90 Manor Road
Upper Deal
01304 374024
Above photo 1952.
Creative Commons Licence. |
Charrington's ledger 1950-1967.
Creative Commons Licence. |
Above drawing, date unknown. |
Above photo, date unknown. |
Above photo, date unknown. |
Above photo, date unknown. |
Above photo, date unknown.
Admiral Keppel sign August 1991.
Above with thanks from Brian Curtis
www.innsignsociety.com |

"Admiral Keppel" in the background. Foreground on left shows the "Liverpool
Arms" 1860. Photo kindly submitted by Stuart Kinnon. |
Above photo of the
Admiral Keppel, date unknown, kindly supplied by Sue Solley.
From an A4 (728S) page from Deal library, 10, January, 1999 The
"Admiral Keppel" is one of the oldest public houses in Deal, Kent.
It was
opened when Upper Deal was the most important part of the town. The
exact date is not known but it was almost 2 centuries old when in 1778
it was renamed the "Admiral Keppel."
It was they year Admiral Keppel, who had gained fame for his capture
of Havana four years earlier, was in trouble. He was blamed for the
escape of the French fleet off Ushant and when he brought his flagship
to anchor off the Downs has career was at a low ebb.
He came ashore and walked slowly along the dusty path from the
foreshore to the little hostelry standing virtually in the shadow of St,
Leonard's Church. He went in to quench his thirst and fell into
conversation with a small gathering of retired Royal Navy officers
sitting at the bar. They all expressed regrets at Keppel's situation but
he told them, in no uncertain terms he had nothing to fear.
A few weeks later a court martial gave him an honourable acquittal
and this was quickly followed by a vote of thanks for services passed by
a grateful Parliament.
When the news reached Deal the landlord of the pub immediately
changed its name to the "Admiral Keppel." And there were "drinks on the
house" for the rest of the day.
Keppel went on to become the First Lord of the Admiralty in 1872.
But, as far as is known, he never revisited the public house to which
had honoured him.
In those days the public house stood in its own two-and-a-half acre
orchard, for the property was in the middle of a rich agricultural area.
This was still the situation rather more than half a century ago when
the licence, Suzanna Marsh was serving drinks from 5 o'clock in the
morning, She had a special licence to serve farm labourers harvesting on
the adjacent farmland.
In he 1880s the newly elected Mayor of Deal held his celebrated
dinner at the "Admiral Keppel," preceded by a lavish reception at the
nearby Manor House.
Today the "Admiral Keppel" sits on a busy thoroughfare surrounded by
houses. It is situated over two miles inland and the current licensees
Matt and Sally Golding are thankful they keep normal hours.
if you would care to visit the "Admiral Keppel" they will assure you
of a hearty and an excellent pint, that even the Admiral Keppel would
approve off.
From the East Kent Mercury, 20 August, 1992
There are new people at the "Admiral Keppel," in Upper Deal, which is
arguably the oldest pub in the town. Sandra Crossland and Brian Leach
are partners at the historic hostelry, which stands at the end of manor
Sandra is no stranger to the Keppel. She has worked behind the bar
there for the last nine years. Brian is a former Betteshanger coalface
worker and this is his first pub.
The "Admiral Keppel" has a spacious car park and a pleasant patio. It
offers some fine ales including a first-class Bass IPA.
The kitchen has been refurbished and Sandra serves delicious snacks,
hot and cold, from midday to 5pm. The pub is open from midday until
The menu is varied and Sandra also offers a buffet for small
functions and private parties.
The actual age of the pub is unknown but it was named the "Admiral
Keppel" in 1778. In that year Keppel, who had gained fame for the
capture of Havana in 1762, was in trouble.
he was blamed for the escape of the French fleet off Ushant and when
he brought his fleet to anchor off Deal his career was at a low ebb. he
came ashore and walked to the Upper Deal inn where he got into
conversation with a group of retired Royal Navy officers. They expressed
regret at Keppel's situation but he told them he had nothing to fear.
A court marshal gave him an honourable acquittal and this was
followed by a vote of thanks for service rendered by Parliament. When
the news reached Deal, the landlord of the pub immediately changed the
name to the "Admiral Keppel."
Keppel went on to become the First Lord of the Admiralty in 1782. But
it is not known if he ever revisited the pub which honoured him.
Sandra and Brian told me: "This is an historic pub, steeped in the
past, but it has a very modern outlook. We look forward to meeting many
new friends.
Dover Mercury, 25 November 1999.
Sharon gets a bar break as panto star.
Thigh-high black boots may not be the height of fashion, but Sharon
Bullen is hardly out of her pair.
BALANCING ACT: Pub landlady Sharon Bullen with pint and panto rat, ready
for her role in Dick Whittington.
Behind closed doors, she is striding backwards and forwards, perfecting
the art of strutting in the precarious high heels.
Sharon, landlady of the "Admiral Keppel," is due to wear the boots in
her role as Dick Whittington in next month's panto, being presented in
Deal by the Guild Players.
"The heels are a bit high, so I am having to practise wearing them
rather than wobble on stage," she said.
The long boots will be worn with a tunic and hot pants for the
production, which opens at the Kilshawe Theatre in St George's Hall on
Wednesday, December 8.
]Sharon is no stranger to the world of panto and has appeared in previous
productions in Deal including Aladdin, Robinson Crusoe and Sleeping
Being the landlady of a busy pub, she doesn't have the spare time to
regularly appear in the amateur dramatic scene, but particularly wanted
a role in panto this Christmas.
"I saw the story in the Mercury about the Dick Whittington audition and
really wanted the part - I wanted something for me away from the pub.
"Being a publican is a 24-hour Job and like looking after a baby - it's
all day, every day. I thought it would be nice to walk away and have a
life!" said Sharon, who at 24 is the youngest landlady in Deal.
She runs the "Admiral Keppel" with her fiancee Danny, 26, and they have
been behind the bar for 11 months, previously being in charge of the
"Butcher’s Arms" in Studdal "I like the social aspect of running a pub
and really like being with people," said Sharon, who started her life
behind bars at the "King's Head" on Deal seafront.
Her days on stage began at Deal Secondary School, now Castle Community
School, when she was encouraged to take part in a school production. "I
was 15 and so quiet," she said.
"I took part in a play and joined the choir and really came out of
Sharon has also been on stage with the Dover Operative and Dramatic
Society and taken Shakespearean roles with the Deal Theatre Project.
Tickets for Dick Whittington are on sale in advance by phoning 01304
366813. The panto opens on December 3 for four days and the Saturday
matinee is already fully booked.
Above photo showing Sharon Bullen 1999, kindly sent by Sharon. |
Above certificate 1999, kindly sent by Sharon Bullen. |
Above calendar 2001, kindly sent by Sharon Bullen. |
From the East Kent Mercury, 12 December, 2002
The new landlord of the "Admiral Keppel" is a familiar face with Deal
Town football club fans.
Former Town manager Dave Dadd, nicknamed Daddio at the Charles
Ground, has taken over as joint licensee with his daughter Emma Roberts,
and Emma's husband Brian will also be helping to run the Upper Deal pub.
Dave Dadd with his daughter Emma and son-in-law Brian who are the new
licensees of the "Admiral Keppel" pub, Upper Deal.
A firefighter for 23 Years, Dave won a Queen's commendation for his
bravery in fighting the "Crypt Restaurant"
fire In Dover in 1977.
Now retired from the service, the "Keppel" is Dave's first taste of
working in the pub trade. He says: "I have always fancied running a pub,
and it was just a question of the right time and the right place."
Emma and Dave's plans for the "Keppel" include building up the
catering side, with Dave saying: "You have got to have a good food side
in the pub trade nowadays, but we intend to retain the character of the
pub and it's strong sporting links. We've got Sky Sports television and
we will be encouraging the pub's darts, pool and Sunday League football
Dave, 53, was a more than useful striker with North Deal and Walmer
in his football playing days before his long of-the-field association
with Deal Town began in 1988.
He recalls: "Jimmy Nokes (the then Deal manager) asked me to help him
out with training and it just went from there."
During his 14 years at the club Dave has had three stints as team
boss as well as being assistant manager and stadium manager, a job he
recently stepped down from in order to concentrate on the "Keppel."
But he says: "I am still involved helping out Simon (Bryant) with the
first team, and I have had loads or great times with Deal."
The highlight, of course, was Deal's FA Vase success two years ago
and that amazing day at Wembley. "All I can say is thank God for video
cameras: says Dave, "because the whole weekend was like a dream.
"Everything seemed to be just perfect, and the things that stick out
in my memory include the visit to look around Wembley on the Friday, the
police escort from our hotel at Burnham Beeches, the weather, the crowd,
and the way we won it with that fantastic late goal."
Deal's fortunes dipped dramatically after their Wembley triumph, but
Dadd helped to keep the club going and now they are doing well again
under Bryant.
"We still get our 150 or as regular supporters, and it's probably
been like that since we came out or the Southern League," says Dave.
"The whole feel of the Charles Ground has hardly changed over the
years, but we've got to find the money to build a new clubhouse soon
because you can't run the club on what we get through the gate alone.
Saturday 8th September 2006.Ghost Search.
The Admiral Keppel was no doubt named after an 'Admiral Keppel'
(1725-1786), who sailed round the world. He was court-martialled in
1778, accused of misconduct & neglect of duty. He was subsequently
acquitted, when the court found the allegations to be malicious & ill
The town of Deal had become a notorious haunt of smugglers as
early as 1745. Stories abound of tunnels under Deal, some running miles
inland, used by the smugglers.
Under the "Admiral Keppel", a local
hostelry, which certainly dates back to the 18th Century, there is a
blocked up tunnel, which is meant go from the "Admiral Keppel", under the
existing road to the Church. There is no doubt that there were very many
hideaways full of brandy, lace and tobacco. The tunnels provided a ready
highway to transport contraband away from the prying eyes of ordinary
Prohibition didn't deter the smugglers of Deal, Dover and
Folkestone. Laughing at the authorities, they simply built their boats
across the channel, under the self-interested protection of the French
To sum this investigation site up in one word, Wow. Both
Adam and I were impressed with The Admiral Keppel. Not only are the
Spirit very active, but the staff and local clientele were very sociable
and friendly....so thank you guys.
At the top of this property you will
find the attic, a large open space that is awaiting renovation. It was
here that we came in contact with two male energies. The first image we
were shown was a pair of thick leather gloves, and then a bird of prey,
this used to be kept as a pet (the bird not the gloves!). The owner
introduced himself as Richard Constable who was 54 years of age when he
passed over. His comrade was Samuel King, who accompanied Richard at all
times. There was also a four year old boy to be found hiding in a loft
space that is not accessible, when I discovered him Richard stepped
forward, I told him I meant no harm. Richard protects not only this
little boy but also a murder victim on the floor below. It's the living
quarters that you will meet a female Spirit by the name of Pricilla Seycombe; she had her life taken in a marital argument. It was a blow to
the back of her head that took her over, her husband eventually hung for
his crime. Not only do Pricilla and her husband roam this level, but
also her brother-in-law, he is livid that his brother was hung for this
'crime of passion'. Both male energies are strong and I feel they will
more than likely show off on the night. It was in the bathroom that we
first came in to contact with 'the brother-in-law', his energy was
awesome, when I asked him to identify himself he gave me a really rude
name that I may only repeat on the night! There is an additional
bedroom, cellar and storeroom that hold active Spirit. You might also
like to know that Ley lines run through this property and there is a
graveyard smack bang in front of the pub.
The Investigation Report
The table tilting session was pretty impressive, lots of dancing and
spinning, and even going up and down a step. The entire group were so
keen and open that Spirit didn't have any problem getting the tables
Our first port of call after the table work was the cellar. As we stood
in a circle for the séance, people began to feel their backs get
extremely cold (the chiller had been turned off so it was not from
this). It was caused by a male energy walking around the circle; he
seemed to be looking at us trying to see what we were up to. Gradually
the guests started to experience gentle arm movement and being pushed
and pulled so that they swayed back and forth. Poor Pete (Cam operator)
who was leaning against the cellar door, got pushed (or rather the door
he was leaning against) sharply and he jolted forward. He checked the
door and found it to be very heavy and no springs fitted to close it. I
noticed a man about 5'10"-5'11" step forward. He was a broad man and had
a large stomach. He looked to be about 70yrs old, although he never
confirmed this. He was wearing grey trousers and a white collarless
shirt that had blue pinstripes on it. I asked him his name and he said
Charles (Charlie) Hodges. Charlie told me that he passed in 1905, and
that he had been a farm labourer. He showed me a scene of a row of
cottages (3) and said that his was the one on the end (as I was viewing
the scene it would have been the one on the right). He showed me
chickens in the back garden. I could see there was a track to the front
of the cottages, but no road, and I was seeing it as it would have been
in the 1870's as Charlie looked to be in his 40's. I could see that the
cottages had a name but no numbers, but I couldn't work out what the
name was. Steve (guest) said that there was, and still is, a row of
three cottages opposite the Admiral Keppel called Church Cottages. There
is no road in front of them. Steve asked me what was behind the cottages
and as I looked all I could see were fruit trees, Steve and Ben (guest)
both confirmed that at one time it was all orchards around the area.
Charlie then disappeared from sight. Ben said that he felt someone
tugging at the back of his top, just above his waist. As I looked I was
aware of a young boy he appeared to be about 9/10yrs old. He gave me the
impression that he had drowned in the local area, and it had been in
fresh water, not salt. He gave the feeling of passing in the 1960's
although I could not pin this down to a year, but it had been in the
late spring or early summer. He gave his name as David. Both Steve and
Ben stated that there was (in the 60's) a local duck pond not far from
where we were. Just as David left he gave me a message to pass on to
Tess (our locations co-ordinator), this I did. As he left Charlie came
back into the room and he brought his wife with him. She gave her name
as Mavis and I could see that although she was only about 5'2" tall she
was (as Glen put it "well covered") Glen, (Medium) had also picked up on
her and said that she was a jolly lady. Mavis promptly said that she
didn't come to speak to her (Glen) that swiftly cut the link that Glen
had. Mavis told me that she had passed on the 26th June 1915. They had
had 8 children and all had survived infancy. She told me that just after
she had passed that 4 of her sons had joined her, killed, as she said,
"In the Great War". Evidently 2 had been shot in Belgium (Pashendale)
and 2 had been lost at sea. But now all of the family has been
re-united. Both Mavis and Charlie then left us. We all had a short break
then decided to try the loft. Once there Glen said that someone wanted
to talk through her (trance) but as they wouldn't say who they were and
what they wanted she refused. We only stayed a few minutes, then left to
go to the lounge. Here Glen and the guest's had some success with glass
movement. There was no evidence as such, but the glass was moved with
some vigour down the side of a cabinet and went round in circles on the
side. I had been sitting some way apart from the people doing the
glasswork with an EMF meter. As I asked Spirit to walk in front of the
meter the lights lit up like a Christmas tree. They did this for some
time, each time I asked Spirit to step close, so the lights went mad. As
the night was drawing to a close we thought we would hold one last
séance so we went into a bedroom. When we had settled down the guest's
were again treated to some gentle (and in the case of Tess, not so
gentle) swaying and pushing. Poor Penny (guest) couldn't stand still for
more than a minute at a time, before being pushed again. She even tried
placing her legs, one in front of the other to restrict the pushing, but
it did no good Spirit pushed her anyway. While this was going on I saw a
small girl (aged about 3 or 4 yrs old) walking round the circle looking
at each person in turn and asking "Is James here?" "Have you seen
James?" As she came round to me I asked her who James was, and she told
me he was her brother. They and their parents had come down from
Scotland (Forfar) on holiday, she had fallen asleep in the back of the
car and when she woke up everyone had disappeared. (RTA) She told me her
name was Becky, I asked her if she would like to see James and she said
yes. I informed the team and explained that we were about to do some
"rescue work" and they all agreed to take part. I called on my guide to
take Becky home, and she was gone in less than a minute. Everyone felt a
bit emotional as the rescue was taking place, but we were all pleased
that Becky would again be re-united with her family. Just a couple of
minutes later a young boy appeared standing in front of me with his
hands on his hips. He said “My name's James, thank you very much” and
left. I must say a big thank you to Dave for his hospitality, and
wonderful food. Also a genuine thank you to our team, a lovely bunch of
people to work with.
May the Great Sprit walk with each of you and guide you along your
chosen path.
Pete & Glen
(Ghost Search Uk Paranormal investigators).
From the Dover Express, 11 September, 2008.
A THIEF took a £1,500 mountain bike from the back of a pub in Deal.
The silver Marin Hawkhill bike was taken from Manor Road on Tuesday,
September 2 between 9.30pm and 10.30pm.
It has 21 gears, downhill handlebars and the word Marin written in
purple along the diagonal bar. Anyone with information should call
police on 01303 289180 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.
From an email received 10 August, 2010
I am the granddaughter of Mrs
Annie E Child - nana moved to this pub with her three young children
about 1917 at this time she was a widow. Here she met her 2nd husband
James John Charles Child and had my mum in July 1922 who is registered
as being born in the Admiral Keppel.
I very recently visited the pub for the 1st time and the now landlord
kindly showed myself and husband round - nice guy.
Many thanks
Mrs W Hawes
From the Dover Mercury, 26 April, 2012. 80p ADVERTISEMENT FEATURE
Landlord Steve Rutter at The Admiral Keppel, Manor Road, Deal
Picture: Terry Scott PD2023603 Buy photos at kentonline.co.uk
A FULL English breakfast, a curry night and Funkin cocktails on
Thursdays make the "Admiral Keppel" the place to be any night of the
The Manor Road pub is gearing up for a summer of fun, with plenty of
events booked as well as mouth-watering food theme nights throughout the
New to the kitchen is the Keppel's English breakfast served between 8
and 11am costing £4.
Food is served Monday to Saturday, from noon to 7pm, with a selection
of daily specials. Mondays are World Wine nights where customers can
choose a meal and a glass of wine from countries like India and Italy.
Curry night is on Tuesdays, where curry and a beer is served for just
If it's cocktails you love, jugs cost £10 or £2.50 by the glass on
Funkin Thursdays and vodka jelly shots and Sourz cost £1. Jagermeister,
the pub's most popular shot, costs £10 for six shots.
A pub for everyone, the Keppel is home to a handful of clubs
including the Real Deal Scooter Club, and the bike club on Tuesdays and
Thursdays respectively.
Darts are held on Mondays and Wednesdays and pool on Wednesdays.
The next meeting of the Keppel Golf Society is tomorrow (Friday)
where members meet for a breakfast, a round of golf and back to the pub
for food.
Whenever you call into the Keppel, don't forget a thriving live music
and events programme is booked for the summer.
The Queen's Jubilee and Euro 2012 are catered for and so are kids
with a bouncy castle in the garden on nice days.
Happy hour is 5-7pm Monday to Friday, so why not sample some bar
snacks with a pint of Carling, Strongbow, or large glass of house wine
for £2.50.
To book a table, telephone 01304 449632.
From Deal pubs and local history FB website:
In light of all the recent pub closures and uncertainty in the trade, my
wife & I have taken a gamble and decided to buy The Admiral Keppel from
Punch Taverns.
As a non core estate pub we could see the brewery selling to a developer
and Deal loosing arguably the Oldest Pub !!!
Having saved the pub the hard work now begins.
We have plans to sympathetically enhance the building over time, but this
will be work in progress.
Pubs really do matter and are in danger, protect your local before it's
too late.
Our relaunch night will be 12th March, look forward to welcoming you in
the upcoming future.
Dayle & Donna Melody.
Patricia Streater points out that there is a Kepple Cottage in Middle
Street that looks to be about the same age as the pub above, but certainly
not to be confused with the pub.
A Charrington outlet in 1974.

In March 2016 the pub changed name to the "Farrier."
This was probably its original name way back in 1662.
GOODSON Thomas 1804+
POWELL James Hall 1823-28+
HAMMOND James 1832-39+
SUTTON James 1840+

FARRIER James 1841-47+ (age 65 in 1841 )

MARSH James 1851-63+ (age 35 in 1851 )
MARSH Susannah Verrier Mrs 1871-1903+ (widow age 69 in 1891 )
MAY Emily Mrs 1913-14+
CHILD Mrs Annie E 1917-22
ALLEN David 1922-39+ (age 61 in 1939 )
PRITCHARD R G 1/ May/1947-54
ROLF N P 1954-Jan/66
STUBBINGS G W Jan/1966-Nov/66
E???? J F (temp) Nov/1966-Jan/67
HIGGINS P J Jan/1967+
WATKINS Alex C 1974
LEACH Brian & CROSSLAND Sandra Aug/1992+
GOLDING Matt & Sally 1999+
BROWN Sharon 1999-2001+
DADD Dave 2002-08
RUTTER Steve & Sam 2008-12+
From the Pigot's Directory 1823
From the Pigot's Directory 1824
From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29
From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34
From the Pigot's Directory 1839
From the Pigot's Directory 1840
From Bagshaw Directory 1847
From the Post Office Directory 1855
From Melville's Directory 1858
From the Kelly's Directory 1862
From the Kelly's Directory 1874
From the Post Office Directory 1874
From the Post Office Directory 1882
From the Post Office Directory 1891
From the Kelly's Directory 1899
From the Post Office Directory 1903
From the Kelly's Directory 1903
From the Post Office Directory 1913
From the Kelly's Directory 1913
Deal Library List 1914
From the Post Office Directory 1922
From the Kelly's Directory 1934
From the Post Office Directory 1938
Library archives 1974