Sort file:- Canterbury, March, 2024.

Page Updated:- Tuesday, 26 March, 2024.

PUB LIST PUBLIC HOUSES Paul Skelton & Rory Kehoe

Earliest 1847-


Latest 1903+

36 North Lane


Woolpace 1880

Above photo, circa 1880, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Former Woolpack 2009

Above picture from Google, March 2009, showing numbers 36 and 36A North Lane.

Former Woolpack

Above photo, date unknown by Darkstar.


Traced from between 1847 and 1903 so far and unless the houses have been renumbered the above picture shows the premises as it was in 2009. The houses being numbered 36 and 36A also make we wonder whether the original pub contained both premises and when closed it was converted into two houses, hence the numbering.

I am informed this was a few doors from the "Navy Arms."


Kentish Gazette, 11 June 1850.

Melancholy Suicide.

On Sunday morning, between eight and nine o'clock, some boys, passing by the causeway along the river Stour near the "Dean’s Mill," had their attention attracted to what appeared the body of a person in the water. Assistance was obtained, and Mr. Baker, of the "Griffin," with others, succeeded in getting the body out of the water; it proved to be that of a female about 14 years of age.

The body was removed to the "Woolpack" public house, North-lane, to await the coroner’s inquest. It was some time before it could be ascertained who the poor female was, but ultimately her name was discovered to be Jane Turner, daughter of a person residing in Watling-street.

Various rumours were in circulation as to the supposed cause of the melancholy occurrence, for there appeared to be no doubt, from the place where the body was found and other circumstances, that death had not resulted from mere accident. It is asserted that some time since deceased was severely frightened, since which period her mind had been occasionally somewhat affected. Mr. DeLasaux, coroner, appointed the inquest to take place at the "Woolpack," at five o'clock yesterday afternoon, and a jury was empanelled to inquire into the cause of death.

Thos. Lines, bricklayer, having viewed the body of deceased, stated that he saw a young person like deceased at 20 minutes before six on Sunday morning coming from Northgate towards the Great Mill. She passed witness, and appeared to have been crying very much, and in great trouble. Elizabeth Turner, the mother, said she resided with her husband, a cabinet-maker, at 11, Watling-street. Deceased was 13 years of age last Sept. She last saw deceased at noon on Saturday, near St. George’s church, going for an errand for Mrs. Hucker, who employed her two or three hours a day. Deceased had been in a very strange low way for the last seven months, frequently complaining of pains in the head and feet, and she was attended by Mr. Hallowes. She slept at home on Friday night, generally coming home about five o'clock, but not returning on Saturday evening, witness, her husband, Mr. Thomas Newington, and deceased’s grandmother, searched for her until 7 o’clock on Sunday morning.

Seven months ago she was much frightened by the sister of her mistress in a situation she held, who dressed herself in man's clothes, and had been very nervous ever since. Esther Ann Turner, deceased's sister saw her on the Saturday afternoon when she said she should drown herself, but witness did not think anything of it. The mother was recalled, and stated that the circumstance also of her being refused a character for suspected dishonesty had prayed very much on her mind. Other witnesses were examined.

The jury returned a verdict of "Found Drowned."


South Eastern Gazette, 28 August, 1860.

Complaints against Publicans.

At the city petty sessions, yesterday, complaints were made against the landlords of the "Sun," the "Woolpack," and the "William IV.," of having opened their houses for the sale of liquor at illegal hours on the previous day (Sunday).

The landlord of the "Woolpack," in North-lane, did not appear, and was ordered to be summoned.

The case against Thos. Attwood, of the "William IV.," was gone into and proved, and having been previously cautioned by the Bench, he was fined 10s. and the costs.

The complaint against Mr. Bassenden, of the "Sun," was also proceeded with, when he stated that the two gentlemen who were seen in his house were about to proceed to Herne Bay, and were merely partaking of a glass of stout and some bread and cheese while their horses were being prepared.

Defendant was dismissed with a caution.


From the Kentish Chronicle, 1 September, 1860.

The Superintendent reported that the landlord of the "Woolpack," who had declined to attend, had been guilty of having company drinking in his house before half-past twelve on Sunday, and the bench directed a summons to be issued against him.


South Eastern Gazette, 4 September, 1860.

Selling Beer at Illegal Hours.

On Thursday last, Thomas Bodkin, the landlord of the "Woolpack," North-lane, was charged before the Mayor and magistrates with having opened his house for the sale of beer before half-past 12 o'clock on the previous Sunday morning. Defendant said he thought he was allowed to serve his customers as soon as divine service was concluded at the parish church. Superintendent Davis informed the Bench that the defendant had been cautioned a few weeks since.

Fined 10s., costs 9s.


South Eastern Gazette, Tuesday 10 September 1861.


The applications for new licenses were then made, as follows:-

George Fox, for the "Woolpack," North Lane. Refused.


South Eastern Gazette, 11 September, 1860.


Thursday. (Before the Mayor and a fall bench of magistrates).

This was the annual licensing day. With the exception of the license of John Bodin, for the "Woolpack," North-lane, the whole of the old licenses were renewed, and those landlords who had been complained of during the past year were cautioned in the usual manner.


South Eastern Gazette, 25 September, 1860.


On Thursday last the city justices held an adjourned sitting for the granting of public-house licenses and other business connected with the renewal of spirit licenses. The decision of the bench was announced with reference to the "Woolpack" in North-lane, the license being refused. Mr. Delasaux, on the part of the landlord of the "Royal Sovereign" beer-shop, in Castle-street, sought to reopen the consideration of the application of his clients for a spirit licence, which had been refused at the previous meeting, but the bench declined to depart from their usual practice, and the decision remains unaltered.


From the Kentish Chronicle and General Advertiser, 19 October, 1861. Price 1 1/2d.


George Rose, a wheelwright, lately in the employ of Mr. Cannon, miller, St. Stephen’s, was brought up in custody on a charge of stealing a pair of gig wheels, springs, and patent axle, the property of Mr. Cannon. The prosecutor saw the wheels, &c., safe on his premises about five mouths ago, and some two or three weeks since he missed them. He then made enquiries of the prisoner, who threw out insinuations against other parties in the employ of Mr. Cannon. In consequence of these insinuations one of the men named John Banks, made inquiries which led to the discovery that Rose had sold the missing articles to George Fox, landlord of the “Woolpack” public house. He communicated what he had discovered to Mr. Cannon, who immediately gave information to the police.

An officer was sent in search, and in Mr. Fox’s stable he found a box belonging to the axle tree, &c.

The prisoner was committed for trial and the Mayor commented very severely on the conduct of Mr. Fox in purchasing such articles from persons in the condition of life of the prisoner.


From the Kentish Chronicle and General Advertiser, 19 October, 1861. Price 1 1/2d.


Mary Ann Shilling was charged with stealing £8 3s. the properly of Robert Solly.

Robert Solly:— I am lodging at the “Woolpack.” I am a labourer. I charge prisoner with stealing £8 3s. which was left in a booth in the fair. There was £8 3d. tied up in a white pocket handkerchief. The prisoner was in the room when the money was flaunted out. She was not there yesterday morning between five and six. About four or five I asked my wife to get some money, and it was all right. About half-past twelve I missed the money. The prisoner was sitting at the table at supper. I mentioned my loss, and said it was taken by somebody in the place. I then fetched a policeman, and told him of my loss. There was only I, my wife, and the prisoner in the bar the whole day. I gave the prisoner in charge. She said she did not lake the money.

P.C. Manuel:— About two o’clock this morning the last witness told me that he had been robbed of £8 3s. He said no one had access to the place but the prisoner. She was searched in the booth by the prosecutor's wife, who said she had nothing on her. She was searched at the police-station, and a watch and 4d. found on her.

Mrs. Harris the female searcher at the police-station deposed to finding the watch and 4d. only.

This was the case.

She was discharged; but if any other evidence is obtained, she was told that she would have to appear again.


Kentish Gazette, Tuesday 29 October 1861.

Canterbury Police Court.

Tuesday:- (Before E. Holttum, Esq., Mayor, and John Brent, Esq.)

William Hills, well known to the police as "Stumpy Hills," was charged with stealing £8 3s. the property of William Solly and George Fox.

Mr. Fox, landlord of the "Woolpack" Public House, North Lane, deposed that, during the late fair, he, in conjunction with Solly had a drinking booth, in the bar of which the money was kept, and the prisoner was in their service as waiter. A day or two after the money was missed prisoner ask permission to leave the booth for an hour, and not returning, even for the wages due, witness suspected him, and a upon maker enquiries found that he prisoner had purchased several articles of wearing apparel and had been spending money freely in the Military Road. The evening before, finding him drinking at the "Princess Royal" public house, and in the act of betting 5s. on a game of cards, he had given him in custody.

P.C. Sampson said he apprehended prisoner, who accounted for the money he then had by saying his father had given it him. The father had denied this. He should be able to produce evidence by Thursday.

Reminded till Thursday.


From the Kentish Chronicle and General Advertiser, 17 May, 1862. Price 1 1/2d.


Early on Saturday morning a little boy named William Lemur, only six year's of age, was accidentally drowned in the Stour, near North-lane, It appeared from the evidence given at the inquest held on the body by T. T. Delasaux, Esq., in the “Woolpack Inn,” on Saturday evening, that at about half-past eight in the morning, the deceased was observed fishing from the field opposite North-lane. He was seen to throw out his line, and then shortly afterwards fall into the water. Edwin Frederick Field, a youth, who witnessed the circumstance, immediately called for assistance, and ran round to the other side to try to save him, but the little fellow had floated out too far. John Clark, a chimney-sweep, shortly after arrived, jumped into the water, and brought the little fellow out. A surgeon was sent for, but the poor boy was dead, having been in the water at least a quarter of an hour. It was stated that the deceased had been subject to fits.

Verdict, “Accidentally drowned.”


Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald 14 February 1903.



I have given notice of objection to the following houses:-

"Woolpack Inn," North Lane:— That the house is not structurally adapted for the use of the public, and not in a fit and proper state of repair to be kept open as a public house; that the sanitary arrangements are very unsatisfactory and defective; and that the licence is not required to meet the wants of the neighbourhood.


Superintendent Farmery said this house was in a bad state of repair, ill-constructed, and very dirty, and nothing had been done for some years, and in his opinion it was unsuitable for a licensed house. There were four other licensed houses within a hundred yards. There had been no complaint against the present tenant.

Mr. Turley and Mr. Richardson gave evidence as to defects in the building and the insanitary arrangements.

Mr. Knocker appeared for the owners, Messrs. Bushell, Watkins, and Co., and contended that the house was only in the same condition as many other old houses in the city were.

Finnis Stroud, the tenant, staled that he had kept the house for ten years. The Sanitary Inspector had often been, but had found no fault. The landlords had done all he had asked them to do except making a new bar. It was true that he had said he did not get a living at the house, but he could live there as he had other means.

Mr. Knocker said the owners admitted that the house was very old and they were prepared to rebuild it. If the objection was that the house was not wanted, be submitted that Canterbury bore a better character for temperance than any other large town in Kent. He asked the Bench to adjourn their decision until the next Sessions rather than confiscate the licence of the house and of the other houses belonging to Messrs. Bushell, Watkins, and Co.


The Magistrates retired for the purpose of considering the cases. On their return into Court the Chairman said the Magistrates had given a great deal of consideration to the cases having regard to the consequences of their decisions.

 The Bench considered the "Woolpack" was in an insanitary state and not adapted for the use of a public-house. They did not consider the house was required, and, therefore, the licence would be refused.

The Sessions were then adjourned until February 25th.



THOS John James 1847+ Bagshaw's Directory 1847

BODDEN/BODIN John 1858-60 Melville's 1858

BODKIN Thomas 1860+

FOX George 1861+

STROUD Francis T 1867-1891+ (age 71 in 1891Census) Post Office Directory 1874Greens Canterbury Directory 1868Post Office Directory 1882Post Office Directory 1891Historic Canterbury web site

STROUD Finnis (son) 1901-03+ (age 57 in 1901Census) Post Office Directory 1903Kelly's 1903


Bagshaw's Directory 1847From Bagshaw Directory 1847

Melville's 1858From Melville's Directory 1858

Greens Canterbury Directory 1868Greens Canterbury Directory 1868

Post Office Directory 1874From the Post Office Directory 1874


Post Office Directory 1882From the Post Office Directory 1882

Post Office Directory 1891From the Post Office Directory 1891

Post Office Directory 1903From the Post Office Directory 1903

Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903

Historic Canterbury web siteHistoric Canterbury web site


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
