Sort file:- Dover, May, 2024.

Page Updated:- Saturday, 11 May, 2024.

PUB LIST PUBLIC HOUSES Barry Smith and Paul Skelton

Earliest 1818


Latest 1886

(Name to)

161 Snargate Street



I only ever saw this referred to as a beerhouse, which sold for £470 in 1881. However, since Barry Smith's research, I (Paul Skelton) have been sent some newspaper cuttings from the Dover Express that tell of two fires that took place at the pub in 1869 and 1886 respectively. I also have licensee lists going back to 1818, and I am going to assume they are from the same house.


Also, Walker's Brewery changed to Leney and Evenden 1863 and a wine and spirit license was obtained and the Perseverance became a registered tavern.

The 1860s seem to have been quite a turbulent time for the pub as I can see no less than 6 licensees named there. The 1861 census also mentions 161 Snargate Street (no pub name though) as having H Ferdinands age 48 and identified as a Cordwainer living there and also Elizabeth Galants age 36 as being a Beer Seller.


It held a 61 year lease from Dover Harbour Board, that having commenced in April 1867. Between 1885 and 1890 the name changed to "Avenue". It remained closed for much of the war years but was reopened, perhaps during, but probably after, by Hendy.


Kent Times, 3 May 1862.

Police Court. Monday. (Before the Mayor, S. Dennis, S. M. Latham, G. F. Jennings, L. Stride, and G. F. Astley, Esqrs., and Capt. Neale.)

The Magistrates were occupied for several Lours today in investigating a charge of unlawfully conspiring to obtain possession of Brook House and grounds, Maison Dieu Road, the mansion lately occupied by W. Moxon, Esq., preferred against three persons, William Bond, landlord of the "Perseverance," a public-house in Snargate Street, Robert Gascoigne, a discharged soldier, and Alfred Harris, the agent in Dover for Messrs. Baldwin and Co., brewers, of Maidstone.

It appeared from the evidence, which was voluminous and occupied the Court upwards of five hours, that the defendant Bond a few weeks since waited on Mr. Moxon in company with Gascoigne, whom he represented as his brother, and expressed himself desirous of occupying Brook House. He said he was just returned from Australia, where he had amassed a property of £2,000 a year, and that he should want the house as a private residence. He asked the price of it, and Mr. Moxon told him £8,000, or a rental of £460 per annum. On Mr. Moxon asking Bond for a reference, he said he knew no one in England, but represented that he was staying at the "Ship Hotel" (one of the principal hotels in the town), and in some correspondence which ensued, the letters written on behalf of Bond were dated from that house. These letters were written by the defendant, Harris, who also had a personal interview with Mr. Moxon, in which he represented himself as Mr. Bond’s agent. Bond ultimately arranged to pay a rental of £500 a year. Mr. Moxon undertaking to pay all taxes, and a lease for five years was drawn up on these terms and signed. It then turned out that Bond had hired the house and grounds with the intention of turning them into tea gardens, and in pursuance of this design a large white board was erected over the portico of the house on Saturday morning, with the words, "Brook House Gardens: William Bond, licensed retailer of beer and cigars, to be drunk on the premises," the usual announcement made under a license from the excise authorities. Thereupon the present proceedings were taken, and the magistrates, after hearing the evidence in support of the information, committed the prisoners for trial at the next Maidstone Assizes.


From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 3 January, 1863.


John Matson, landlord of the "Perseverance" public house, Snargate Street, was charged with refusing the police admission to the house on Christmas morning, and fined £1 and 11s. costs, which he paid.


From the Dover Express. March 1869.

Perseverance Inn Snargate Street.

On Monday night last shortly after 11 o'clock a fire broke out in one of the bedrooms at the Perseverance Inn, Snargate Street. The fire brigade under the direction of Superintendent Coram was speedily in attendance and a good supply of water being quickly obtained the fire was soon extinguished. The damage was of a very trifling kind.


Dover Local Board.

The superintendent of the fire brigade reported a fire on Monday night at the Perseverance Inn Snargate Street. The fire was reported at the Station House at 11-5 the brigade was in attendance at 11-10 the water was turned on at 11-27 and the fire extinguished at 12-15. The fire was confined to a back bedroom and a couple of beds destroyed. The origin of the disaster was unknown. The damage did not amount to more than £10. The premises were uninsured but the stock was insured in the Phoenix Office.


Information kindly supplied by Joyce Banks.


From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 8 April, 1870. Price 1d.


Albert Frederick Cole, landlord of the "Perseverance Inn," Snargate Street, was summonsed for having his house open at unlawful hours on Sunday last, and was fined 20s., and 12s. 6d. costs.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 23 September, 1871.


Mr. Fox appeared in support of a summons issued on the information of Hamilton Astley Tapp, and ensign of the 67th Regiment, quartered in this garrison, against James Hewitt, a man in the employ of Mr. Court, for furiously driving a van in Snargate Street, on Friday afternoon last, thereby doing serious injury to William Smith, a private in the 67th Regiment. Mr. Fox regretted that one of the principle witnesses, viz., the assistant-surgeon of the 67th, was not present; but he had been sent for and if the Magistrates would hear the evidence of the other witnesses he wished to call, Doctor Dunbar would in all probability by the time have arrived.

The charge was then read over to the defendant, and he pleaded not guilty.

Mr. Fox then said it would appear that, on the day in question, Mr. Tapp was proceeding from the Citadel to the rifle range, with a party of his men. They were marching up the right-hand side Snargate Street, in the usual way, and on arriving opposite the “Perseverance” public-house, a four-wheeled van approached them, being driven down the opposite side of the street. When the men saw the van coming they filed onto the pavement, two files marching on the pavement, and one in the gutter. So the Magistrates would see that there was plenty of room for the van to pass. Notwithstanding this precaution, however, the van came in contact with the man, Smith, throwing him down; and his head coming in contact with the kerb, he was stunned. He was conveyed to the hospital, and as he still remained there in consequence of the injuries he received, this summons had been taken out by the commanding officer of the regiment.

The following witnesses were examined in support of the summons:-

Hamilton Astley Tapp said: I am an ensign of the 67th regiment. On Friday afternoon last, shortly after one o'clock, I was in charge of a party of six men, who were marching from the Grand Shaft to the rifle range. We proceeded up Snargate Street, as far as the “Perseverance” public-house, when a four-wheeled spring wagon approached us. The defendant was driving, and it was coming along at a fast trot, on the left-hand side of the road going down. I could not say the exact distance between the wagon and the kerb; but I should say it was a few feet. I do not think there was any other vehicles passing either way. Two files of the men were marching on the pavement, and the third in the gutter; so that the roadway was at the service of the defendant.

By the Court: The men were on the left-hand side of the road as they approached the cart, and the defendant was passing them on his left; so that we were right hand to right hand. I could not say how far the defendant was from the pavement on his left.

Examination continued by Mr. Fox: As the wagon passed, private William Smith was knocked down. He was one of the men who were walking in the gutter. I could not say which part of the wagon struck him; but he was knocked down.

By the Court: I could not saw whether Smith struck his head on the pavement as he rolled over.

Examination continued: Smith was stunned and rendered quite insensible. I had him removed to the hospital on a stretcher, and he was insensible when I left him. He is still confined to the hospital. One of the military police went after the man in the cart and asked him his name and address. I asked him if he called out to the men, and he admitted that he did not. He did not pull up until the military police went and stopped him. I saw Smith yesterday. He was cut across the eyebrow, and his back was injured, as were also, I believe, his feet. Smith was quite sober at the time of the occurrence.

The defendant put one or two questions to this witness; but the replies elicited did not materially alter the evidence in chief.

Michael Dumphrey, a private in the 2nd Battalion Rifle Brigade, and a military constable deposed: On Friday afternoon last, the 15th inst., I was on duty in Snargate Street, and at a few minutes after one, I saw a party of 67th coming up the street. I was going in the same direction, only on the opposite side of the street. I should think I was walking about a yard in the rear of them, and they were on the left-hand side of the road, while I was on the right-hand side. I know the “Perseverance” public-house. I could not see where Smith was walking when we arrived on our way up the street; but I saw one of the party knocked down by a light van, which came in the opposite direction. I could not say the exact distance between the kerb and the left wheels of the van; but I should think there was four or five feet. It might have been more or less. I went after the cart when I saw the man knocked down. I saw him lying on the ground, with his head on the kerb and his legs in the road. When the man in the cart stopped, I went up and told him that his cart had knocked a man down.

On Friday afternoon last, shortly after one o'clock, I was marching in Snargate Street, with five other men. We were going from the Shaft to the rifle range, and Ensign Tapp was with with us. When we had proceeded up Snargate Street as far as the “Perseverance,” public-house, we were marching three abreast. We saw a light van coming in the opposite direction, so four men filed off on the pavement, and the remaining two marched in the gutter. I was the right hand man and Smith was marching behind me. The defendant was driving the wagon, I should say that it was going at a very fast trot. It passed me safely; but the box of the wheel went very close to my hand.

By the Court: I did not make any motion to get on the pavement; but I edged in the gutter as far as I possibly could.

Examination continued: We were walking in the gutter, and not in the road, when the accident happened. Smith was knocked down and rendered insensible. I halted as soon as I heard someone shout out, and on turning round I saw Smith on the ground. I immediately dropped my rifle, to pick him up. His head was resting on the kerb, and his body in the gutter. The road where the accident took place was asphalted. I noticed that, when I stopped to pick up Smith, that the tar was coming through with the heat of the sun. There was no other vehicle on either side of the road. I could not see the distance between the kerb and the wheels on the left-hand side of the van; but I should think it must have been about five feet.

John Parker, another private in the same regiment, was then called, and said: I was marching up Snargate Street on Friday afternoon last, shortly after one o'clock, with five other men. We were marching three abreast, and I was the left-hand man of the front rank. I know the “Perseverance” public-house. When we reached that part of the street two files were walking on the pavement and one in the gutter. Private Smith was the right-hand man in the rear rank. When we arrived at the “Perseverance” I saw a light van coming down the street. I think it was a four-wheeler. The defendant was driving; but I have never been accustomed to horses and carts, and I could not say the rate at which he was driving. He was driving pretty fast, on the left-hand side of the road coming down. We were on the left-hand side going in the opposite direction, and he passed not more than two yards from me. I did not see how Smith was knocked down; but I heard the witness Dumphey call out to the defendant to stop. I did not see where Smith was lying, and I did not turn round until the other men were picking him up. He was insensible, and Ensign Tapp had him removed to the hospital. I did not notice the space between the kerb and the wheels on the other side of the road.

Frederick Dunbar, the assistant-surgeon to the 67th was then sworn, and he made the following statement'; I know private William Smith, of the 67th Regiment. I saw him in Snargate Street on Friday afternoon last. I happened to be passing at the time of the accident. Smith was quite unconscious and he appeared to me to have been very much shaken. He was semi-sensible when I saw him at the hospital three-quarters of an hour afterwards. The injuries he received could be quite accounted for by the occurrence. He is in hospital still. He has a severe wound on one of his temples, a bruise which extends over the whole of his right side, and one of his feet seem to be injured.

This was the case for the prosecution, and the following witnesses were called by the defendant:-

James Burchell, a tailor residing at 30, Military Road, said: I work for Mr. Jarrett, tailor and outfitter, Snargate Street. At a few minutes past one, on Friday afternoon last, I was standing on the balcony of Mr. Jarrett's house, when I saw some soldiers coming up the street. They were walking on the left-hand side of the road. There were none of them on the pavement, excepting the officers, to my knowledge. Whilst I was looking at the men, a light van came along in the opposite direction. It was a van of Mr. Court's, and the defendant was driving it on the left-hand side of the road going down. He was not more than a foot from the kerb on that side of the road. He was driving at the rate of five or six miles a hour. I should call it a slow trot. On the van and the soldiers meeting, the right-hand man in the front rank marched past safely; and whether it was the rifle or the right hand of the man marching behind him that caught in the wheel I cannot say; but he was turned right round and thrown on to the ground, his head coming in contact with the kerb.

By the Court: The only way in which I can account for his head coming in contact with the kerb, supposing he was marching in the middle of the road, was his being turned round before falling.

By the defendant: You were a few yards behind the soldiers before you pulled up.

Mr. Fox: I could not say whether it was the wheel that struck Smith. It happened on the opposite side of the road to that on which I was standing. I am certain that he was struck by some part of the cart; and it either struck his rifle or his side. He fell on his right side after he had been struck by the cart. My attention was not drawn to the soldier more than to the cart.

The ordnance map was then handed in to the Magistrates and it was found by referring to it that the part of the street at which the accident happened measured fifteen feet in width.

Ensign Tapp, in reply to the Bench, said that three files of men would cover about six feet.

The defendant then called Mr. Walter Browning, residing in Snargate Street, who said: I was in Snargate Street early on Friday afternoon last. I was walking down the street, and on arriving opposite the premises of Mr. Beasley, dyer, I saw a party of six soldiers coming up the street. They were walking three abreast close to the kerb, on the left-hand side of the street, going up. Some of them were in the road, if all of them were not. Some of them might have been on the pavement.

By the Court: It appeared to me that the left-hand man was marching close to the kerb, and, supposing it was so, they must have all been marching in the roadway.

Examination continued: I saw a four-wheeled van going down the street, and I was afterwards told that it was driven by the defendant. He was driving on his left-hand side going down the street. He might have been two or three feet from the kerb on his left. He was driving at a moderate pace; but as I am not a judge of pace I cannot say the exact speed at which he was driving. When I was about twenty-five yards distance from the soldiers, I saw one of them fall down, and my first impression was that he was in a fit.

Cross-examined by Mr. Fox: the defendant was driving in front of me, when the accident occurred. I did not see Smith struck; but I saw him fall. I should think he must have turned half round before falling, his head was resting on the footway.

By the Court: I cannot say whether his head was on the kerb or on the pavement.

Cross-examination continued: His legs were in the road.

Theodore Yule, residing at 7, Caroline Place, said: I was in Snargate Street, riding with the defendant, early on Friday afternoon last. The defendant was driving down the street, and I was sitting by his side, looking forward. I saw a party of the 67th Regiment coming down the street. I did not notice them much, so that I could not tell the number of them. They were walking on their left-hand side of the street, and were all in the road, excepting the officer in charge of them. We were driving, I should say, at a rate of about five miles an hour. I was sitting on the near side of the van, and the near wheel was about six inches from the kerb on that side of the street. The van in which we were driving is, I should think, about 4ft. 6in. in width, from nave to nave. When we met the soldiers, near the “perseverance” public-house, one of them fell down. I cannot say what knocked him down, or how he fell, as I was sitting on the opposite side of cart.

By the Court: The van is a light one, and it had nothing in it at the time of the occurrence.

Mr. Fox, in replying on this evidence, said it did not appear to him to be necessary to prove that the defendant was driving so furiously as to endanger the lives of pedestrians; but it was plainly to be seen from the evidence on both sides that Smith had been struck by the cart. Then, supposing the theory of the defence to be correct, viz., that all the soldiers were marching in the road at the time of the accident, it would have been impossible for Smith, having the right-hand man in the rear rank, and so, necessarily, one of the outside men, to have struck his head on the pavement, as he would have been thrown down in the road. Again, there was the ordnance map, which showed the road to be 15 feet in width. Now, if the cart was 5 feet wide in width, and the men covered 6 feet, if the defendant had been on the right side of the road, as he said he was, the accident could not have happened, as there would be four feet to spare. Lastly, there was the evidence of Mr. Tapp, which was very clear on the point as to where the men were marching. As he had told the Bench in his evidence, he was walking in the rear of his men, and consequently he must have seen where they all were. He did not think it necessary to make ant further remark, but would leave the matter to the judgement of the Bench, believing that they would consider the offence fully proved, and grant a conviction.

Ensign Tapp, on being recalled by the Magistrates, said it was perfectly true that his men were marching in the road before the van approached them; but on reaching it, they had edged off on to the pavement, in the manner he had stated in his evidence.

The Bench, after a very careful consideration of the facts of the case, regretted that there should have been any necessity for a prosecution of this description. They were of opinion that, with a little care on the part of the drivers, such accidents might be easily avoided. When the defendant saw the soldiers approaching him in the street, it was his duty to slacken his pace and to avoid contact with them. On the other hand, they did not consider five miles an hour a furious pace. After hearing the whole of the evidence, there remained a doubt in their minds of the Magistrates, and the defendant would reap the benefit of it. They had determined to dismiss the summons.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 4 June, 1875. Price 1d.


Stephen Cooper was brought up and charged with assaulting the landlord of the “Perseverance Inn,” Snargate Street, while he was drunk.

This being a second appearance the prisoner was sent to prison for a month.


From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 31 August, 1877. Price 1d.


The owner of this house was called forward, and told that complaints had recently been made of the way this house was carried on, and he was cautioned to carry it on better in future.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 7 December, 1877.


Jessie Valentine was summoned on the information of the Police for suffering a horse and cart to stand in the street longer than was necessary.

Police-constable Pilcher said: last Monday night he was in Snargate Street at 25 minutes past ten and saw a horse and cart belonging to Mr. Coveney, standing in front of the “Perseverance” public-house, unattended. He remained with the horse till a quarter to eleven, and then went into the public-house and saw the defendant standing at the bar with another man. He asked who the horse and cart belonged to, and the defendant said it belonged to him; he had only been in the house 5 minutes; it was a lie that the constable had been waiting 20 minutes. He obtained the defendant's name and address, and told him he should summon him.

The defendant denied that he left the horse more than ten minutes. He had a heavy days' work and wanted some refreshment.

The Bench said very serious accidents might result from horses being left in that manner. As he did not call any witnesses they must consider the case proved. The defendant had rendered himself liable to a penalty of 40s. They should fine him on this occasion 9s. 6d. and 1s. costs.

The money was paid.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 2 September, 1881. 1d.


The “Perseverance,” 161, Snargate Street, Dover, a “snug” public-house, containing bar, bar parlour, tap room, three bedrooms, sitting room, and cellar, let to Mr. Charles Bliss at £19 per annum., and held on lease from the Dover Harbour Board for 61 years, from the 6th April, 1867, at the ground rent of £4 10s., was bought in at £470.


From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 3 February, 1882. Price 1d.


Sarah Thompson was charged with stealing £5 from George Taylor on the 26th instant.

George Taylor said; I was discharged from the 21st Regiment on the 25th instant, and I received then £20. On the evening of the next day, the 26th, I was in the “Perseverance” public-house, Snargate Street, and was a little the worse for liquor. I saw the prisoner there, and after some time she took me away to her mother's house at 5, Blucher Row. When I went in that house I had £19. It was at about 10 o'clock at night. I stopped in the house about an hour, and when I came out I only had £2 10s. in my pockets. I kept my money in a purse in my trouser's pocket. I did not go to bed with the prisoner. I was drunk. The money was in gold and silver.

By the prisoner: I had been talking to other people before I saw you, but you know I had the money safe when I left the public-house.

The Superintendent said that he should ask for a remand.

The Bench remanded the prisoner at the Police-station till Friday, when it was dismissed.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 14 April, 1882. 1d.


Louisa Gatehouse, an unfortunate, was charged with being drunk and with refusing to quit licensed premises.

James Gregory, the landlord of the “Perseverance” public-house, Snargate Street, said: Yesterday afternoon, from something my wife told me, at about five o'clock I went into the front bar and saw the prisoner in a corner asleep. I woke her up, and asked her to leave the house, but she refused. I then sent for the police, who removed her. There had been three women with the prisoner, and they had had a quart of beer between them. The prisoner used very bad language.

Police-constable Crockford said; At about half-past five o'clock I was on duty in Snargate Street, and from information I received I went to the “Perseverance Inn” and saw the prisoner in the bar using bad language to the landlord. The last witness gave her into custody for refusing to leave the house. The prisoner was drunk.

The prisoner said she only went into the bar for a pint of beer, and then she had been turned out.

The Bench cautioned the prisoner and discharged her.


From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 6 October, 1882. Price 1d.


Agnes Winter, a respectable looking girl of 16 years of age, was brought up and charged with stealing a cash box containing 6s. 6d., a dress, and one gold ring, the property of Mr. Hogben, her employer.

William Henry Hogben said: I keep the “Perseverance” public-house, Snargate Street, but previous to last week I lived at St. Martin's Place. The prisoner has been in my employ for a month as general servant. The cash box produced was kept in the back room on the first floor, and was generally placed on a chest of drawers. Yesterday afternoon at about three o'clock I had occasion to go to the box for change, and I then left it safe with 6s. 6d. in money in it. The damaged box produced is the same, but it was not broken as it is now. It was locked, and I had the key. At about half-past eleven o'clock I went upstairs to put some more cash away, but could not find the box. I made inquiries of those in the house, but they knew nothing about it, and it being so late I did not do anything further then. A ring was also missing, and the one produced is the same. At a quarter to five that evening my wife went upstairs to tea, leaving the prisoner in the bar below with instructions to call as soon as anyone came in. The prisoner served in the bar, but merely had to call when customers entered. In less than five minutes we heard knocking at the bar, and I went down and served, and then found that the prisoner had left the house. She did not return again, although she had given no notice to leave. The value of the ring, box, dress, and money, is in all about £1 9s. This morning I gave information to the police of my loss, and I went with Police-constable Cook to the prisoner's parents' residence at Round Tower Passage. The prisoner, who was in bed, was called downstairs and questioned by the constable, and after a short time admitted taking the articles missing. The mother brought down the dress produced, and asked me if Mr. Hogben had given it to her daughter. The prisoner owned that the amount in the cash box was 6s. 6d. Her mother told me that the prisoner had given her 4s., and paid 6s. for a pair of boots out of her wages. We had not then paid the girl her wages, and I told the parents so. She was to have had 10s. a month, but it is not due till next Monday. The prisoner was then brought to the Police Station by the constable.

Police-sergeant Barton said that he should have to ask for a remand till Monday, as there was another charge against the prisoner for obtaining goods by false pretences from Messrs. Coulthard and Wilson.

The Bench remanded the prisoner till Monday.


From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 6 October, 1882. Price 1d.


Agnes Winter, 16v years of age, was brought up on remand charged with stealing a cash box containing 6. 6d., a gold ring, and a dress, value £1 9d., the property of Mr. Hogben, landlord of the “Perseverance” public-house.

The evidence taken on Saturday was read and confirmed.

Police-constable Cook said: Last Saturday morning, in consequence of information I received I went with witness Hogben to the residence of the prisoner's parents in Round Tower Passage, and saw her mother. I asked her where her daughter was, and she said that she was in bed, and that she would call her. I told the girl when she came down what she would be charged with, and cautioned her in the usual way. The prisoner then admitted that she had stolen the cash box with 6s. 6d., also the ring and dress, and said that she broke open the box with a hammer.

Mr. Hogben, recalled, said: At six o'clock on Saturday morning I went to No. 4, St. Martin's place, my late residence, and found the cash box produced broken as it is now.

The prisoner, on the charge and caution being read to her, pleaded guilty, and said that she would rather be tried summarily than be tried by Jury.

The mother of the prisoner was then called, and in answer to the Bench, gave her daughter an indifferent character, and said that she had a great deal of trouble with her lately.

The Bench said the prisoner had been conducting herself very badly for a long time, and had taken articles from her parent's house, and they would therefore, as she was too old to be sent to a reformatory, sentenced her to two month's imprisonment with hard labour.


From the Dover Express. 1886.


What might have been a serious fire was happily prevented by the promptitude and vigilance of our police fire brigade. About two o'clock on Sunday morning last Mr. Merralls of Weeks & Merralls, drapers, Snargate Street was awakened by police endeavouring to arouse the inmates of the Perseverance public house next door and by the shouts of fire. Finding their own house full of smoke Mr. Merrall's at once aroused Mr. Weeks and their assistants who quickly left the premises. Mr. and Mrs. Gandy kindly sheltered Mrs. Merralls her two children and the young ladies. It was then discovered that there was no one in the Perseverance the landlord having closed the place about eleven o'clock and gone to Kearsney were his wife has been staying in consequence of illness. The fire that had completely destroyed a staircase and done considerable damage to the back premises was speedily subdued by a plentiful supply of water. It can only be said that much praise is due to Constable Danson who first discovered the outbreak. Also to the superintendent and the force generally for the prompt and speedy manner in which they responded to the first call of alarm and which so effectively prevented a more serious conflagration.


Information kindly supplied by Joyce Banks.




PREBBLE Richard Nov 1818-1823

CHAMBERS Joseph 1823-1845 (Slopsmaker and beerhouse)

CHAMBERS (Son of Joseph) 1845-1859

WATSON George 1859-73

GALANTS Elizabeth 1861+ (age 36 in 1861Census)

KEMP Joseph 1862 end Dover Express

BUNN William Jan/1862 Dover Express

MATSON John 1862-63

MATSON George 1864-67+

BOORMAN George 1860's Next pub licensee had

COLE Albert Frederick 1870

WOODROW Edward July/1871+ Dover Express

BANKS Richard 1873

CHATFIELD Thomas 1874 Post Office Directory 1874

ROBINSON George Aug/1874+ Dover Express

Last pub licensee had BLISS Charles Frederick 1876-81 Next pub licensee had (age 36 in 1881Census)

(also beer retailer Northampton Street 1882 Post Office Directory 1882)

GREGORY James 1881-82 Post Office Directory 1882

Last pub licensee had HOGBEN W H Sept/1882-83 Dover Express

MARSH J 1883-Sept/85 Dover Express

GARDLESS F Sept/1885-86 Dover Express (painter, S.E.R. Works, Ashford)

Name changed to "Avenue".


Post Office Directory 1874From the Post Office Directory 1874

Post Office Directory 1882From the Post Office Directory 1882

Dover ExpressFrom the Dover Express



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
