Sort file:- Dover, December, 2021.

Page Updated:- Monday, 20 December, 2021.

PUB LIST PUBLIC HOUSES Barry Smith and Paul Skelton

Earliest 1867

(Name from)

Oxford Music Hall

Latest 1880

(Name to)

8 Last Lane (Bourman's Lane)



Formerly the "American Stores" and "Who'd a' Thought It", I suggest this title came during Lane's occupancy in 1867. I have no proof. It was certainly a beer house up to 1870. A spirit licence was refused that year and one was still being sought up to 1873.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 11 October, 1867.


William Holland, the keeper of the "Oxford" public-house in last lane, was charged with having his house open for the sale of intoxicating drinks at 12.35 on Sunday morning.

Defendant said he was summoned for having his house open on Monday morning.

An examination of summons showed it to have been dated the wrong day; and another summons was ordered to be issued.


From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 11 September, 1868.



In the case the landlord, William Holland, had been fined for an infringement of his license by drawing at improper hours, and he was admonished by the bench, and informed that further infringement would imperil renewal.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 12 February, 1869.


Thomas Bulllin, was charged with being drunk and causing an obstruction in Last Lane, breaking a window at the "Oxford Music Hall," and using threatening language at the police-station.

James Tapsell said: I am landlord at the "Oxford Music Hall." On Saturday evening the defendant came into the hall and wanted to sing a song. He got up on stage and I ordered him off, but he refused. I then requested the chairman to order him out. The defendant is not engaged by me to sing. The chairman put him outside, but I did not see him, being at the bar at the time. The defendant entered the house again and threatened that he would "do for me." While he was standing outside he threatened to break the windows. There were a great number of persons standing outside.

William Hamilton, the chairman of the "Music hall" said: Last Saturday evening the defendant came into hall and made a great disturbance. I was requested by the said witness to put the defendant out of the house, which I did.

Superintendent Coram said his conduct was very bad when brought to the police-station.

The magistrates fined defendant 2s. 6d., and costs 7s.; in default seven days' imprisonment with hard labour.

The defendant went to prison.


From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 16 September, 1870. Price 1d.


Application for a spirit licence to the “Oxford Music Hall,” Last Lane, was refused.


From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 24 May, 1872. Price 1d.


Mr. Thomas James Butler applied, on behalf of Mr. Robert Worthington, for permission to draw in his name until transfer day; and his application was granted.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 17 March, 1876. 1d


Thomas Kennitt was charged with refusing to leave the "Oxford Music Hall" when requested to do so on Saturday evening, and also with assaulting Police-constable Bailey.

William Marsh, proprietor of the Oxford Music hall, said he gave orders not to serve defendant, whereupon he made use of the most foul language. A police-constable was called in to endeavour to put the defendant out from the premises. he saw the defendant kick the constable several times.

The Superintendent said the prisoner was very abusive at the station and used the most profane language.

The bench considered it a very bad case and sentenced him to one month's imprisonment.


From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 17 August, 1877. Price 1d.


To the editor of the "Dover Express."

Sir, Monday next is fixed as a Special Sessions for the transfer of licenses. There are 17 applications, among which are the following:-

The "Oxford Music Hall," now empty; Mr. Herbert Wright, of the Maxton Brewery, seeks a transfer to re-open this establishment......

Six brewers' houses empty! Will any of the six gentlemen who are applying for these licenses live on the premises to conduct the houses themselves? and, if not, should the magistrate grant the transfers?

Yours &c.,



From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 24 August, 1877. Price 1d.


Mr. Herbert Wright applied for the transfer of the "Oxford Music Hall" licence.

It was remarked that his house had been closed about a month, but there was now a man ready to go in. There had been no complaints against the house.

The Transfer was granted on the same condition as before.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 28 September, 1877. Price 1d.


Mr. James Elson applied for permission to draw at the “Oxford Music Hall,” Last Lane, and Mr. Charles Whittam made application for permission to draw at the “Admiral.”

Granted in both cases.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 11 January, 1878


James Lawrence was charged with disorderly conduct in Last Lane.

Police Constable Bath took the prisoner into custody a little after eleven o'clock on Saturday evening, finding him in Last Lane, stripped and challenging everybody to fight, causing a crowd, so that no one could pass.

The defendant said he had lived in Dover about five years, and lived by making and repairing doormats. He was in the “Oxford Music Hall” on Saturday evening with three other men, and one of them struck him and then they went outside to fight.

The Bench said he had placed himself in an awkward position, but as he had been in custody since Saturday he would be discharged.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 12 July, 1878


Robert Brown, a labourer, was charged with riotous conduct and with breaking glass and gas fittings to the amount of 8s., at the “Oxford Arms,” Last Lane, on the previous evening.

James Elson said: I am the proprietor of the “Oxford Arms.” About 9 o'clock last night the prisoner came into my house with two soldiers and called for a pot of beer, which I served them with. The two soldiers went out and left the prisoner at the bar. He got into conversation with another man and wanted to fight him. I told him to go outside as I did not allow fighting in my house. He refused to do so, at the same time using improper language. He then called for a glass of beer, which I refused to serve him with, at the same time telling my daughter not to serve him. Two artillerymen came into the bar and called for two glasses of beer, and as soon as I put one glass on the counter prisoner took it up and dashed it on the ground. He was so abusive that I was obliged to go round and put him out, and in endeavouring to do so he caught hold of the gas fittings and broke them and also two glass globes. When I got him outside he made a dash at me and tried to kick me. A Policeman came up at the time and I gave him into custody. The value of the damage done is 8s.

Police-constable Nash deposed to being on duty on the previous evening about a quarter-past nine in Last Lane, when he saw a crowd outside the “Oxford Arms” and the prisoner quarrelling, when the last witness gave the prisoner into custody. The Constable afterwards went back to the house and there saw the gas fittings and the globes on the floor smashed.

The prisoner said he was very sorry for what had occurred being drunk at the time. He had come from Stratford to work on the new line.

Mr. Latham fined the prisoner 15s. and costs 7s., and 8s. for the damage done, in all 30s.; in default went to prison for 14 days.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 26 July, 1878


Robert brown was charged with being drunk and disorderly and with assaulting Police-constable Cadman in the execution of his duty, in the Market Square, the previous night.

Police-constable Cadman said: About a quarter to twelve last night I was on duty in Bench Street, when my attention was called to a noise at the bottom of Castle Street, close to Mr. Flashman's. I went there and found the prisoner drunk with another man. Prisoner using very bad language. I told him to go away but he would not and asked me what it was to do with me, and prisoner then struck me in the mouth. I took him into custody, but prisoner was so violent that I had to get assistance. The other man that was with the prisoner went about his business.

Prisoner owned up to being drunk and said that the Constable kicked him in the back.

The Superintendent said the prisoner had only come out of gaol the previous morning. He having been sentenced to fourteen days for riotous conduct at the “Oxford Music Hall” on the 11th inst.

The prisoner, in reply to the Bench, said he had come from London to work on the new line.

The Bench sentenced him to one month's imprisonment with hard labour.



The name changed again between 1880 and 1882 when it became the "Criterion".


That was still the sign when it was taken down in 1970. I believe the site is still derelict in March 1990.



LANE William 1867 Next pub licensee had

HOLLAND William 1867-68

TAPSELL James 1868-71 (age 28 in 1871Census)

WORTHINGTON Robert May/1872 Dover Express

BUTLER Mr to Nov/1872 Dover Express

WINDEBANK William Nov/1872-Mar/73 Dover Express

MARSH William Reynolds Mar/1873+ Dover Express

HOBDAY William Sept/1873 Dover Express


ELSON James 1877-Jul/80 Dover Express

BEETHOLINE J Law Jul/1880+ Dover Express (late of 8 princes Street, Bedfordrow, W.C.)


Dover ExpressFrom the Dover Express


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
