Sort file:- Margate, November, 2024.

Page Updated:- Saturday, 16 November, 2024.


Earliest 1792-

Duke's Head Hotel

Latest 1878

(Name to)

1 Bankside (Cold Harbour)


Duke's Head Hotel

Both pictures also showing the "Ship Hotel" on the right.

Duke's Head Hotel and Ship Inn

Above photo date unknown.


Traced back as far as the early 1870s to date but in 1985 the premises was rebuilt and I am informed that it is now three flats.

According to Barry J White the premises combined with the "Pier Hotel" in 1878 to become the "Grand Hotel."


Kentish Chronicles, 22 April, 1794.


Wednesday died at Margate, Mr. William Adams, many years master of the "Duke's Head," at that place.


Kentish Gazette 5 February 1819.


Jan 30, at Margate, Mrs. M'Adams, of the "Duke's Head" public house there.


Kentish Gazette 23 February 1819.


All persons to whom Elizabeth MacAdams, late of the "Duke's Head Inn," in Margate, widow, deceased, stood indebted at the time of her deceased, are requested to send the amount and particulars of their debts showing to them respectively, to Mr. Dering, solicitor, Margate, on all before Monday next, in order to an arrangement for the immediate settlement of the affairs of the deceased.

Margate, Feb 22, 1819.


Field, Saturday, 8 September 1855.

Margate Second Regatta.

The aquatic spirits at this present watering place are actively engaged in making preparations for a regatta to come off on the 18th inst. A meeting of gentlemen forming the committee was held on Wednesday evening last at the "Duke's Head Tavern," in Margate, Mr. Caviller in the chair. There were also in attendance several visitors at Margate, and amongst them Mr. C. F. Chubb, Commodore of the Anglesey and Secretary of the Prince of Wales Yacht Clubs and G. H. Oliver, Esq., ff the Royal London Yacht Club. The preliminary arrangements were made with regard to the matches and other sports; but, as the subscriptions list will not be closed for some days, the value of the prizes has not been fully decided upon. The following is an outline of the program as proposed:-

A match for yachts of 15 tons and under, for a prize of about 20 guineas, with £5 5s. for the second yacht.

A by-match for yawls.

Matches for suitable prizes for the spritsails, punts, and other vessels belonging to the locality.

Also, matches for galleys and amateur rowers.

The sports to wind up with a dinner and ball.

This regatta is expected to be one of the most attractive on the coast of the season. As at this time of the year the various yacht owners are homeward bound from their summer cruises, and the place is so near their stations in the Thames, we expect to see a good muster of yachts from all the Thames clubs, and hope the match my attract the attention of Commodore Arcedechne and his friends, and that this beautiful yacht Novice will show on this occasion. The far-famed Julia, winner of the prizes in every club she has sailed in the season, and also victorious at Boulogne under royal and imperial auspices, is confidently expected by a host of her admirers amongst the fair sex now sojourning here. The Little Mosquito, who knows her way into Margate harbour, and has yet to be beaten at a coast regatta, will certainly contend; while there are in the Alicia, Romp, Quiz, Violet, Veritas, Kitten, Fawn, Otillia, Albatross, and others in the Thames clubs, owners plucky enough to send their boats down and contend in the gallant struggle.

We must refer yacht-owners to the local handbills for further particulars of this regatta, which will shortly be published. The committee will endeavour to make a second match and amongst yachts under 10 tons, if the funds will admit of this course. The last night for entering yachts for the match is fixed for Saturday, 15th February, inst., up to 10 o'clock p.m. The entrance money on yachts above 10 tons is £1 1s, and on yachts under 10 tons 10s. 6d. A half minute per ton will be allowed by the large to the small yachts. Yachts may be entered by writing to Mr. Chancellor, "Duke's Head Tavern," Margate.


From the Kentish Gazette, 25 August 1857.

A robbery was effected last week at the "Duke’s Head," in this town, by which means £40 in Bank of England notes were abstracted from one of the bed-rooms of a gentleman staying there. The numbers are known, and a reward is offered for the recovery of them.


Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, 26 March 1870.


White some excavations were being carried out opposite the "Duke’s Head" Hotel, on Tuesday, for the purpose of making a junction between the drainage of that place and the town drain, one of the workmen fell a distance of fifteen feet into the cutting, on to the back of another man, who happened to be in it at the time. The two men were instantly rescued by some of the bystanders, and it was then found that they were merely considerably shaken.



ADAMS William pre 1792

McADAMS Elizabeth 1792-19 dec'd

McADAMS James 1826-41 Pigot's Directory 1832-34 (age 50 in 1841Census) (opposite the pier)

McADAMS Henry Stanley 1841-51+ (age 61 in 1851Census) Williams Directory 1849

MILES Horace 1861+ (age 37 in 1861Census) (Duke's Head Tap, Paradise Street)

MILES Robert 1867+ (Duke's Head Tap, Paradise Street)

CHILE Anthony 1861-70+ (age 49 in 1861Census)

SHARP Sutton 1871+ (age 22 in 1871Census)


Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34


Williams Directory 1849From Isle of Thanet Williams Directory 1849


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
