Sort file:- Dover, October, 2024.

Page Updated:- Sunday, 20 October, 2024.

PUB LIST PUBLIC HOUSES Barry Smith and Paul Skelton

Earliest 1832

(Name from)

Cause is Altered

Latest Mar 1969

13-14 Queen Street


Cause is Altered date unknown

The Cause is Altered, date unknown.

Cause is Altered 1891

Above photo taken September 1891, showing a lady from the Prebble family.

Cause is altered, circa 1950

Date circa 1950, kindly supplied by Kevin Healey.

Cause is Altered 1955

Above photo kindly taken and sent by Norman Clark, circa 1955.

Cause is Altered sign 1955

Sign taken from above photo.

Cause is Altered inside 1968

Photo supplied by Susan Stewart who says the reverse says "Cause is Altered, 1968, 13.48 hours."

Cause is Altered, circa 1970

Date circa 1970, kindly supplied by Kevin Healey. Showing Kevin and his dad walking past on the very left.

Cause is Altered date unknown

Above photo of the Cause is Altered, date unknown.

Cause is Altered painting

Above painting date unknown.


Known previously as the "Blacksmith's Arms" and later as the "Carpenter's Arms", it was the property of Mackeson at the close.


On the corner with Princes Street, it was licensed prior to 1826 what it is said it acquired it's name and was said at the end to be at least three hundred years old. It was reputedly part of the local smuggling chain at one time and an underground tunnel was said to connect it with at least one other pub in that connection. John Bavington Jones' "Dover" writes:- An old inhabitant told us that he saw the sign fixed there before he went to sea, in the year 1826. Being situate on a lonely spot on the Town Walls, it was a great resort of smugglers, but when Mr. Bourne took the house, at the beginning of the nineteenth century, he resolved to make a change for the better and put up a new sign "The Cause is Altered." However, I believe this to have been done prior to Bourne having the place, perhaps by his predecessor, Andrew Watts, as the Pigots directory of 1832 shows it in his reign and under that name.

It stood just inside the town wall at Cow Gate and a stone in the wall of the pub informed the public that the gate was removed in 1776.


From Kentish Gazette 20 October 1835.


This morning an inquest was held at the sign of the "Cause is Altered," before John Shipdem, Esq., Mayor and Coroner, Dover, on view of the body of William Beer, who, on Saturday last, poisoned himself by taking a quantity of arsenic. It appeared that as soon as it was ascertained that he had taken arsenic, Mr. Rutley, the surgeon, was sent for, who used the stomach pump with every prospect of success for a considerable time, but the quantity taken baffled all skill and perseverance, as the man died about three o'clock on the morning of Sunday. It being clearly proved to the satisfaction of the jury that Beer had for the last six months been in a low, desponding way, they returned a verdict that "The deceased had poisoned himself while in a temporary state of derangement."


From the Dover Telegraph and Cinque Ports General Advertiser, Saturday 27 May, 1854. Price 5d.


Mary Ann Bourner, of the "Cause is Altered," was fined 10s. and costs, for having her house opened on Sunday, the 21st, before the hour allowed by law.


South Eastern Gazette, 01 January 1856.


Yesterday week, at the Police Court, Isaac Hughes, labourer was charged with stealing £1 1s. 6d, the property of John Upton his fellow lodger at the "Case is Altered" public house. It appeared that both men slept in the same room, and on the previous Saturday night Upton had two half sovereigns and 1s. 6d. in a porte monnaie in his trousers pocket when he went to bed, but on the following morning the whole amount was gone. The police was then applied to, and the missing property was found, concealed in the lining of the prisoners cab.

Committed for trial.



The owners and suppliers changed hands in 1859 after Thomas Walker sold off the Phoenix brewery to Leney's.

Supplied by Alfred Leney Co Ltd, who bought out Thomas Walker's Phoenix Brewery in 1859 and registered as such in 1896, until bought out by Fremlin Brothers brewery of Maidstone in 1926, brewing at the Dover brewery ceased in 1927.


Maidstone Journal and Kentish Advertiser, Saturday 16 July 1859.

To let by tender.

The following public houses situate in and near Dover, Eastry, and Folkestone, viz:-

1. The "Bull Inn," Eastry.

2. The "Halfway House" and land, on the Dover and Canterbury Road.

3. The "Chequers," at Folkestone.

4. The "Chequers" and land, at West Hougham.

5. The "Red Lion," at Charlton.

6. The "Fox," in St James's Street.

7. The "Ordnance Arms," in Queen Street.

8. The "Cause is Altered," in Queen Street.

9. The "True Briton," on Commercial Quay.

10. The "Three Kings," in Union Street.

11. The "Fleur-de-Lis," in Council House Street.

12. The "Cinque Port Arms," in Clarence Place.

13. The "Red Lion" in St James's Street.

14. The "Dolphin," in Dolphin Lane.

The above houses are to be let as free houses, in consequence of the proprietors of the Dolphin Lane Brewery discontinuing that business.

The holdings of the present Tenants expire under notice to quit, as follows, viz:- No. 2, on the 6th January next, No. 3, on the 6th July, 1860, No. 10, at Lady Day next, No. 13, on the 23rd October next, No. 14, on the 6th April next, and reminder on the 11th October next.

Tenders must be sent into the offices of Mr. Edward Knocker, Castle Hill, Dover, on or before the 20th day of July next, marked on the cover "Tender."

Particular and Terms of hiring, with the forms of Tender, to be obtained on application to Mr. knocker, or Mr. Thomas Robinson, Estate Agent, Bench Street, Dover.

Tenders may be given for the whole together or separately. The Tenders will be accepted subject to the houses being sold on or before the 20th day of September next, and the proprietors do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender.

N.B. The proprietors are open to treat for letting the Brewery, Malthouse, and Premises, in Dolphin Lane.

Edward Knocker. Castle Hill, Dover, June, 1859.


From Dover Express, Saturday, January 25, 1862; pg. 4; Issue 182.


On Wednesday evening last Mr. George Bourne, a plasterer by trade, and son of the landlady of the "Cause is Altered," Queen Street, attempted to put an end to his existence by shooting himself. The wretched young man is but twenty-six years of age, and has not long been married. There is no doubt that the rash act was premeditated, but the causes which led to its execution are at present involved in mystery. Until very recently, Bourne has carried on the "Old Post Office Inn," in Snargate Street, but on Monday last, as will be seen by our police report of that day, he transferred his license to another person, and it appears that for the last few weeks he has been occupying lodgings, with his wife, at Maison Dieu Terrace, Charlton. It was not here, however, that his insane attempt upon his life was made, but at the house of his mother, where he went on the evening of the deplorable occurrence, apparently in his usual spirits. Requesting to be supplied with a glass of brandy and water, which was brought to him, he sat down in the bar parlour, where he was left alone for some time. During this time he must have written a letter, and addressed it to his wife, as such a document was found when the alarm caused his suicidal attempt brought persons to the room, and writing materials, it appeared, had been recently used. The contents of this letter have not transpired, nor have we been able to ascertain whether it refers in any way to the cause of the terrible deed, but it is believed that the wretched man laboured under some sense of injustice, for on his being taken to hospital and being asked how he could have committed such an act, he said he should not have done so "if they had behaved differently." The weapon with which the attempt was made was a small pocket pistol, but whether it was loaded with ball, or simply contained a wad and a charge powder, seems at present doubtful. It is stated, however, that no ball has yet been extracted. To accomplish his direful purpose, he must have placed the muzzle of the weapon close to his forehead, a portion of the skull being blown away and the contents of pistol having penetrated some distance into the brain. Previous to the occurrence he had been drinking, but to what extent does not appear. At the hospital every possible attention has been paid to the injured man; but he still lies in the most critical state, and it is very problematical if he will recover.


From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 15 February, 1862.


This morning more than the usual interest attached to the proceedings of the Borough Magistrates, owing to the young man George Bourne, whose attempt upon his life by discharging a pistol at his head we recorded a few weeks since, being placed at the bar to answer for the offence.

Since the period of his rash attempt the prisoner had been under medical treatment at the Hospital, and he has now almost entirely recovered from the effects of the injuries inflicted, which were at first feared to be fatal. On being placed at the bar he looked around the Court without betraying any remarkable perturbation. His face was pale and he wore a bandage around his head, but in other respects he presented his usual appearance.

The charge having been read to the prisoner, the following evidence was called:-

Mathew Henry Jones: I am a labourer and I live at Chapel Place. on Wednesday, 22nd January, I was at the "Cause is Altered," a public-house kept by the prisoner's mother, Mrs. Bourne. I had not been there many minutes before I heard a report, and immediately afterwards Mrs. Bourne ran into the room and asked if anyone would come and assist her. She said there was a report of a gun and that her son George was in the next room. The door of the adjoining room was shut, but on opening it I found the prisoner lying on the floor, on his back.

At this stage of the proceedings Mr. J. C. Ottaway, who was present at the medical attendance of the prisoner, asked that the prisoner might be accommodated with a seat. The Magistrates at once complying with the request, a chair was placed inside the dock, and the prisoner sat down. Some cold water was also brought with which the prisoner bather his head at intervals.

Examination of Jones continued: I got into the room as quickly as I could, and picked prisoner up and as soon as another man came to my assistance I sent for the police.

The Magistrates' Clerk: Just describe the state in which you found the prisoner, when you went into the room?

Witness: When I went into the room he was lying on his back, and was "smothered" in blood, which was flowing from his head, over the eyes. We searched for the weapon which had caused the wound, but could not at first find it. A pocket pistol, however, was afterwards found in my presence and given to the police-constable Irons. Medical assistance was immediately sent for, and Mr. Drew and Mr. Walton attended.

Captain Smithett: Was any other person in the room in which you found the prisoner as described?

Witness: No, Sir.

Examination continued: I raised the prisoner's head and rested it between my knees. He did not speak for a few minutes, and I did not say anything to him till I had searched his pockets. In the right hand pocket of his coat I found a bullet.

Captain Noble: Any powder?

Witness: No.

Examination continued: I then asked the prisoner why he had done it, and he replied, "Because the whole of my family is against me." He also said he intended to put himself out of the way. That is all he said.

Magistrate's Clerk (to prisoner): Do you wish to ask the witness any questions?

Prisoner: Yes. (To witness.) How long was it after you heard the report that my mother asked you to come into the room?

Witness: Not two seconds.

Prisoner: Did she not serve someone with some beer in the interval?

Witness: No.

Prisoner (to the Court): That is a story. I should like my mother to be called. (To the witness.) You say she particularly asked you to come in?

Witness: No, not me in particular.

Captain Nobel (to witness): I understand you to say she came and asked the people generally who were in the room?

Witness: Yes. I was near the door. Only myself and another man were in the room. Mrs. Bourne came in almost as soon as we heard the report of the pistol.

William Payn: I am a shoemaker, and live at 6, Mount Pleasant. I was at the "Cause is Altered" on Wednesday, the 22nd January, between 9 and 10o'clock in the evening. I heard a faint report. It did not sound like the report of fire-arms, but resembled more the bursting of a ginger-beer bottle. In a few seconds Mrs. Bourne came into the room, and in consequence of what she said I went into the adjoining room, accompanied by a man named Jones (the last witness. We opened the door and found the prisoner lying on his back with his feet extended towards the entrance. His face and shirt were covered in blood, which was flowing from his head. I left Jones in charge of the prisoner, and went for the police. I also went for Mr. Drew, surgeon, and when I returned to the "Cause is Altered" I found the prisoner sitting in a chair. I asked him if h knew me. He said, "No, I don't know you; who are you, old fellow?" I told him my name, and he then said, "There's one thing I wish you would do. I have not long to live. Will you fetch me a glass of brandy and water?" I told him "No; but some one fetched it, and he had it. I cannot say who fetched it.

The Magistrate's Clerk: Was that before any doctor came?

Witness: Yes, Sir.

Examination continued: When the doctor came he dressed the wound. On the bandage being placed round prisoner's head he complained of its being tight, and said if they did not loosen it he soon would, and threatened to rip it off. The police then searched in his pockets, and found in one of them a large sized penknife. The would was in the front part of the head, between the eyes. Some time after I had got back to the house, the policeman enquired for the pistol, and I found it on the ground. I felt it against my foot. The pistol produced by police-constable Irons, to whom I handed it, is the same. The prisoner was afterwards removed to the hospital.

Magistrates' Clerk (to prisoner): Have you nay questions to ask this witness?

Prisoner: No, Sir.

Capt Smithett, on the evidence of Payn being read over, remarked that the witness had stated that Mrs. Bourne entered the room he was in, saying that her son had come into the house in an excited state and had asked for pen, ink and paper.

The Magistrate's Clerk said this was not evidence, and he had therefore not taken it down.

Thomas Irons: I am a police-constable of the borough. In consequence of information I received I went to the "Cause is Altered" on Wednesday, the 22nd of January, about ten o'clock at night. On going into the back room I saw the prisoner sitting on the floor, supported by the witness Jones. There was a huge quantity of blood behind him on the floor, and I noticed a strong smell of exploded gun-powder. I searched the room and the prisoner's pockets, but could find no fire-arms. In one of the pockets, however, I found three bullets and also, on the table, beside the pen and ink, a letter I now produce.

The letter, which was read by the Magistrates' Clerk, was as follows:-

"Dear wife, - Pay all debts contracted since I have been home from America. Good bye."

And on the back of the envelope were the words-

"I built this room. I might as well die here."

Examination resumed: The prisoner was blooding from a wound between the eyebrows. Mr. Drew and Mr. Walter afterwards came, but the wound was not dressed in my presence. I left shortly after the medical men came. I helped Jones and Mr. Drew life the prisoner into a chair. The last witness was present. Mr. Drew said "There is the pistol," pointing to the spot where the prisoner had been lying, and the witness Payn picked up the weapon and handed it to me. I afterwards examined the pistol, and it appeared to have been recently discharged. An exploded cap was upon it. I also produced the bullets I found in the prisoner's pocket.

On the bullets being examined, they were found to correspond with the bore of the weapon produced by the constable.

James Cuthbert Ottaway: I am a fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, and am residing and practising in Dover. On the night of Wednesday, the 22nd of January, shortly after twelve o'clock, I received a message from Mr. Drew informing me of the injury the prisoner had sustained, and I saw prisoner on the following morning at the hospital. On examination I found a would perforating the skull just between the eyebrows. On the occasion of my next seeing him, a day or two afterwards, in company with another surgeon, I made a careful search for what I apprehended to be a bullet. I passed my finger directly through the skull to the extent of an inch and a half, or more, but I could find no bullet. The prisoner has progressed satisfactorily from that time to the present, and is now considered out of danger from the effects of the wound.

Captain Noble: I suppose it would not be possible for the ball to have dropped out in moving the prisoner about, after it had perforated the skull?

Witness: No, I believe not.

Magistrates' Clerk: Was the prisoner sensible when you first saw him?

Witness: Yes, to a certain extent.

Magistrates' Clerk: Did you pout any questions to prisoner?

Witness: I am not aware that I put any particular questions.

Magistrates' Clerk: Did you ask him anything as to the act?

Witness; No I did not.

Magistrates' Clerk: Did you hear any one do so?

Witness: No.

Magistrates' Clerk: No bullet has been found?

Witness: Not to my knowledge.

Magistrates' Clerk: Would it be possible for such a wound as that inflicted on the prisoner be occasioned simply by the explosion of a pistol, without it containing some projectile?

Witness: No, I think not.

Magistrates' Clerk: Was it a clean, round hole, or did the skull appear to have been smashed in?

Witness: It was a clean, round hole, sufficiently large to admit my little finger to the second joint. At the part of the head where the wound was inflicted the skull is two or three times as thick as at other places.

Magistrates' Clerk: Is it possible for a bullet to remain imbedded in the skull for any length of time without being life sacrificed?

Witness: Yes, cases are not infrequent in which bullets have remained for years inside the skull, without inconvenience arising.

Sergeant Geddes, of the Dover police force: On Wednesday, the 22nd January, I found the prisoner at the house of his mother. Two constables were present, and Mr. Drew and Mr. Walter, surgeons were also in attendance. When I entered one of the doctors had just bound up the prisoner's wounds, the prisoner was sitting in a chair. I assisted to take him to the hospital, where I left him in charge of the doctors. A constable was also left in attendance. I produced a pistol I found at the "Masons' Arms," Charlton, which corresponds with the weapon which has been produced by police-constable Irons.

On being asked if he had any questions to put to this witness, prisoner enquired what had become of the penknife taken away from him?

Police-sergeant Gedds then produced the penknife saying he took it from the prisoner's pocket in consequence of his threatening to rip the bandages off his head if it was not taken off.

Henry Eastman: I am the landlord of the "Masons' Arms" public-house, High Street, Charlton. On the 22nd January the prisoner was in my house from eleven till one o'clock, and afterwards in the afternoon. He read the newspaper in the morning. In the afternoon he came in with my son, and suggested that they should go and have a shoot with a pair of pistols he had given me to take care of for him on the previous day. The prisoner and my son then went and practised at my target, and on their return the prisoner gave me what I thought were both pistols, wrapped up in a piece of paper, with powder, &c. The same night, about eleven o'clock, sergeant Geddes called at my house and asked me if I had a pistol. I told him I had two, and went up stairs to fetch down the parcel the prisoner had handed me in the afternoon. It was in the same state as when the prisoner gave it me, and on its being opened, only one pistol was found.

This was the whole of the evidence, and the prisoner having been charged with attempting to commit a felony by attempting to destroy his life with a pistol, was asked if he had anything to say in answer to the charge previous to his committal for trial.

Prisoner then made the following statement, which was taken down in writing:- In the afternoon of the 22nd January I went into Eastman's and had a shoot at the target. Three of us were shooting at the target, and afterwards drank a pot of beer indoors. I loaded all the pistols, and before they were wrapped up I put one in my pocket unintentionally. I did not know, on leaving, that Mr. Eastman had not got both the pistols. I went home between 4 and 5, or between 5 and 6, I cannot say which, and between 6 and 7 I came out again, and went down the street. As I was going along, I put my hand into my pocket for a cigar, and I found the pistol there. I met several, and went into several places, and had something to drink. I can remember going into Hammond's, but I did not know what I did there. From his house I went to my mother's, where I asked for a pen and ink, and I there had some brandy and water. I recollect taking out the pistol and laying it on the table, and I suppose I took it up and it went off: but I had no intention of shooting myself.

The prisoner was then asked if he desired any witness to be called? He at first declined to call any one, but subsequently called on Mr. Hammond, who was in the body of the Court, and who then stepped into the witness box. He said: My name is Thomas Hammond, and I am a mariner. I live at the "Mogul Tavern," in Adrian Street. I was in company with the prisoner on the afternoon of the 22nd January, firing at the target, at Eastman's. We were firing for half an hour, from three till half-past. No one but Bourne loaded the pistols. I did not see what he did wit them, but he seemed to roll them up, and I thought he gave them to Mr. Eastman. After having a pot or two of beer, I went away, about six o'clock, leaving Bourne still in the house. About eight o'clock prisoner came down to our house, where he remained till nearly ten. During the time he was there he had three or four glasses of brandy and cloves. About ten minutes after he had left, I heard that he had shot himself.

Magistrates' Clerk (to prisoner): Do you wish to ask this witness any more questions?

Prisoner: Was I the worse for liquor when I was at your house, Mr. Hammond?

Witness: Yes, you were not sober.

The Magistrates then formally committed the prisoner for trial at the next quarter sessions, and the several witnesses were bound over to attend and give evidence.

Previous to his removal in custody, the prisoner made application to be admitted to bail, and was informed that his request would be complied with, provided he found two good and reasonable sureties in £50 each and entered into his own recognicance's for £100, twenty-four hours notice to the proposed sureties to be given to the police.

The prisoner who did not appear to be ready at that moment to offer any securities, was then removed; but before he was taken away the Magistrates ordered that any papers found upon him at the time of his arrest which did not relate to the present charge might be returned to him.

We have since learned that bail has not been obtained. After his committal on Wednesday, the mother, wife, and sister of the prisoner applied to the justices to have him bound over to keep the peace towards them, but the Magistrates referred him to a solicitor.

No other business has since transpired before the Borough bench.


From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 3 February, 1866.


George Bourne, a plasterer, was summoned for assaulting his sister, Susannah Prebble.

It appeared that the defendant was living with his mother, who keeps the "Cause is Altered" public-house, in Queen Street, conducting the business on her behalf, and that the misunderstanding out of which the present charge arose took place upon the complainant going to her mother's house.

The defendant, on the summons being read, admitted that he struck his sister in the heat of passion. He was sorry for having done so, and could not say any more.

Sir Luke Smithett: Do you wish to go on with the Charge?

Complainant: I wish him bound over to keep the peace.

Sir Luke Smithett: Do you go in bodily fear of your bother?

Complainant: I do, when he is under the influence of temper.

The defendant said his sister would have no further cause to fear. He was not in the habit of going near her, and this would not have happened had she not come to his mother's house. But to prevent the chance of their meeting again, he would leave his mother's.

In reply to the Magistrates the Superintendent of Police said he was not aware that the defendant was generally quarrelsome. "The Cause is Altered" was well conducted under his management.

The Magistrates thought it would be a great pity if a family dispute of this nature could not be settled without their interventions.

The defendant said he was desirous of settling it by giving his sister every promise in his power that he would not molest her.

Mr. Back (to complainant): I suppose you are aware of the consequences of your pressing this charge, supposing your brother should not be able to find sureties?

Complainant: I suppose he would have to go to prison?

Mr. Back: Yes, that would be the alternative.

Complainant: I should not like that.

Magistrate: Then you had better take your brother's promise, and withdraw the charge.

Complainant ultimately expressed her willingness to do so, and the expenses having been paid by the defendant, the parties left the Court.


From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 23 August, 1867. Price 1d.


Thomas William Prebble, the landlord of the "Cause is Altered" public house, Queen Street, was charged with having his house open for the sale of beer at an illegal hour on Sunday last. The Magistrates understanding that the house had hitherto been well conducted, dismissed the defendant on payment of costs, 6s.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 28 February, 1870


Last evening the borough coroner, W. H. Payn, Esq., held an inquest at the "Cause is Altered," Queen Street, on the body of Mr. W. J. P. Wellden, a tailor, living at Cowgate Hill, who had died very suddenly the same morning. The evidence showed that death had arisen from disease of the heart.

Mr. W. Young having been chosen the foreman of the Jury, and the body having been viewed, the following witnesses were examined:-

Sarah Goldfinch, wife of William Goldfinch, a Customs officer, said she had known the deceased for the last eleven years. His health had been apparently good till within the last month, when he had complained of slight indisposition arising, as he believed, from cold, and he had been attended by Mr. Ottaway professional in consequence. She last saw the deceased alive about twenty minutes past eleven the same morning, having been sent for by his wife. When she arrived at the house he was lying upon the floor, and seemed to be labouring for breath. He breathed three or four times, and then expired. The only person present were the deceased wife and son. Medical aid had not been sent for, and Dr. Marshall attended whilst witness was in the house, and pronounced the deceased to be dead in witness's presence. Dr. Marshall was of opinion that the deceased had died from heart disease . Witness believed his age was fifty-six years.

Dr. Marshall said he was sent for about half-past eleven o'clock the same morning and attended at the deceased residence, at Cowgate Hill. He found him lying on the floor, quite dead. He examined him, and came to the conclusion that he had expired from disease of the heart. Mr. Ottaway was first summoned, and witness was requested to attend by Mr. Ottaway's assistant.

No other evidence was considered necessary, and the Jury returned a verdict in accordance with the medical testimony.


Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 4th March 1870.

Mary Bourne, deceased.

All persons having any claims or demands upon the estate of Mary Bourne, late of Queen Street, Dover, in the county of Kent, licensed victualler, who died on the 18th day of February, 1867, are requested to send in their accounts to us, the undersigned, within 28 days from the day of the date hereof, after which we will not hold ourselves responsible, as a division of the remaining assets will forthwith be made.

Dated 18th day of February, 1870.

William Bourne.

Alex J. Smith. Executors under the will.


From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 14 September, 1877. Price 1d.


William Hall was summoned on the information of the Superintendent of Police with furious driving , thereby endangering the lives of the public, on the 5th inst.

Defendant pleaded guilty.

Superintendent Sanders said: I was in company with Police-sergeant Johnstone on Wednesday last, and saw the defendant driving a small horse and trolley with a ton of coal on it, in York Street. he was trotting at a fast pace  and thrashing the horse as hard as he could thrash it. He was not drunk. I stepped out into the road to stop him, and the horse went some distance before he could pull it up.

The defendant said he done all in his power to pull up directly  he saw the Superintendent.

Mr. Sanders said it was the pace he was going at  prevented him pulling up.

The defendant was further charged with cruel treatment to the said horse, by beating it with the butt end of the whip.

Defendant pleaded guilty to this charge also.

John Taylor said: I am a watch maker, living in Queen Street. On Wednesday last I saw the defendant in Queen Street, in charge of a small horse, which was drawing a ton of coal on a four-wheeled trolley. The defendant was walking by the side of it. I saw him strike it once over the head with a whip. I could not say which end. I did not see which end. I did not see any reason for it.

Susannah Prebble, landlady of the "Cause is Altered," said she saw the defendant with the horse in Queen Street and it could not move one way or the other with the load. It did not seem to have strength enough. She saw him strike the horse several times with the butt end of the whip.

Defendant said he was very sorry, and hoped the Bench would deal leniently with him.

The Bench said he had rendered himself liable to a heave fine, but as this was his first offence he was fined 10s. in each case and costs, with the option of 14 days imprisonment.

The defendant went below.


From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 11 January, 1878. Price 1d.


Francis Gilbert was summoned by Arthur Joseph Church for threatening to do for him, and to show cause why he should not be bound over to keep the peace.

It appeared that the defendant some time since lodged at the complainant's house , 12, Portland Place. On Monday, December 31st, Mr. Church was at the "Cause is Altered," Queen Street, and the defendant was there also. At eleven o'clock, closing time, the defendant enquired for him at the private room, and on his coming forward asked to shake hands. He said, "Is it the hand of friendship?" and the defendant replied, "You know how I left your house, but never mind, give me your hand." He refused to do so, and the defendant accused him of having said something about his wife, and said he and his b_____ of a mother ought to be shot. The defendant put himself in a fighting attitude and was requested to leave the house. On doing so he said he would mark him, meaning the complainant.

The bench said they felt it was the most trumpery case that their time had ever been wasted upon. The defendant would be bound over in his own recognizance of £5 to keep the peace towards her Majesty's subjects for three months.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 30 April, 1886.


On Tuesday morning, the Borough Coroner (S Payn, Esq.), held an inquest at the “Cause-is-Altered Inn,” Queen Street, on Ellen Ryan, a child aged four months.

Annie Ryan said: I am the wife of James Ryan, who is a tailor, and lived at No. 5, Queen Street. The body the Jury have just viewed is that of my daughter, Ellen, and her age was four months. During Thursday last the deceased appeared well, but towards evening I noticed the girl had a cold on her chest. About half-past nine I went up to Mr. Long's, but he was not at home. I saw him at half-past ten, and explained the symptoms, and he gave me some medicine, some of which I gave to the deceased. I and my husband retired to bed about two o'clock, and I then wrapped the deceased up in a shawl, and also rolled it around the child's head. I placed the deceased on my arm between my husband and myself, and once during the night gave her the bottle. In the morning my husband woke me, and on looking at my daughter I found she was under the clothes and was dead. The deceased had a cough and cold since Sunday week, when it was Christmas. She was not a strong child, as I had to wean her a week after birth.

James Ryan, the father of the child, gave corroborative evidence.

Arthur Long said: I am a surgeon, practising in Dover. On Thursday night, at about 10.30, I gave the first witness some medicine for her child, who she said had a cold. The next morning I went to Mr. Ryan's house, and found the child dead. Death had taken place some hours previously, as rigor mortis had set in. I examined the child, but found no marks of injuries, and I am of opinion that the deceased was accidentally suffocated.

The Jury returned a verdict in accordance with the medical testimony.


Dover Express 16 October 1903.

"In a report of an assault case last week, it was mentioned that witness said he went into "The Cause is Altered," but it appears that the witness said "The house opposite The Cause is Altered." The "Cause is Altered" has now been in the same family for many years, and the landlord is to be congratulated on the respectable way it has been conducted during that period.

(Susannah Bourn married Thomas Philpott Prebble between April 1st & June 30th 1851 in Elham Registration District.)


From a book titled Quaint Signs of Olde Inns, by G. J. Monson-Fitzjohn, B.Sc. 1926.

CASE IS ALTERED. Woodbridge, Banbury, Dover, Willesden, Ipswich, etc.

The name has a different origin in each "case"! One reason being the disputed ownership of the house, the legal ruling being reversed several times. Another reason is that a landlord put up the sign in despair after the disappearance of soldiers quartered in his neighbourhood; further, one tenant of a house put up the sign on discovering that his predecessor had left him a large "slate"!


From the Dover Express, Friday 1 September 1939.


Inn sign lore for the public is being provided by the brewing industry. Many thousands of copies of an illustrated beeolet, "Inn Signs: Their History and Meaning," by Sir Gurney Benham, F.S.A., are to be issued during the next few days, by the Brewers' Society, to inns all over the country. They will be dispensed over the bar to any customer buying a glass of beer.


One Dover in sign, that of "The Cause is Altered" is not referred to and it would be interesting to know if it exists elsewhere. The story is that the name dates from 1826. In the late John Bavington Jones' "Dover," the writer says, "An old inhabitant told us that he saw the sign fixed there before he went to sea, in the year 1826. The sign of this house was originally "The Black Horse," and, being situate on a lonely spot on the Town Walls, was a resort of smugglers, but when Mr. Bourne took the house, at the beginning of the nineteenth century, he resolved to make a change for the better and put up a new sign "The Cause is Altered."



Dover Express 8th August 1941.

Dover Police Court 4th August 1941.

Richard Murphy of 67 Clarendon Place was charged with stealing a liquor glass, value 1s 4d, from the “Cause is Altered”, Queen Street, on Saturday August 2nd.

Defendant pleaded guilty.

Chief Insp. Saddleton said that, at 8.55 p.m. on Saturday, P.C. Pascall was in the Market Square when Mr. Eugene Murphy, a barman at the “Cause is Altered” informed him that the defendant had stolen a glass from the public house. The defendant, who was standing nearby, was questioned and admitted stealing the glass and said “I have got it in my pocket. I was going to take it back. I have done this in other public houses. Other publicans can prove this.”

Fined 5s.


Dover Express 27 February 1948.


Summonses against Dennis John Gregory, 32 year old miner, of East Studdale, and his brother, Ronald George Gregory, for being concerned together in assaulting and beating Horace Bishop and doing wilful damage to furniture and fittings at the "Cause is Altered" public house were adjourned until today (Friday), when they appeared before Dover Magistrates Court on Monday. Both of the defendants applied for an adjournment so that they could be legally represented. Complainants were represented Mr. P. A. G. Aldington.


Dover Express 5th March 1948.

“Smashed the aspidistra”.


The smashing of an aspidistra pot over a man’s head and the breaking of another man’s fingers were the highlights of a brawl at the “Cause is altered” public house, Queen Street, which was described to the Dover Magistrates Court on Friday.

Dennis John Gregory, 32 year old miner, of Bellview Cottage, East Studdale, and his brother, Ronald George Gregory, aged 30, also a miner, of 1 Claysole Cottages, Coxhill, Shepherdswell, were summoned for being concerned together in assaulting and beating Horace Bishop and in doing damage to glasses, furniture and furnishings at the “Cause is altered” to the value of £7. 6s 6d. Both defendants, who had asked for an adjournment from the previous Monday, pleaded not guilty and were represented by Mr. T. A. D. Ennion. Mr. P. A. G. Aldington appeared for the two complainants, Mr. Horace Bishop and Mr. Marsh, the licensee.

Horace Bishop, a collier of 13 Albany Place, said that on February 14th he was in the dart room of the “Cause is Altered” in the company of his wife. At about 9.40 several men came into the house, including the two defendants. As they came in, Dennis Gregory came across to witness and said he understood he had some grievance against Ronald, his brother. They both looked antagonistic and Ronald leant across the table and said “You’re a big --------- but you’re not too big for us. He took no notice and tried to “smooth things over” and Ronald began to tie up witness’s tie very tightly. He did this about three times and witness told him to stop it. The next thing he knew the stool he was sitting on was whipped from under him and he received a punch on the jaw. He got to his feet and Dennis rushed at him. He had to stop him in self-defence so he knocked him down about six times --- each time he rushed. The following day he went to the hospital and had to undergo an operation to straighten two broken fingers.

Mr. Ennion:- During the time when all this was going on, didn’t anyone make any attempt to stop it?

I’m told that someone did try to stop it and my wife smashed the aspidistra pot over Ronald’s head (Laughter).

L/Bdr John Devant R A gave evidence of being in the porch when the defendants entered the public house. He could not quite remember what they said but he gathered that there was some trouble brewing and heard one of them say “He’s my pigeon”. Shortly after they had passed him and gone into the dart room, witness heard “a row start”.

Herbert Heath of 1 Albany Place gave evidence of witnessing the fight between defendants and complainant and Gilbert Phillips of 46 Albany Place said that, after one of them had knocked Bishop off the stool, he saw defendant Ronald kick him as he lay on the floor.

Frank Marsh, licensee, proved the cost of the damage and said that, during the fight, 28 pint and 1 half-pint glasses were smashed.

Dennis Gregory, in evidence, said that, on the night of the incident, he and his brother went into the dart room and watched the players. Bishop, who was sitting near the piano, touched him on the leg with his foot and said “What’s the matter with you two ----------s”. Witness replied “Nothing” and Bishop said “You’re a --------- liar”. Witness told him he could see him outside any time he liked and Bishop struck out at him. Witness dodged back and “banged one back at him” before his brother came over to part them. As he came over to do this, Mrs. Bishop smashed the aspidistra pot over his head. Other people came over to part them but the crowd shouted “Let them have a go”. Both witness and Bishop took off their coats and then witness was knocked to the floor two or three times. After he had hit Bishop in the face and stomach, he said he had had enough, but he did not kick him while he was on the floor.

Ronald George Gregory gave similar evidence and said that, when his brother was on one knee, Bishop hit him in the eye and that was when witness tried to get at them, only to be stopped when having the aspidistra pot broken over his head. He did not see Bishop on the ground at all and certainly did not kick him.

After the Bench had found the defendants guilty, the Chairman (Mr. W. G. Jeffrey) said that they considered the defendants had gone into the public house with the deliberate intention of starting a row. The would be fined £5 each on the first charge with £2. 10s costs and £10 each on the second charge and would have to pay £7. 6s 6d, the cost of the damage, between them. They would be allowed a month in which to pay.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 17 June, 1949.


Plans for structural Alterations to service accommodation and lavatory facilities were approved by the Magistrates on Friday.


From the Dover Express, 17 March, 1950.


Darts Champions 1950

The "Cause is Altered" Dart Team, winners of the Dover Licensed Victuallers' Cup for the second year running. (Standing): V. Godden, G. Carter, E. Atkins, G. Page and V. Blythe. (Sitting): T. Page, H. Bishop (captain), Mrs. Knott, H. Knott (licensee), A. Clayton, (Chairman, Dover Licensed Victuallers' Association.) Runners up were the "Cherry Tree."


From the Dover Express, 20 July 1951.

Cause is altered Darts team 1951


The "Cause is Altered" darts team with the imposing array of shields and cups won during the past year.


Cause is Altered

From the Dover Express 28 March 1969.

It was once a smugglers' haunt

SAD night on Saturday. Not only were they closing down another Dover pub but it was the closure of the town's oldest pub. I managed to get in among the drinkers at the ancient Cause is Altered in Queen Street as the last pints were pulled. And it's not only those who enjoy a pint who were sad to see this pub close down ready for the demolition men who will be making way for a new road.

Take Miss Olive Rookwood, the former teacher at the boys' county school, who now lives at the nearby Battle of Britain Homes. She's no drinker but it made her sad this week to know that yet another old pub had closed.

"It's very, very sad to see these places of historic interest being pulled down. It's really dreadful. And they call it progress," she lamented at her flat.

The date of this now closed hostelry is hard to fix. But there seems no doubt that it was the oldest in town and was probably welcoming customers three hundred years ago.

Like many of these old places the building is surrounded by legend and gossip. They say it used to be the haunt of smugglers and when the licensee Mr. Bourne in the nineteenth century decided to change the house for the better he also altered the name to The Cause is Altered.

For years I was under the impression that the clock face on the ceiling of the public bar, complete with ancient numerals, was a device to tip off smugglers that the Excise men were about.

But no. Now I'm told by Mr. Fred Simpson, of Markland Road - who works for Mackesons, the owners - that the device was a primitive game of chance played by the customers.

Mackesons took The Cause is Altered over when they merged with Fremlins.

Queen Street won't seem the same again. I hope the stone set in the wall commemorating Cow Gate will at least be saved and re-instated when the authorities finally get round to building the York Street road.

Perhaps, despite the frenzy of the years ahead, passers by will have time to stand and stare. And remember the pub. Perhaps.


Cause is Altered side view

Above photo of the Cause is Altered side view circa 1970.

Taken from Prince of Wales Sea Training School Society web site.

The Cause is Altered Circa 1987

On the north side at the top of Queen street until it was needlessly destroyed, as it turned out, to make way for the York Street dual carriageway, stood an ancient inn, bearing the curious name "The Cause is Altered." This house was just within Cowgate, and must have been there long before that gate was removed. The name was in bold raised letters over the door, and an old inhabitant told the author that he saw that particular sign fixed there before he went to sea in the year 1826. The sign of this house was originally "The Black Horse," (sic, it was the "Blacksmith's Arms") and being situate in a lonely spot on the walls, was a resort of smugglers, but when Mr. Bourne took the house at the beginning of the nineteenth century, he resolved to make a change for the better, and put up the new sign "The Cause is altered."

Information taken from John Bavington-Jones' book "A Perambulation of the Town, Port and Fortress of Dover", 1906. (Reprint in The South Kent Gazette, October 31st, 1979.)

Cause is Altered ruin

The Cause is Altered public house (pictured right) at the top of Queen Street, was demolished in June 1971 to make way for the York street dual carriageway. Because it was one of Dover's few surviving ancient buildings and probably the oldest in domestic occupation, there was a campaign to save it or preserve a remnant - such as a plaque on the corner which recorded that "Here stood Cow Gate, taken down by order of the Corporation, 1776." Next door was St. Mary's Infants' School which was also demolished.


Stone in Cause is Altered Close-up of stone in Cause is Altered

Various theories have been advanced concerning the name. Some thought it was changed to appease Cromwell in 1649. Others suggested it marked its end with the smuggling fraternity but perhaps more likely, the name descended from "Cows and Halters". It is fairly certain that it was the "Carpenter's Arms" in 1805

Cow Gate stone

Present location (2013) unknown.

From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 30 May, 1952.

Licensee Dies Suddenly

Taken ill suddenly on Thursday evening last week, Mr. Herbert Stephen William Knott, licensee of the "Cause is Altered" Inn, Queen Street, died within a few minutes of serving in his bar. He was 51.

Mr. Knott, who had been licensee for the past three years, joined the Merchant Navy at the age of 15, and sailed three times round the world before returning to his home town some years ago. He assisted a local boatman in his piloting work, and retained an active interest in the sea.

The first portion of the burial service was held at St. Mary's Church, the Rev. A. S. Cooper officiating both there and at the graveside. The mourners present were: Mrs. H. S. W. Knott (widow), Mrs. M. L. Synes and Mrs. D. Smith (daughters), Mrs. C. Tinker (sister), Mr. and Mrs. A. Knott (brother and sister-in-law), Mr. D. Smith (son-in-law), Mr. J. Shephard (brother-in-law), Mr. S. Gumbrill (cousin), Mr. A. Baldock (uncle), Mrs. M Matthews, Mr. and Mrs. R. Brankley, Mr. and Mrs. T. McKee, Mr. H. Ware, Mr. F. Marsh, Mr. W. Blackshear, Mr. J. Weir, Mr. T. Tooney, Mr. W. Brankley and Mr. M. Shenton. Many friends were also present at the church and graveside, including Mr. Alf Whiting (and representing Mr. Burwell's staff), Mr. F. G. Wilson (Manager of Fremlins Ltd., Dover), Mr. A. W. Treadwell (secretary, Licensed Victuallers), Mr. J. H. Weston (Treasurer, Licensed Victuallers), Mr. L. R. Latcham, Mr. and Mrs. T. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Shenton, Mrs. Beal, Mrs. Holman, also representatives of the R.A.O.B. and many customers and friends. Among the many floral tributes were those from the Directors of Messrs. Fremlins Ltd.; Boat crews of Mr. Burwills; Dart Club, Customers and Friends of the "Cause is Altered"; Officers and Bros., Royal Kentish Banners R.A.O.B.; Dover District Licensed Victuallers Association; Dover Lifeboat. The funeral arrangements were by Mr. B. J. Andrews, of 22 New St., and 2, Underdown Road, Dover.


Theories on the change of name.

From Country Life 14th August 1969.


SIR,-This inn, The Cause is Altered, on the slope of the hills leading up to the Western Heights at Dover, is shortly to be demolished to make room for the new roadway leading from the docks to the A20. It is believed to be Dover's oldest inn, and much speculation surrounds its unusual name.

It is thought by some to have originated from Restoration times, when Dover and east Kent generally, having been very pro-Roundhead, suddenly found that the restored Charles II was to land at Dover and make a triumphant journey through the county. An opportunist landlord wished to make it quite clear that he was now on the popular side. Could this be so; or are there other inns of the same name with a quite different origin?

JOHN MANNERING, River House, River, Dover, Kent,


From The Dover Mercury 29 October 1998.

WE know the name of Dover hostelry the Cause is Altered was changed in 1826 because it had a bad reputation due to its links with smuggling. So the new landlord, Mr Bourne, decided to give it-a new image.

I have a list of names of Inns from about 1792. We also know there was a "Blacksmith Arms" in Queen Street in 1824. Mr Bavington Jones in his book on Dover said he was told by a sailor that it was the Black Horse, but there was already an Inn of that name where "The Eagle" now stands.

There has been a suggestion it was linked with the Cavaliers and Roundheads, but the change would have needed to be much earlier.

I discovered, however, there was a Cause is Altered in Ipswich which could go back to the Civil War period.

When visiting that city, walking up a long road, I found the pub which was a fairly modem building and they had changed the name to the Case is Altered, with the sign showing a bewigged judge.

In the early 19th century there could have been a steady trade between these two ports and this may have been a suggestion by a regular seafaring customer.

Joe Harman.


The last drinks were served on 22 March 1969. Some local groups would have liked the walls left standing but the authorities decided in September 1972 that the whole must come down.

Dixie Smith

Nineteen-year-old Dixie Smith, daughter of the landlord, pulls a pint ... one of the last.


Dover's oldest pub to close

DOVER'S oldest public house, the Cause is Altered in - Queen Street, closes its doors for the last time on Monday night (21 March 1969). The building is coming down to make way for the new York Street by-pass.

Once the haunt of smugglers the pub used to be The Black Horse (sic, it was the "Blacksmith's Arms") but its name was changed in the eighteenth century. Dover citizens and pressure groups tried to save the pub but failed to persuade the planners. Now licensee Mr. Don Smith, who has been at the Cause is Altered for 14 months, is to take another pub at Maidstone. It is hoped to save the ancient stone set in the wall, marking Cowgate, and to reinstate it when York Street is built.

Cause is Altered

From the Dover Express, 4 June, 1971.


Cause is Altered destruction

The last remains of the "Cause is Altered" public house in Queen Street crash to the ground to make way for the York Street by-pass due to be constructed later this year. The pub was the oldest in Dover and there had been a move to prevent its destruction but the fight was given up.


From the Dover Express, 24 September, 1971.

Not all the ancient "Cause is Altered" public house is to be destroyed after all. Following the intervention of members of the New Dover Group, the most interesting corner of the pub's walls - where the old Cow Gate once stood - is to be retained.

The Group is hoping the wall - at the corner of Queen Street and Princes Street - will become a feature of the redeveloped area near the York Street dual carriageway, now under construction.

At one stage it was hoped to save the building; then it was proposed that it should be razed to the ground.

But when it was realised the new road would not destroy all the public house, members of the New Dover Group went into action and mad emergency repairs.


Later, after work on the nearby Roman remains has been completed, they propose to smarten up the wall be removing the window surrounds and the doors.

Two former Mayors, Alderman William Muge and Alderman George Aslett, helped with the work.

Future plans - and that is all they are at this stage - are to lay out the area as a garden with a wall acting as a windbreak and sun-trap.

Possibly something from the Roman fort can be saved and incorporated.

There are already firm proposals to replace the poet Churchill's grave near where he was buried later on. The "Cause is Altered" was the oldest public house in Dover - and probably the oldest domestic dwelling in town. Legend claims it was once a smugglers haunt.

Cause is Altered safety

New Dover Group volunteers making safe sections of the remaining parts of the "Cause is Altered" public house. Leader of the team is Mr. John Gaunt, of London Road, Deal. With him are Mr. Doug Crellin, of Laurestone Place, Dover (chairman of the history committee of the New Dover Group), and group members Chris Reed (17), of Millais Road and Wesley Harcourt (16), of Percival Terrace both at Dover Grammar School.


The walls contained two plaques which may well have been preserved. It was said at the time that the site was needed to house one end of a pedestrian bridge and on that assumption the demolition was authorised by Dover Corporation in March 1973; By August of 1991, as I retype this page little of interest has yet materialised on the site.


Cause is Altered 1972

Above photo, circa 1972, kindly sent by Phil Eyden.

Cause is Altered almost down

Above the Cause is Altered almost down 1972.

Taken from Prince of Wales Sea Training School Society web site.


Cause is Altered demolition 1972

Above photo kindly sent from Mark Jennings who says:- I've unearthed a pic seen from Durham Hill from my great uncle Aubry Pemble that shows "The Caused is Altered" being knocked down when Burlington House building was under construction in 1972.


Cause is Altered 1973

Site of The Cause is Altered in 1973.

From the Dover Express 9th February 1973.

Ancient link with past not worth preserving - say residents


GET rid of them. That's what local people are saying about the remains of the Cause is Altered public house by the side of the York Street trunk road. But there are plans to preserve the walls, and to grass the surrounding area so that people can sit there.

"It will become a public convenience for hitch-hikers," said Mr. George Austin, of the Battle of Britain Homes which stand next to the site.

Putting seats there and grassing the area over will simply be an invitation to them to spend the night there, or use it as a toilet."

Mrs. Bessie O'Connor, who also lives in one of the flats there, thinks the land could be better used by making a pathway down to the new road.

"At the moment, all us old people from these flats have to walk around that site, and then down on to the road.

"It might not be very far if you're young and fit, but when you can't walk very far anyway, it's almost impossible."

Her husband, Mr. Frank O'Connor, is unable to make the journey.

"It would be much better to have a path leading down there on to the pavement. Who wants to remember an old pub anyway? I can't stand the places."

Folkestone Road resident Mr. Herbert Jackson, said he wouldn't mind the walls being preserved if they were original.

"But they're not," he said. "They've been patched up a couple of times, and there's even some brick work in them, so they're not exactly old."

Mrs. O'Connor suggested that if they wanted to mark the spot where the Cow Gate once stood - as a plaque in the pub wall used to do - they should include that on a gate there.

Meanwhile, the subject is likely to be raised again at the next Works Committee meeting of the council.


From an Email received 8 May 2011.


The origins of the pub name "The Cause is Altered" may have come from the phrase in Spanish "La casa en las alturas" which translates as "the house in the heights."

Or possible from the phrase "La casa de alta" which translates as "the house of high." (Another literal translation from Spanish to English for that phrase could be 'The house of discharge.' I wonder whether the Spanish soldiers could pick up their military discharge papers from here at one time? Paul Skelton)

I was told that the Cause is Altered in Dover was at the top of a hill. The soldiers of Wellingtons army (1817) would have come back from the Peninsular war with Spanish phrases - they were in Spain long enough to learn the language from their Spanish allies.


Lyndon Wainwright.



WATTS Andrew 1832-39+ Pigot's Directory 1832-34Pigot's Directory 1839

BOURNE James "John" 1840-20/Sept/46 dec'd (age 40 in 1841Census) Pigot's Directory 1840

BOURNE Mrs Mary Ann 1847-Mar/67 (widow age 63 in 1861Census) Dover ExpressBagshaw's Directory 1847Melville's 1858


PREBBLE Thomas William Philpot Mar/1867-74 (age 55 in 1871Dover Express) Post Office Directory 1874

PREBBLE Mrs Susannah 1882-91 Post Office Directory 1882Post Office Directory 1891

PREBBLE Miss Ellen 1891-99 (age 30 in 1891Census) Pikes 1895Kelly's Directory 1899Post Office Directory 1903

PREBBLE Mrs Grace Ellen 1901

BOURNE Richard Reeve 1903-Sept/14 (age 43 in 1911Census) Post Office Directory 1903Kelly's 1903Pikes 1909Post Office Directory 1913Dover Express

Last pub licensee had NORRIS Albert George Sept/1914-26 end Post Office Directory 1922Pikes 1923Pikes 1924

BALLARD Albert Thomas 1926-Feb/32 Post Office Directory 1930Dover Express

HARPER Alfred Harold Feb/1932-Oct/40 Next pub licensee had (age 55 in 1939) Dover ExpressPikes 1932-33Post Office Directory 1938Pikes 1938-39 (Late of H. M. Forces)

FULLAGER Arthur Edward Oct/1940 (Brewer's manager) Dover Express

MARSH Frank S R 1943-June/49 Dover Express

KNOTT Herbert Stephen William June/1949-52 dec'd Dover ExpressKelly's Directory 1950 (Ex-merchant Naval Officer)

KNOTT Mrs Rosina 1952-53+ Kelly's Directory 1953

JONES Mrs A 1956-63 dec'd Kelly's Directory 1956

SMITH David 1959-68 end

SMITH Donald G 1968-69 end


Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34

Pigot's Directory 1839From the Pigot's Directory 1839

Pigot's Directory 1840From the Pigot's Directory 1840

Bagshaw's Directory 1847From Bagshaw Directory 1847

Melville's 1858From Melville's Directory 1858

Post Office Directory 1874From the Post Office Directory 1874

Post Office Directory 1882From the Post Office Directory 1882

Post Office Directory 1891From the Post Office Directory 1891

Pikes 1895From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1895

Kelly's Directory 1899From the Kelly's Directory 1899

Post Office Directory 1903From the Post Office Directory 1901

Post Office Directory 1903From the Post Office Directory 1903

Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903

Pikes 1909From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1909

Post Office Directory 1913From the Post Office Directory 1913

Post Office Directory 1922From the Post Office Directory 1922

Pikes 1923From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1923

Pikes 1924From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1924

Post Office Directory 1930From the Post Office Directory 1930

Pikes 1932-33From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1932-33

Post Office Directory 1938From the Post Office Directory 1938

Pikes 1938-39From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1938-39

Kelly's Directory 1950From the Kelly's Directory 1950

Kelly's Directory 1953From the Kelly's Directory 1953

Kelly's Directory 1956From the Kelly's Directory 1956

Dover ExpressFrom the Dover Express


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
