Sort file:- Dover, March, 2021.

Page Updated:- Wednesday, 31 March, 2021.

PUB LIST PUBLIC HOUSES Barry Smith and Paul Skelton

Earliest 1860

Liverpool Arms

Latest 1900

(Name to)

38 Townwall Street


Robin Hood 1892

Above photo 1892. Kindly sent by Chris Grimes of the Dover History Facebook group. The Liverpool Arms being two doors away from the "Robin Hood."


Erected between St. James' Passage and Mill Lane and active in 1860.


From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 21 July, 1860.


Thomas Bartlett, the landlord of the "Liverpool Arms," Townwall Street, was summons for an infringement upon his license, but it appeared that there were extenuating circumstances in this case; and on the superintendent of police stated; that the house was a very well conducted one, the defendant was dismissed on paying the costs, 6s. 6d.


From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 3 January, 1863.


Samuel Kemp, a mariner who has appeared before the Bench more than once on charges of intoxication, was brought up charged with drunkenness and disorderly conduct, and breaking three panes of glass at the "Liverpool Arms," Townwall Street, value 3s., on the preceding afternoon. He was also charged with assaulting and threatening the police. - The Bench fined him 10s. and the amount of the damage he had done to the window, in default of paying which he was committed for fourteen days, being informed that on his liberation he would be called upon to find sureties to keep the peace towards the police.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 22 August, 1863.


Thomas Chick, a vendor of "K'rect cards," was charged with drunkenness and sleeping in a passage leading to the "Liverpool Arms" public-house, Townwall Street, on the previous night, but was dismissed with a caution, on promising not to show himself in Dover till the next races.

Another Correct card, Benjamin Baker by name, was subsequently charged with a similar offence. By some misunderstanding there happened to be not a single policeman in the Court, - a circumstance the presiding magistrate commented on in rather severe terms, - even the constable who had charge of this particular case being absent. It was therefore impossible to ask if anything was known of the defendant. But the defendant proved himself equal on the occasion, informing the bench that the Superintendent told him to say he was a respectable man and ought not to have been taken into custody. On the strength of this statement he was discharged.

(Correct or K'rect cards as they were referred to, were racing cards. below is shown a cartoon mentioning them that I believe appeared in Punch 1865.  Paul Skelton)

K'rect card punch cartoon 1865

From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 10 January, 1873. Price 1d.


The application for the transfer of the license of the "Liverpool Arms," Townwall Street, from the present tenant, Maria Culmer, to Ann Hobbs, was adjourned for a week, to enable the latter to produce certificates.


The adjourned application for the license of the "Liverpool Arms," Townwall Street, to be transferred from the present tenant, Maria Culmer, to Ann Hobbs, was granted, ample testimony to the good character of the applicant being forthcoming.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 20 September, 1878


William Ingram, landlord of the “Liverpool Arms,” Townwall Street, was charged on the information of Police-constable Baker with selling liquor in prohibited hours on Sunday last, and was fined 40s. A man called Prescott, who was in the house at the time was fined 14s. 6d.

A similar charged was preferred against John Russell, of the “Star,” Trevanion Street, who was also fined 40s.



It was whilst Dane served, in or about 1900, that the name changed to "Chandos".


An advert placed on page 291 of the 1875 Sinnock Directory, stated that the proprietor William Edrupt was advertising apartments and refreshment rooms etc.



BARTLETT Thomas 1860-67+ Next pub licensee had (age 57 in 1861Census)

CULLEN Harriott 1871+ (age 59 in 1871Census)

Last pub licensee had ADAMS Mrs H 1873

CULMER Mrs Maria to Jan/1873 Dover Express

HOBBS Mrs Ann Jan/1873-Nov/73 Dover Express

EDRUPT William Nov/1873-Jan/80 Next pub licensee had Dover ExpressPost Office Directory 1874Sinnock Directory 1875Post Office Directory 1878

INGRAM William Sept/1878 Dover Express

Last pub licensee had DAWKINS James Jan/1880-82+ (age 31 in 1881Census) Post Office Directory 1882Dover Express

DANE Edward Thomas 1891-1900 Next pub licensee had Post Office Directory 1891Pikes 1895Kelly's Directory 1899

Name change to "Chandos."


Post Office Directory 1874From the Post Office Directory 1874

Sinnock Directory 1875From Sinnock Directory 1875

Post Office Directory 1878From the Post Office Directory 1878

Post Office Directory 1882From the Post Office Directory 1882

Post Office Directory 1891From the Post Office Directory 1891

Pikes 1895From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1895

Kelly's Directory 1899From the Kelly's Directory 1899

Dover ExpressFrom the Dover Express



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
