Sort file:- Dover, September, 2021.

Page Updated:- Wednesday, 29 September, 2021.

PUB LIST PUBLIC HOUSES Barry Smith and Paul Skelton

Earliest 1863-

Prince of Wales

Latest 1873

(Name to)

238 London Road

Buckland Road



The buildings in that area were constructed in 1860.


From an email received 23 November 2013.

Living at 237 London Road I have seen the deeds for the house and next door from the "Sportsman" pub.

We were built in 1860. Mine was supposed to be the dairy and there was a brick well in the basement with a lead pipe up to a hand pump in the yard.

Next door was the bakery with a full size cast iron oven in the front basement.

Duncan Gill.


Edmund Ashdown secured the spirit licence here in 1863 and was still there ten years later when some confusion existed.


From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 12 September, 1863.


A spirit license was granted to Edmund Ashdown, of the "Prince of Wales," Buckland Road.


From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 19 March, 1864.


Maurice Forrie, a private of the 78th Highlanders, was charged with maliciously breaking a window at the "Prince of Wales" public-house, Buckland, and assaulting police-constable McKee and Corrie. In default of paying a fine, the prisoner was committed for a month for the wilful damage and a month for the assault.


From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 31 August, 1866.


Charles John Smith, the soldier remanded from Saturday on a charge of burglariously entering the "Prince of Wales" public house, at Buckland, and stealing two gallon bottles containing spirits, was again placed at the bar.

Mr. Edmund Ashdown said he was the landlord of the "Prince of Wales." On Saturday morning last, at half-past five o'clock, he was called up by his next door neighbour, Mr. Austin, and in consequence of what he told him he dressed himself and went down stairs, when he found that the house had been entered at the back, the door parting the living room from the bar having been broken open. In consequence of what was further said to him by Mr. Austin, he went after prisoner, and found him near George Street, about 150 yards from the house. The prisoner was apparently asleep, with the two bottles now produced close behind him. Witness waited near him until the police came, and he was taken into custody. The bottles belonged to witness, and he had last seen them in the bar the previous night, about eleven o'clock, before going to bed. On examining the house in company with police-sergeant Johnson he found that it had been entered by the rear. The yard of the house communicated with a passage which was approached from the street.

Corroborative evidence was given by a witness named Denne, and it appeared at this stage that the evidence of some witnesses who were not then in attendance would be necessary, the prisoner was remanded till the following day.


Charles John Smith, the artilleryman remanded from the previous day, on a charge of burglariously entering the "Prince of Wales Inn," at Buckland, and stealing two bottles containing spirits, was again placed at the bar, and the following additional evidence was adduced.

George Austen: I am a cellar-man in the employ of Mr. J. Lukey, and I live next door to the "Prince of Wales," Buckland. The two houses have a common staircase. On Saturday morning last, about twenty minutes to five o'clock, I was aroused by a noise downstairs, and on going down and looking about, I saw Mr. Ashdown's window open. I thought the noise I had heard had been occasioned by the servant doing her work, and I went back to my bedroom. I had been there about a quarter of an hour, when Mr. Denne, a neighbour, called out at the bottom of the stairs that there was someone in the house. I then ran downstairs and went through Mr. Ashdown's parlour, when I saw a pair of military gloves lying on the table. Those produced are the same. I then went into the bar, where I saw that the till had been broken open. A pair of compasses was lying over it, and a razor on the shelf opposite was broken to pieces. I then asked Mr. Denne some questions, and in consequence of what he told me I called Mr. Ashdown, when we all went in pursuit, and found the prisoner opposite the "Green Man," in Erith Street. He was leaning against the house, sleeping, with the two large bottles produced by his side.

John Harding: I am acting pay sergeant of No. 4 Battery, 13th Brigade, Royal Artillery. The prisoner's regimental number is 1433. The gloves produced were issued to him on the 17th of last month. They were numbered in mistake 1434.

By prisoner: I sent your name in for the gloves. The Quarter-master Sergeant issued them, and I saw you with them afterwards.

Police-sergeant James Johnson deposed to apprehend the prisoner in Erith Street, drunk, and asleep, and with the bottles at his feet, early on Saturday morning. He afterwards made an examination of Mr. Ashdown's house. In the garden he found marks of footsteps where some person had got over the wall. The sitting-room window, which communicated with the yard, was thrown open. A door leading from the sitting room into the bar had been forced open with some sharp instrument. The till in the bar had also been forced with some sharp pointed instrument; and a pair of compasses and a razor had been removed from the place where they had been left the previous night. The marks on the side and the top of the drawer corresponded with the compasses. On getting the prisoner to the station house witness searched him, when he found upon him 1s. 9d. in coppers, two three-penny pieces in silver, and an old farthing of George II.

Mr. Ashdown: That farthing has been in my drawer for a twelve month.

Johnson: The same morning I saw the prisoner about 300 yards from the "Prince of Wales." He was then sober and was walking towards the house.

This being the whole of the evidence, the prisoner was cautioned in the usual way; but he had nothing to say in his defence, and was committed for trial at the next Maidstone Assizes.



This pub eventually changed name to the "Fountain" in 1873 as another pub with the same sign was close by at Shooters Hill. The motif suggests Whitbread but the wording over the door could denote a shared house with Fremlin.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 5 September, 1873.


The Justices then proceeded to renew ale-house, beer-house, and spirit licenses for the ensuing year, the licensees answering to their names as called by the clerk, Mr. Stillwell, and proceeding to the outer hall, where they obtained their licenses.

There were, it seemed, two licensed houses in the parish of Buckland bearing the name of the “Prince of Wales,” and the tenant of the house originally having the sign was permitted to retain it, Mr. Ashdown, the occupier of the other, (Prince of Wales, George Street) consented to substitute, “The Fountain,” or some other sign which would secure distinction.




ASHDOWN Edmund 1863-73 Next pub licensee had

To The "Fountain."


Dover ExpressFrom the Dover Express


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-