Sort file:- Canterbury, April, 2021.

Page Updated:- Saturday, 03 April, 2021.


Earliest 1848-

Queen's Head

Latest 1852




Only one instance of this found at present, and with other "Queen's Head" pubs also being listed in Canterbury it's easy to get confused. However, this is the only one listed as being in Northgate, and it is definitely not the "Queen's Arms" as that is also mentioned in the same passage below.

The other pubs with the same name are the "Queen's Head" addressed as 15 High Street, but that changed in 1828. The "Queen's Head" addressed as Longport, but only in known in 1669-70, and the "Queen's Head" at 24 Watling Street, nearly 3 miles away.


From the Kentish Gazette, 2 August 1842.


THAT a large CHEESE was left at the "QUEEN’S HEAD INN," CANTERBURY, on the 11th ultimo, addressed to Mr. -, Sandwich, and that if the same be not taken away within fourteen days from this date, it will he sold to defray the expense of advertising, and cash paid out.

Canterbury, 30th July, 1842.


From the Kentish Gazette, 6 September 1842.


Enquire of Mr. Benham, No. 1, St. George’s Place, Canterbury.


From the Kentish Gazette, 9 September 1845.


At the annual licensing on Thursday, the city magistrates renewed one hundred and nineteen licences.

Nine new applicants were granted us follows:— Thomas Attwood, "Old City of Canterbury," Oatenhill; Charles Denham, for the "Queen's Head," Northgate; Henry Clements, for the "Alto Douro," St. George’s-place; Eliz. Clinch. "Plasterers' Arms," Northgate; Joseph Harrison, "Royal George," Northgate; Joseph Hirst, "Dragoon," Military-road; Angel Hyde, "Military Tavern," King-street; George Lilley, "Waggoners' Arms," St. Dunstan; Henry James Page, "Windsor Castle," Bridge-street.


From the Kentish Gazette, 12 September 1848.


Thursday being the annual licensing day of victuallers, in Canterbury, the magistrates were occupied some time in making the necessary preparations, and they granted licenses to a hundred and twenty-seven persons; four others being absent, will have theirs at a future sitting. The licenses taken from W. Cullen, "Queen’s Arms"; W. Hunt, "Three Grenadiers," Military-road; George Roberts, "Queen's Head," Northgate; and R. Walpole, "Roebuck," Northgate were restored; and the application made by J. B. Allen for a license of the "Golden Cross," Northgate was granted.


Kentish Gazette, 10 September 1850.

On the annual licensing day (Thursday last) our city magistrates suspended the following licenses:-

"Military Tavern," King Street;

"Eight Bells," King Street;

"Duke of York," Riding Gate;

"Kentish Arms," Jewry Lane;

"Eagle," Whitehorse Lane;

"Golden Cross," Northgate;

"Queen's Head," Northgate;

"City of London," Tower Street;

"Duke's Head," Wincheap;

"True Briton," Northgate;

"Royal George," Northgate;

"Queen's Arms," Northgate; and

"Three Grenadiers," Military Road.


Kentish Gazette, 24 September 1850.

At the adjourned petty sessions for licensing public houses on Thursday, those licences which have been suspended excepting for for the "Eight Bells," King Street,

"Queen's Head," and

"Queen's Arms," Northgate, we're granted; as also were a few of the cases of parties who were not in attendance on the regular licensing day.


Kentish Gazette, 9 September 1851.

POLICE COURT - Guildhall.

On Thursday the general licensing day was held before the city magistrates. There were 115 licenses granted, and 8 suspended till the adjourned meeting (the 18th inst.)

Three houses are shut up in the city, and seven publicans neglected to apply for renewal of their licenses. Mr. Charles applied for a license for the "Divan" in St. Margaret's Street, and Mr. Roberts for the "Queen’s Head," Northgate. The decision was adjourned till the 18th.


Kentish Gazette, 23 September 1851.


This was an adjourned day for granting licences, there being on the bench the Mayor, Aldermen Cooper, Brent, and Plummer, and Mr. Sprakeling.

James Roberts, of the "Queen's Head," whose licence was withheld last year, was still denied renewal—the bench stating that no improvement had taken place in the conduct of the house.


Kentish Gazette, 18 May 1852.

Valuable Freehold Public House and Premises. Canterbury.

To be sold by auction, by Mr. Pout.

At the "Sun Inn," Canterbury, on Wednesday, 23rd day of June, 1852, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon precisely, by order of the surviving trustees and executor of the late Mr. James Tharp, deceased.

All that freehold public house called the "Queen's Head," with the stable, yard and premises thereto belonging, situate and being in Northgate Street, in the City of Canterbury, and now in the occupation of Mr. George Wall or is under-tenants, at the annual rent of £23.

The above house is licensed, and now doing a good trade.

Particulars and conditions of sale may be had of Mr. Robert Walker Solicitor; and of the Auctioneer, High Street, Canterbury.


Kentish Gazette, 10 August 1852.



For Seven, Fourteen, or Twenty one years, from the 11th day of October, 1852.

ALL that FREE PUBLIC HOUSE, called the "QUEEN'S HEAD," together with the stables, coach houses, yard, and appurtenances thereunto belonging; most eligibly situated in the parish of St Margaret, in the City of Canterbury, and now in the occupation of Mr. Wm. Pierson.

Tenders to be sent to Mr. Boormans, Wincheap street, Canterbury, on or before MONDAY, the 23rd day of August instant.

The Conditions of letting and further particulars may be had at the Town Clerk's Office, and of Mr. Charles James Fox, Solicitor, Bridge-street, Canterbury.




DENHAM Charles 1845+

ROBERTS James 1851

THARP James 1852 dec'd

WALL George 1852+

PIERSON William 1852+


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
