Page Updated:- Monday, 23 December, 2024.


Earliest 1573-


Closed Sept 2011

High Street


Bull 1896

Above postcard, circa 1896, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Bull 1900

Above photo, circa 1900.

Bull 1900

Above photo, 1900, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.


Above photo, date unknown.

Bull in Eastry
Bull in Eastry
Bull Sign in Eastry

Above photographs by Paul Skelton 6 Oct 2007


16th Century pub.

Reference found in the Wingham Division Ale Licence list, which shows the "Bull," Eastry, to be re-licensed for the sum of 8 shillings in 1740 indicating that the pub was present before 1740.

Supplied by Alfred Leney Co Ltd, who bought out Thomas Walker's Phoenix Brewery in 1859 and registered as such in 1896, until bought out by Fremlin Brothers brewery of Maidstone in 1926, brewing at the Dover brewery ceased in 1927, which later passed to Whitbread.


From Liber Estriae; or, Memorials of the Royal Ville and Parish of Eastry, By William Francis Shaw. 1870

Next to the old Schoolhouse is the "Bull Inn." This has probably been the name and site of the village inn for some centuries. As early as A.D. 1573 it is mentioned; and, in 1633, it is spoken of as "adjoining Goddard's House for the Clerk, in Eastry Street:" whilst the church-wardens' accounts often make mention of money "spent at the Bull."

Above picture showing the Clerk's House next to the Bull, 1633 and pre 1870. At the time it was said that the Clerk's house was very dilapidated and uncared for. I assume it was removed shortly after 1870. (Paul Skelton)


In A.D. 1573 Richard Huffam paid quit rent to the manor of Eastry for the Bull. John Whitfeild, and after him Edmonde Baker, had been the previous owners. And again, in A.D. 1633, Thomas Huffam paid for the Bull. It is now the property of Messrs. Liney and Evenden brewers.

Almery Manerm in Eastry:- A Rentell made on the 20th day of August 1633 of all the Quittrents of money due to the said Mannor yeerly:- Richard Stacy:- Thomas Hussam for the Bull Eastry 1s. 2d.


Goddard's Charity.

1574. This year the will (for which fee post) of " Chrystian Goddarde, late of Eastrye, widow," was proved in the Consistory Court of Canterbury, before Thomas Dickes, registrar. By this will she left to the churchwardens of Eastry, and their successors churchwardens of Eastry for the time being, one tenement and a garden, with the appurtenances in Eastry, over against the vicarage, to hold for the use of Joan Frauncs, her servant, during her natural life, and after her death to the use of the poor people of Eastry for ever.

This tenement opposite the vicarage is now in five dwellings, which
stand endways to the street, and are occupied respectively by widows Bullock, Burton, Grayham, Wm. Fagg, and Spain. The appointment to these cottages rests entirely with the churchwardens, who usually charge the occupants a small yearly rent — 1ft, as an acknowledgment of their tenancy; and 2nd, to help somewhat towards the necessary repairs of the buildings. Mrs. Goddard also left another tenement with a garden in Eastry Street, for the use of "the Clarke of Eastrye " on certain conditions, which have been already more particularly mentioned under " The Parish Clerks" This house adjoins the Bull Inn and is now in the occupation of Thomas Young. Like the last, this appointment rests with the church-wardens, but they are tied down to appoint a certain person — viz., the Parish clerk, the right of appointing whom rests with the vicar.


From Kentish Gazette 17-20 March 1789.


“The general spirit of joy at His Majesty's happy recovery has pervaded even the villages of this neighbourhood among which Eastry has taken the lead in a manner that does credit to the loyalty as well as to the liberality of its inhabitants. Wednesday noon the gentlemen and principal inhabitants met, and while the music played God Save The King, fired a royal salute of 21 cannon. In the evening there was a general and splendid Illumination, with a second discharge of cannon. A handsome supper was provided at “The Bull” when many loyal toasts were drank, and the evening concluded with much festivity, and every possible demonstration of joy. A liberal subscription was made for the poor, that they too, might partake of that happiness which is so universally diffused over the whole of the kingdom.”


It appears to have been tied to a brewery owned by the prominent Sandwich family, the Wyborns to 1822. In 1764 William Wyborn, brewer, died and his business was left to his daughter Mary, who had married John Bradley. Their son, William Wyborn Bradley was born in 1752 William being described as "common brewer of Sandwich." William was elected Mayor Sandwich in 1785 and died in 1788. The Sandwich brewery and its tied estate of 27 pubs was eventually put up for "sale by private contract" by William's son (also called William Wyborn Bradley, born 1779) as advertised in the Kentish Gazette on 10th May 1822.

This pub was again sold along with another 11 public houses in neighbouring villages in 1826. The sum was £1,190 for this house but it is not known from who or to whom. Further information suggests it could have been Thomas Walker's Phoenix brewery.


Sussex Advertiser 20 February 1826.

At the sale of the public houses and other estates, situate in the eastern parts of the County of Kent, which took place at the "Bell Inn," Sandwich, on Monday last, Messrs. Pott and Denne knocked down the following lots, at the sums affixed to them, viz.:—

The "Bull," at Eastry, £1,190.

"Three Colts," Tilmanstone, £500.

"White Horse," Eythorne, £575.

"Red Lion," Frogham, £455.

"Rose and Crown," Womenswould, £166.

"Duke of Cumberland," Barham, £910.

"Charity," Woodnesborough, £710.

"Three Crowns," Goodnestone, £620.

"Admiral Harvey," Ramsgate, £1,150.

"Ship," Ramsgate, £1,250.

"Red Lion," St. Peters, £1,100.

"Crown and Thistle," St. Peters, £705.

"Crown, or Halfway-house," Sarr, £940.

"King's Head," Walmer Road, £425.

The "Duke of York," Walmer Road, £310.

The sale-room was most numerously attended.

We understand that the "Ship," at Ash, and "Crispin," at Worth, have since been sold by private contract, the former for £750, and the latter for five hundred guineas.


From the Kentish Gazette, 9 May 1843.

The members of the Eastry £10 Burial Club held their fourth annual meeting yesterday se’nnight at the "Bell Inn," (sic) to appoint officers for the year ensuing, and to examine the accounts of the past year. The secretary, Mr. Richard Moat, read the report and statement, and we rejoice to say that the club is in a flourishing state. There had been nine deaths during the year, and twenty-six since the establishment of the club. The amount received from members, subscribers, and in donations, was £298 6s. 4d.,and the expenditure £279 14s., leaving in the hands of the treasurer 12s. 4d., with twenty-nine candidates for admission on the books.


Dover Chronicles 20 February 1847.


Feb. 14, at Eastry, Mr. Ferrier, many years landlord of the "Black Bull."


Kentish Gazette, 23 February 1847.


Furrier:- Feb. 15, at Eastry, Mr. Furrier, many years landlord of the "Black Bull."


Kentish Gazette 24 September 1850.


Sept. 17, at Eastry Church, Mr. William Ferrier, second son of the late Mr. Ferrier, "Bull Inn," Eastry, to Harriett, daughter of Mr. Richard Fagg, tailor, etc., both of Eastry.


Southeastern Gazette, 26 July 1853.

Felonious Assault at Woodnesborough.

Edward Fagg, 18, William Fagg, 21, Edward Swains, 25, Richard Cart, 33, and John Bean, 22, were indicted, the latter for committing a felonious offence upon the person of Mary Ann Bicker, against her will, at Woodnesborough, and the four others with aiding and abetting in the said offence. Mr. Horn prosecuted.

From the evidence adduced it appeared that the prosecutrix, a single woman, was at the "Bull Inn," at Eastry, on the 27th June, and left that inn between ten and eleven o'clock at night, in company with two young men named Spinner and Jarvis, and a young woman named Jane Whitmarsh. Prosecutrix walked with Spinner, and Whitmarsh with Jarvis. When they came out of the inn they saw the prisoners standing outside, who followed them. They then went into the "Bells" public-house, as they alleged, for the purpose of getting rid of the prisoners, who, however, followed them about a mile and a half on the rood to Eastry, till they arrived at the forge at Woodnesborough. When they got there the prisoners began to assault Whitmarsh, who, however, resisted them, and got away to the village, where she aroused several of the inmates. They then, according to the prosecutrix's statement, caught hold of her and threw here on the ground. Four of the prisoners held her down, two of them holding her arms and two of them her legs, while Bean committed the offence. Jarvis had gone away and hid himself. Spinner also went away, saying he did not like what was going on, but returned in time to se Bean committing the offence, and accompanied her to the "Royal Oak" at Woodnesborough. The prisoners followed, using very disgusting language, and saving they would give her 2d. to get them a month's imprisonment. When they got to the "Royal Oak" the constable, who had heard cries of " murder," and several persons, had arrived. The prisoners were violent and wanted to fight. The prosecutrix did not then make any complaint, as she stated that she was too much agitated.

The prisoners, in cross-examination and defence, endeavoured to show that Bicker had been drinking with them at the "Bull" and "Bells" public-houses for several hours, that she invited them to go with them on the road, and gave them every possible encouragement to do what occurred. Swaine denied having anything to do with her at all, and Spinner stated that when he came back he was standing near and not touching her.

The prisoners were all found guilty, and in sentencing them his Lordship said they had been found guilty of a most abominable outrage upon the prosecutrix, and although it was possible that she might not be a person of very correct habits and morals, that was no excuse for their committing such an offence of so unnatural a character, and it was one in which no allowance could be made. He then sentenced them each to twenty years' transportation.




The owners changed hands again in 1859 after Thomas Walker sold off the Phoenix brewery to Leney's.


Maidstone Journal and Kentish Advertiser, Saturday 16 July 1859.

To let by tender.

The following public houses situate in and near Dover, Eastry, and Folkestone, viz:-

1. The "Bull Inn," Eastry.

2. The "Halfway House" and land, on the Dover and Canterbury Road.

3. The "Chequers," at Folkestone.

4. The "Chequers" and land, at West Hougham.

5. The "Red Lion," at Charlton.

6. The "Fox," in St James's Street.

7. The "Ordnance Arms," in Queen Street.

8. The "Cause is Altered," in Queen Street.

9. The "True Briton," on Commercial Quay.

10. The "Three Kings," in Union Street.

11. The "Fleur-de-Lis," in Council House Street.

12. The "Cinque Port Arms," in Clarence Place.

13. The "Red Lion" in St James's Street.

14. The "Dolphin," in Dolphin Lane.

The above houses are to be let as free houses, in consequence of the proprietors of the Dolphin Lane Brewery discontinuing that business.

The holdings of the present Tenants expire under notice to quit, as follows, viz:- No. 2, on the 6th January next, No. 3, on the 6th July, 1860, No. 10, at Lady Day next, No. 13, on the 23rd October next, No. 14, on the 6th April next, and reminder on the 11th October next.

Tenders must be sent into the offices of Mr. Edward Knocker, Castle Hill, Dover, on or before the 20th day of July next, marked on the cover "Tender."

Particular and Terms of hiring, with the forms of Tender, to be obtained on application to Mr. knocker, or Mr. Thomas Robinson, Estate Agent, Bench Street, Dover.

Tenders may be given for the whole together or separately. The Tenders will be accepted subject to the houses being sold on or before the 20th day of September next, and the proprietors do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender.

N.B. The proprietors are open to treat for letting the Brewery, Malthouse, and Premises, in Dolphin Lane.

Edward Knocker. Castle Hill, Dover, June, 1859.


South Eastern Gazette, 4 September, 1860.

EASTRY. Sudden Death.

An inquest was held at the "Bull Inn," before T. T. Delesaux, Esq., coroner, on Thursday last, touching the death of a seamen, 39 years of age, named John Nelson, who was sent on shore at Deal by the captain of his vessel, and who shortly afterwards died at the Eastry Union. John Rigden, master of the Eastry Union, deposed that the deceased was taken to the workhouse in a waggon, at 20 minutes to 4 on the previous afternoon, when he appeared to be in a dying state. Medical assistance was immediately secured, but the deceased, without having spoken, died at 10 minutes to 6 o’clock on the same evening. Mr. Henry Hole, surgeon, stated that he attended the deceased at 10 minutes to 4 on Thursday afternoon, and found him exceedingly weak, perfectly insensible, and his pulse scarcely perceptible. He administered a small quantity of brandy and water to him, and he revived a little, but was still unable to speak. Witness had examined the body of the deceased since his death, but was found no marks of violence thereon sufficient to cause death. He had no reason to believe that the deceased died from any other than a natural cause, but he believed that his removal to the union in the manner described was likely to have accelerated death.

Verdict, "Natural Death."


South Eastern Gazette, 16 October, 1860.

EASTRY. Death From Exposure And Want Of Nourishment.

On Friday last, T. T. Delasaus, Esq., coroner, held an inquest at the "Bull Inn," in this parish, respecting the circumstances connected with death of a man named David Rose. The deceased was discovered under a pea stack, at Northbourne, in an insensible state, and died before his arrival at the Eastry Union.

P.C. Grave, K.C.C., deposed that at half past 11 on the previous day he went to a pea stack, at Northbourne and there found the deceased, with only his shirt, trousers, and one boot on. He (witness) communicated the fact to the overseer of the parish of Northbourne, who supplied him with a horse and cart to remove the deceased to the Union. The deceased appeared very ill, but witness did not think he was so near the point of death. Witness looked at him several times on the way to the Union, and on one occasion he found he had moved his arms, but when he died witness was unable to say.

William Marsh, wheelwright, of Northbourne, stated that he saw the deceased at 8 o'clock the previous morning, lying in the same place and position as described by the last witness, when he appeared to be in a dying state. Witness spoke to him, and he appeared sensible but sinking. With the exception of having both boots on, he was dressed in the same way that he had been spoken to by the police constable. Witness afterwards found the deceased hat and coat, he had known the deceased 30 years, and saw him in the afternoon of Wednesday, when he appeared as usual.

Mr. Richard S. Leggett, surgeon, stated that he believed deceased died from apoplexy, produced by exposure to the weather, and from want of sufficient nourishment at all of events from natural causes. He believed some bruises were on his knees, produced from the deceased struggling.

William Nethersole, victualler, of Northbourne, ("Hare and Hounds") spoke to having known the deceased 20 years. The left witness's house at half past eight o'clock on Wednesday last, when he appeared as usual, and was quite sober. Witness believed he had been in the habit of sleeping in outbuildings, but where or how often he did not know.

Thomas Box, Miller, saw the deceased on the previous morning, at 5 o'clock, and ordered him off his master's premises. Deceased went away, saying he was lost, and did not appear sensible at the time, having neither hat nor coat on.

Verdict, "That the deceased died from being exposed to the weather, and from want of sufficient nourishment."


From the Kentish Chronicle, 13 February, 1864.

William Jarvis was charged with being drunk riotous and assaulting a police-constable at Eastry, on the 10th January. The evidence adduced against defendant went to show that on the date mentioned was drinking in the “Bull” public house at Eastry, but conducted himself in so noisy a manner as to necessitate the landlord having him turned out of the house. After this had been done, Jarvis continued to make a disturbance, and struck a constable who expostulated with him.

The defendant was fined 40s. and costs.


Kelly's Directory 1899 describes it as a family and commercial hotel, with good accommodation provided; luncheons & teas provided. The proprietor at the time also being described as a jobmaster.


From the Whitstable Times, 22 June, 1901.


The East Kent Coroner (Mr. R. M. Mercer) held an inquest at the "Bull Inn," Eastry, on Friday, touching the death of George Spain, aged 12, a school boy of the Square, Eastry. It appeared that the deceased was up in a loft when he threw a 1/4 lb packet of tea down to another boy, and fell. He fell on his head, and only lived till the following morning, when he died of compression of the brain. The jury returned a verdict of Accidental Death.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 4 May, 1906. Price 1d.


The plans of proposed alterations to the “Bull Inn,” Eastry, were approved, the applicant, Mr. Wills being represented by Mr. H. Hayward, of Dover.


This is an application for exemption from military service as heard by the Eastry Rural District Tribunal on Monday 12th June 1916 and reported in the Dover Express on 16th June. There had been so many cases that the tribunal suggested two sittings in the following week.

Dover Express on 16th June 1916.

Mr. Henry Brenchley, the licensee of the “Bull Inn”, Eastry and farming about 32 acres of arable and plantation ground, appealed for Herbert R. Brenchley, 26, who he said was employed as a horseman, and took produce to the markets, and also did the round with the scavenging cart, applicant having the scavenging contract for the village of Eastry. Exemption till Michaelmas allowed.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 7 August, 1925. Price 1½d.


William Henry Allen, of the "Bull Inn," Eastry, was charged with unlawfully selling intoxicating liquors after closing hours; and Arthur Hay, Henry Durby and Albert Wright were charged with consuming intoxicating liquors after hours.

Mr. Gardener appeared for the licensee and pleaded not guilty. the remaining defendants, with the exception of Wright, who was not present, pleaded guilty.

Police Sergeant Cowland, of Eythorne, said that at 10.35 p.m. on Saturday, June 27th, he visited the "Bull Inn" in company with a Constable. On going to the rear of the premises he found the back door open. He entered the house and saw the three defendants sitting in the bar parlour, each with a half-pint glass in front of him, containing beer, partly consumed. Mr. Allen was in the front bar, writing. Witness called the licensee's attention to the men and asked him to explain their presence after closing hours. He replied, "I am glad you have come. I can't get rid of them. I don't want them here, but they will not stop talking and arguing. I have served no beer since 10 o'clock. That which they have was served before then."

Cross-examined by Mr. Hardman. Mr. Allen could not see the men when witness entered.

P.C. Price, of Eastry, corroborated.

Mr. Hardman submitted he had nothing to answer, the drink having been served before 10 o'clock.

William Henry Allan said on Saturday, June 27th, the three defendants came in about ten minutes to 10, and he served no drink after that, neither did any of the others serving in the bar - his wife and a barmaid. he had held the licence of the "Bull" for 3½ years, and had a clean licence.

Cross-examined by Inspector Fittall. He knew the men were on the premises, but he thought the liquor was consumed before 10 o'clock. It was unknowingly that he allowed it to be consumed at 10.30.

Mr. Hardman pointed out that they were not charged with allowing consumption, but with supplying.

One of the defendants said he and his mates were talking of the coming strike and the position of Tilmanstone pit, and forgot their drinks.

Lord Northbourne said the summons against Allan would be dismissed; and the other defendants would be fined 10s.



From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 17 January, 1930.

Plans for alterations to the "Bull Inn," Eastry, were approved.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 26 Feb, 1937.


The licence of "The Bull" Inn, Eastry, was granted an occasional licence to sell in a marquee at Knowlton, on March 13th for a race meeting of the West Street Hounds.


Dover Express 4th July 1941.

Wingham Petty Sessions 3rd July 1941.

George McGregor Dyke “Bull” Inn, Eastry was summoned for allowing light to show from the premises.

John Frederick Kemp, Corporal, Home Guard, Eastry, said that at 2 a.m. on 5th June, he saw a light showing from the “Bull” saloon bar. He knocked at the front door, but, getting no answer, went round the back. He saw defendant, who said, “You’ll see no more of that, we are just going to bed”. Witness just afterwards saw a light appear upstairs through badly drawn curtains.

P.C. Hills said that he interviewed defendant, who said, “I had drawn the curtains back before going to bed and heard someone at the back and came down and put the light on.

Defendant’s son said that his father heard a noise and went downstairs to see what it was. He put the light on for only a few seconds.

Vera Irene Hardy, barmaid at the “Bull” said that she went downstairs with defendant on hearing the noise. They had just put the light on when the Home Guard called.

Fined £5 and 5s costs.


Dover Express 3rd September 1943.


Plans for alterations at the “Bull”, Eastry, were approved.


Dover Express 14th June 1946.

Eastry. Childrens’ Tea.

Mr. & Mrs. Poole of the “Bull” Inn, Eastry, invited 64 children to an excellent tea on Saturday to celebrate Victory Day. Unfortunately, the Punch and Judy was unable to be present. The host and hostesses were warmly thanked for their hospitality and for giving the children such a happy time.



The "Plough" across the road closed around 1978, the then licensee Mr Griggs (known as Jimmy) came to this pub replacing the retired Fred Fleming. Local gossip informs me that Mr Griggs left in the early 1980s due to a small issue with his wife. It is stated that one day he went off with the pub regulars on a coach trip to the Derby and on his return, found that his wife and most of the contents of his pub had vanished. Dates and confirmation required please.


From the East Kent Mercury, 25 October, 1980.

Fremlins Brewers Dray 1990

Crowds gathered to see a team of Whitbread Fremlin heavy horses who paid a visit to the "Bull Inn" at Eastry on Saturday afternoon. The Shire horses were at the pub to help landlord and lady Steve and Rose Smith celebrate their first anniversary at the newly decorated Eastry pub.


From the East Kent Mercury, 30 November, 1989.

Steve and Rose Smith

The "Bull Inn" at Eastry is one of East Kent's most historic hostelries. It was certainly an Inn  in the 1500s and has been one ever since.

New licensee Steve Smith and his wife Rose plans numerous improvements. Steve is already well known in Eastry. he was for 14 years the owner of the local taxi business PJS Cars. Now he has taken over the Whitbread house and plans to give it a new look, while retaining its historic background.


Refurbishing is already under way and Steve and Rose have a programme which includes new furniture, carpets and curtains. They are introducing a new degree of comfort in keeping with the 1990s.

The "Bull" has a good sporting reputation and has enthusiastic pool and darts teams. There is a spacious children's room. Steve is to introduce bat and trap next year and there is bound to be a lot of interest in this game, which is reputed to be a forerunner of cricket and is very popular in the Canterbury area. The "Bull" has a large garden and this will be brought into full use by Steve and Rose next year. There will be barbeques and other functions when the long warm summer evenings return.

Rose will be introducing a wide range of bar food in the near future. her menu will include lasagne and scampi, together with a variety of filling for baked potatoes. The food will be available at lunchtime and in the evening.

The "Bull" is a big pub and its bars, even when busy, have plenty of room. This goes back to the Victorian days when it was a popular coaching in and travellers came to refresh themselves in Dickension manner.


Today it means there is room to stretch one legs in a chair, or to stand at the bar without being jostled. There is room to drink and chat in the friendliest way. The "Bull" stands in the centre of Eastry, on the main road through the village. There is a free car park adjacent, which means there is no problem with the car.

Steve and Rose offer customers a warm welcome at all times and are looking forward to making many new friends.

On new Year's Eve they will host a fancy dress party which promises to be plenty of fun and a marvellous way in which to greet 1990.

Bull sign 1989


From the East Kent Mercury, 30 October, 2008.


There's no such thing as a free lunch.

But at the Bull Inn at Eastry, lessee Charlie Gibbons has started giving away free dinners.

The concept, aimed to help his customers beat the credit crunch, was dreamed up by Mr Gibbons when he noticed that afternoon and evening trade was dying at the village pub because of the economic downturn.

He admits it was quite a drastic step to take, but the marketing ploy where only 12 free meals are given away each day, has actually helped trade at the same time as feeding people on a budget.

"2007 was our best year ever, but this year trade has been quiet since Easter, but I realised I needed a new way to get customers in.

"Of course, the hope is that they will buy a drink, but if they don't want to, they still get the food," he said.

The promotion has generated a lot of interest, and Mr Gibbons found himself catering for a Meridian news crew who had heard of the offer on Thursday.


From the Dover Express, Thursday 13 January 2011.



karl Wooding and Paul McMullan

Traditional: New landlord of the "Bull" Paul McMullan, right, with bar manager Karl Wooding.


THE "BULL" in Eastry has been taken over by a new owner, who plans to return the historic boozer into a traditional village pub.

The 500 year old tavern on the High Street initially provided a resting point for coaches, horses and travellers on their way from Canterbury to the coast.

But from being one of the busiest and most profitable pubs in east Kent, The "Bull" has declined like so many others.

New landlord Paul McMullan, who also owns The "Castle Inn" in Dover and was featured in the Deal and Sandwlch Express last week when he picked up actor Hugh Grant on the way to stock "The Bull," has been set the task of organically growing the business back to the way it was.]

He said: "Everybody says the way forward for pubs is turning them into flash restaurants, but "The Bull" is a prime example of just how wrong that was.


"For years the people were happy to pop in for a pint and a chat and the place was the hub of social life In the village. There was a pool team, a soccer team and even a ladies darts team and business was really thriving even in difficult economic times.

"However, a few years ago the pool table was replaced by a dining area and a fancy menu which completely destroyed the place, not only the ambiance but the turnover too.

"Without giving away the exact figures, beer consumption, which is the only thing the brewery really cares about, fell by a massive 50 per cent and the future of the pub was really in jeopardy."

Punch Taverns, Britain's biggest pub chain which still owns the freehold, confirmed they hired Mr McMullan because of his success at turning round "The Castle Inn" by going back to basics.

South East Manager of Punch Stuart Brown said: "It is true there are many pubs in Britain which are no longer viable as people's habits change but "The Bull" was not one of them and we hope by going back to basics we can organically grow the business

"Serving food in pubs can work but in this case where so many of the local drinkers felt excluded it didn't and the pub went into decline.


Mr McMullan has shifted his bar manager Kart Wooding at "The Castle lnn" over to "The BulI" as he is originally from the village and is affectionately known locally as "Pud."

Mr Wooding said: "I was born in Eastry and spent my teenage years in "The Bull" and it is fantastic to have the chance to bring it back to life. The old landlord banned most of the regulars to turn it into a posh restaurant and what a mistake that was. The first thing I am going to do is throw all his tables and chairs away, bring back the pool table, Live Sports TV and invite them all back again.

"In six months we get the Open Golf just down the road at Royal St Georges, sandwich, and I have two five-star letting rooms where Sam Torrance stayed the last time, so the future for "The Bull" for me is looking really bright."


From the Dover Express, Thursday, 3 March, 2011. 60p


A Dover businessman has come under fire for rowdy drum and bass nights at his Eastry pub and could now face the prospect of losing his licence review.

Villagers are accusing landlord Paul McMullan, who also runs the "Castle Inn," of creating antisocial behaviour.

Residents demand a review of inn's licence

Sound and fury over 'noisy' pub

Report by Yamurai Zendera

A DOVER businessman has come under fire for rowdy drum and bass nights at his Eastry pub.

Landlord Paul McMullan could face the prospect of licence review after a group or villagers accused him of playing loud music throughout the night.

They say their lives have been made a misery for the past couple of months by the antisocial behaviour of The "Bull's" punters.


Loud music blaring through the night seven days a week, shouting and swearing and vehicles revving their engines are just some of the reasons the residents have cited as to why they are now demanding a licence review.

Mr McMullan, who applied for a topless lap-dancing licence at his other pub in Dover, the "Castle Inn," says he has done nothing wrong.

He said: "If it was a rock night there wouldn't have been such a furore. No underage people were let in and there were was no drug taking."

The latest furore is a far cry from the promise the former tabloid newspaper executive made when he first took over this year. Mr McMullan said he wanted to turn the "Bull" into a traditional pub.

Residents say they have been unimpressed with the response to the police and district council to their concerns and that talks with Mr McMullan have proved fruitless.

A letter of complaint signed by the 13 residents has been sent to among others - the police, the district council, MP Charlie Elphicke and Mr McMullan himself.

It reads: "We feel that the activities of the "Bull" are completely unacceptable in a residential, family environment.

"As you will be aware this is not the first time that residents have had problems caused by the "Bull" and we do not want to see a replication of the previous situation where fights, assaults and criminal damage, caused by those drinking in the "Bull" were a regular occurrence in the High Street.

"We feel that the authorities focus on the symptoms of the problem and not the cause - the "Bull.""



A Dover district Council (DDC) spokesman said it was considering carrying out a licence review of the "Bull".

He said: "We are aware of this matter, and can confirm that an event took place in Eastry that gave rise to complaints of noise nuisance and alleged antisocial behaviour, which led to DDCOut of Hours Noise officers attending the scene.

"This matter is currently being investigated  jointly by Dover district Council and Kent Police. The Licensing Section is liaising with local residents with regards to a possible review of the premises licence under the Licensing Act 2003."


Dover District Council says operators of licenses premises are required to actively promote the four licensing objectives:

Prevention of crime and disorder

Prevention of public nuisance

Public safety

Protection of children from harm

Any interested party or responsible authority may call for the review of a premises licence if they believe that the licensing objectives are not being promoted.

This process is evidence-based and so it is important that the person who is calling for a review has evidence to substantiate the application.

The best way to do this is to keep diaries of the events that have led the application including videos or photographs if they are available.


From the Dover Express, Thursday, 10 March, 2011. 60p


Paul McMullan and the Bull

Row at music leads to landlord's resignation

Report by Yamurai Zendera

A businessman has handed in his resignation as leaseholder of an Eastry pub after coming under fire for holding rowdy drum and bass nights.

Landlord Paul McMullan says the "Bull" has no commercial value if it is unable to hold regular music nights.

The pub is currently under investigation by Dover District Council (DDC) and Kent Police and could be made the subject of a licence review after a group of villagers accused Mr McMullan of blaring out drum and bass throughout the night.

The father-of-four; who applied for a temporary topless lap dancing licence al his other pub In Dover, the "Castle Inn," has now taken the decision to walk away.

He said: "To safeguard the future of the pub in the village, I have offered Punch Taverns my resignation as the tenant."

The former tabloid newspaper executive said his resignation was not an admission of guilt, adding: "While there was no breach of the licence and noise restrictions were adhered to.

"There were no underage people allowed in and we follow a vehement anti-drugs policy.

"I accept I was in full charge of that evening, so accept the responsibility for the bad feeling in the village and on that basis I'm happy to be the sacrificial lamb for the future of the pub."

It is still unknown if Punch Taverns has accepted his resignation but Ash resident Mr McMullan, who bought the lease in December, said the pub was costing him £1,000 a week.

He said: "The pub only makes money as a music venue. If I can't put on music events then I don't want it. It's costing me £1,000 a week and I must have entertainment to cover it."

The 13 villagers who made the initial complaint have refuted they were only upset because of the genre of music being played.

A statement from a representative read: "l can assure Mr McMuIlan that the furore would be exactly the same if a folk night resulted in the same kind of trouble, disturbance and noise nuisance.

"As I said in the letter this has not been an isolated incident and residents are regularly disturbed by the noise levels, most recently this weekend when two further complaints about noise nuisance were made by residents on Saturday night.

A DDC spokesman said it is investigating a complaint in relation to a music event that look place at the "Bull" on February 18.

He said: "We are aware of this matter, and can confirm that an event look place in Eastry that gave rise to complaints of noise nuisance and alleged antisocial behaviour, which led to DDC out-of-hours noise officers attending the scene.

"This matter is currently being investigated jointly by Dover District Council and Kent Police.

"The Licensing Section is liaising with local residents with regards to a possible review of the premises' licence under the Licensing Act 2003."



Unfortunately closed after local residents became fed up with the licensees like of Drum and Base which he held evenings for... And I can't blame them either. That didn't sound like a traditional village pub to me

The licensee at the time being nude pole dancing organiser Paul McMullen, also licensee of the "Castle" in Dover.

Latest news:- From Steve.

5 February 2012:- The boards have come down, however I understand the interior needs an awful lot of cleaning up as it was left in a mess when it closed. There was stale beer left in the pipes. It's going to take a while to get sorted. The couple from the "Eagle" will run it (allegedly rent free) as an addition to their own pub but I think if I buyer comes along they will just hand over.

20 February 2012:- "It is likely that the Bull, Eastry will reopen in approx two weeks. One of my staff is involved (with her husband) with running the "Eagle" at Deal. She tells me that they are additionally taking over the running of the "Bull" at Eastry. The Bull has been closed since last April and needs a thorough clean up inside which will take some time. The pub will need completely restocking. I've banged on about making sure real ale is available, so hopefully the Bull will return to the fold.


From the Dover Mercury, 16 August, 2012. 80p From NOW AND THEN


Trio of pubs in the village enjoyed a variety of patrons

THE Bull Inn at Eastry, which has just been sold for £300,000, was once the oldest pub in the village dating back to 1573, when it was a coaching inn.

Bull circa 1900

Above photo by Bob Barwick shows the "Bull" on the right.

At one time three pubs dominated the centre of the community and now only The "Five Bells" remains in business with The "Plough" closed.

There was another public house in Lower Street called The "Coach and Horses." According to Douglas Welby in his book The Kentish Village of Eastry 1800-2000 the trio of pubs in the heart of Eastry served different aspects of the village.

The "Plough" was considered to be a sometimes rowdy drinking house, with loud singing much to the annoyance of the neighbours.

The "Five Bells" was known as a pub for the wealthy and influential.

The area also had The "Blazing Donkey" close by at Hay Hill, which is Open 2014+.

Richard Russell was the licensed victualler of The "Bull Inn" from 1791 to 1805.

A series of male publicans were at the premises until 1847 when Susannah Ferrier become licensed victualler for eight years.

The Dover Telegraph in May 1859 announced the sale of the building and described The "Bull Inn" as “the well known Freehold Roadside Inn, with commodious stabling, coach houses, large yard and premises therewith, now in the occupation of Charles Lepine.” The newspaper cutting continued: “Together with messuage, shop and premises adjoining, occupied by the under tenant of Mr Lepine.”

In 1978 Linda and Bob Harris were at the pub, followed by Steve and Rose Smith, then in 2002 Charles Gibbens.

The property recently closed as a public house and has just been sold on behalf of Punch Taverns through Christie and Company to the Upstreet Project, complete with seven bedrooms and a large garden. The Upstreet Project intends to open a care home and already has two in Upstreet, between Canterbury and Thanet, called Elizabeth House and Roberta House which offers residential care for adults. See for more details.


From the Dover Express, Thursday, 4 October, 2012. 65p.


Plans are afoot to change The "Bull Inn" in Eastry High Street into a residential care home.

The proposed change, which will require some conversion work, is part of a planning application sent to Dover District Council in the name of Mr and Mrs Tarry, for whom Herron Planning Consultancy of Ramsgate is acting as agents.


From the East Kent Mercury, 15 November, 2012.


A public parish meeting will take place on Wednesday to call for a referendum regarding the proposed change of use of Eastry's historic "Bull Inn" in the High Street, into a residential care home, a move that has strong local opposition. The meeting will take place at the parish council meeting room at 7.30 pm.


From the Dover Mercury, 13 September, 2012. 80p. By Sue Briggs


A CARE home will soon be opening in a former pub in Eastry, despite a big protest in the village against the move.

Three petitions and 127 letters were sent to Dover District Council, all complaining about the change of use of the "Bull" in the High Street but former Deal Mayor Cllr Bill Gardner discredited the level of opposition in the village.

He told Thursday's district council planning committee that many of the letters were identical, “rather orchestrated” and there had been scare-mongering.

Upstreet Project, which has two care homes for adults based in Upstreet, between Canterbury and Thanet, had applied for permission to change the pub into a residential care home and convert the interior of the listed building.

It will be used to care for a maximum of 12 residents with Korsakoffs syndrome, a brain disorder usually associated with heavy drinking. In answer to criticism that the "Bull" should remain a pub, he said offers to buy the property as one had not been high enough for the sellers to accept.

He said: “There are very few planning grounds to turn down these plans and objectors have been misinformed about the applicants and the applications. This is a reasonable use of the building if it cannot be a pub and the employment opportunities are good.”

Clive Alexander, the conservation officer at the district council, said the changes to the listed building would be minimal and there will be no loss of important historical fabric in order to carry out the changes.

He said: “It would be still be a heritage asset.”

The plans were approved, with no votes against.

Eastry Parish Council supported the plans and 18 letters were sent to the district council in support of the proposals.


From 20 May 2014. By Emily Stott.

The Bull Inn, High Street, Eastry, is no longer set to become a centre for alcoholics.

A former pub in Eastry is no longer set to become a centre for recovering alcoholics.

The Bull Inn, High Street, Eastry, will be converted into housing after a planning application to turn it into a care home for recovering alcoholics faced strong opposition back in 2012.

The owners of the Grade II listed pub have now opted for a ‘less contentious use to that of a single dwelling.

This means that plans to provide adult care for adults with Korsakoff's Syndrome, a brain disorder associated with heavy alcohol consumption, will not be going ahead.

The main pub building, built in the 1700s will be used as the main dwelling while the rear yard and stables will be used for parking and turning.

The garden area will remain and it will be used as domestic garden space.

The Bull ceased trading in 2010 when the owners decided the market value did not warrant the refurbishment it needed.

The application will be reviewed by Dover District Council before an decision is made.


I am informed (2019) that the premises has been converted into a residential home.



HALL William 1693+

ADAMS Thomas 1702+

DURBAN Ingram 1725-40+ Wingham Ale Licences 1740

CULLER William 1763

CULLER (Widow) 1763+

SOLLEY John 1771+

RUSSELL Richard 1791-1805+

EASTES John 1806+

FERRIER John 1816-15/Feb/47 dec'd aged 66 Pigot's Directory 1828-29Pigot's Directory 1832-34Pigot's Directory 1839Pigot's Directory 1840

FERRIER Suzannah 1847-51+ (widow age 62 in 1851Census) Bagshaw's Directory 1847

LEPINE Charles 1855-58+

MANSER Edward 1860-82 Post Office Directory 1874Post Office Directory 1882 (also Taylor age 48 in 1861Census)

BUSHELL John 1891-99+ Post Office Directory 1891Kelly's 1899 (jobmaster)

ELMS James William 1903+ Post Office Directory 1903Kelly's 1903

WILLS JAMES 1906-Nov/07 Dover Express

WOOD Reuben John Nov/1907-Jan/14 Post Office Directory 1913Post Office Directory 1914Dover Express

BRENCHLEY Henry Jan/1914-Feb/21 Dover Express

DENNIS Albert Joseph Feb/1921-June/22 Dover Express

ALLEN W H or T H June/1922-Oct/25 Dover Express

DADDS/DOBBS F Thomas Oct/1925+ Dover Express

BROCKWELL Frederick 1930-Feb/1931+ Deal Mercury

POTTER Ernest Henry Feb/1931-Feb/32 Deal MercuryDover Express

GULLY Mr James Frederick Feb/1932 to May/1936 Kelly's 1934Dover Express

GODDEN A J E Mr May/1936-Oct/39 Dover Express

DYKE Mr G M Oct/1939-Jan/43 Dover Express

POOLE Mr Thompson Jan/1943-46+ Dover Express


FLEMING Frederick 1974+ Library archives 1974 Fremlins

Last pub licensee had GRIGGS Horace N 1978+

HARRIS Bob & Linda 1978+ Dover Mercury

SMITH Steve & Rose Nov/1979-80+

GIBBENS Charles 2002+ Dover Mercury

McMULLAN Paul 2011

TERRY Mr R Sept/2012 (Owner applied for change of use to residential care home.)


Wingham Ale Licences 1740From Wingham Division Ale Licences 1740 Ref: KAO - QRLV 3/1

Pigot's Directory 1828-29From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29

Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34

Pigot's Directory 1839From the Pigot's Directory 1839

Pigot's Directory 1840From the Pigot's Directory 1840

Bagshaw's Directory 1847From Bagshaw Directory 1847

Post Office Directory 1874From the Post Office Directory 1874

Post Office Directory 1882From the Post Office Directory 1882

Post Office Directory 1891From the Post Office Directory 1891

Kelly's 1899From the Kelly's Directory 1899

Post Office Directory 1903From the Post Office Directory 1903

Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903

Post Office Directory 1913From the Post Office Directory 1913

Post Office Directory 1914From the Post Office Directory 1914

Kelly's 1934From the Kelly's Directory 1934

Library archives 1974Library archives 1974

Dover ExpressFrom the Dover Express

Deal MercuryFrom the Deal Walmer & Sandwich Mercury

☼From Memorials of the Royal Ville and Parish of Eastry 1870

Dover MercuryFrom the Dover Mercury


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
