Sort file:- Deal, September, 2022.

Page Updated:- Monday, 19 September, 2022.


Earliest 1770-

Two Brewers

Latest 1812+

(Name to)

Brewer Street 



Only mention I have found of this pub was an advert in the Kentish Gazette of February 20-24, 1770.

Cock-fighting at the Two Brewers in Deal, February 26, 1770.

Further research shows it mentioned in Brewer Street from 1804 from archives held at Deal library.


Kentish Gazette, 1 June, 1774.

Cock Fighting.

At Samuel Page's, at the "Two Brewers" in Deal, on Wednesday the 15th instant June.

A Welch Main of Cocks, for a Silver Tankard of 10 guineas Value.

No Cock to exceed four pounds four ounces. The Cocks to be weighed before dinner.

There will be a Close Pit and a good Ordinary at 1 o'clock.


Kentish Gazette, 23 November, 1792.


Wednesday, Mrs. Wild, of the "Two Brewers" public house, at Deal.


From Kentish Gazette 3 November 1807.


On Saturday morning last at Deal, MR. William HUBBARD, jun. (age 23,) son of MR. William HUBBARD, (age 66,) landlord of the "TWO BREWERS" public-house, Deal.


Kentish Gazette, 1 February 1820.


TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Messrs. WHITE (Without Reserve)

PURSUANT to an Order of his Honour the Vice-Chancellor of Great Britain, and before the major part of the Commissioners named and authored in and by a Commission of Bankrupt, award and issued forth, and now in prosecution against Matthew William Sankey, of the City of Canterbury, brewer, dealer and chapman, at the "Guildhall Tavern," in the said City of Canterbury, on THURSDAY the third day of February next, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, subject to such conditions as will be then and there produced.

All that Leasehold MESSUAGE or TENEMENTS with the ground, out houses, hereditaments, and premises thereunto belonging, formerly called by the name or sign of the "Two Brewers," but now commonly called or known by the name or sign of the "General Moore," situate and being in or near Middle-street, in the town and borough of Deal, in the County of Kent, and now or late in the occupation of William Hubbard.

For further particulars apply to Messrs. Plummer &. Son; or, Mr. J. J. Peirce, solicitor, Canterbury.


From emails received July 2014.

Hi Paul,

I found your piece on the Deal Cutter Inn very interesting. Family history research I and others have done suggests that a man called George Hubbard (my g-g-g-grandfather) was the licensee for a time up to 1812, before being arrested and convicted in 1813 for helping an attempted escape by a high-ranking French general who'd been taken prisoner by the British in Spain.

Hubbard was transported for life to Port Jackson (Sydney), where he became a member of two expeditions by explorer John Oxley to explore the hinterland of New South Wales. Soon after that he received a pardon and went to Van Diemen's Land (Tasmania), where he became the government boat-builder in the north of the island and at one stage ran a pub called the "Deal Cutter" in Launceston.

Do you have any information about Hubbard's time in Kent? If so I'd be glad to hear it, and possibly meet you on a brief visit to the UK in the first week of August.

He was convicted and sentenced at Salop Assizes in Shrewsbury, Shropshire, on 13 January 1813. One of our family researchers found a report of the trial in the local paper there, but unfortunately the last part of the cutting had been torn away. I'm hoping to find the missing bit in the Shropshire archives during my visit.


A report of George Hubbard's trial was published in the Shrewsbury Chronicle on Friday, December 11, 1812. Most of it is reprinted in a book called Tasmania Bound (ISBN 0-9752248-2-4), by Margaret Szalay, a family history researcher who has done a lot of work on Hubbard and his descendants (who include me).

The final part of the report is missing, as it was unreadable on the photocopy someone provided to Margaret, and I'm hoping to find it in the Shropshire archives during my visit.

There's a sentence near the end of the newspaper article as printed in the book: Hubbard says he kept a public house in Deal, and that the General, on his return to France, was to intercede for the liberation of Hubbard's brother, who is a prisoner there.

However, as far as we know George Hubbard did not have a brother, giving rise to speculation that he may have put this forward in an attempt to wriggle out of the predicament he was in after being arrested. However it's possible that the Henry you mention may indeed have been a brother. George was born in Deal in 1790, and as far as we know his parents were George Hubbard (b Deal 11 Feb 1760; d Deal 30 Aug 1832) and Sarah Cavell (1763-1836). That George's father was also named George.


Bruce Walkley

Sydney, Australia.



PAGE Samuel 1774+

WILD Mrs to Nov/1792 dec'd

HUBBARD William 1804-07+ (This may well be the brother of George Hubbard of the "Deal Cutter.")


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
