Sort file:- Canterbury, December, 2024.

Page Updated:- Tuesday, 03 December, 2024.

PUB LIST PUBLIC HOUSES Paul Skelton & Rory Kehoe

Earliest 1837-

(Name from)

Kentish Cricketers

Latest 1997

(Name to)

14 St. Peter's Street


Kentish Cricketers 1886

Above photo, 1886, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Postcard 1903

Above postcard, circa 1903, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Kentish Cricketers 1917

Above photo taken from the Historic Canterbury web site circa 1917.

Kentish Cricketers 1906

Above postcard, circa 1906, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Above photo, circa 1907, celebrating cricket week in August, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Kentish Cricketers 1955

Above photo, circa 1955, kindly submitted by Rory Kehoe.

Kentish Cricketers 1959

Above photo showing part of pub on the right, circa 1959, kindly submitted by Rory Kehoe.

Kentish Cricketers inside 1960

Above photo, circa 1960, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Denis Moat pulling a pint as a charity penny pile is about to topple. The kids are Denis' grandchildren: L to R - Sally, Danny, Neil and Ivor. Sadly, some 25 years after this photo was taken, Ivor Moat (who had joined the Merchant Navy as a cook) was among the crew victims of the 1987 Herald of Free Enterprise disaster.

Kentish Cricketers 1961

Above photo 1961, kindly sent by Tim Timpson.

Kentish Cricketers 1965

Above photo by Edward Wilmot 1965.

Kentish Cricketers

Above photo, date unknown.

Kentish Cricketers 1990

Above photo, 1990, kindly sent by Garth Wyver.

Kentish Cricketers

Above photo, date unknown.

Kentish Cricketer sign 1984Kentish Cricketer sign 1984

Kentish Cricketer signs September 1984, right.

Kentish Cricketer sign 1991Kentish Cricketer sign

Sign left March 1991, sign right date unknown.

Above with thanks from Brian Curtis

Kentish Cricketers licensees 1913

Above photo, circa 1913, showing licensees Edward and Olive Solley on their wedding day.

Solley family photo

Above photo showing the Solley family, date unknown.


Original name was the "Cherry Tree" and listed as that in the licensing list of 1692, 1693 the Billeting list offered beds for 6 soldiers.

Also referred to as the "Cricketer" it was functioning as the "Kentish Cricketer" in 1838.

The inn was purchased from Whitbreads to Shepherd Neame in 1972. In 1997 Shepherd Neame decided to change the image and name and changed it to "Oranges." The name has now changed again and shortened to simply the "Cricketers."


Kentish Gazette, 12 September 1854.

Suspected Cask of Poisoning.

On Thursday afternoon Mr. Delasaux held an inquest at the "Cricketers," in this city, on the body of a young woman named Bailey, aged 32, living in St. Peter's, who, it appeared by the evidence of her father, a carpenter, had been somewhat indisposed, but rose as usual at about seven in the morning, but on his return home at eight, he found her on the floor writhing with pain, and before medical assistance could be obtained she expired.

Mr. Rigden, who was called in, stated that deceased was far advanced in pregnancy, and that not observing any marks of violence, and from the statement made to him, he believed her to have died of a diseased heart. A verdict accordingly was returned. It having been rumoured, subsequent to the inquest, that deceased had been poisoned, the coroner directed the medical officer to make further inquiry, which he proceeded to do on Friday; the result of which was, that there was no ground whatever for the imputation.


From the Kentish Chronicle 22, October 1859.


(Before the Mayor, Alderman Masters, T. S. Cooper, Esq., W. H. Trimnell, Esq., and Capt. Love).

John Jeffrey, who described himself us a journeyman shoemaker, of Bond-street, London, was charged with stealing a purse containing £1 10s., the property of John Foreman, labourer, of Wye.

Ann Foreman:— I am the wife of John Foreman. On Saturday afternoon, between four and five o' clock, my husband and I went into the "Cricketers, in St Peter's-street, Canterbury. We had some clove brandy and some biscuits. I took my purse out of my pocket and gave the landlady 6d. to pay for it. I had then in my purse one sovereign and about 15s. in silver. I put my purse back into my pocket. The landlady asked if we would walk in and sit down. My husband and the children passed into the bar parlour. The prisoner, with two women and another man, were standing up at the bar. There were four together. They pushed against me, to prevent me following my husband. I asked them three times before they would allow me to pass. We then went into the bar parlour, and sat down. The landlady then spoke to me, and asked if I had lost anything. I put my hand into my pocket, and found that my purse was gone. The prisoner and the others with him were then gone out. We followed them directly. My husband overtook the prisoner, and stopped him, but the woman and the other man had gone another way, and could not be found. I told the prisoner I believed he was one of the party that had taken my purse. He said he was not, and he knew nothing of the party. The prisoner was taken into custody. It was not more than a few moments from the time I took out my purse, till I missed my money. This was corroborated by Mrs. Fill, the landlady of the "Cricketers," in St. Peters street, who further stated, that on Monday and Tuesday last the same party came to her house to look for lodgings. She was sure the prisoner was one of the party, and directed them to the "Kings Arms." On another day Mrs. Fill noticed the same four persons near her house, passing money from one to another.

The prisoner said he was innocent of the offence, he admitted being with the women in the house, but said he never was with them before. They accosted him in the street, and he knew nothing of them.

Committed for trial at the quarter sessions.


From the Kentish Chronicle, 2 February, 1861.


Anne Sheridan and John Harvey, a private in the 70th Foot, were charged with stealing a globe of artificial flowers, the property of John Warry, boot-maker, Broad-street, in this city.

The prosecutor stated that he went out about twenty minutes to eight on Sunday evening, and that at that time both his sitting room window and shutters were closed; but when he returned at eight, the shutters were open, the window up half a yard, and the globe of flowers gone. The value of them was 10s.

W. Bigg, Town Hall keeper, stated that he was at the house of his father-in-law (the "Weavers' Arms"), on Sunday evening, when, at about nine o'clock, the female prisoner came in, and asked him to buy a globe of flowers. She offered them for 3s. but nobody would buy them.

Sarah Daniels said she kept the "Kentish Arms," in Jewry-lane, and that between ten and eleven on Sunday night both the prisoners came to her house. The male prisoner offered the flowers for sale, saying that they belonged to his wife, and that she was going to leave her lodgings, and did not want them. At that time the woman was in the smoking-room. Witness went and asked her if the flowers belonged to her, and went and asked her if the flowers belonged to her, and she replied, "Yes."

At this juncture, the globe of flowers was brought into Court, the police having just discovered the party who had ultimately purchased them of the prisoners.

John Fill, landlord of the "Kentish Cricketers," in St. Peter’s-street, said that on Sunday night the female came in and wanted him to buy the flowers saying that she was in great distress, and that if she did not sell them she would have to sell her bed. Upon this representation but not wanting the flowers he gave her 2s. for them. Directly the flowers were brought into Court the soldier acknowledged his guilt but said that the woman was innocent. Both prisoners were remanded until Thursday. There is another charge against Harvey for stealing a saw.

John Boyle, a ticket-of-leave man, was charged with being about on Monday night for un unlawful purpose. On him were found some things used by coiners. He was remanded till Thursday.


From the Parliamentary Papers Jan 6 - Aug 27, 1881

John Fill ....Where do you live? At the "Cricketers," St. Peter's Street. What are you? Engine proprietor. Is the "Cricketers" a public house? Yes. Does it belong to you? No, to my mother. ....


From the Whitstable Times, 1 March, 1902.


James Boylan, a private in the 9th Lancers, was charged with stealing a gent's diver watch valued at 27s. 6d., the property of Henry Tween Waterfield, watchmaker and jeweller, of 7, St. Peter’s street, Canterbury.

Henry Tween Waterfield, living at 7, St. Peter’s Street, and carrying on business as a watchmaker and jeweller, stated that prisoner came into his shop at 10.30 on Saturday night. Witness showed him the watch produced. He looked at it and then asked to see one that opened in front. While he was showing him another one prisoner ran out of the shop with the watch produced. Witness followed him and caught him outside the “Cricketers’ Arms” (sic) in St. Peter’s street and detained him. The watch was subsequently shown to him by Sergeant Swain and he identified it as his property. The value of the watch was 27s. 6d. Sergt. Swain stated that at 10.35 p.m. on Saturday the 8th inst. he was passing Messrs. Welby and Co’s, shop in St. Peter’s street when he saw the watch produced lying on the pavement. He picked it up. He saw a crowd outside the “Cricketers” public house and prisoner being detained by the last witness. Witness took him into custody on the charge of stealing the watch. At the police station he said “I do not know anything about a watch.”

The prisoner pleaded guilty and said he had nothing to say.

A captain of the 5th Lancers said prisoner only came out of prison on Friday the 7th March after undergoing forty-two days' imprisonment for desertion. The magistrates sentenced prisoner to six weeks’ hard labour.

Prisoner was then charged with being an absentee from the 9th Lancers.

Sergt. Swain proved the charge, and the Bench ordered prisoner to he handed over to the military authorities at the completion of the six weeks.



NASH Thomas 1838+ Stapletons Guide

ALLEN Charles 1840+ Pigot's Directory 1840

MARTIN James 1847+ Bagshaw's Directory 1847

FILL John 1851-71+ (age 53 in 1871Census) Melville's 1858

FILL Mrs Elizabeth 1874+ Post Office Directory 1874

FILL John 1881-91+ (age 38 in 1891Census)

FILL Elizabeth 1882-91+ Post Office Directory 1882Post Office Directory 1891

FILL John 1903+ Post Office Directory 1903

SOLLY Edward 1913-38+ (age 31 in 1911Census) Post Office Directory 1913Post Office Directory 1922Post Office Directory 1930Post Office Directory 1938

MOAT Dennis 1960-80

DUNNE Paul Peter Patrick Francis Paul & DUNNE Maggie 1980-81

JONES Victor Thomas & Jacqui 1981-85

ALDOUS Roger & Michelle 1985-89

DRAPER David & Alison 1989-91 Next pub licensee had

HOWELL Peter & Christine 1991-94 Next pub licensee had

SMITH Les & Lyndsey 1994-97

Various brewery employee managers of Oranges Bar Cafe 1997-2004

COUGHLAN Richard & Sue 2005-12 (Richard was a founding member and drummer for the prog rock group Caravan.)

TURNER Anita 2012+ (She also runs the "Old Coach and Horses" at Harbledown)


Stapletons GuideStapleton's Guide 1838

Pigot's Directory 1840From the Pigot's Directory 1840

Bagshaw's Directory 1847From Bagshaw Directory 1847

Melville's 1858From Melville's Directory 1858

Post Office Directory 1874From the Post Office Directory 1874


Post Office Directory 1882From the Post Office Directory 1882

Post Office Directory 1891From the Post Office Directory 1891

Post Office Directory 1903From the Post Office Directory 1903

Post Office Directory 1913From the Post Office Directory 1913

Post Office Directory 1922From the Post Office Directory 1922

Post Office Directory 1930From the Post Office Directory 1930

Post Office Directory 1938From the Post Office Directory 1938


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-