Sort file:- Broadstairs, October, 2024.

Page Updated:- Tuesday, 15 October, 2024.


Earliest 1792-

(Name from)

Rose Inn

Closed 2014

(Name to)

13 Albion Street


Rose 1960s

Above photo, 1960s, kindly sent by Michael Mirams.

Rose 2012

Photo taken 23 August 2012 from by Jelltex.


Above photo date unknown kindly taken and sent by Brian Brockie.

Rose 2013

Above photo,2013, by Fergy Campbell.

Rose sign 1994

Above sign October 1991.

With thanks from Brian Curtis


The "Rose Inn" was operating by 1796 but the original building was demolished around 1937 and rebuilt in 1957. In the bar are the name-plates from the Northern Belle, an American cargo ship wrecked off the North Foreland in 1857. The crew were hauled to safety aboard the two Broadstairs lifeboats which came to the rescue, and it is the lifeboat crews' names that are inscribed on the plates.

At some time during it's existence I believe this was also known as "Taylors" but local knowledge needed about this one before I give it its own page.

I have been informed by Michael Mirams that the pub closed in 2014 and is currently being converted into a residential premises. However, this seems to have fallen through and in 2019 it appears to have opened as a pub again, called "Reign."


Kentish Gazette. Tuesday 1 May 1792.

For Account of the Underwriters. Sale by Auction.

At the "Rose inn," in Broadstairs, on Tuesday the 8th of May, 1792, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon.

The Hull of the Swedish Galliot Eenigheten, burthen 100 tons, as she lays in Broadstairs Pier. And immediately after the sale of the vessel will be sold in separate lots, all her rigging and stores, which might be viewed by appointments at Messrs. Austin and Blackburn, at Ramsgate, or of Capt. Andres Sandberg at Broadstairs.


Kentish Weekly Post or Canterbury Journal. Tuesday 6 January 1795.

For Benefits of the Underwriters.

To be sold by auction, at the "Rose Inn" in Broadstairs on Wednesday the 14th instant at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, the cargo of the Brigantine Emmanuel, Frederic Moldrup, master (stranded near Broadstairs, on a voyage from Magadore to Amsterdam) consisting of the following goods; part of which have been damaged by salt water.

425 Serrone, Barbury Gum Senega

77 Casks ditto.

14 Casks gum Sandrake

160 Serrons of bitter and sweet Almonds

A quantity of Granate Peel

2500 Goat skins

Also the said Brigantine Emmanuel, burden about 120 tons; as she now lays in Broadstairs Pier.

And afterwards will be sold in separate lots; all her anchors, cables, sails and other materials.

At the same time and place will be sold 6 hogsheads of raw sugar, laying in a warehouse at Ramsgate.

These goods may be viewed the day preceding, and on the day of sale, by applying to Messr's. Austen and Blackburn, at

Ramsgate, or Mr. Thomas Elgar, at Broadstairs.


Kentish Gazette. Friday 3 April 1795.


To be sold by auction, on Friday the 17th of April instant, at the "Rose Inn," Broadstairs, (unless before disposed off by private contract, of which timely notice will be given.)

All that freehold messuage or tenement, together with outhouses, garden, carpenter's shop &c., &c., belong to Mr. Robert Covell, of Broadstairs, very advantageously situated there, and in the occupation of the said Robert Cavall.

For particulars apply to R. Collard, auctioneer, Broadstairs.


From the Kentish Gazette, 5 October 1810.

Coroner's Inquest.

On Tuesday an inquest was held at the "Rose Inn," Broadstairs, on the body of John Hawkins, a journeyman carpenter at Reading-street, in the parish of St. Peter's, Thanet, who cut his throat on Monday morning in an outbuilding adjoining his own premises, and was found dead by his wife a short time after; the evidence of several witnesses being taken on the occasion, the Jury returned a verdict of Lunacy; the poor man having been in a low slate of mind for some time.


From the Kentish Gazette, 9 October 1810.

Coroner’s Inquest.

On Tuesday an Inquest was held at the "Rose Inn," Broadstairs, on the body of John Hankins, a journeyman carpenter at Reading-street, in the parish of St. Peter’s, Thanet, who cut his throat on Monday morning preceding, in an outbuilding adjoining his own premises, and was found dead by his wife a short time after; the evidence of several witnesses being taken on the occasion, the Jury returned a verdict of Lunacy; the poor man having been in a low state of mind for some time.


Kentish Gazette, 10 August 1847.

ELIGIBLE INVESTMENT. VALUABLE FREEHOLD ESTATES, AT BROADSTAIRS, Consisting of an old-established Brewery, a Public House, and Livery Yard, TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION By Mr. R. JENKINS, AT the "Albion Hotel," RAMSGATE, on MONDAY, the 23d day of AUGUST. 1847, at One o’clock in the afternoon precisely, in Two Lots.

The above Estates produce an annual rental of £105, and are worthy the attention of Capitalists, or of a Brewer desirous of establishing himself in an extensive and profitable business.

Lot 1:— The complete BREWERY PREMISES, in which is carried on a considerable and increasing business, are capacious and enclosed within a court-yard, with sheds, lodges, store-lofts, large store-cellars, well-house, and every suitable office and capability for extensive public and private trade, being let on lease of 7, 14, or 21 years, from 2nd February, 1843. to Mr G. L. Hale, at £40 rent.

Lot 2:— The ROSE INN, commanding an extensive trade, and most eligibly situate, and also let on lease to Mr. Hale, for 7, 14, or 21 years, from Michaelmas, 1843, at £40 rent.

And the ROSE INN LIVERY YARD, adjoining, containing 22 stalls, 5 double coach-houses, granary, harness-room, ostry, well of excellent spring water, large rain-water tank and pump, in the occupation of Mr. Hill, as yearly tenant, at £25 rent.

Further Particulars, and Conditions of Sale, may be had of Messrs. Daniel, Solicitors, Ramsgate, and of the Auctioneer, 50, Hawley Square, Margate.


South Eastern Gazette, Tuesday 26 April 1864.


On Wednesday evening last the members of the Artillery Corps, under the command of Lieut. Cramp, and accompanied by the band, left here by the Kent Coast Railway for Broadstairs, where, after a public meeting at the "Rose Inn," they gained eight recruits, and it is fully expected that ere long, enough will be obtained to form a subdivision for that place.


Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, 28 May 1870.


Frederick Penfold, aged 19, hawker, of London, was charged with stealing three bagatelle balls, of the value of 7s. 6d., the property of Henry Hills, of the "Rose Inn," Broadstairs.

The prosecutor deposed to missing three of his bagatelle balls on Friday.

Instructing-constable Hoad (No. 102) swore that he ascertained that the three balls had been offered for sale to a Mr. Jonas, in Ramsgate, and that, on apprehending the prisoner, he admitted to him that he stole them, and offered them to Jones for 1s. 6d. Jones, however, refused to give that amount, and he ultimately sold them to a hawking Jew for 1s.

Thomas Hobday, a labourer, of Broadstairs, deposed that he saw the prisoner at the "Rose" on the Friday; and John Jones, of 108, King-street, Ramsgate, stated that the prisoner went to his shop on Friday night and offered three bagatelle balls for sale, but he did not purchase them. A lodger of his father’s bought them afterwards and he had since seen them in his possession.

The prisoner pleaded guilty; and the Bench sentenced him to one month’s imprisonment with hard labour.


Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, 28 May 1870.


On Friday Afternoon Mr. Coroner Payn, of Dover, held an inquest at the "Rose Inn," on the body of Thomas Holbourn, a boatman, of Thanet-road, Broadstairs, whose death occurred on the previous day, under the following circumstances:—

Solomon Holbourn, the deceased’s brother, said: The deceased was 36 years of age in August. I last saw him alive at half-past 10 yesterday morning. At that time he was lying in bed, with his throat cut and two stabs in his stomach. On the previous evening I saw his wife, and she told me to make haste to her house, as her husband had cut his throat. On arriving at the house I found that he was lying on the floor, and that he had cut his throat. On assisting in placing him on the bed I found that he was stabbed in two other places. He died at about noon on Thursday. He received an injury to his head 14 or 15 years since, and was always greatly affected after partaking of a small quantity of drink. I never hear him threaten to commit suicide.

Jane Wales said: I am the wife of William Wales, a boatman in this place. I was sitting in my kitchen, which adjoins the deceased's house, on Wednesday evening, when I heard a fall, a man groaning, and a woman crying. I hastened to see what was the matter, and I met the deceased’s wife, who said, "Oh! come and see what’s the matter." I went into the house, and, on going upstairs, I saw the deceased on the floor, and some blood near him. I then called assistance, and two men were soon in attendance—one named Long and the other Batten—and they immediately afterwards went upstairs. I had not heard any quarrelling in the house. The deceased, so far as I am aware, was a steady man I do not know whether he was insane. I believe he and his wife lived happily together.

Richard Lang said: At about 9 o’clock on Wednesday evening I heard of this occurrence, and then went to the deceased’s house. On going into his bedroom I found him lying on the floor, and on his left side. He was dressed at the time. While I was tying a handkerchief round his throat, Batten called my attention to a clasp knife which was sticking in his (the deceased’s) stomach. We immediately pulled it out, and Mr. Raven arrived at the house shortly afterwards. I left the deceased about ten o’clock the same evening.

Mr. Raven, surgeon, of Broadstairs, said: I was called upon shortly after nine o’clock on Wednesday evening to attend the deceased. On going into his bed-room, I saw that he was in a very exhausted state, and that he was suffering from a wound in the throat, partially dividing the wind-pipe, and two wounds in this belly, just below the navel. I rendered the necessary surgical aid, and continued to attend him up to within a short time of his death, which took place at about half-past twelve on Thursday. He did not make any statement relative to the occurrence. I have no knowledge that he has been insane; and I do not know anything personally about his habits. He died from the wounds he had received. I think he had some medicine from our surgery on the Wednesday evening; and that he made a complaint with regard to his head.

The Coroner having briefly addressed the jury, the following verdict was recorded:— "That Thomas Holbourn died of injuries inflicted by himself while in a state of temporary insanity."


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, 15 January, 1909.


The licence of the "Rose Inn," Broadstairs, was temporarily transferred  to Mr. Holness, who some years ago kept the "Swan Hotel," Dover. (He kept the pub in 1901.)


Thanet Advertiser, Friday 22 May 1936.


The Cinque Ports magistrates, at Margate, on Monday, granted the application made by Mr. A. J. Pepin, licensee of the "Rose Inn," Broadstairs, on behalf of 22 licences at Broadstairs and St. Peters for an hour's extension of the permitted hours on Whit-Saturday and Monday, 30th May and 1st June respectively.

A similar privilege was granted to the licensee of the "Royal Albion Hotel," Broadstairs.


Thanet Advertiser, Friday 19 March 1937.


Transforming the Rose. Fragment of Broadstairs history.

Broadstairs can claim many famous historical associations but few go further back than the "Rose Inn," Albion Street, which is shortly to be completely demolished to make room for a fine modern building.
Like most old buildings the "Rose Inn" has been added to from time to time but the original portion, which stands back on the forecourt from Albion Street, was certainly in existence in 1674 when Charles II was King of England. In those days it was owned by Daniel Culmer, mariner.

The Culmer family owned large estates at Broadstairs in the sixteenth and seventeenth George, was responsible for building York Gate in 1540. In the 17th century Broadstairs presented a very different picture from what it does today. The rear portion of the "Rose Inn" and Albion cottages, at the rear of Albion Street, which are now being demolished, form the building line and there was no property between these ages and the sea.

Then came the days of unrestricted building and houses were erected without any consideration of space or hemming in a number of other properties.

Under a will dated 1689 the building now known as the "Rose Inn" passed from Thomas Bax to John Bax - another famous Broadstairs family - and it is interesting to note that at this time Ramsgate was described as "Romansgate." In 1729 the building was known as the "Sun" and comprised orchards, stables, storehouse and herring-houses. Between the date and 1800 the "Sun" gave place to the "Rose," and it passed into the possession of John Abbott, brewer - the first intimation that the "Rose" was a place of refreshment. In 1827 it was owned by William Payton, brewer, maltster and innkeeper.

Where the council met.

At about the middle of the 19th century the "Rose" was enlarged and that part of the property which has a frontage to Albion Street was created. This was described as the "Club Room," and was used for various purposes, including meetings of the Council. Sunsequently a passage was erected joining the Club Room with the old building, thereby giving it it's "L" shape.

In the year 1884 the lease of the "Rose" passed from H. Osborne and Mrs. Osborne to Messrs. Thompson and Wotton, present owners.

When the original part of the "Rose Inn" and Albion cottages, adjoining, was built has not been established, but it must be well over 300 years ago. The walls, of flint and brick are 14 inches thick, and appear to have been fashioned of timber. The arched beams bear the bolt holes giving the clue to their earlier use and in most cases these holes have been plugged. In the main the wood is in as perfect a state of preservation as the day the property was built. The central beams are ten inches square and of tremendous strength and weight.

Two fine examples of spun glass appear in the door of Albion cottages, which now belong to Mr. E. French, and some interesting tiles have been unearthed in the course of demolition.

The erection of the new "Rose Inn" by Messrs. Thompson and Wotton will affect a considerable improvement in the appearance of Albion Street. It will be set well back and will be of semicircular design.

To many visitors the "Rose" in is known as the "Inn with the Jug." The old china jug - minus the bottom - once stood above the entrance to the house for many years and has been subject of considerable speculation. The jug was selvedge by Broadstairs boatman some 70 years ago from a boat which was wrecked on the Goodwin Sands. It was sold by one of the boatman to the father of Mr. Henry Bing, who carried on trade as a boot repairer in Albion Street, and in turn sold it the then licensee of the "Rose."


Thanet Advertiser, Tuesday 06 December 1938.


Following a precedent established by two former events of a similar kind. Messrs. Tomson and Wotton, Ltd, offered premiums for three prize-winning designs for each of their two new inns the "Duke of Kent," King Street, Ramsgate and the "Rose Inn," Albion Street, Broadstairs.

The competition was limited to students of the East Kent Arts Schools. Fourteen designs were submitted and the honours were scooped by the Sidney Cooper School of Art, Canterbury. Miss Fay Treeley and Mr. Graham Miles in collaboration secured first place for the "Duke of Kent" with Mr. Peter Rhodes second and Miss Joyce Foreman were first, second and third respectively in the competition for the "Rose Inn."

Both designs, which it is proposed should be extended actually at the Sidney Cooper School of Art, will be carried out largely in metal. That for the "Duke of Kent" will be of the hanging kind, erected externally, a boldly conceived mounted figure in Norman costume.

At the "Rose Inn" the device which is an appropriately formalized gilt flower will be placed inside in a niche above the bar fireplace and will incorporate a brief inscription dealing with the interesting history of the house.

The director of Messrs. Tomson and Wotton declared themselves extremely pleased with the result of the competition and highly amused by the ingenuity of some of the less fortunate competitors all of those design reached high standard.



ABBOTT John pre 1800 (also brewer)

PATON Mr 1814+ Kentish Gazette

FIDLER James 1826-28+ Pigot's Directory 1828-29

PILCHER Edmund 1832-39+ Pigot's Directory 1832-34

STOCK Benjamin 1839-41+ (age 27 in 1841Census)

HILLS Henry 1847-74+ (widower also fly proprietor age 55 in 1871Census) Whitstable Times

SNELLING Mary B 1881+ (age 61 in 1881Census)

FLOWER John Robert 1890-91+ (age 28 in 1891Census)

WILLIAMS Richard Frederick 1899-1903+ (age 36 in 1901Census) Kelly's 1903

Last pub licensee had HOLNESS Richard W 1909+

SCOTCHER Richard Thomas 1913-22+

Last pub licensee had PEPIN Albert John 1934-55+


Pigot's Directory 1828-29From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29

Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34

Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903

Whitstable TimesWhitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald


Kentish GazetteKentish Gazette


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
