Sort file:- Canterbury, April, 2021.

Page Updated:- Thursday, 08 April, 2021.

PUB LIST PUBLIC HOUSES Paul Skelton & Rory Kehoe

Earliest 1847-

Kentish Arms

Latest 1874+

Jewry Lane/White Horse Lane


Canterbury map 1874

Above 1874 map identification by Rory Kehoe.

Kentish Arms location 2017

The "Kentish Arms" was knocked down in the 1880s and replaced with the current structure, which was, for many years, the warehouse, workshop and offices for Wiltshire's, the well-known Canterbury building company. It's now Chromos, the cereal bar, cocktail lounge and art cinema. Kindly sent by Rory Kehoe, September 2017.


Maidstone Journal and Kentish Advertiser, Tuesday 12 June 1849.


Important sale of the extensive Brewery of Messr's Flint, including 30 old established Inns and Public Houses, and other valuable property.

Mr. V. J., has received instructions to sell by auction, at the "Fountain Hotel," Canterbury, on Tuesday and Wednesday, 26th and 27th of June, at 12 o'clock each day, (in consequence of the death of the senior acting partner and the retirement of the surviving partners,) the valuable property known as Messrs. Flint's Brewery, in Stour Street, Canterbury, and the Inns, Public Houses, and other valuable property connected with theirwith. The first day sale on Tuesday, 26th June, 1849, will comprise the following property in and near the city.

Public houses.

Lot 1. The "City of Canterbury," situate on the road to Whitstable. Freehold.

Lot 2. The "George and Dragon," Westgate without, leasehold under Hind's charity for 17 years unexpired.

Lot 3. The "Three Compasses," Westgate within. Freehold.

Lot 4. The "Bell Inn" and Coach Office, in the High Street. Freehold.

Lot 5. The "Prince of Wales," St. Alphege Lane,. Freehold.

Lot 6. The "Weavers Arms," Broad Street, freehold and partly leasehold.

Lot 7. The "White Swan," Northgate. Leasehold under St. John's Hospital for a short term, at a ground rent.

Lot 8. The "Kings Head," Northgate. Freehold.

Lot 9. The "Swan Inn," at Sturry (close to the railway station). Freehold.

Lot 10. The "Ship," St. Martins Hill, freehold.

Lots 12. The "Star Commercial Inn and Tap," St George's, close to the Cattle market and Dane John. Freehold.

Lot 13. The "Blue Anchor," Old Dover Lane, near the Cattle market. Freehold.

Lot 14. The "Fleece Inn," High Street, opposite to the Corn market. Freehold.

Lot 28. Three neat Cottages opposite the Brewery, with large gardens extending to the river.

Lot 29. The "Two Brewers" public house and Spirit Warehouse, adjoining the last lot.

Lot 31. The "Black Dog" public house, Castle Street.

Lot 34. The "Duke's Head" Public House, Wincheap Street.

Lot 35. The "King's Head," Public House, Wincheap Street.

Lot 37. The "Royal Exchange," public house, Stour Street.

Lot 38. The "Kentish Arms," public house, and 5 cottages in Jewry Lane. Leasehold for a short term at a low rent.

Lot 40. The "Duke William," at Ickham, abiout five miles from Canterbury. Freehold.

Lot 41. The "Royal Oak Inn," at Deal. Freehold except a small portion.

Lot 42. The "King's Arms," Beach Street, Deal, and Cottage in the rear. leasehold for a short term, at a Ground rent.

Lot 43. The "Fleur De Lis," near the Railway Station, Dover. Leasehold for a term of 6 years, at a Ground rent of £3.

Lot 44. The "Two Brewers," Limekiln Street, Dover. leasehold for a term of 46 years, at a ground rent of £3.

Lot 45. The "Fountain Inn, adjoining the Market place at Dover. Freehold.

Lot 46. The "Lord Nelson," Radnor Street, near the harbour, Folkestone. Freehold.

Lot 47. The "Bricklayers Arms," Fancy Street, Folkestone. Freehold.

Lot 48. The "Castle Inn," at Sandgate. Leasehold for a short term, at a ground rent of 7s. 6d.

Lot 49. The "King's Head Hotel and Tap," at Margate. Freehold.

Lot 50. The "New Inn," at Elham, on the road to Hythe. Freehold.

Lot 51. The "King's Arms," at Milton near Sittingbourne. Freehold.

The Public Houses are for the most part in the occupation of unexceptionable tenants, and the majority of them are doing trades, both in beer and spirits, considerably above the average run of Country houses. (None of them have been beer shops; they're all old Licence Houses, with connections of long standing, thereby affording ample security for the permanency of the trade). The Premises generally are in a superior state of repair.

Particulars and Plans, price 1s. each, may be had of Messr's. Furleys and Mercer, Solicitors, Canterbury; at the "Fountain Hotel;" and of Mr. V. J. Collins, 3, Moorgate Street, London.


Kentish Gazette, 10 September 1850.

On the annual licensing day (Thursday last) our city magistrates suspended the following licenses:-

"Military Tavern," King Street;

"Eight Bells," King Street;

"Duke of York," Riding Gate;

"Kentish Arms," Jewry Lane;

"Eagle," Whitehorse Lane;

"Golden Cross," Northgate;

"Queen's Head," Northgate;

"City of London," Tower Street;

"Duke's Head," Wincheap;

"True Briton," Northgate;

"Royal George," Northgate;

"Queen's Arms," Northgate; and

"Three Grenadiers," Military Road.


Kentish Gazette, 21 September 1852.

Thursday. Licensing.

This being the adjourned licensing day, those parties, whose licences had been suspended, again attended, and after receiving animadversion for their irregularity of conduct, had their licences granted, but with a decided caution that if again complaints were made against them they would not have their licences in future.

These parties were:- John Stairs, of the "Eight Bells," King Street;

John Noble, "Kentish Arms;"

George Kilner, "City of London;"

John Jordan, "White Heart;"

John Gillis, "Bricklayers' Arms;"

Elizabeth Forbes, "Oddfellows Arms;"

John Murphy, "Carpenter's Arms;"

Richard Wellard, "George and Dragon," Westgate;

Joseph Pentecost, "Royal George;"

and George Crow, "Rose and Crown."

Applications for New Licences.

Thomas Rodgers, of the "Sir Robert Peel" beer shop;

David Tuthwell, "True Britain;"

and Edward Gordon, "Pine Apple,"

applied for spirit licences, but which were refused.


From a report to the Mayor and Magistrates in Guildhall on 17th April 1859.

"Sergeant Ells reports that he found the following number of Prostitutes at the following public houses and beer-shops yesterday morning:

"Kentish Arms," White Horse Lane, 2.


From the Kentish Chronicle, 2 February, 1861.


Anne Sheridan and John Harvey, a private in the 70th Foot, were charged with stealing a globe of artificial flowers, the property of John Warry, boot-maker, Broad-street, in this city.

The prosecutor stated that he went out about twenty minutes to eight on Sunday evening, and that at that time both his sitting room window and shutters were closed; but when he returned at eight, the shutters were open, the window up half a yard, and the globe of flowers gone. The value of them was 10s.

W. Bigg, Town Hall keeper, stated that he was at the house of his father-in-law (the "Weavers' Arms"), on Sunday evening, when, at about nine o'clock, the female prisoner came in, and asked him to buy a globe of flowers. She offered them for 3s. but nobody would buy them.

Sarah Daniels said she kept the "Kentish Arms," in Jewry-lane, and that between ten and eleven on Sunday night both the prisoners came to her house. The male prisoner offered the flowers for sale, saying that they belonged to his wife, and that she was going to leave her lodgings, and did not want them. At that time the woman was in the smoking-room. Witness went and asked her if the flowers belonged to her, and went and asked her if the flowers belonged to her, and she replied, "Yes."

At this juncture, the globe of flowers was brought into Court, the police having just discovered the party who had ultimately purchased them of the prisoners.

John Fill, landlord of the "Kentish Cricketers," in St. Peter’s-street, said that on Sunday night the female came in and wanted him to buy the flowers saying that she was in great distress, and that if she did not sell them she would have to sell her bed. Upon this representation but not wanting the flowers he gave her 2s. for them. Directly the flowers were brought into Court the soldier acknowledged his guilt but said that the woman was innocent. Both prisoners were remanded until Thursday. There is another charge against Harvey for stealing a saw.

John Boyle, a ticket-of-leave man, was charged with being about on Monday night for un unlawful purpose. On him were found some things used by coiners. He was remanded till Thursday.


From the Kentish Chronicle, 18 July, 1863.


Richard Haymond was fined 5s. and costs for using abusive language to and assaulting P.C. Woolland, the constable being called to eject the accused from the “Kentish Arms” early on Sunday morning when he swore at him and kicked him. The wife of the defendant, who interfered, and assaulted the constable, was fined 2s. 6d. and costs.


From the Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, 18 May, 1867. Price 1d.


Henry Burbidge, landlord of the “Kentish Arms,” was charged with receiving two articles belonging to the Militia stores, to wit, two towels from William Warner, a private in the East Kent Militia Regiment.

William Warner said he took the towels to the public-house about a fortnight ago, and asked the landlord to give him a gallon of beer for them, and he would pay him for it the next day. Witness did not know he was doing anything wrong and intended to redeem the articles the next day.

Cross-examined:- Did not go there the next day as I promised to do. Defendant asked me if the towels were my private property and I said they were.

Mr. Hammer said defendant ought to have examined the articles before entering into such an agreement. He would be fined 1s. and 11s. costs.


Canterbury Journal, Kentish Times and Farmers' Gazette, Saturday 16 September 1871.

Annual Licensing Meeting.

The Superintendent of Police reported to the Magistrates the following houses where prostitutes were kept, viz., the "Roebuck," "True Briton," "Lord Clyde," "Princess Royal," "Crown and Anchor," "Brewers' Delight," "Clarence Inn," and "Kentish Arms," and on the applicants applying they were each cautioned in severe terms by the Mayor, and on their promising to behave better in future the licences were renewed. The business was transacted rapidly. The adjourned sessions are fixed for the 21st instant.


Only found so far from between 1858 and 1874 and the only pub in that lane, although the "Havelock Arms" was also mentioned as situated in White Horse Lane, but the dates and reports seems to suggest that they were both open at the same time and harbouring prostitutes. The area apparently was the red light district of the time.



BOYLE George 1841+ (age 45 in 1841Census)

ROBERTS Ann 1847+ Bagshaw's Directory 1847

SIMMONS Charlotte 1851+ (age 34 in 1851Census)

NOBEL John 1852+

ANDREWS George 1858+ Melville's 1858

DANIEL Richard 1861+ (age 42 in 1861Census)

DANIELS Sarah 1861+ Kentish Chronicle

DANIELS R 1862+ Post Office Directory 1862

BURBIDGE W Henry 1866-67+ Greens Canterbury Directory 1868Whitstable Times

SPRATT Alfred 1868-78+ Greens Canterbury Directory 1868Post Office Directory 1874


Bagshaw's Directory 1847From Bagshaw Directory 1847

Melville's 1858From Melville's Directory 1858

Post Office Directory 1862From the Post Office Directory 1862

Whitstable TimesWhitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald

Greens Canterbury Directory 1868Greens Canterbury Directory 1868

Post Office Directory 1874From the Post Office Directory 1874

Greens Canterbury Directory 1868Greens Canterbury Directory 1878

Kentish ChronicleKentish Chronicle



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
