Sort file:- Margate, April, 2022.

Page Updated:- Tuesday, 26 April, 2022.


Earliest 1866-

Hall by the Sea

Latest 1911+

Ex LCDR Station


Hall  by the Sea 1880

Above photo, 1880.

Hall by the Sea inside

Above photos date unknown.

O S Map 1873

O S Map 1873.

Hall by the Sea

Above photo, date unknown.


This building was originally the London, Dover and Chatham Railway Station.


Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, 4 June 1870.

MARGATE. The "Hall-by-the-Sea."

We understand that this place of entertainment will be open for the season on Monday, the 4th July.


Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, 25 June 1870.


This place of amusement is announced to be opened for the season on Monday, the 4th proximo. Mr. E. P. Hingston will be the manager, Mr. J. L. Hatton the conductor of concert, Mr. Thaddeus Wells the conductor of dance, and Mr. W. H. Walton the M.C.


The Era 10 July 1870.


The great event in the annual history of Margate came off on Monday evening last. After a week of dullness, the "Hall-by-the-Sea" opened its doors, and Margate at once leapt into life and jollity—a thing of beauty and a joy for ever-and-a-day. Nowhere in this merry England of ours does one swallow make a summer; but, in Margate, one Hall produces that effect. When Messrs. Spiers and Pond close the doors ot their establishment in October the winter of Margate begins. When they reopen them in July the summer of Margate commences; trains take down their thousands, steamboats their freights of youth and beauty, and after nine months of hibernation the sleeping town awakes like a jovial giant refreshed from slumber, and ready for anything. This time the "Hall-by-the-Sea" opened without any fanfaronade of trumpets, or ostentatious display. Nor was any such necessary, for all Margate was on the qui vive, and the Hall was rushed by an enthusiastic audience. During the spring the interior has undergone considerable refitting and redecoration. The spacious refreshment-room behind the orchestra has been entirely remodelled and embellished by Mr. Butts, jun., a pupil of Telbin, and now presents an exceedingly handsome appearance. The mossy banks of verdure which support the huge mirrors have all been clad in new garments of green, and look most refreshingly cool and agreeable. Everywhere the interior presents to the eye of the spectator some pleasing feature of lightness, taste, and elegance. As a matter of course, the general management of the "Hall-by-the-Sea" again devolves upon Mr. E. P. Hingston, who avails himself of the approaching close of the season at the St. James's Theatre to hasten away from his duties as Acting-Manager in London to to Manager in Margate. The Musical Direction of the "Hall-by-the-Sea" Concerts is now entrusted to the well-known Mr. J. L. Hutton, and the conductorship of the orchestra is shared by him and Mr. Thaddeus Wells, who resumes the baton in the Hall where he wielded it so gracefully in the summer of 68. On Monday night the concert opened fully in the summer of '68. On Monday night the concert opened with Auber's overture to Zanetta, most effectively performed by the best band we have ever heard in Margate. Then followed a song by Mr. Edward Cotte, a young tenor whose voice possesses peculiar power and sweetness. Mdlle. Romanelli followed, and sang a vocal valse by Pinsuti with pleasing grace and effect. To her succeeded Mr. Hatton and his son George in a pianoforte duet, admirably rendered; after which Miss Lucy Franklein made her appearance, receiving a most kindly greeting. An orchestral performance of selections from La Grande Duchesse carefully conducted by Mr. Hatton, obtained an encore; so also did a most enjoyable flute solo of “Du du,” as rendered by Mr. Keppel. Mr. Cotte, on receiving an encore, gave "The Bay of Biscay" in magnificent style, and Miss Lucy Franklein won bouquets together with her encore. The concert passed off in a spirited manner, and was followed by a grand ball, which lasted till midnight. Very noticeable was the fact that the audience was chiefly composed or the best families of Margate and its neighbourhood, who have now learnt to recognise the "Hall-by-the-Sea" as an establishment eminently deserving their patronage; and to regard Messrs. Spiers and Pond, the Proprietors, and Mr. Hingston, the Manager, as public benefactors to the liveliest town along our southern coast.


From the Kent and Sussex Courier 13 June, 1873. Price 1d.

The New Licensing Act and the Hall-by-the-Sea.

The Hall-by-the-Sea will we understand be for the season on the 12th of July. Mr. Edward Murray will be the manager (Mr. Hingston having too many other duties to admit of his occupying that position this year), and the establishment will be opened an hour earlier in the evening - at seven o'clock instead of eight - in consequence of being compelled by the Licensing Act to close at eleven o'clock. It is stated, however, that if the extension of the extra hour from eleven to twelve cannot be obtained at the annual licensing day in August, the Hall will not be kept open after that date.


Thanet Advertiser, Saturday 21 July 1877.

Extension of Time.

At the Borough, on Wednesday, applications for an extension of time, on the evening of Saturday and Monday, were made on behalf of the "Hall by the Sea," and also for the "Assembly Rooms." The Mayor stated that the magistrate had decided to grant extension for half an hour only, viz, till half-past eleven each evening.


The Era, Sunday 13 July 1879.

A Comedians Collection.

At the Margate Police Court, on Monday, George Simms was charged with stealing a portmanteau, the property of Mr. J. D. Hunter, comedian, of Cavendish Villas, Ramsgate, containing the following articles:- Three pairs of trousers, a velveteen coat, smock frock and leather gaiters, used for impersonating Roger Turnip, seven Dandreary handkerchiefs, one pair of Fitzsmythe's patent shoes, a Parkins and Gotto hair brush and comb, one opera hat, one "Muller-cut-down," two solitaires, three Zulu gold studs, two Afghanistan sleeve-links, a "make-up" box, containing rouge, violet powder, Mrs. Allen's hair restorer, diablo de Paris moustache gum, and a lamb's tail, music of the songs "Meet me on the Marina at Nine," I always down at Upright's," and "The Clerk to the Bench in a Fix," a play book of The Tragedy of Acol Pier; or, The Frozen Bumpkin, to carotty wigs, one black, one auburn, one sandy, and two chignons, one set of curl papers, and a bottle of Anti-Miraculous Curling Essence. There was also a suit for "Bobby Bell, the newsman," but the intrinsic value of this could not be estimated. Mr. Hunter had been performing at the "Hall by the Sea," Margate, and left the articles, which is valued at £10, in the dressing room.

P.C Bradley, K.C.C., saw the prisoner loitering about the "Southampton Arms," Westgate, and noticing that he was very bulky in appearance, he questioned him, and had him searched, when the three pairs of trousers and velvateen jackets were found on him. The constable then took him into custody on suspicion of stealing then. The other articles were afterwards found underneath the "Hall by the Sea."

Prisoner pleaded guilty, and was sentenced to six months hard labour.


The Era 30 July 1898.



This building, which during the whole winter has been undergoing reconstruction, was formally opened on Monday evening by the proprietor, “Lord” George Sanger. There was a crowded attendance. The building is far from complete; but the work has been sufficiently advanced to give a pretty accurate idea of what this popular place of amusement will be like under its altered, improved, and beautified conditions. Structurally the building is almost new. The external wall on the cast side has been bodily carried out eight feet, giving the interior that extra width. The roof has been raised eight feet six inches, and special attention has been paid to the ventilating. Approached through an avenue of glittering glass, the entrant comes to where the old stage used to be, now a commodious entrance lobby and vestibule. This leads directly into the grand ballroom, one of the most handsomely decorated public dancing-rooms anywhere within hundreds of miles. In the room and over the vestibule the orchestra has been placed. As a backing to this is a magnificently painted picture, 45ft. long by 15ft. deep (by L. Hart), a masterpiece of figure-work, the subject being, very appropriately, a Bal Masque, and the time sunrise. In this piece of work alone there are over 170 figures. The front of the orchestra is bas-relief panels of the Muses. Along the whole extent of the long ballroom are massive mirrors, over which are arched gas jets, with coloured glass globes, alternating between red, white, green, and pale yellow. Between each mirror has been placed a carved truss, reaching from the floor nearly to the ceiling, the pedestal top of which is ornamented with trailing plants, and on which stands a life-size gilded statue, surrounded with palms s' vegetation. Around the ceiling is a white frieze in relief, and the ceiling itself is a delicate French grey, with exquisitely painted Cupid panels, after the style of Louis XIV. The concert-room is as yet unfinished, but this will accommodate about 3,000, and is beyond and quite distinct from the ballroom, of which, however, it is a continuation. The ceiling decorations will be similar, but somewhat deeper in tone, and quite in harmony with the rest of the decorative work. The reserved seats will be upholstered in red plush, and there will be a large gallery at the back of the hall. The stage has been built out from the main building into the grounds on the east side, and is both commodious and well arranged. The side coves of the proscenium are quite a unique arrangement, and a departure from the conventional flat style. They are somewhat concave in form, and when finished will be draped in terracotta plush velvet and set off with Corinthian columns. It is claimed that the arrangement of the coves in this way will materially add to the sound. The act-drop is a fanciful subject in Watteau design, and the concert cloth a handsome Parisian palace scene, to which will be added five other full sets. From the concert hall is the entrance into the grounds, which will be between Corinthian columns 44ft. high. The refreshment bars have been placed between the ball and concert rooms. The whole of the decorative work and stage furnishing has been carried out by Mr Leolyn Hart, scenic artist and theatrical contractor, of Old Kent-road, under the personal supervision of “Lord” George Sanger, whose conception of good effect has been a most happy one.

On the opening night “Lord” George made a brief speech before the evening concert began, in which he alluded to the fact that that was the fifty-ninth anniversary of his first appearanoe in Margate, and he promised that when finished the "Hall-by-the-Sea" should be second to none to any similar place in the kingdom.

The programme, which has been repeated twice daily throughout the week, has been contributed to by Tom Maxwell, who is a favourite at Margate, and whose songs were received with well-merited applause; Hyram Travers, who also delighted his hearers with some of his old successes; and James Bowman, eccentric comedian, who has proved amusing; whilst the clever performance of Mezzetti and Mora, the daring triple bar experts, has been vociferously applauded. The lady artistes appearing are Virginia Frances, who sang and danced herself into popular favour; Eva Maynard, serio-comedienne; Nellie Anderson, a charming soubrette; and Jenny Lynn, a pleasing comedienne. The band is under the capable direction of Mr W. Jennings, late of the Croydon Theatre, and Mr L. Wilmot has been secured as M.C. The ball each evening has been well attended, and a novel effect has been introduced by the use of limelight for the dancing.


Thanet Advertiser, Friday 18 August 1944.


The funeral took place at Margate cemetery last week of Mr. John William George Tiltman, of 68 Tivoli Park-avenue, Margate, who passed away at the age of 72 years.

Son of a former Margate policeman, Mr. Tiltman became stage manager of the "Hall-by-the-Sea" at the age of 17. The "Hall-by-the-Sea" (now Dreamland) was at that time one of the undertakings controlled by the late Lord George Sanger.

For 15 years Mr. Tiltman travelled with a theatrical company and later managed Coventry Hippodrome and the Palace Theatre, Maidstone. He returned to Margate when he retired in 1920.



MURRAY Edward 1873+ Kent and Sussex Courier

REEVE Arthur 1881+ (manager age 25 in 1881Census)

FORSTAR Gustavus B Next pub licensee had ???? (manager)

EVANS Charles 1901-11+ (manager age 33 in 1911Census)


Kent and Sussex CourierKent and Sussex Courier



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
