Sort file:- Woolwich, August, 2024.

Page Updated:- Wednesday, 28 August, 2024.


Earliest 1841

Anglesea Arms

Open 2021+

91 Woolwich New Street / Anglesea Road


020 8309 8444

Anglesea Arms

Photos above and below taken from by Matt Martin in March 2006.

Anglesea Arms 2013

Above photo, 12 August 2013.


The pub was built in 1841 and replaced a nearby pub called the "Marquis of Anglesea." In 1885 it was enlarged with a single-story wing along the Brookhill Road and again in 1906 Whitbreads decided to substantially upgrade the building. The first floor being carried out by T. Glanfield, a Deptford builder.


From the Borough of Greenwich Free Press, 20 June, 1857.

PETTY SESSIONS. June 13th, 1857.

(Before Sir T. M. Wilson, Bart., Chairman ; Major Gosset, Captain Grant, J. Sutton, Esq., and T. Lewin, Esq.)



Mr. Matthews, solicitor, of London, appeared to support an application on the part of Mr. John Buttery, of the "Gun," New road, Woolwich, for the licence of his house to be transferred to a newly erected house in the same locality.

Mr. Colquhoun, of Woolwich, opposed the application on behalf of Mrs. Butler, landlady of the "Anglesea Arms," situate a short distance of the applicant’s new house.

The Bench after hearing the observations of the two legal gentlemen, retired to consider their decision, and on returning into court, The Chairman said that himself and brother magistrates considered the licence ought to be transferred. The transfer was made accordingly.


Woolwich Gazette Friday 14 November 1890.


The number of applications and plans for building and alterations of licenses premises this month was larger than usual. Mr. Church, surveyor, submitted plans for alterations proposed by Mr. W. Prince, at the "Navy Arms," Woolwich; Mr. Selton, at the "Duchess of Wellington," Woolwich; Mr. Cutting, at the "Anglesea Arms," Woolwich; Mr. Sadler, at the "Burrage Arms," Plumstead; Mr. Davidson, at the "Percy Arms," Plumstead; and Mr. W. Stevens, at the "Prince Arthur," Arsenal Station. Mr. J. O. Cook, surveyor, presented plans for re-building of the premises of Mr. Jope, the "Rose and Crown," Plumstead, and for alterations proposed by Mr. Fenton, at the "Travellers' Home," Woolwich. Mr. H. Roberts, surveyor, submitted a plan of alteration, proposed by Mr. Coster, at the "Rosemary Branch," Lewisham High Road.

The Bench sanctioned, with slight modification the whole of the plans.


From the By David Mills, 8th December 2008.

BROMLEY: Mother to mourn Keston car crash victim at Christmas.

THE mother of a hugely popular 17-year-old boy who was killed in a car accident says Christmas Day is going to be “terrible” for her family.

Dee and George Mosedale 2008

Dee Mosedale, 53, lost her beloved son George when his car hit a tree in West Common Road, Keston, at around 11.30pm on June 17.

The former Hayes School pupil had driven his girlfriend home after telling his mother he would be straight back.

George never came home that evening, and for Dee and her family, their lives will never be the same again.

Dee, who is landlady of the Anglesey Arms in Palace Road, Bromley, said: “It will be terrible on Christmas Day.

“We have to do the best we can, George will be looking down on us.”

She added: “We are still trying to come to terms with it. You don’t expect to bury your own children.

“We have a whole new life now, learning how to live with a big loss in our life.

“We are certainly changed people, which only someone who has lost a child would know what we are talking about.

“It was the worst thing that could have happened to you in your life.

“You realise what other people are going through who have lost loved ones.”

Since George’s death, the family has received fantastic support from friends and customers at their pub.

Around 900 people turned out for his funeral and 100 came to a party on what would have been his 18th birthday on September 13.

After his accident, police had to close the road he crashed in to allow 200 people to leave flowers and tributes.

Dee said: “He was such a likeable boy, when he walked through the bar everyone would say hello George.

“People have written to us saying you don't know us but we knew George, I don't think he will be forgotten.”

George was halfway through a two-year apprenticeship as a heating engineer at K&T heating services, based in Woolwich.

His mother said: “He had a bright future ahead of him, they thought the world of him at K&T.

“They said he was a natural and would have made the grade.”

Outside work George was a keen sportsman, who loved golf, football, snooker and swimming.

He was a semi-professional footballer for Welling United.

The coroner recorded George’s death as accidental, and his mother thinks he was not wearing his seatbelt.

She said: “I don't think he was wearing his seatbelt, which is a message that has to be got over to so many young people.”

As well as Dee, George leaves behind his father Charlie, his elder brother Tony, and elder sister Rosie.

His mother added: “It's like he’s still alive and about, not a day goes by where something doesn’t happen which reminds me of him.

“I still don't believe it, I still think he’s going to walk through the door.”


From an email received 17 September 2022.

I am 80. My father B H Carpenter was born within the sound of Bow Wells. His mother and father (B H Carpenter,) my grandparents, moved to Woolwich and took over the "Anglesea Arms."

My grandfather died of Malaria at the pub which he caught serving in India.

My grandmother kept the licence, remarried and her second husband was involved in a traffic accident outside the pub.

The customers brought his body into the pub and placed it on the counter.

My grandmother left Woolwich in 1921 and went to Leigh on Sea with my father and his sister.

Moira Carpenter.



BUTLER Stephen 26/Sept/1846-Mar/50 dec'd

BUTLER Mary (widow) Mar/1850-June/64 dec'd

BUTLER Sarah Jane June/1864+

PENFOLD Abel 1867-82+ (age 37 in 1881Census)

BUTLER Mary Mrs 1885+

CUTTING Walter 1890-91+

HOWLETT Charles 1891+ (age 38 in 1891Census)

LIVETTE William Harry sen. to Feb/1896 Woolwich Gazette

CROSSLEY James William Feb/1896+ Woolwich Gazette

HIRST Thomas T 1896+

CLAMP Thomas 1901-11+ (age 35 in 1901Census)


McKENZIE Henry 1921+

LANGHAM Charles Edwin 1934-38+

MATTHEWS Albert 1944+

MOSEDALE Dee 2008+



Woolwich GazetteWoolwich Gazette


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-