Sort file:- Ramsgate, August, 2022.

Page Updated:- Wednesday, 03 August, 2022.


Earliest 1938

Duke of Kent

Latest 1967+

(Name to)

98 King Street


Duke of Kent 1960s

Above photo 1960s, kindly sent by Michael Mirams.

Duke of Kent dart team 1967

Dart team winners 1967, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

The Duke of Kent had a double victory to celebrate on Monday, when its darts players won two trophies in the Allbright Darts Competition, held at the Supreme Ballroom. They won the team trophy and their captain, F. Davey, captured the singles trophy, by beating J. Sullivan of the Horse and Groom, Ramsgate. In the final of the pairs championship, all four players were from the Horse and Groom. H. Peebles and C. Twyman defeated J. Sullivan and T. McKeown. Trophies were presented by Mr DJ Martin-Tomson of Mssrs. Tomson and Wotton's Brewery." The missing bit of caption IDs the players.


Also known as "Cobblers," "Swiss Cottage," and "Kent's," but unfortunately not when as yet. Now known as "Brace's" I believe, which is also possibly closed.

Steve Willy states:- As a child I lived at 97 for a while and can still remember listening to the organ music from the "Duke of Kent" (and fights) opposite. The "Earl of Vincent" next door had a large aviary in the yard at the rear of the pub which contained a different variety of birds. My Grandmother used to have holidaymakers during the summer and they loved hearing the birds in the morning whilst washing in the yard at No. 97, yes all the men folk had their hot water taken out in a metal basin where they washed and shaved outside. They seemed to love it!


Thanet Advertiser, Tuesday 06 December 1938.


Following a precedent established by two former events of a similar kind. Messrs. Tomson and Wotton, Ltd, offered premiums for three prize-winning designs for each of their two new inns the "Duke of Kent," King Street, Ramsgate and the "Rose Inn," Albion Street, Broadstairs.

The competition was limited to students of the East Kent Arts Schools. Fourteen designs were submitted and the honours were scooped by the Sidney Cooper School of Art, Canterbury. Miss Fay Treeley and Mr. Graham Miles in collaboration secured first place for the "Duke of Kent" with Mr. Peter Rhodes second and Miss Joyce Foreman were first, second and third respectively in the competition for the "Rose Inn."

Both designs, which it is proposed should be extended actually at the Sidney Cooper School of Art, will be carried out largely in metal. That for the "Duke of Kent" will be of the hanging kind, erected externally, a boldly conceived mounted figure in Norman costume.

At the "Rose Inn" the device which is an appropriately formalized gilt flower will be placed inside in a niche above the bar fireplace and will incorporate a brief inscription dealing with the interesting history of the house.

The director of Messrs. Tomson and Wotton declared themselves extremely pleased with the result of the competition and highly amused by the ingenuity of some of the less fortunate competitors all of those design reached high standard.


From the Thanet Advertiser, Friday 10 February 1939.

BARS BANNED. Greater facilities at Ramsgate hotels.

The bench also dealt with a number of minor applications.

Mr. T. Hoppit made application on behalf of the "George and Dragon," "York Tavern," "Crown Inn" and "King's Arms" for music licences to enable radio receivers to be operated.

These four granted together with similar applications made by Mr. J. H. Robinson in respect of the "Racing Greyhound," "Windmill," and "Duke of Kent."



WRIGHTSON A L 1939-51+

GEORGE S W 1953-55+

GROSE H A 1957+

GROSE Gus 1968


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
