Sort file:- Dover, December, 2022.

Page Updated:- Monday, 05 December, 2022.

PUB LIST PUBLIC HOUSES Barry Smith and Paul Skelton

Earliest 1887

(Name from)


Latest 1974

155 Snargate Street


Invicta pre 1940

Above photo pre 1940, from Paul Wells.

Invicta circa 1960

Above photo circa 1960, kindly supplied by Terry Wheeler of the Ramsgate History Society.

Invicta Inn

Above picture by kind regards Chris Byrne, son of landlord Tom.


Gardners Brewery once had an outlet on this site known as the "Warrior". It was still being reported there in 1895 but on the other hand, according to my notes, Paramour definitely had the "Invicta" there in 1887.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 14 October, 1887. Price 1d.


Edward Farrel was charged with stealing from the “Invicta Inn,” Snargate Street, about 2s. in silver and bronze, the money of the landlord, William Paramour.

Maria Jordan said: I am barmaid at the “Invicta” public house, Snargate Street. Yesterday afternoon, about four o'clock, I was in the bar and served prisoner with a glass of beer, for which he paid. I then left the bar and went into the kitchen. Mrs. Paramour had left the bar, and prisoner was left alone. Before leaving the bar I had cleared the till with the exception of about 2s. in silver and some coppers. The till is at the further end of the bar near the window. Miss Farley had remained in the bar parlour, which overlooks the bar. In consequence of what I was afterwards told I examined the till and found that 1s. 3d. in silver and some coppers had been taken from the till. There was a sixpenny and a three-penny piece and about 6d. worth of coppers left in till. The till, which is in the form of a drawer, is in the counter and was left unlocked.

Sarah Farley said: Yesterday afternoon, about four o'clock, I was sitting in the bar parlour of the “Invicta” public house, and saw the prisoner standing at the bar with a glass of beer. I saw Mrs. Paramour and the last witness leave the bar. There was then no one else in the bar but the prisoner. Hearing money rattle in the till I looked up and saw the prisoner at the back of the bar taking money from the till. I called out to Mrs. Paramour. The prisoner turned around and seeing me he jumped over the counter and ran out into the street. I followed the prisoner. Seeing a policeman on the opposite side of the street I told him, and prisoner was caught and taken into custody.

Police-constable W. A. Cadman said: Yesterday afternoon, between four and five o'clock I was on duty in Snargate Street, and was standing opposite the “Invicta” public house. I saw the prisoner come out of the bar in a manner which caused me to suspect something had happened. I went towards the prisoner with the intention of taking him back to the bar to see if he had stolen anything, when the last witness came out, and from what she told me I took the prisoner into custody and brought him to the Police Station. I searched the prisoner and found on him 1s. 0½d. in bronze coin and 1s in silver tied up in his pocket handkerchief. Prisoner said he had one or two sixpenny pieces and a three-penny piece on him, and as these could not be found he accused me of taking them.

The prisoner, replying to the charge, pleaded “guilty” to taking 8½d. from the till, and wished the case to be dealt with by the Magistrates present.

The Bench sentenced the prisoner to one month's hard labour.



The above picture gives a date of 1761 as to the age of the building. I have no information to doubt or confirm that, but the earliest I have for the building being a licensed premises is 1870, but my research is far from complete.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 29 January, 1886. 1d.

The Dover carnival Society had their annual dinner on Wednesday evening last, at their club house, the “Invicta Inn.”


Dover Express 17 November 1922.


At the East Kent Bankruptcy Court, held at Canterbury, before Mr. Registrar Furley, the examination was conducted by Mr. A. Harold Ward for Alfred Davis, of 5, Shipman's Way, Dover, formerly of "The Invicta," Snargate St., Dorev, miner, and formerly licensed victualler.

Liabilities, £214; deficiency, £209. Debtor stated that up to June, 1915, he was employed as a miner at Shakespeare Colliery, at a wage of about £3 a week. He then took over "The Invicta" public-house at Dover.

The ingoing valuation was £222 17s. Debtor had £180 capital, and sold his furniture for £60.

Neither his wife nor he had any experience of the trade, but for the first months they had a barmaid to assist them.

He increased the trade from three to six barrels a week, but he could not say how much he drew for housekeeping expenses.

At the time there were five members of his family entirely dependent on the business, and he thought his housekeeping expenses amounted to about £5 a week. He never took any steps to ascertain what his earnings were.

During the year 1917 debtor went back to mining, and his wife looked after the inn whilst he was away.

The Official Receiver asked debtor if he meant to say that he was carrying on the inn and never knew what his profits were?

Debtor:- I never troubled to notice them.

The bankrupt admitted that he knew of his insolvency in the early part of 1921, and he gave up the "Invicta" in September, 1921.

The outgoing valuation was £173. He had contracted no fresh liabilities since. The furniture debtor declared belonged to his wife.

The examination was closed.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 10 March, 1933. Price 1½d.


A music and singing licence was granted to Mr. Lewis Carver in respect of the "Invicta," Snargate Street. Plans for alterations to the premises, including the removal of an unwanted staircase, were approved.



In 1908, the doors of the pub were set back three feet from the pavement, making the bar smaller. That does not suggest a busy time but perhaps things were better in 1950, when an application was made for the floor and frontage of number 156 to be added.


The rear of these premises were destroyed by fire on 24 June 1972. A further fire broke out on the derelict premises at a later date, and although it was still standing in March 1973, it was only prevented from collapse by the use of beams and scaffolding and was taken down shortly afterwards.


A Whitbread House.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, 11 June, 1937.


Invicta dart team 1937

The "Invicta" dart team, which won the Dover Licensed Victuallers' Dart Championship. Reading from left to right:-

Back Row: A. Ross, G. Lodder and P. Nicks.

Sitting: D. Chapman, F. Lewis, H. Marklow (captain), J. Berry and R. Pritchard.


Dover Express 31st July 1943.


At the Dover Police Court on Friday last before Messrs. C. W. Chitty, H. E. Russell and F. A. Holmes and Miss Elnor.

Thomas William Brown of 155 Snargate Street was summoned for allowing a light to show from the premises at 3.25 a.m. on July 17th.
Defendant wrote pleading guilty and said that he switched on the light because he dropped his torch.

Inspector McLeod said that the light came from an unscreened window on the first floor of the “Invicta”. The room was occupied by Brown, who was a lodger.

Fined £2.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, 12 February 1954.


Police had to get them down.

Police were called to Snargate Street just before midnight on Saturday when two men were found stuck on the cliff face. When the police eventually brought them down to the road it was found that they were drunk.

They were going over the cliff, they said, for a short cut to Military Road.

On Monday, 22 year old David James Mold, of 34, Beaufoy Road, and David Robert Page, age 19 years, of 70 Limekiln Street, both seamen, pleaded guilty at Dover Magistrates' Court to being drunk and disorderly on Sunday. They were each fined 10s.

Inspector Wilkinson told the court that the police were called by phone on Saturday. Sergeant Forsyth and other officers answered the call and on the cliffs behind Snargate Street were found the defendants.

They were twelve feet up the cliff face at the back of the "Invicta" public house, and both were drunk.

Sgt. Forsyth was able to get Mold to the ground, but not Page, who was staggering on the cliff over a sheer drop of eight feet. Other officers managed to lead Page to safety.

It was Sunday by the time they got down again to Snargate Street when both men began to be disorderly.

There were no previous convictions against either defendant.

"Thank your lucky stars that they police were able to rescue you," said Mr. Golding (Chairman of the Magistrates) announcing the fine of 10s each.


Tom Byrne and family 1969

Tom Byrne with wife Dorothy and daughters Maureen, Yvonne and Sue, 1969.

Invicta landlady and daughter

Above photo kindly sent by Chris Byrne, showing Mrs. Terry Byrne and daughter Yvonne circa 1970.

From the Dover Express, 4 September, 1970

'Drink's driver had given his customers a lift.

A Dover licensee - described as a "well-known and popular man - was disqualified from driving for 11 months by Dover magistrates on Friday.

Thomas Byrne of the "Invicta" public house, Snargate Street, pleaded guilty to driving with excessive alcohol in the blood.

He was fined £40, banned from driving and ordered to pay an £8 doctor's fee.

Byrne was stopped by a police officer in Charlton Green early one morning in June, after being followed from Buckland Avenue, long Barton Road and down Frith Road.

At the junction of Barton Road and Frith Road, and Frith Road with Charlton Green, Bryne made several corrective movements with the car to negotiate the corners.

He was stopped and a breath test proved positive.

Occupational hazzard

A sample of blood sent for analysis to New Scotland Yard showed that there was 224 milligrams of alcohol to every 100 millilitres of blood, three times the prescribed limit.

Defending solicitor, Mr. Richard Stuart told the magistrates: "It is an occupational hazard for licensees."

"There were three people in the public house at closing time, with no way of getting home."

Byrne had had some drinks during the evening with the customers.

He then took the three people home in his car, and stayed at their home for some time to have some coffee.

It was on the way back that he was stopped.

"At the end of the enquiry at the police station he was invited to drive his own car home, said Mr. Stuart.

"He thought this was strange, and said he would rather walk. The police drove his car to his home.

The magistrates were told that Bryne had been in the Army  for 26 years, leaving as a Regimental Sergeant Major, he had been driving for over 30 years without any previous trouble.

"He has already sold his car because he knew he would be disqualified," said Mr. Stuart.


From an email by Derek Yeomans. (11 Feb 2008).

As a young boy I used to live in the Invicta Inn in Snargate St. 1948/1952. This was the period that Les Pearce was the landlord, he also was a well-known inshore fisherman, during this time his mother would take on the running of the pub. Regarding the fishing, he would sell his catch to the White Cliffs Hotel then run by a Mr Boiardini this is only a snippet of information but it does show a link between the Invicta Inn and the White Cliffs Hotel if only on a commercial basis.


From an email by Maggie Stevenson-Knight. (1 September 2007).

We've just been talking to the son of the woman who used to run the Invicta. He says that he doesn't have any photos, but that his sister up in Scotland might, as she took the family album after his mum died.

So he's going to 'phone them and see, and will let us know. Wouldn't it be great if he did come up with a picture. Fingers crossed. He did say that when he lived in it, it was badly bomb damaged upstairs, and the whole upstairs was bent and buckled and it all creaked. Also, when the Hippodrome was blown up it blew in the doors of the pub, which was almost opposite, he says.



PARAMOR William R B Apr/1887-Nov/87 Next pub licensee had Dover Express (Extra history)

MARTIN George Nov/1888+ Dover Express (Late licensed victualler of Blean)

HARMAN Albert Edward 1891+ (age 27 in 1891Census)

POULSON Henry Albert 1895 Pikes 1895

WILLIAMS William Jn 1899-1901 Kelly's Directory 1899Post Office Directory 1903

HARLAND Bert Henry 1901-05 Post Office Directory 1903Kelly's 1903

Last pub licensee had BUCKINGHAM Frederick 1905-07 end

READER John 1907-08 end

Last pub licensee had GILLESPIE Frederick John 1908-11 Next pub licensee had Pikes 1909

Last pub licensee had BAKER Josiah B 1911-Jan/14 Post Office Directory 1913Dover Express

WHITING Walter Jan/1914+ Dover Express

DAVIS Alfred 1917-23/Sept/21 Post Office Directory 1922

GORKING/GOCKING ???? 23/Sept/21+

Last pub licensee had FORSYTHE Edward P 1922

LOTINGA Philip 1923-24 end

ASKIE Frederick John 1924-Feb/31 Next pub licensee had Pikes 1924Post Office Directory 1930

Last pub licensee had SMITH George Robert Feb/1931+ Dover Express (Formerly of Chatham.)

HUGHES C H 1932 Pikes 1932-33

CARVER William Edward to Sept/1933 Dover Express

LEVEY Bert Barnett Sept/1933-May/35 Dover Express (Living at "Queen's Head," Hoxton.)

LEWIS Frederick Charles Victor May/1935-Sep/40 Post Office Directory 1938Pikes 1938-39Dover Express Of Kensington, London)

CLINCH Ernest William Sep/1940 (Secretary to Gardener & Co.) Dover Express

PEARCE Mr Les 1941-48

PEARCE Mrs Lillian 1948-50 Pikes 48-49Kelly's Directory 1950

THOMAS John Beresford 1953-56 end Kelly's Directory 1953Kelly's Directory 1956

FRANCE Albert James 1956-67

Last pub licensee had BYRNE Thomas 1967-72

COOMBER John F A 1974 Library archives 1974 Gardner & Co


Pikes 1895From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1895

Kelly's Directory 1899From the Kelly's Directory 1899

Post Office Directory 1903From the Post Office Directory 1901

Post Office Directory 1903From the Post Office Directory 1903

Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903

Pikes 1909From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1909

Post Office Directory 1913From the Post Office Directory 1913

Post Office Directory 1922From the Post Office Directory 1922

Pikes 1924From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1924

Post Office Directory 1930From the Post Office Directory 1930

Pikes 1932-33From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1932-33

Post Office Directory 1938From the Post Office Directory 1938

Pikes 1938-39From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1938-39

Pikes 48-49From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1948-49

Kelly's Directory 1950From the Kelly's Directory 1950

Kelly's Directory 1953From the Kelly's Directory 1953

Kelly's Directory 1956From the Kelly's Directory 1956

Library archives 1974Library archives 1974

Dover ExpressFrom the Dover Express


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
