Sort file:- Dover, August, 2024.

Page Updated:- Monday, 19 August, 2024.

PUB LIST PUBLIC HOUSES Barry Smith and Paul Skelton

Earliest 1831

Black Horse

Latest 1915


Elvey's Lane in 1833

44 Bridge Street (6 in 1871Census)


Black Horse 1907

Above photo 1907, kindly sent by Graham Butterworth.

Black Horse


A beerhouse of Leney which opened at some time between 1823 and 1869. Earliest reference I have is in 1831, but this then says it had changed name to the "Bricklayer's" recently. It was mentioned in Pigot's Directories as having the address of just Charlton, but that's close enough for me to believe it is this house in Bridge Street they are referring to. Travelling towards Charlton from Tower Hamlets the house would be on your right. Previous to 1916 the number was 44. The site remained the same. It was an effort on the part of somebody to improve the street numbering. Unfortunately its new denomination proved unlucky. Before the paint was dry it had been declared redundant and compensation was paid in 1915 as follows. Sarah Dennis the owner got £698.10s. Leney and Company got £109 and the tenant, Harry Clark, got £95.10s.

I am now starting to think that perhaps the now "Eagle" wasn't on the location of the "Black Horse" but that pub was actually this one. With apparently more than one pub with that name in the same area, at the same time if indeed is correct and it's not the same, does cause confusion.

I have now found a reference to a "Black Horse," Charlton in 1821. The plot thickens.


Next door to the Black Horse

Above photo was sent to me from Graham Butterworth who says the following:-

Hi Paul - I don't know if you are interested in this photo - it comes from Dave Martin.

It is an old postcard - unfortunately it is not dated.

The Postcard is entitled 'Kennet's Hop Garden' - and there is a note on the back to say it was next door to the Black Horse PH in Bridge Street. Dave thinks the family who lived here were called 'Kennet' and they may be one of his wife's relatives - whose mother's Maiden name was Kennet.

You can just see the right hand edge of the pub sign in the top left hand corner of the photo.

Apparently Morrisons is now on the site and this place was just about opposite the newsagents that is currently in Bridge Street.

Graham Butterworth.


Kentish Gazette, 13 April, 1821.

On Wednesday, an inquest was held before John Dell, Eeq. at the "Black Horse," Charlton, on the body of John Knight, formerly a butcher of Dover, who in a fit of insanity stabbed himself with a case-knife.


Kentish Weekly Post or Canterbury Journal, 8 March 1831.

A fine opportunity now offers to Brewers, Farmers, and the Public in general.

To be sold by auction, by John Howland, on Wednesday, 16th March, 1831, and following day, without reserve, all that newly erected brewhouse and plants, known by the name of the Red Lion Brewery, adjoining the late well-known public house the "Black Horse," (but now called the "Bricklayers Arms") in the parish of Charlton, near Dover, in the county of Kent; together with the copper and fittings, pumps, 44 feet pipe, turn cocks, wort tub, fanners, coolers, shutes, mash sticks; six barrel underback, with pipe and brass cork; one vat, four barrels, 1 ditto, and 4 six butts each, with taps; mash tubs; a quantity of puncheons, hogshead, barrels, 18 gallon casks, 9 gallon casks, ditto pins, and various other descriptions of casks; cork chest, stilling, brewer's dray and harness, a quantity of hops, malt mill, copper crane, two rounds for three barrels each, a large quantity of deal and oak plank rafters, fence poles, together with a general assortment of household furniture.

Sale to commence each day at 10 o'clock, and the Goods to be viewed on Tuesday and on the morning before sale. If possible the whole will be sold the first day.

Catalogues can be had at Mr. Howland's residents, no. 3, Guildford Cottage; or at Mr. T. Birch's, Auctioneer, Strond Street, catalogues, 6d each, to return to purchasers.


From the Dover Telegraph. price 7d. 23 November 1833.

The Royal Cinque Ports Assembly Booth.

Will be open during the Fair, at the tea-gardens and bowling-green of the Black Horse, Charlton, on which occasion there will be a GRAND FANCY DRESS BALL each evening.

An excellent and efficient band will perform every evening, and the booth will be brilliantly illuminated with variegated lamps.

S Clarke, proprietor of the above booth, which he has erected at the request of his numerous friends, most respectfully begs leave to state that every arrangement has been made to ensure the accommodation of all who may be pleased to humour him with their company. He also begs to leave to mention that he not only deals with the tradesmen of Dover for goods, &c but he also employs Dover mechanics and labourers to erect booths, &c, &c.

Tickets may be had at the Black Horse Tavern, Elvey's Lane, for the above booth, at 6d each, for the evening.

S. C. wishes it to be understood that no noisy, or otherwise objectionable character, will be admitted; as it is his determination to preserve the order so essential to the well being of respectable society.

(At present I am not sure where Elvey's Lane was.) In Joe Harman's book list of Dover Streets, he says "There was a Paving Commissioner named Henry Elve who had a hand developing Castle Street, which could explain the name. (Click here). However, the above seems to suggest it was probably in the Charlton area around Bridge Street.


From the Kentish Gazette, 22 December 1840.

Dec. 17, at Dover, Mr. A Cullen, formerly landlord of the "Black Horse Inn," Charlton.



Bridge Street is part of an ancient road running from Charlton to Hougham, which continued on up Black Horse Lane (now Tower Hamlets Road) and is obviously where the pub gained its name, although there is listing of another Black Horse, now the "Eagle" on he corner of Tower Hamlets Road. That Black Horse was demolished on 4 September 1839 and I assume the one in nearby Bridge Street took its name and the new building became what is now the "Eagle".

Although Bridge Street itself probably got its name in 1829 when a brick bridge was built across the river Dour. Originally the road was crossed by a ford, with a wooden bridge for pedestrians.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 22 February, 1901. Price 1d.


Richard Beer, dealer, of Bridge Street, Dover, was charged with stealing two ferrets, value 10s., the property of Henry Newman, farm steward, of St. Radigund's Abbey.

For the prosecution evidence showed that P.C. Blair ascertained defendant had a ferret for sale, and went to see it, and finding it answered the description he had of one of the stolen ferrets, he took a labourer, Arthur Appleton, to see it, who identified it, having been in the habit of feeding it. The explanation given by defendant was that he bought it for 3s. from an unknown navvy.

For the defence Mr. Watson called a number of witnesses in proof of defendant's assertion that he bought the ferret from the navvy, who was directed to defendant from the “Black Horse,” Peter Street, kept by the defendant's brother.

The Bench decided to dissolve the case, although they thought it was suspicious. Defendant was ordered to pay the hearing fees, 6s.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, 5 February, 1915.


The licence of the "Black Horse," Bridge Street, was next considered.

The Chief Constable said the "Black Horse" was a beer house, situate in Bridge Street, the owner was Mrs. Dennis and the Brewers Messrs. A. Leney and Co., Ltd. The present tenant, Mr. H. Clark had had the licence transferred to him in December, 1914, and the previous transfer was in 1911. A Committee of the Justices visited the area, and after inspection of the houses in the immediate vicinity, instructed him to oppose this licence.

Inspector Lockwood stated that on Friday, January 22nd, at 10.35 a.m., there were no customers; on Sunday, 23rd January, at 3.55 p.m., four customers; on Monday, 25th inst., at 5.10 p.m., no customers; on Thursday 28th inst., at 8.10 p.m., two customers.

Mr. Clark made no opposition to the proceedings and the Magistrates reserved their judgment.


The Magistrates then retired to consider their decision, and on returning the Chairman said that the Magistrates had decided to give a licence to the "Town Hall" for both music and singing on condition that free admission was given. The licence of the "Gothic" and "White Lion" would be renewed. The "Silver Lion," the "Black Horse," and the "Grand Sultan" would have to go to Canterbury.




CULLEN A Mr to Dec/1840

DENNIS George 1858 Melville's 1858

MARBROOK John 1871-1882 (also miller age 40 in 1871Census)

DENNIS Joseph Pudney (Black Horse Bridge St) 1891-95 (age 71 in 1891Census) Pikes 1895

BEER Thomas 1897-Feb/1911 Kelly's Directory 1899Post Office Directory 1903Pikes 1909Dover Express

GANN James Feb/1911-Dec/13 Next pub licensee had (age 32 in 1911Census) Dover Express

Last pub licensee had CLARK Harry Dec/1913-15 end Next pub licensee had Dover Express


James Gann had been previously employed by a Mr. Nash as a cab driver for ten years. Dover Express


Pigot's Directory 1823From the Pigot's Directory 1823

Pigot's Directory 1828-29From the Pigot's Directory 1828-9

Pigot's Directory 1840From the Pigot's Directory 1840

Melville's 1858From Melville's Directory 1858

Pikes 1895From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1895

Kelly's Directory 1899From the Kelly's Directory 1899

Post Office Directory 1903From the Post Office Directory 1901

Pikes 1909From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1909

Dover ExpressFrom the Dover Express



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
