20 Plumstead Road
Philip Nunn informs me that licensee John Wilfred Sadler, a distant
relative, sadly died in March 1889 after running the pub during the 1880s,
leaving the grand sum of £14,266 to his son John.
Kentish Independent 25 September 1852.
We understand that the Plumstead and Woolwich Fancy Rabbit Club, will
hold their second show on Monday the 4th October, at the "Burrage Arms,"
Plumstead Road. The lop-eared animals to be exhibited by the Society,
are, we are informed, of great beauty and length of ears, and they have
five rabbits, bred this summer, which will stand a comparison with any
of the same age. The rabbits are to be shown at seven o'clock in the
Kentish Independent 30 September 1854.
G. Willes in returning thanks to those numerous Friends who have
favoured him with their patronage for the past five years, begs to
inform them and the public generally, that on Thursday last his
application for a Spirit license was granted by magistrates in Petty
Session, and he will therefore be enabled in future to supply Wines and
Spirits of the First Quality. |
Woolwich Gazette Friday 14 November 1890.
The number of applications and plans for building and alterations of
licenses premises this month was larger than usual. Mr. Church,
surveyor, submitted plans for alterations proposed by Mr. W. Prince,
at the "Navy Arms," Woolwich; Mr. Selton, at the "Duchess of
Wellington," Woolwich; Mr. Cutting, at the "Anglesea Arms," Woolwich;
Mr. Sadler, at the "Burrage Arms," Plumstead; Mr. Davidson, at the
"Percy Arms," Plumstead; and Mr. W. Stevens, at the "Prince Arthur,"
Arsenal Station. Mr. J. O. Cook, surveyor, presented plans for
re-building of the premises of Mr. Jope, the "Rose and Crown," Plumstead, and for alterations proposed by Mr. Fenton, at the
"Travellers' Home," Woolwich. Mr. H. Roberts, surveyor, submitted a
plan of alteration, proposed by Mr. Coster, at the "Rosemary
Branch," Lewisham High Road.
The Bench sanctioned, with slight modification the whole of the
plans. |
WILLES George & Francis (son) 1849-62+ (age 61 & 26 in 1861 )

SADLER John Wilfred 1866-Mar/1889 (widower age 53 in 1881 )
SADLER Wilfred 1890-91+ (age 29 in 1891 )
SADLER John W 1896+
RICH John 1901+ (father
of Frederick William Rich)
WOOD Edward 1908+
McKELLAR Albert Edward 1919-21+
West Kent Guardian