Sort file:- Dover, January, 2023.

Page Updated:- Sunday, 08 January, 2023.

PUB LIST PUBLIC HOUSES Barry Smith and Paul Skelton

Earliest 1840-

Robin Hood

Latest 1948

40 Townwall Street (Mill Lane 1874)

41 Townwall Street Post Office Directory 1874


Robin Hood George James Knight

Above picture kindly sent by Kathleen Hollingsbee from a business card. The proprietor being George James Knight 1907-30.

Robin Hood 1920

Above photo from the John Gilham collection, circa 1920.

Robin Hood late 1940's

THIS was how part of Townwall Street looked in the late 1940s. The war was over and considerable damage had been caused. But some buildings survived and life was slowly getting back to normal.

Less than 20 years later, however, all these buildings were demolished to make way for the new Townwall Street dual carriageway and another characteristic part of Dover was lost for ever.

Robin Hood

Picture above shows the Robin Hood looking in the other direction.

Robin Hood 1892

Above photo 1892. Kindly sent by Chris Grimes of the Dover History Facebook group.


Robin Hood

Above photo kindly sent by Graham Butterworth circa 1907.


On the corner with St. James' Lane this was already a going concern in 1840 but plans for renewal were approved in July 1906. They were said to mean the practical rebuilding of the whole, at a cost of £600. The frontage of the pub was covered in very attractive mosaic tiles depicting Robin Hood.


From the Dover Telegraph and Cinque Ports General Advertiser, Saturday 6 June, 1840.

The monthly Conservative meeting was held on Tuesday last, at the Robin Hood. The room was filled to the extreme. Several excellent songs were sung; the usual loyal Conservative toasts given; and the utmost harmony prevailed throughout the evening.


From the Dover Telegraph and Cinque Ports General Advertiser, Saturday 6 January, 1844. Price 5d.


An inquest was held on Thursday, at the "Robin Hood," before G. T. Thompson, Esq., coroner for the borough, on the body of Thomas Greenland, aged two months.

William James Greenland, the father, being sworn, said - About six o'clock that morning he found the child dead. Deceased slept in the bed between his wife and eldest child, and lay on its left side, high up, with its head above the clothes. It had been in good health from its birth.

Richard Thomas Hunt, surgeon, deposed - On making a post mortem examination of the child he found the vessels of the brain gorged with blood, which could give rise to convulsions, from which cause, no doubt, death ensued.

Verdict - Died by the visitation of God.


From the Dover Telegraph and Cinque Ports General Advertiser, Saturday 8 March, 1845. Price 5d.


On Monday afternoon, at 7 o'clock, a Coroner's inquest was held at the "Robin Hood," before G. T. Thomson, Esq., Coroner for the Borough, on the body of John Kimber Laws, who on Saturday was seized with a fit on the New-bridge. The jury proceeded to the residence of deceased, in Fishmonger-lane, to view the body, and on their return the following evidence was adduced:-

Joseph Burton, labourer - I reside at Durham hill. On Saturday last, at about half-past 5, while crossing the New-bridge, I saw deceased leaning against the parapet of the bridge wall. I have seen the body, and recognise it as that of the same individual. As I approached him he fell down, and I immediately picked him up, and placed him on the wall. He never spoke, and I went away as soon as Mr. Ottaway came. The deceased had some broken victuals in a cloth, and a few half-pence.

J. C. Ottaway, surgeon - I was called at about half-past 5 to see the deceased, whom I found at the New-bridge. When I saw him I was perfectly satisfied he was dying, and ordered his immediate removal to his residence, which was close by, and when deceased and myself arrived there, I perceived that he was quite dead. I never attended the deceased, and therefore cannot account for the cause of death. My idea is, that it was much accelerated by the cold weather, and also from his being thinly clad.

Harriet Laws, wife of deceased, was next called and deposed - Deceased was a shoe-maker, aged 49 years, and had lived for the last 8 years, in Brewer's Rents. He breakfasted at 9 o'clock on Saturday, and about noon he went out saying, "as he was in arrear for rent, he must have some work." I did not see him again till about half an hour after he was brought home dead. He had been in the Dispensary, and complained difficulty in breathing, which was very troublesome when he was in bed. Lately they had not had sufficient food, but had been better off during the last week.

By Mr. Ottaway - Deceased did not wear any flannel on Saturday, and his clothes were very much torn.

Edward Hogben, police constable, deposed - On Saturday afternoon, I saw the deceased coming from the Waterloo Crescent. Shortly afterwards I was called by the witness Burton, who had placed deceased on the parapet of the bridge. I unloosed his coat and collar, and sent for Mr. Ottaway, who, on his arival, advised that he should be taken home, which was close by. He breathed very heavily, and on reaching his home I found he was dead.

Verdict - "Died by the visitation of God."


From the Dover Telegraph and Cinque Ports General Advertiser, Saturday 19 September, 1846. Price 5d.



An inquest was held yesterday at the "Robin Hood," before G. T. Thompson, Esq., Coroner for the Borough, on the body of a newly-born infant, which had been discovered in the room of a widow, names Sarah Richardson, a lodger, at the house of Mr. Munser, in Mill Lane, Dover.

The jury having appointed Mr. A. Bottle, jun., foreman, proceeded to view the body, which presented a most disgusting spectacle, being a complete animalculine mass. (A microscopic or minute organism, such as an amoeba or paramecium, usually considered to be an animal.) On their return the following evidence was adduced:-

Parker Butcher, police-constable: On Thursday morning, from information I had received, I went to the house of Thomas Manser, in Mill Lane, where I asked Mrs. Manser if she was aware of Sarah Richardson having been delivered of a child, to which she replied that she was not, but had some time accused her of being in the family way. I then went upstairs, and saw Richardson. I asked her if there was a dead child in her house. She replied there was, and she had had it three weeks, and that Mr. Corrall, Mrs. Grange, and Mrs. Spice knew all about it. I then asked her to let me see it, when she went and opened a square chest in the room, and lifting up a few pieces of rag shewed me the body of a new-born child. I said I must take her into custody, and took her to the station-house.

E. C. Correll, Superintendent of police, deposed: I have Sarah Richardson in custody. She never informed me that she had been delivered of a child, or had the body of a child in her room.

G. E. Rutley, surgeon, deposed: On Monday evening I was shewn the remains of a child by the police, and from the state of decomposition should have imagined it to have been dead some months. There is no possibility of forming an opinion whether it was born dead or alive so great was the state of decay.

The Coroner here observed, that after the evidence of Mr. Rutley it was impossible to pursue the enquiry further as to the cause of death, or that death had been caused after birth. The jury would therefore confine their verdict to the finding of the body, as it would rest with the magistrates as to any proceedings with reference to concealment of the birth.

The Jury then returned a verdict, "That the body of a new born infant was found dead, but from the state of decomposition the remains were in, there is no evidence whether such infant was still born, or if born alive, how it met with its death."

Mr. Kennett, who had been present during the enquiry, said he had done so for the purpose of ascertaining if there were sufficient grounds to bring the case before the magistrates, but at present he did not think the evidence sufficient to do so.


Dover Chronicles 20 February 1847.


Feb. 13, at Dover, the wife of Mr. James Grainge, landlord of the "Robin Hood," Townwall Street, of a son.


From the Dover Telegraph and Cinque Ports General Advertiser, Saturday 22 May, 1847. Price 5d.

Mr. James Grange, landlord of the "Robin Hood" - death of his infant son, Henry James Grange on 21 May.


From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 3 December, 1864.


Edward Todd, Landlord of the "Robin Hood Inn," Townwall Street, was summoned by Robert Dewell, a greengrocer living at the Pier, charged with assaulting him on the 16th of November.

Mr. Fox appeared for the defendant.

Complainant said that on the 16th of last month, about half-past twelve o'clock, he was in the "Robin Hood." He had something to drink there, and after remaining in the house a little while, he went out but shortly afterwards returned, as he wanted something else to drink. Defendant refused to admit him, and after some altercations at the door defendant struck him a violent blow under the left ear, which knocked him down. He sustained a severe blow on the back of the head in the fall, and had since been compelled to seek medical advice.

My Mr. Fox: I did not conduct myself indecently outside the house. I did not strike defendant.

Michael Collier, a private in the band of the 37th Regt., said he was walking down Townwall Street, about two o'clock on the 16th, and saw the landlord of the "Robin Hood" push complainant out of his house. Complainant tried to get into the house again, but the landlord would not let him. Complainant still persisted in his endeavours to enter the house, and the landlord then struck him a blow behind the ear, which knocked him down. Defendant afterwards picked complainant up. Complainant bled very much from a wound on his head. He (witness) led complainant away from the house, but as the bleed was flowing very freely and he (witness) was afraid of getting jacket stained, he let go of him, when he went back into the "Robin Hood."

Charles Southwell, fly proprietor, said he was in Townwall Street, and saw the defendant knock complainant down. When complainant got up he was bleeding very much from the head. He took complainant to Dr. Gill's, to have his head attended to.

By Mr. Fox: I came along Townwall Street, just at the time complainant was knocked down. I did not see whether complainant had a stick with him or not. I saw Mr. Todd pick complainant up.

William Greenaway, labourer, said he was coming from St. James's Street, on the 16th, and saw complainant, as he was being picked up by a soldier. He saw him afterwards led away by last witness.

Mr. Fox having replied on the evidence, called witnesses to prove that complainant was in such a state of drunkenness at the time as not to know what he was about, that he behaved in a very indecent manner outside the house, and that defendant did not strike him, but only pushed him away to prevent being struck with a large stick complainant had with him.

After a short consultation the Magistrates dismissed the summons, ordering complainant to pay the costs incurred, 9s.


From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 17 December, 1864.


Last Friday evening, a meeting was held at Mr. Todd's "Robin Hood Inn," Townwall Street, to re-open Lodge 88, of the Ancient Order of Druids, which has been closed for the past three years. The business done consisted of the appointment of officers, and arranging for the future meetings of the members. Several new members in this town have joined the Order, and others are ready to do so as soon as the necessary preliminaries are arranged.


From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 11 January, 1867. Price 1d.


An inquest was held by the borough coroner, W. H. Payne, Esq., yesterday afternoon, at the "Robin Hood Inn," Townwall Street, on the body of Nicholas Baker, a vendor of Bath bricks, who had died at the "Red Lion" public house, a common lodging house hard by, on the previous morning. Mr. B. A. Igglesden was chosen foreman of the jury, who viewed the body; after which the following evidence was called:-

Mrs. Anne Whiting, the landlady of the "Red Lion": I knew the deceased. He was lodging in my house at different times during the past five or six years. He was a vendor of Bath bricks and hearth stones. He came to my house a week before Christmas. I had not seen him, previous to that time, for nearly a twelve-month. He continued there two or three days, when he became so ill that I insisted on his leaving, telling him that he must obtain an order for admission to the Union. He procured an order, and quitted my house for the Union on the Saturday before Christmas Day. Another lodger accompanied him to the Union and told me that he was admitted to the hospital. Deceased remained there till the following Thursday. He told me he was better, and that they had turned him out of the Union. He asked for lodgings, but I refused to admit him. He said that the authorities of the Union had told him that if he remained there he must do able-bodied men's work, and that he had better do that in his own way about the town. When he came back to the "Red Lion" the weather was bad and it continued so from day to day, so that I could not insist on his going away. He continued to get worse, and he died yesterday morning.

The Coroner: During the time he was ill, was any doctor sent for?

Witness: No, Sir, he never made any complaint. He gave no more trouble than anyone else in the house. He looked very badly, but did not complain of being worse. Previous to going to bed, on Tuesday night deceased ate a basin of gruel and two penny-worth of bread, and he had taken some soup for his dinner. I believe the prisoner was about forty years of age.

By the Jury: Three or four other men slept in the same room as the deceased. I don't think the deceased had nourishment enough to sustain life. He was not able to get about the town and earn his livelihood, and he subsisted on charity. I lent him a penny on the night previous to his death, to get the oatmeal for his gruel. He told me he had been brought into a low way by ague, (A fever (such as from malaria) that is marked by paroxysms of chills, fever, and sweating recurring regular intervals. Also a fit of shivering, a chill. Hence, ague can refer to both chills and fevers) for which he had been treated in the summer in the Kent and Canterbury Hospital. He said he was in hospital for several months.

Patick M'Cabe, a labourer lodging at the "Red Lion," said: I slept in the same room with the deceased. When he first came into the town he had no money, and I paid for his first night's lodging. He was then ill, and unable to carry his bricks about. I was present at the time of his death. About four o'clock he asked that, for God's sake, a candle might be lighted. He was seized with diarrhoea, and seemed very ill, He continued very bad up to the time of his death. Shortly before he died he exclaimed "God forgive me; I shall not live ten minutes longer!"

Dr. Allan Duke: I was called at the request of the Superintendent of the Police, to examine the body of the deceased, in the afternoon of yesterday. Death seemed to have taken place some hours. The body was thin and emaciated, and from what was said by those present when the deceased breathed his last, I concluded that the immediate cause of his death was a sudden attack of diarrhoea. I should think the diarrhoea was probably caused by the soup he had taken for his dinner on the day previous to his death, especially if it was taken on an empty stomach and unaccompanied by solids.

The Coroner mentioned that the master of the union was in attendance, if the Jury would like to have him examined. Several members of the Jury thought any further evidence unnecessary, but others were of opinion that as it had transpired that deceased had said that he was "turned out" of the Union, it might be well to have the master's evidence.

Mr. Thurlow was then sworn, and after deposing to the deceased's admission to the Union, and his treatment in the Hospital, said that as soon as the doctor declared him convalescent and ordered him to the able-bodied men's yard, he asked to be discharged. He was not "turned out."

The Jury returned a verdict of Death from natural Causes.


Kentish Gazette, Tuesday 02 April 1867.

Caution to amateur fisherman.

The borough coroner, W. H. Payn, Esq., held an inquest, yesterday afternoon week, at the "Robin Hood Inn," Townwall Street, on the body of a man 37 years of age, named Henry Mills, who had met his death on the previous Saturday evening and the circumstances very melancholy in the nature, though calculated, it may be hoped, to act as a warning.

The deceased, it appears, was fishing after dusk on Saturday, up on the quay facing Northampton Street, with what is called a casting net. One of the lines by which the net is held is retained in the hand of the person fishing, and it seems to be a common practice, in order to give greater freedom to the hand in throwing the net, to attach this line to the wrist by means of a running noose. The unfortunate man in this case, at any rate, adopted this plan, and the consequence seems to have been that the net, or the impetus it had acquired in descending into the water, or by the force of a current, drew the deceased over the quay. Encumbered as he was with the weight of the net, it was impossible for him to support himself, and no assistance seems to have been immediately at hand; for although his cries were heard by some men on the Patent Slipway, which is immediately opposite Northampton Quay, they were unable from the darkness to discover exactly where the deceased was, although, by a singular coincidence, they had rescued from the water, very near to the same spot, and only a few minutes before, a young man who, in all probability, without their assistants would have been drowned.

Mr. T. Middleton having been appointed foreman of the jury, and the body viewed, the following evidence was given.

Francis Mills:- I am a mariner residing at St. James's Street, Dover. The deceased Henry Mills was my son, and his age is 37. He was a sailor. He was a very steady man. He was unmarried. The last time I saw him alive was about 7 o'clock on Saturday evening. I do not know anything of the circumstances attending his death. Believing that he had gone fishing, I went down to the quay to assist him; but as I could not find him there, I returned home again. On examining the house I found that his basket and net were gone. I feared that something had happened to him and left the house again to go to the quays. I found his basket on the edge of the Northampton Quay. I at once gave alarm.

By the Jury:- If the net got entangled with the person throwing it, the strength of the current would be sufficient to draw him overboard.

John Prebble, ship's smith living at Commercial Quay, said he was at work on the Patent Slipway between 8 and 9 o'clock on Saturday evening, when he heard a cry of a man overboard. Some of his men, who had picked out of the water another man who had fallen overboard on the same evening, went a little way into the water, but could not recover the deceased. He heard deceased cry out for help three times, the last time very faintly. He subsequently went round to Northampton Quay, and found there was a man overboard.

By the Jury:- The name of the young man we saved was Robson. There are no drugs or ladders on Northampton Quay. The nearest drag are in the Duke of York passage. Robson had tripped over a cable-chain, and sunk twice or three times before he was recovered. My son threw a rope, and two of my men, Samuel Woolley, and George Hill, slip down the rope and succeeded in pulling him out of the water.

Richard Turner, a fishmonger, living in Dover, said he learnt from the father of the deceased on Saturday evening that he feared his son was overboard. Witness got the grapnels and proceeded to Northampton Quay, knowing the spot where the deceased was in the habit of fishing. He threw the grapnels over the side of the Quay, and succeeded in getting hold of the casting net the deceased had been fishing with. He judged the deceased made the net fast to himself, and he pulled away at the net, thinking that by that means he should recover the body. The line of the net broke, however, and an hour elapsed before he succeeded in catching hold of the deceased's body. When found, the remainder of the line of the casting net was fastened round his wrist. The police took charge of the body and conveyed it to the deceased's father's house.

Dr. Duke said he was called by the police, about 10:20 o'clock on Saturday evening, to see a man who had been taken out of the Pent. He went to the house of deceased's father, in St. James's Street, and examined the body. There were no marks of injury upon it, and witness had not the least doubt that death was occasioned by drowning and nothing else. The body have been in the water too long for any means for restoring animation to be attempted.

The Coroner briefly summed up, and the Jury returned a verdict of "Found Drowned." The Jury expressed their opinion that it would be advisable to have a set of drags kept in the neighbourhood of Northampton Quay. It was also a subject of remark that there were no chains along the margin of the quay, and that it was without piles or ladders, to which anyone accidentally slipping over night cling.


From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 8 November, 1867.


John Donovan and William Whitehead, a couple of other trampish-looking men, were then charged with stealing two pairs of boots value 7s. 10d., the property of Mr. Edward Streeter, another draper living in Snargate Street.

It appeared that the two had entered the town with the other two men just committed. The particulars of this case resembled those of that just disposed of. The boots were taken from the shop door of Mr. Streeter, and were sold to a couple of unfortunate woman at the "Laurel Tree" public-house. The police soon obtained a clue to the robbery, and arrested the two men.

Neither of the prisoners denied the charge. Whitehead protested that he did not actually steal the boots, but admitted dealing with them after he had become aware that they were stolen by Donovan. In defence they put in the same plea as their companions, viz., that they were without food, and yielded to the temptation which was presented to them by the boots being hung within their reach.

It appeared that Whitehead left a third pair of boots with Mr. Todd, the landlord of the "Robin Hood" public-house, and it was owing to Mr. Todd coming to the police-station that the operations of the police were put into motion. It transpired that the prisoners went to the "Robin Hood" and wanted to sell the boots, saying he had a wife and family who had not tasted food for two days. Mr. Todd, however, declined buying the boots, but lent the prisoner 1s. 6d. on them, and fancying the boots had not been honestly obtained he afterwards went to the police-station, and related what had transpired to the police.

The Magistrates, before sentencing the prisoners, sent for the Governor of the gaol, and after a consultation, left the Court and were absent a short time. On their return, Mr. Finnis said the Magistrates had been to inspect the prison, and they found that, in the present state of the gaol alterations, it was not possible for any more prisoners to be received in the building here; so that in the present case the prisoners would have to be sent to Wandsworth Gaol, where it was absolutely necessary that the committal should be for more than thirty days. It was well that this should be known, perhaps, and that offenders who were usually punished with short terms of imprisonment should know before bringing themselves within the jurisdiction of the Court, that, if circumstances rendered it necessary for them to be sent to Wandsworth, they would not be committed for less than thirty days. In this case the Bench sentenced the prisoners to thirty-three days' imprisonment


From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 25 June, 1869. Price 1d.


On WEednesday last the borough coroner, W. H. Payn Esq., held an inquest at the "Robbin Hood Inn," Townwall Street, ion the body of Elizabeth cannon, a married woman living at the bottom of St. James's Street, who had died suddenly.

Mr. Thomas Flak was chosen foreman of the Jury; and the body having been viewed, the following evidence was taken:-

Thomas Cannon said: I am a plasterer, and lately resided in the Kent Road, London. I have been in Dover a fortnight , and have lodged at a house occupied by Mr. Simmonds, in St. James's Street. The deceased was my wife, and we had been married eighteen years. Deceased was frequently ill, and often complained about her heart.  She complained of having pains in her legs on last Tuesday, and was unable to walk. I was told that during my absence on Thursday she had had a fit. On Friday morning she brought my breakfast to me at the place where I was at work, and she again complained of having pains in her chest, legs, and side. On Friday night I asked her to have a doctor, but she refused, saying that she was getting better. On Saturday evening she came to the door of the house. and on reaching it she fell down, and I carried her into a downstairs room. At eight o'clock on Sunday morning she ate a good breakfast, and said she was getting better; but at three o'clock on Sunday afternoon she was a corpse. I went out to look for a Roman Catholic Priest, and on my returning I found that she was nearly dead. I went after a medical man after I found that  she had got worse, and Mr. Long soon attended. Dr. Herbert, the hospital doctor , had attended her previous to Mr. Long arriving. When Mr. Long came she had lost her speech. Mr. Long did not say the cause of her death. Her age was 42. The deceased told me that the people at the house had been very kind  to her during the time she had been ill.

Mr. Arthur Long, parish medical officer, said: About half-past one on Sunday afternoon I was sent for to see the deceased. I arrived at her lodgings about two, and found her lying in a garret. She was quite insensible, and in a dying state. I told the people of the house to apply hot bottles to her feet, and give her some strong coffee. On my leaving the house, I told the deceased's husband to come and see me at three o'clock, and inform me how she was getting on; because the landlord of the house was anxious to have her removed if she was well enough. I called again at six, and found her dead. I examined her; but found no marks of violence upon her body, which was fairly nourished. I would not give a certificate of the cause of death, because I arrived too late to form a correct opinion. There did not appear anything suspicious about her death. I do not know the cause of death, but having heard the evidence of the previous witness I should say she died of heart disease.

Henry Betts, a continental interpreter, said: I lodge at the house occupied by Mr. Simmonds in St. James's Street. I have seen the deceased in the house. She complained to me Friday morning. She said that her days were short, and I asked her if I should send for a medical man; but she said she would rather not have a doctor. She had a fit on Friday, which she said would "turn her over," as she did not think she would live to have another like it. In consequence of what I saw on Saturday evening I advised her to send for a medical man. the husband came in at about ten o'clock on Saturday night. The husband went out the next morning, but no medical man arrived till about ten o'clock, when Dr. Herbert came to the house. dr. Herbert recommended me to go back for Mr. Long, the parish doctor, and get an order for deceased's administration into the Union. I went to see Mr. Long and he came immediately.  I did not suspect that the deceased had taken anything in the shape of poison.

By the Jury: The husband always appeared to be kind and affectionate to his wife.

Re-examined: When i saw the deceased in the yard she was very sick; but she said this was in consequence of the fit had had had.

The Jury, after hearing the evidence of the last witness, thought it necessary that a post mortem examination should be made, and accordingly adjourned the inquiry until the next day (yesterday). Mr. Long being requested  to make the necessary examination.


The Jury again met yesterday, when the following addition evidence of Mr. Long was taken: I made a post mortem examination this morning of the body of the deceased and found all the organs perfectly healthy; but on the right side of the back part of the brain there was a large clot of veinous blood which I believe to have been sufficient to cause death, producing apoplexy, which had been coming on for several days. The stomach looked perfectly healthy, and there was no trace of poison.

The Jury then returned a verdict of "Death from natural Causes."


Dover Express 21 August 1874.


The total number of fresh petitions filed in town and country under the liquidation clauses of the Bankruptcy Act of 1869, for the week ending Saturday, the 16th of August,. has been 143, including the following Dover case:—

Re Edward Todd, of the "Robin Hood Inn." Mill-lane, Dover. A first meeting of creditors for the election of a chairman who may receive proofs of debt and claims aping the petitioner's estate, for the production of a state of affairs by the debtor, and for a majority of the creditors in attendance, or represented by proxy, to appoint a receiver or trustee of the estate and effects, and decide by resolution in writing whether the same shall be wound up under liquidation or bankruptcy in accordance with the provisions of the Bankruptcy Law and the rules and orders passed thereunder, will be held on the 2nd of September. at 4 o'clock, at the office of W. Mowll, solicitor, No. 36, Castle-street, Dover.


The Sinnock Directory of 1875 (advert p.276) showed Basil Elson as a wine and spirit merchant, who had just taken over the "Robin Hood," Townwall Street, Dover, from Mr. Todd.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 21 January, 1876. Price 1d.


Mr. Elson applied for an extension of time for the Odd Fellows' annual supper and business at the “Robin Hood Inn,” and was refused.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 8 January, 1886. Price 1d.


At the annual meeting of the Dover Licensed Victuallers' Association, at the “Robin Hood Inn,” on Wednesday, Mr. G. Grigg suggested, and made a resolution to the effect, that two guineas from the funds of that Institution be presented to the subscriptions being raised by the Mayor of the relief of the unemployed poor of Dover; but it was strenuously opposed by the Chairman, Secretary, and others; and an amendment being made by the Treasurer, Mr. Grigg's motion was lost by a majority of three.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 8 January, 1886. Price 1d.


The annual meeting of the Dover Licensed Victuallers Association was held on Wednesday, January 6th at Mr. J. Cochrane's “Robin Hood Inn,” the large room being well filled with most of the respectable members of the trade within this borough.

Mr. Councillor George Birch occupied the chair. He said he was grateful and he was sure they all would be in finding, after an exciting and rather an expensive year, that by the increase in honorary and subscribing members their funds stood exceedingly well, and that they would still be able to give their assistance to the interest and welfare of their friends and the trade as they had hitherto done.

After a long discussion upon trade question, the following report was read:-

“Your committee have again the pleasure of presenting to members and friends their annual report and balance sheet. This is the twenty-fifth issued by the society and although during the year several members have been lost by removal they have been replaced by new ones – so that our members both honorary and subscribing are more than we had since its foundation. Yet we find that there are many in the trade who do not belong to it and we ask that members of the Association will bring its claims before these, as we believe that only by such organization can their rights and liberties be protected; we also consider it a duty to each not to stand aside and enjoy the advantaged obtained by the mental toil and pecuniary assistance of his fellow tradesman whose interests are not greater than his own. The United Kingdom Alliance, Church of England Temperance, and other singular societies spend annually £60,000 for an Idea. Although we believe that this amount would do more good by Education and impressing the duty of self-respect upon the people. Still as their power both in the House of Commons and out is strong, it requires the vigilance and care of a powerful Parliamentary committee to watch your interests. Although the past year has not been what we wished respecting beneficial legislation in reference to the trade interest, the following Bills had to be carefully guarded against “the Beer Adulteration Bill,” “Licensing Law Amendment Bill,” “Liquor Traffic Bill,” “Police Bill,” “The Sale of Intoxicating Liquor Bill,” “Closing on Sunday for Cornwall, Durham, Northumberland and Wales.” None of those reached a second reading. Large and influential meetings were held during the year in London and the provinces in opposition to the increase duties on spirits and they introduced in the Budget of the late government. At the earnest request of the Parliamentary committee of the United Kingdom Delegate from this society attending meetings in consequence of which the parliamentary election the expenses for the year have been slightly increased. Several questions of local interest have come before your committee and have been carefully looked after. We hope that the new Parliament if they alter the present mode of licensing under a local board or introduce a new bill will act with fairness and justice to the trade so that there will be a reduction in the present license duties, and a more equitable method of assessing adopted. A memorial has been drafted and will be presented to the members as soon as the House sits, referring to the past and present position of the trade, and dealing with “Local Option,” “Sunday Closing,” Excessive License Duties,” “Sham Clubs,” and other matters of grave interest to the trade.

In conclusion your committee beg to thank the honorary members for their increased support during the year and trust that our future action may lead them to continue their favour. We also hope that Dover may so improve that both the wholesale and retail trade will find themselves in a better condition at the end of 1886.

The accounts, as audited by Messrs. Erby and Grigg, were passed, and a vote of thanks unanimously carried to the Secretary for his past services.

The Chairman said that he had belonged to the Society for upwards of twenty-one years. During that time he had made many friends, and known the Society to assist in doing a great deal of good. Only this year of it had not been for organization they would have to pay a very heavy penalty. He trusted he might be spared to join with them for many years to come.

Several new members were balloted for and approved, and the meeting separated.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 18 January, 1889. Price 1d.


A large and influential number of the members of the above Society held their annual meeting in the club-room of Mr. J. Cochrane, “Robin Hood Inn.” The room was filled, and Mr. Councillor George Birch occupied the chair.

The minutes of a previous meeting were confirmed, and several new members were enrolled.

The following report was then read and agreed to:-

Your committee have the pleasure of presenting to the members and friends, the 28th annual report and balance sheet. Your committee are pleased to state that although several members have been lost by removal, their places have been refilled. The funds have increased during the year, but should the grant and renewal of licenses be placed under the control of the new County Council it is most likely that there will be a heavy strain upon them. After the decision of the Court of Appeal in the case of “Sharp v. Wakefield,” it is more advisable then ever that all Licensed Holders should join an Association, for considering the great opposition to the interest of the trade, nothing but energy and combination used with the House of Commons will induce them to insert a clause stopping licenses being taken away without compensation. Your commit found it advisable to send delegates to a mass meeting and conference in London and to act with the London and National Parliamentary Committee. During the last year a Bill for the Registration and Management of Clubs where beer, spirits and wine are sold, was draughted, and on the 30th of April taken into the House by Mr. Gent Davis, Mr. Byron Read, Mr. Caine, and Mr. Kelly. It met with opposition, and looking at the state of public business, it ought to be brought forward again next session. A great many Bills injurious to the trade and to the public who use their houses required carefully watching during the year. Among them were: The Public House Saturday Closing, Mr. J. W. Russell; County Government, Mr. Carew; Early Closing, Sir John Lubbock; Closing on Parliamentary Elections, Mr. George Howell; Sale of Intoxicating Liquors on Sunday, Mr. J. Stevenson; Liquor Traffic, Local Option, England, Mr. Allison; the Local England and Wales, Mr. Ritchie. Petitions were sent and delegates waited upon their respective members upon most of these questions, but it is understood they have no desire to oppose any Bill that is based on equitable grounds, and that does not infringe on the recognised possession of existing License Holders. Your Committee are glad to state that the law expenses have been nil during the year. Your Committee thank the honorary members for their continued subscriptions and also urge upon every licensed victualler to join this society and share in its efforts for the protection and liberty of the public and the trade.

The chairman (Mr. Councillor George Birch), vice-chairman (Mr. I. Kemp), treasurer (Mr. D. Everson), and secretary (Mr. H. Brown), were unanimously re-elected for the ensuing year.

The health of the chairman was proposed and most cordially drunk.

In response the chairman said that since the society's first formation he had been a member and carefully noticed its progress. There had never been a time when it was more necessary for the wholesale and retail trade to be combined than the present, for however well they had satisfied the wants of the public in the past there was certain, in the close future, an alteration to be made. In all cases where invested interest was involved compensation was expected and given. If the licenses were reduced to one-half, the same quantity of liquor or more, would go through another channel. He wished all present and prosperous New Year.

The healths of the rest of the officers were drunk and suitably acknowledged, and the meeting broken up.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 17 April, 1890. Price 1d.


Lodge 38, in union, of the Ancient Order of Druids, at a very pleasant meeting at the “Robin Hood Inn” on Thursday week, elected their Vice-Arch Brother George Gray to the Noble Chair, after which the loyal Lodge toasts were duly honoured, and also “success to the Mother Lodge of the district No. 38,” proposed by R. A. Brother Delahays.


Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald 13 December 1890.



Debtor was formerly in business as a butcher at Bromley & Willesden. In 1888 he took the "Robin Hood Inn," Dover, and now owes the brewers (Messrs, Gardner and Co.) £160, and £50 to Messrs. Court and Co. wine merchants. His brother claims £190, balance of a sum of £400 which he lent the bankrupt some time ago. Allowed to pass.


Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald 29 November 1890.


George Harvey, of the "Robin Hood Inn," Townwall Street, Dover, Kent, licensed victualler. Canterbury, No. 65 of 1890.

Receiving order made, November 21st, 1890; date of order for summary administration, November 24th, 1890; date of adjudication, November 21st, 1890; date and place of first meeting, December 5th, 1890, at the Official Receiver's Office, 5, Castle Street, Canterbury; date of public examination, December 5th, 1890. Worsfold Mowll., Official Receiver.

5, Castle Street, Canterbury.

Dated this 24th day of November, 1890.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 29 June, 1906. Price 1d.


An application was made for an hour's extension on Thursday, at the “Robin Hood” on the occasion of the last meeting of the Druids at the house previous to their removal to the “Fountain Hotel.”

The application was granted.



The premises was either rebuilt or extensive renovations carried out during 1906, this was the time when George Knight moved from the "Chandos" two doors down after falling out with Shepherd Neame brewers.


Dover Express - Friday 31 March 1911.

On Monday the National Telephone employees had to remove a rook's nest that had been built in the telephone poll over the Robin Hood Public House, Townwall Street. The birds, on being disturbed industrially set to work to erect another nest in the tree on the adjoining side of the road.


Dover Express 12th July 1918.

The Dover Tribunal met on Wednesday afternoon at the Town Hall. The Mayor presided and there were also present Messrs. Robson, Barnes and Beeby.

Mr. T. Harby appeared for Mr. G. J. Knight, aged 44, Grade 11 taxi cab proprietor, licensed victualler of the "Robin Hood" and a director of the County Film Co., Ltd.

Three months exemption was granted.


An early casualty of world war two, it never reopened at the peace. Permission to rectify the war damage at a cost of £930 was refused in August 1946.


Dover Express 14 March 1947.


At Dover on Friday, before Mr. H. E. Russell in the chair.

Benjamin Horaces Wilson a labourer, of 15, Granville Street pleaded guilty to stealing a quantity of leaded lights from the "Robin Hood" public house on 27th February, the property of Messrs. George Beer and Rigden. Ltd., and was fined £5.

Det.-Insp. E. Pierce said that at 3.25 p.m. on 27th February. Miller was passing the "Robin Hood." when he heard the sound of breaking glass. As he approached defendant came out of the bar door, carrying a quantity of leaded lights, which he placed in a two wheeled hand cart which was standing outside. When defendant saw the Police officer he took the lights off the cart and placed them on the ground. When questioned he said that he had bought it at Flashmans, and was going to dump it. He later admitted that he had taken it with the idea of selling it. The premises, Inspector Pierce added, were bomb damaged and before the windows were taken, they were repairable. Defendant had been before the Courts on three previous occasions—twice as Juvenile, and the last time in 1932, when, at Canterbury, he was bound over for stealing £3 2s. 9d. Since his last conviction he had apparently been going straight.

Defendant was allowed one month in which to pay.


A second request by George Beer and Rigden in 1949, to partially repair the damage was likewise refused. The reason became clear in January 1954 when Dover Corporation made a compulsory purchase order which was confirmed in May 1955. Further to that, a vesting declaration ensued in March 1957 which gave them right of entry. The pub was demolished on their instructions in June that year. For the site and damaged building they made a converted value payment to the brewer of £3,250 in 1957. The licence was still in possession of Fremlin (?), in April 1968.



Last pub licensee had GRANGE James 1847-51 Bagshaw's Directory 1847


FARRIER Frank 1858 Melville's 1858

DICKSON Sarah A 1861+ (age 55 in 1861Census)

DICKSON J 1862 Post Office Directory 1862

TODD Edward 1864-74 Post Office Directory 1874

TERSON Thomas Achee Jan/1875 Dover Express

ELSON Basil Jan/1875-82+ (age 54 in 1881Census) Dover ExpressSinnock Directory 1875Post Office Directory 1878Post Office Directory 1882 (Late of Rugby, beerseller)

HARVEY George 1888-90 Whitstable Times

TAYLOR Henry 1891-95 Pikes 1895 (age 39 in 1891Census)

SMITH David Edward King 1895

FRANCIS John 1898

BOLDEN Thomas 1899 Kelly's Directory 1899

MILES Tom Mansell 1901-Aug/06 (age 48 in 1901Census) Post Office Directory 1903Post Office Directory 1903Kelly's 1903Dover Express

SANDIFORD James G to Jan/1907+ Dover Express

Last pub licensee had KNIGHT George James Jan/1907-30+ Dover ExpressPikes 1909Post Office Directory 1913Post Office Directory 1922Pikes 1924Post Office Directory 1930

HILLYAR Ernest manager to Feb1922 Next pub licensee had Dover Express

SCOTT J 1930 dec'd

KNIGHT George James 1932+ Pikes 1932-33

WATTS John Edward 1936-Feb/38 Dover Express

Last pub licensee had KNIGHT Henry L junior Feb/1938+ Dover ExpressPost Office Directory 1938Pikes 1938-39


Bagshaw's Directory 1847From Bagshaw Directory 1847

Melville's 1858From Melville's Directory 1858

Post Office Directory 1862From the Post Office Directory 1862

Post Office Directory 1874From the Post Office Directory 1874

Sinnock Directory 1875From Sinnock Directory 1875

Post Office Directory 1878From the Post Office Directory 1878

Post Office Directory 1882From the Post Office Directory 1882

Pikes 1895From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1895

Kelly's Directory 1899From the Kelly's Directory 1899

Post Office Directory 1903From the Post Office Directory 1901

Post Office Directory 1903From the Post Office Directory 1903

Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903

Pikes 1909From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1909

Post Office Directory 1913From the Post Office Directory 1913

Post Office Directory 1922From the Post Office Directory 1922

Pikes 1924From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1924

Post Office Directory 1930From the Post Office Directory 1930

Pikes 1932-33From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1932-33

Post Office Directory 1938From the Post Office Directory 1938

Pikes 1938-39From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1938-39

Dover ExpressFrom the Dover Express


Whitstable TimesWhitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
