44 Lewisham High Road (Counter Hill 1866)
St. Paul
Now part of Greater London, this area was indeed Kent before 1965. Hence,
I will be adding information regarding this pub as and when I find or it is
sent to me, but at present I'll be concentrating on the areas that are
within the Kent boundary today.
Your help is appreciated, and every email is answered.
From the Borough of Greenwich Free Press, 6 September, 1856.
The following applications will be made for licenses at the Special
Sessions to be holden on the 25th day of September, inst.:—
St. Paul, Deptford.
"Star and Garter;"
"Walpole Arms;"
"Rosemary Branch;"
"Crystal Palace;"
and "Prince of Wales."
From the Borough of Greenwich Free Press, 27 September, 1856.
Present - Sir T. M. Wilson, Bart., chairman; General Angerstein,
Captain Hossett, Alderman Eagleton, T. Lewin, Esq., J. Sutton,
Esq., and Coles Chile, Esq.
This being the annual licensing day for the hundreds of Blackheath,
and Little and Lessness, there was an unusually large attendance of
applicants for spirit licences, numbering 60; of which Greenwich
numbered 9; Saint Nicholas, Deptford, 1; Saint Paul, Deptford, 6;
Lewisham, 4; Lee, 1; Charlton, 1; Woolwich, 20; and Plumstead, 14.
St. Paul, Deptford.
Mr. Bristow supported the petition of Joseph Hillier, "Rosemary
Branch," Counter hill, Mr. Child opposed. Licence refused.
From the Borough of Greenwich Free Press, 26 September, 1857.
Adjourned Licensing Day.
On Thursday last, only two new licenses were granted, viz., Mr. A.
Branch, "Royal Oak," Shooters-hill-road, and Mr. J. Hillier of the
"Rosemary Branch," Counter-hill, Deptford.
South Eastern Gazette, 19 June, 1860.
DEPTFORD. Melancholy Suicide of a Young Woman.
On Friday, Mr. C. J. Carttar, coroner, held an inquiry at the
"Rosemary Branch," Upper Lewisham-road, On the body of Eliza Ann
Constable, aged 24, who committed suicide by hanging herself on
Wednesday last.
The deceased it appeared came from Yalding, where her friends
reside, and entered the service of Mrs. Parkhurst, of 7,
Clarence-terrace, in the above neighbourhood. For the past three
weeks she had complained of pains in her head, and had been under
medical treatment, but without any favourable results. On Wednesday
morning last she asked a young woman named Elizabeth Hall, living
servant in an adjoining house, whether people who went mad committed
suicide, but nothing particular was noticed in consequence. In the
middle of the day her mistress, who was going out, called to her,
but receiving no reply she proceeded upstairs to ascertain where she
was, when the first thing that attracted her notice was seeing the
legs of deceased hanging below the upper staircase banister. An
alarm was immediately raised, and Mr. Walburton, builder, ran in and
found deceased suspended by the neck to the staircase railing. She
was instantly cut down, and Mr. Sargent, a medical gentleman, who
was attending in the neighbourhood, endeavoured to restore
animation, but all to no avail. The jury returned a verdict that the
deceased committed suicide while labouring under temporary
Woolwich Gazette Friday 14 November 1890.
The number of applications and plans for building and alterations of
licenses premises this month was larger than usual. Mr. Church,
surveyor, submitted plans for alterations proposed by Mr. W. Prince,
at the "Navy Arms," Woolwich; Mr. Selton, at the "Duchess of
Wellington," Woolwich; Mr. Cutting, at the "Anglesea Arms," Woolwich;
Mr. Sadler, at the "Burrage Arms," Plumstead; Mr. Davidson, at the
"Percy Arms," Plumstead; and Mr. W. Stevens, at the "Prince Arthur,"
Arsenal Station. Mr. J. O. Cook, surveyor, presented plans for
re-building of the premises of Mr. Jope, the "Rose and Crown," Plumstead, and for alterations proposed by Mr. Fenton, at the
"Travellers' Home," Woolwich. Mr. H. Roberts, surveyor, submitted a
plan of alteration, proposed by Mr. Coster, at the "Rosemary
Branch," Lewisham High Road.
The Bench sanctioned, with slight modification the whole of the
plans. |
HILLIER Joseph 1854-56+

HILLIER H Mr Sept/1857+
NEALON Edward 1862+
BOXELL John and Edward Aug/1866-67+
BOXELL Edward 1881-82+ (widower age 54 in 1881 )
COSTER Mr 1890+
PACE John to May/1894

DAY Edwin May/1894-96+

JONES David John 1904-14+ (age 51 in 1911 )
JONES Louisa 1919-21+
WILDE Mary Ann 1944+
West Kent Guardian
Kentish Mercury