


John Ring a Frenchman, was charged with assaulting Walter Martin at the “Admiral” public-house, by striking him on the head with a quart pot. Walter Martin a labouring man, said that on Sunday night about eleven o'clock he was sitting in the kitchen of the “Admiral,” when the prisoner came downstairs, and struck him on the head with a quart pot breaking it. He had never quarrelled before. Richard Chaney, lodging at the “Admiral,” said that Martin and the prisoner also lodged there, he was in the kitchen on Saturday morning, and about eleven o'clock he went in the back yard for about three minutes, and directly he came in, he saw the prisoner hit Martin on the head with the pot, if there had been any words he must have heard them. The prisoner was remanded till Tuesday morning.

On Tuesday, Walter Martin said that every time the prisoner came into the house, he went to the cupboard and took the lodgers food, and when he used to tell him to put it back, he would give him a lot of slang in French. He had been sitting in the kitchen all Saturday evening, the prisoner had only just come in, when he struck him on the head with the pot, without saying anything. John Collins, an acrobat lodging at the “Admiral,” said that he could speak French and the prisoner told him in French that he did not like Martin because he did not let him touch the sugar nor the tea. Last Sunday morning, he told the prisoner that he had been fighting, and he said he did not know, he was drunk last night and if he did so he hoped he would ask them to beg his pardon. The Magistrates fined him 10s. and costs £1 3s. 6d or in default 14 days, he was removed below.




PILCHER J or H 1875


WITTAMS Charles 1877-95 Post Office Directory 1882Post Office Directory 1891Pikes 1895

To "The Miners Arms"


Post Office Directory 1882From the Post Office Directory 1882

Post Office Directory 1891From the Post Office Directory 1891

Pikes 1895From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1895


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
