Sort file:- St Lawrence, February, 2025.

Page Updated:- Sunday, 09 February, 2025.


Earliest 1844-

Honeysuckle Inn

Open 2020+

31 Honeysuckle Road

Hereson Road

St Lawrence

01843 597532

Honeysickle Inn 1906

Above photo circa 1906.

Honeysuckle Inn 1910

Above photo kindly sent by Bob Hollingsbee, circa 1910.

Honeysuckle Inn

Above photo, date unknown.

Honeysuckle Inn

Above photo taken with permission from Saunders family web.

Honeysuckle Inn

Above photo, date unknown.


I am informed by Richard Moseley that licensee William Burbidge also went under the name of Samuel and Henry.


Kentish Gazette, 16 July 1844.

RAMSGATE. Daring Robbery.

On Monday evening, Mr. Burke, a well-known commercial traveller, of the firm of Swaine and Co., distillers, London, was proceeding from Hodges’ "Castle Hotel," to the "Camden Arms," St. George’s Steps he was accosted by a respectably-dressed female, when two men, who were in ambush a short distance from the spot, rushed upon him and held his arms, when the woman forced her hand in his pocket and abstracted a purse, containing 108 sovereigns, and ran away. He made a grasp at her dress, and tore away a piece of habit shirt which he held tight, and immediately gave an alarm to the police on duty, who with their usual vigilance, succeeded the following morning in tracing the party to the "Honeysuckle," at Hereson. On the woman being questioned as to her torn habit shirt, she said her husband had done it last week, but on comparing it, it exactly matched both in the rent of the muslin and pattern to the piece, given by Mr. Burke to the police the previous evening. She was taken into custody, together with a man and woman who were found in her company, and was examined before the magistrates on Tuesday, who remanded them all to Sandwich for safe custody till their final hearing. One sovereign only was found on the woman.


From South Eastern Gazette 19 September 1854:

The annual licensing meeting for the Wingham division was held on the 7th inst.

The licence for the parish of St Laurence were renewed with the exception of those of George Moyne, "Wheatsheaf," and Thomas Buddel, of the "Honeysuckle," Hereson.

A renewed application was made by Mr. Town, on behalf of Mr. Thomas Bushell, landlord of the "Cherry Tree," for a licence, which was opposed by the Rev. G. W. Sicklemore, vicar of the parish. The bench, after a consultation of half an hour, refused the application. Mr. Town gave notice of appeal for the next sessions at St Augustine's.

At present, I'm not sure which pub the "Cherry Tree" is.


Canterbury Journal, Kentish Times and Farmers' Gazette, Saturday, 7 October, 1854.

The landlords of the "Bell," Minster, and "Honeysuckle," St. Lawrence, were cautioned by the Bench to be more particular in the management of their houses, and had their licenses granted.


South Eastern Gazette 10 November 1857.


Monthly sessions were held on Thursday last, Mildred Buddle applied to have the license of the "Honeysuckle, St. Lawrence, to be transferred to her, from John Tritton, who has held it since the death of the applicant's husband. Superintendent Stokes said the house in question was nothing more but a common lodging-house, and frequently there were rows at it. Mr. Clark did not think a woman could manage a public-house at all well; it required the presence and authority of a man. The license WAS transferred.


From Thanet Advertiser 28 September 1861.

George Burbridge of the "Honeysuckle" public house, St. Lawrence, applied for the renewal of his licence.

Superintendent Stokes, of the County Constabulary police, stated, in answer to the Bench, that no complaints had been made lately as to the conducting of his house, although, at the same time, it was well known as a disreputable place for all tramps of the lowest description.

The Rev. G. W. Sicklemore said he knew the house to bear a low character, and, therefore, for the next 12-months, he should keep a good watch in that direction, and should he find no improvement in the management of it, he promised the applicant he would publicly expose him in open court, and oppose the granting of the next licence.

The applicant promised to try all he could to keep his house orderly and decently.

The licence was granted.


From the Advertiser and Echo, 5 September, 1923.


Mr. Isaac John Danton, of the "Honeysuckle Inn," Hereson, Ramsgate, has completed his jubilee as licensee of that well-known and old-fashioned house, and has received from the brewers, Messrs. Tomson and Wotton, Ltd., a letter of hearty congratulation. The firm are also presenting to Mr. Danton a clock, bearing an inscribed plate, in commemoration of his long and meritorious record as a license holder.

Isaac Danton

Mr. Danton, who will be 82 years of age next month, still takes a keen interest in public affairs. He can read the newspaper without the aid of glasses, and frequently during the past season has been able to inform the members of his family of Kent's late it cricket score.

In the cosy room at the back of his bar, the old gentleman gave a cordial reception to a representative of the Advertiser & Echo. A native of Hereson—which he still describes as “the village”—he has naturally a fund of reminiscences concerning the changes he has seen wrought in the locality.

Hereson was a self-contained village, nearly a mile from the centre of the town. There were practically no houses between the "Honeysuckle Inn" and the "Granville Hotel," an area now covered with rows of residences. The villagers had their own shops, including the familiar “stores” of olden days, where one could procure anything from a loaf to haberdashery—all contained in a store about 10ft. square, and kept by a Mrs. Chappell. Miss Brockman next door conducted the village school upstairs and a sweet shop downstairs.

As to the "Honeysuckle Inn" itself, it is not quite clear when it was first established, but some of the ancients among Mr. Danton’s earliest customers were wont to describe the celebrations that took place in the house on receipt of the news of Wellington’s victory at Waterloo. (1815)

At one time the building was a gentleman's residence, afterwards what is known on the road as a “padding ken”—a temporary resting-place for peripatetic organ grinders, tinkers, and others of no fixed abode who sought a living on the road.

A Clean Record.

For the whole of the fifty years Mr. Danton has held the license there has never been a single complaint against his conduct of the house.

Mr. Danton, prior to becoming a license-holder, worked on the cutting of the London Chatham, and Dover Railway to Ramsgate. He was afterwards a shunter on the line.

He remembers “the village” when it was surrounded by fields. Lillian-road did not exist; Cemetery-road and Thanet-road were of the "green" variety; there was a gate across Dane Park-road which gave admission to Butcher’s Green. Old tumble-down tenements occupied the site of the up-to-date cottages built by the late Sir Joseph Sebag-Montefiore opposite the "Honeysuckle Inn." Griggs’ Farm stood at the corner opposite Cecilia-road, and the place occupied by Messrs. Whitbread’s stores was a ropewalk owned by a Mr. Chester.

Mr. Danton was a friend and admirer of the late Sir Moses Montefiore, and acted as one of the Sedan chair carriers to the great Jewish philanthropist when he was conveyed from East Cliff Lodge to the Synagogue.

Surrounded by the members of his family, Mr. Danton spends a pleasant time after a life of hard work. With happy thought, Messrs. Tomson and Wotton. Ltd., who own the "Honeysuckle" sent the following letter to him:—

“Dear Sir.—We believe that tomorrow will be the 50th anniversary of the commencement of your tenancy of the "Honeysuckle," and on behalf of the directors and all of us here, we desire to offer our heartiest congratulations upon this noteworthy event.

“As some small token in commemoration, the directors trust that you will accept a clock.”


Thanet Advertiser, Saturday 13 March 1926.

Oldest Licensee. Passing of Mr. Isaac Danton.

On Saturday, the funeral took place at Ramsgate, of Mr. Isaac John Danton, the oldest licence holder in Ramsgate, who died at the age of 84.

For over 52 years Mr. Danton had held the licence of the "Honeysuckle Inn," Hereson. As a young man he worked on the cutting made to link up Ramsgate and Margate by the London, Chatham, and Dover Railway. He went to the "Honeysuckle Inn" when Hereson was merely a village, and the now well paved and metalled roads were mostly green by-paths. The customers of his early years at the house used to tell him of the rejoicing there was, and how they made the "Honeysuckle" rafters ring, when the glad tidings reached England that the Iron Duke and beaten Bonaparte at Waterloo.

Mr. Danton was a warm admirer of the late Sir Moses Montefiore, the great Jewish philanthropist, and used to act as one of the bearers of the Sedan chair in which Sir Moses was conveyed from his residence, East Cliff Lodge, to the synagogue.

When will over 80 years of age Mr. Danton would read the newspapers without the aid of glasses. He followed political affairs with a close interest, and was especially keen on the fortunes of the County team on the cricket field.

In September of 1923 to celebrate the old gentleman's jubilee as their tenant, the firm of Messrs. Thomson and Wootton, Ltd. gave him a commemorative clock.

At the funeral, on Saturday, there was a profusion of floral tributes, including wreaths from the family, friends, the "Honeysuckle" Slate Club, Messrs. Thomson and Wootton, and Messrs. Watts, of sandwich.


From the Advertiser and Echo, 4 September, 1936.


In loving memory of my beloved husband. Henry Stuart Watson, late of the "Honeysuckle Inn," Ramsgate, who entered his rest on 4th September, 1935. From his loving wife and daughters.

57, Broad Street, Canterbury.


Thanet Advertiser 04 January 1938.


Miss Florence Barbara ("Jolly") Prockter, one-time Ramsgate aspirant for Channel swimming honours, was married last week to Flt.-Sergt. W. H. Potten. R.A.F., of Tilehurst, Reading. The bride the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Prockter, of the "Honeysuckle Inn," Ramsgate, and her groom is the son of Mrs. Potten and the late Mr. W. Potten, of Kentwood Hill. The welding took place at St. Michael's Church, Tilehurst.

Educated at St. George's Central School, Ramsgate, Miss Prockter soon became prominent as a swimmer when she won the championship of Ramsgate Swimming Club. Afterwards she set up a new record for women for the swim from Deal to Ramsgate. Under Mr. Jabez Wolffe she went, into training for an attempt to swim the Channel but ultimately she was unable to make the attempt. The wedding ceremony was of a quiet nature.


Thanet Advertiser 17 February 1939.


Harry Kelly, of Ramsgate, England amateur middle-weight boxer, is to take part in the South Eastern Divisional Championships at Manor-place Baths, Walworth, on Thursday, 9th March.

Mr. R. C. Prockter, of the "Honeysuckle Inn," has made arrangements for a special saloon coach on the 5.15 p.m. train from Ramsgate to London, and those wishing to join the party should communicate with him.


From the Advertiser and Echo, 3 March, 1939.


It is to be hoped that when Harry Kelly, who has put Ramsgate's name on the boxing map, goes to London on Thursday next week for the South-Eastern Divisional Championship of the A.B.A. he will receive the local support that he justly deserves.

If local sporting enthusiasts miss feeing Harry’s fight on that night it will he nobody’s fault but their own for a glorious opportunity is offered to them to visit Manor-place Baths, Walworth, where the divisional finals are being staged. Mr. "Bob" Prockter, of the "Honeysuckle Inn," Ramsgate, who is arranging a party to travel to London, has already received enough applications to fill one saloon on tha 5.15 p.m. excursion train but one or two additional saloons can be added if fans roll up in sufficient numbers. A party of at least 100 is aimed at and a block of seats can be booked at the Baths for this purpose.

Harry Kelly is probably the most successful amateur boxer that Ramsgate has ever possessed. While still at St. George’s School he appeared in the tournaments between Ramsgate Amateur Boxing Club and the Polytechnic and Lynn Boxing Clubs in 1933. But at that time it was never anticipated that he would rise to his present fame and his elder brother, Billy, received preference in training.

In 1935 Harry won the Joel Cup for the best welterweight in Kent and in the following year was successful in an open intermediate competition at the London Polytechnic. Regent-street. At that time he fought in the middleweight class, although he was still a welter-weight.

Kelly narrowly missed on points when he met D Shrimpton in the divisional finals of the A.B.A. championships in 1937 and he again lost in 1938 when the referee gave his casting vote to E. Shrimpton, although the verdict was a very unpopular one.

Of the nine fights Kelly has appeared in this season he has won seven and lost two. Late last year Kelly represented England in the amateur international contest with Ireland and won both his fights against Private Reid, though only one of the bouts counted for points.


From the Thanet Advertiser and Echo, 8 October, 1943.

Ord. Tel. Brian Ricks. 17 1/2 year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Pat Ricks, of the "Honeysuckle Inn," Ramsgate, who joined the Royal Navy in June, has gained 94 per cent. marks in his morse examination,. An old boy of Hereson School, which he left to join the staff of the Odeon Cinema, Ramsgate. He has just enjoyed his first leave in the town. At present Brian is stationed in Scotland.


From the Thanet Advertiser and Echo, 11 February, 1944.

Tel. Bryan Ricks, R.N. Telegraphist Posted.

Bryan Ricks 1944

Having successfully completed his courses. Tel. Bryan Ricks R.N., son of Mr. and Mrs. Pat Ricks, of the "Honeysuckle Inn," Ramsgate, is now on leave before going to a station in south-eastern England.

Bryan, who was formerly on the staff of the Odeon Cinema. Ramsgate, joined the Navy as a volunteer nearly a year ago. He obtained an exceptionally high percentage in his examinations.

Another former member of the Odeon staff on leave this week is Ptc. Stella Hobson. A.T.S., of Lillian-road.


From the Thanet Advertiser and Echo, 21 May, 1946.

Young Lady for bar work; experience not necessary.

"Honeysuckle Inn," Ramsgate.



ROOD Emery 1839+

IMPETT Henry 1847-51+

BUDDLE Thomas 1851-54+ (age 36 in 1851Census)

TRITTON John to Nov/1857 South Eastern Gazette

BUDDLE Mildred Nov/1857+ South Eastern Gazette Mildred and John Burbridge were married on 12 May 1859.

BURBRIDGE John 1861-71+ (age 50 in 1861Census)

DANTON Isaac John 1874-1923+ (age 39 in 1881Census) Post Office Directory 1874Kelly's 1903

GENTRY Charles Ernest 1929-Nov/31 Next pub licensee had Thanet Advertiser

WATSON Henry Stuart Nov/1931-4/Sept/1935 dec'd Thanet Advertiser

WATSON Dorothy Agnes 4/Sept-Dec/1935

PROCKTER Robert Charles Dec/1935-39+ (age 41 in 1938)

RICKS Pat 1944+


QUICK L E 1953-57+

ALLEN ???? Jan/2003-17+


South Eastern GazetteSouth Eastern Gazette

Post Office Directory 1874From the Post Office Directory 1874

Thanet AdvertiserThanet Advertiser



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
