Sort file:- Plumstead, March, 2021.

Page Updated:- Sunday, 07 March, 2021.


Earliest ????

Percy Arms

Latest 1970s

187 Maxey Road


Percy Arms 1966

Above photo 1966, kindly sent my Leonard Thorpe.

Percy Arms

Above photo kindly sent by Leonard Thorpe.


Woolwich Gazette Friday 14 November 1890.


The number of applications and plans for building and alterations of licenses premises this month was larger than usual. Mr. Church, surveyor, submitted plans for alterations proposed by Mr. W. Prince, at the "Navy Arms," Woolwich; Mr. Selton, at the "Duchess of Wellington," Woolwich; Mr. Cutting, at the "Anglesea Arms," Woolwich; Mr. Sadler, at the "Burrage Arms," Plumstead; Mr. Davidson, at the "Percy Arms," Plumstead; and Mr. W. Stevens, at the "Prince Arthur," Arsenal Station. Mr. J. O. Cook, surveyor, presented plans for re-building of the premises of Mr. Jope, the "Rose and Crown," Plumstead, and for alterations proposed by Mr. Fenton, at the "Travellers' Home," Woolwich. Mr. H. Roberts, surveyor, submitted a plan of alteration, proposed by Mr. Coster, at the "Rosemary Branch," Lewisham High Road.

The Bench sanctioned, with slight modification the whole of the plans.


From the Sheffield Evening Telegraph, Wednesday 6 May 1914.


For "gross cruelty" to a cat William Hards, licensee of the "Percy Arms, Plumstead, was fined £2 and £2 2s. costs at Woolwich.

He was said to have hung the cat out of a window, where it was left struggling for half an hour. Hards said he strangled the cat before he hung it out, and the struggles were only muscular spasms.


From an email received 10 December 2014.

Although I lived practically opposite the pub, at 192 Maxey Road since a baby in 1947 my drinking days only started after I joined the army in 1964, and the pub was owned and run by John & Bridie Tully from Ireland.

The best pub night was on a Saturday, when Vie the pianist came in, and everyone would have a good old singsong. Sometimes we would even have who we called ‘the music-man' bring in his accordion whilst different people sang. His favourite tune was called ‘I am the music man'. Sometimes everyone would sing, but then you had the regular ‘solo' slots. Joe Ward would always sing ‘A shanty in old shantytown' while banging the bottom of the bar with his foot, and you could almost tell the time by what was being sung, because it was nearly always the same every week. All the old timers used to sing songs like ‘Daisy, Daisy', ‘You are my sunshine', ‘If you were the only girl in the world', etc., etc., and it was all bloomin' good fun. On one occasion, when the Duffy's (an Irish family who had the little shop next to the pub at the time), had family visitors over from Ireland, they were all in the "Percy" drinking, and my brother Charlie and me took a ukulele and a tin whistle in and had a bit of a session playing Irish songs together, with them all singing along – it was great fun. Charlie and I have lots of good memories of these times, and Charlie was a long-time member of their darts team. I would have a game when they were short of a player, but Charlie was really good at it, and played at loads of local pubs in ‘away' games.

My drink in the "Percy" started off as just Brown Ale, because that's what dad used to drink indoors, but soon went on to Red Barrel bitter, and I have mostly stuck with bitter throughout, although different breweries had different names for their own beers. If I drank in the "Lord Raglan," it used to be Double Diamond, but I've also had Courage Tavern keg and lots of other bitters, lagers, scrumpy cider (mostly while in the army), and the occasional whisky, rum or brandy! Sounds pretty terrible but I wasn't really that bad!

Previous landlords of the "Percy" in my time were: George & Midge Hawkins with a dog called Buddy, who used to eat stones, I swear we could hear them rolling about in his belly! George was a typical old time landlord; he used to wear a white jacket and always looked a real professional. They were the furthest back I can remember, and then came a man on his own, Joe Worcester, who had a northern accent (Lancashire?), for whom I used to go to the shops at Barnfield Gardens to get his tin of snuff when he wanted it. He had a dirty moustache, which was always caked with snuff! Thankfully I was too young to be using the pub then, apart from the ‘Off Sales' bar where anyone could go to get cigarettes, crisps, soft drinks, sweets, etc. In those days, crisps only came in one flavour – ‘crisps', (made by Smith's) and you would get a little twist of blue paper inside with salt in if you wanted to use it, all you had to do was open the twist inside your bag and then shake it. Now days they have re-created them and called it ‘Salt'n'shake'.

Next were an Irish couple called Pat & Margaret McQuaid, with two (?) children. I was to meet Pat & Margaret again around 1975 when I used their next pub the "Eagle" in Red Lion Lane.

I believe the "Percy" was demolished sometime during the early 1970's, as my parents had moved to Eltham in 1969, and although I came out of the army in 1971, I didn't return to the area until around 1974 and had a big shock to find it gone!

Although my old house - and indeed the whole of the west side of our part of old Maxey Road is still lived in, it was renamed Congleton Villas after the rebuilding works, - all of the east side was demolished and new flats built in place.

Len Thorpe (Jan 2012)


I have been informed that the pub was unfortunately demolished some time in the early 1970s.



WATTS Joseph 1862+ Post Office Directory 1862

EVANS Thomas 1866+

COLLETT Mrs Sarah 1874+ Post Office Directory 1874

BRIDGE Harriet Bridge 1881+ Census

DAVIDSON James 1890-91+ Census

DAY John Frederick to Mar/1894 Kentish Mercury

LAZELL/LAZEL Louiza Hariette Mrs Mar/1894-96+ Post Office DirectoryKentish Mercury

COLE Frederick J 1901-06+ Census

TELLING George 1907 Post Office Directory

TARLING George 1908+ Post Office Directory

HARLING Alfred 1911+ Post Office Directory

HARDS William 1914+

LOOPER Charles 1919+ Post Office Directory

VINE Charles 1938+ Post Office Directory 1938

HAWKINS George 1944+ Post Office Directory

TULLY John & Bridie 1964+

MCQUAID Pat & Margaret 1965-70s Next pub licensee had


Post Office DirectoryFrom the Post Office Directory

Post Office Directory 1862From the Post Office Directory 1862

Post Office Directory 1874From the Post Office Directory 1874

Post Office Directory 1938From the Post Office Directory 1938


Kentish MercuryKentish Mercury


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
