Sort file:- Ramsgate, September, 2024.

Page Updated:- Tuesday, 03 September, 2024.


Earliest 1828-

George and Dragon

Closed 2009

31 Cavendish Street/George Street


George and Dragon George and Dragon sign

Above photos by Paul Skelton 21 July 2012.

George and Dragon sign 1986

Above sign October 1986.

George and Dragon sign 1991

Above sign October 1991

George and Dragon sign 1991

Above sign October 1991 with thanks from Brian Curtis


According to Michael David Mirams in his 1987 book titled "Kent Inns and Inn Signs" he says the original pub stood at the junction of the High Street and George Place, but being an obstruction to traffic was removed in the 1840s. The present pub was built at the corner of Cavendish Street and the last tenant of the old house, Sarah Carver, took her jugs and bottles up the road to become the first licensee of the "New Inn."

I am also informed by him that the pub closed in 2009 and is now a residential property.


From the Kentish Gazette 1 May 1838.


April 24, at Ramsgate, Mr. Staner, to Mary, second daughter of the late Mr. B. Carver, of the "George and Dragon.


From the Kentish Chronicle 22, October 1859.

Old Anchor. Ramsgate.

There is to be seen at Mr. F. Elcomb's, "George and Dragon Inn," Cavendish-street, an anchor completely corroded from having been in the sea, it is supposed, for upwards of 50 years. It was picked up by two mechanics who were fishing for whitings about two miles from the Royal Harbour. On raising their anchor in order to return to shore they found it very heavy, and on getting it alongside perceived they had hooked the above-named article, which they got into their boat and deposited it as above, where it may be seen.


From the Kentish Chronicle, 17 December 1859.


Thomas Sims, Charles Harfield, and Frederick Von Saltzen, were charged with committing wilful damage to three ounces of vermillion and a china ornament, belonging to Frederick Elcombe, of the "George and Dragon Inn," respectively valued at 2s. and 6d. The whole of the prisoners pleaded guilty, and were fined 1s. and costs 7s. 6d. each.

Money paid.


Thanet Advertiser 17 December 1859.


(Before Major-General Williams; H. Benson, G. E. Hannan, and A. Crofton, Esqs.; and Sir Moses Mountifore, Bart.)

Thomas Sims and Charles Harfield were charged with wilfully destroying three ounces of vermilion, value 2s, the property of Frederirk Elcomb, of the "George and Dragon Inn," on the 11th instant. Both of the prisoners pleaded guilty.

It appeared from the statement of William Newport that on the evening in question, he was at the "George and Dragon," between eight and nine o'clock, and was in the absence of the complainant serving customers. The prisoner with others came in and asked to have a room to themselves; this request was complied with, and they were served with half-a-pint of rum and some wine negus; after staying a time they left. Newport noticed as they left that they looked down, which created suspicion on his part and occasioned him to go to the room they had just left, where he found the gas out and confusion reigning around; the vermilion daubed all over the place, and oil scattered in every direction. Adding insult to injury they were also also guilty of committing an indecency in the fire-place. Newport and Elcomb (who had in the interim come in) followed the prisoners, and they being identified were given into custody.

General Williams commented upon the disgusting conduct of the prisoners and ordered them each to pay 1s. fine, and 7s. 6d. costs. The money was paid.


South Eastern Gazette, 21 February, 1860.

County Court.

This court was held on Tuesday last, at the Town-hall, before Charles Harwood, Esq. About thirty plaints had been issued.

Elcomb v. Allen.

This was a claim for 15s. for work and labour done. It appeared that the plaintiff, who is landlord of the "George and Dragon," and a celebrated letter-writer, was employed by the defendant, a draper in King-street, to write a board for him to affix on the front of his house. After bestowing much time upon the preparation of it, it blistered, and plaintiff suggested to defendant the propriety of its being new canvassed, upon which he said he would not have it done at all, and the board was removed from plaintiff's premises without his knowledge. Defendant contended that the board was rendered unfit for its purposes by the plaintiff allowing it to remain exposed for a length of time during the summer to the heat and rain, and that he had employed another person to finish it at a cost to him of £2 5s.

His Honour was of opinion that defendant ought not to have removed the board without plaintiffs knowledge, and payment must be made forthwith.


From the Kentish Chronicle, 25 February, 1860.


This court was held on Tuesday last, at the Town Hall, before Charles Harwood, Esq. About thirty plaints had been issued.

Elcomb v. Allen.

This was a claim for 15s. for work and labour done. It appeared that the plaintiff who is landlord of the "George and Dragon," and a celebrated letter-writer, was employed by the defendant, a draper in King Street, to write a board for him to affix on the front of his house. After bestowing much time and the preparation of it, it blistered, and plaintiff suggested the defendant the propriety of its being new canvassed, upon which he said he would not have it done at all, and the board was rendered unfit for its purpose by the plaintiff allowing it to remain exposed for a length of time during the summer to the heat and rain, and that he had employed another person to finish it at a cost to him of £2 5s.

His honour was of opinion that defendant ought not to have removed the board without plaintiff's knowledge, and payment must be made forthwith.


From the Kentish Chronicle and General Advertiser, 23 November, 1861. Price 1 1/2d.

William Newport, landlord of the “George and Dragon,” was charged with having on Sunday, the 10th instant, opened his house for the sale of beer before half-past 12 o clock.

Defendant pleaded guilty.

Fined 10s. and costs 10s.

Money paid.


Kentish Gazette, 15 February, 1870.

Police Court, Saturday.

Before Sir W. M Coghlan, K.C.B., and Major Wilkie. Sarah Walker was charged with stealing a sheet, of the value of 6s., the property of her master, Mr. J. O. Eve, landlord of the “George and Dragon Inn.” From the evidence of Mrs. Eve, it appeared that she had missed various things from time to time. She was informed by the boy in their employ that there were a quantity of pawn tickets under prisoner's bed. This aroused her suspicions, and taking one of the tickets to Mr. Coachman’s, a pawnbroker living in the High-street, she was shown a sheet which she identified as her husband's property. A widow named Mutton proved pawning the sheet at the prisoner’s request. Prisoner on being cautioned in the usual way pleaded “Guilty,” and was sentenced to one month's imprisonment at Sandwich, with hard labour. There was a second charge against the prisoner, but it was withdrawn upon her consenting to give up to Mr. Eve the pawnbroker's duplicates, in her possession, of his property which she had pledged.


Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, 14 May 1870.


Mr. Brennan, under sheriff of this county, held a court at the "George and Dragon Hotel," last week, assisted by a jury, for the purpose of ascertaining the value of the effects of Mr. J. F. Heatley, the late collector of customs. In the course of the evidence taken, it appeared that the Customs Mutual Guarantee Society had guaranteed the Crown against all loss which would otherwise accrue, in consequence of the misappropriation of money by the defendant; but the Society would not pay until it was satisfied that the authorities had taken steps to obtain the full value of his effects. lt was rumoured that Mr. Heatley had been in possession of some property in Ireland; but Mr. Ayres, the present collector of customs, stated that Mrs. Heatley denied that this was the case, the property having been sold, some time since, at half its original cost. Mr. H. Laslett, auctioneer, having stated that he had made an inventory of the defendant’s possessions, and had found them to be of the value of £67 15s., the jury returned a verdict in substantiation of this statement.


Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, Saturday 5 March 1881.

Ramsgate. Licensed Victuallers' Dinner.

On Wednesday evening the Ramsgate, St. Lawrence, Broadstairs, and St. Peter's Licensed Victuallers Protection Society annual dinner was held at the "George and Dragon Hotel," under the presidency of Mr. E. F. Davies.

The usual toasts were duly honoured.


Thanet Advertiser of 26 September 1891.


John Stubbles was charged with being drunk on licensed premises and pleaded guilty.

P.C Port said that on Wednesday, 9th inst., he was on duty in George-street, and saw defendant in the "George and Dragon" public-house, kept by John Woodhurst. He was very drunk and accompanied by a man who had already been summoned.

Defendant expressed his sorrow for his past offence.

Fined 1s. and 10s. coats, or seven days.


From the Thanet Advertiser, Friday 10 February 1939.

BARS BANNED. Greater facilities at Ramsgate hotels.

The bench also dealt with a number of minor applications.

Mr. T. Hoppit made application on behalf of the "George and Dragon," "York Tavern," "Crown Inn" and "King's Arms" for music licences to enable radio receivers to be operated.

These four granted together with similar applications made by Mr. J. H. Robinson in respect of the "Racing Greyhound," "Windmill," and "Duke of Kent."


East Kent Times and Mail, Wednesday 17 April 1968.

Broadstairs landlord is champion.

First winner of the new Thomson and Wotton Albright landlords darts competition is Norman Ette, mine host of the "Lord Nelson," Broadstairs.

In the brewery clubroom at Ramsgate last Wednesday he beat Charlie Green, of the "George and Dragon," Ramsgate, in two straight legs.

Playing consistently well, Ette deserved his victories in the semi-final he eliminated Alf Wrightson, of the "Camden Arms," Ramsgate by a similar margin.

In his semi-final, Green lost firstly by a big margin but came back to win the next two legs and accomplished the surprise defeat of V. Brown of the "Wheatsheaf," Ash.


From an email received on 17 September, 2012

My friend and his father used to run this pub, from about the late 1960's but I don't know when to, perhaps the early 1990's (?)

Before that, his father ran a pub called: "The Grapes" in North London but when a new housing estate was built, the pub was demolished and so they moved to Ramsgate.

Their surname was Green and my friend's name was Geoff and, when his father died, I believe he took over running the "George and Dragon."

Unfortunately, the last time I visited Geoff was in the mid to late 1980's but, when I tried to get in touch with him some years later, I was told he'd given up the pub and I lost contact with him.

If anyone knows what happened to Geoff Green, I'd be most grateful to find out.


Tony Alston.

Milton Keynes.


From an email received on 29 May, 2013


I've just seen the above email on your website.

My maiden name was Louise Green. My dad Keith was Geoff's brother.

Sadly my uncle Geoff passed away from cancer in 2001 and my dad Keith also died of cancer in 2005.

My Nan and Grandad, Edna and Charlie Green ran The "George and Dragon" with Geoff up until 1974 when my dad and mum Linda took it over. I was 3 at the time and my brother Andrew was 2. Geoff still lived in the pub and worked there with my mum and dad until the mid 1980's.

Louise Parkin (nee Green)




CARVER B 1818-38+

CARVER Sarah & Susannah 1839+

CARVER Sarah 1826-51 Next pub licensee had (age 56 in 1851Census) Pigot's Directory 1828-29Pigot's Directory 1832-34

New building

FENWICK Isaac 1858+

ELCOMBE Frederick 1859-60+

NEWPORT William 1861-62+ (also Painter & House Decorator age 28 in 1861Census)

EVE John Overy 1867-70+

EVE Louise 1871+ (age 33 in 1871Census)

CHURCH Sidney Frederick 1881-82+ (age 26 in 1881Census)

WOODHURST John 1890-91+ (widower age 64 in 1891Census)

MOYES James S 1901-03+

HIEATT Alexander John 1907-34+

LEWIS Harold F 1934+

SIMMONDS Harry 1938-39+

BODDINGTON Horace A 1951+

FRASER John Alfred 1953-55+

DARBY A G 1957+

GREEN Edna & Charlie 1968-74

GREEN Kieth & Linda 1974-mid 80s+


Pigot's Directory 1828-29From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29

Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
