Sort file:- Canterbury, November, 2021.

Page Updated:- Sunday, 28 November, 2021.


Earliest 1843-

Waggoner's Arms

Latest 1874+

Whitstable Road

St Dunstan's


Former Waggoners Arms 2020

Above Google image December 2020. I am informed that the building is situated at number 22 today.

Canterbury map 1874

Above map 1874 identified by Rory Kehoe.


Only traced from between 1843 and 1874 and also without a definitive address it's hard to trace this establishment any further than I have at present. However, as a loose pointer  the 1880 Kelly's directory does mention a Coach and Carriage Builders situated at numbers 9 and 10. Could this just be a co-incidence?

Further research from Rory Kehoe tells me It is shown/named on the 24"/1mile 1874 OS map of Canterbury. It appears to be 7 properties up from the corner of Whitstable Road/Forty Acres Road (assuming those there in 1874 are the same as now) which make the building behind the bins.


From the Kentish Gazette, 21 November 1843.


Nov. 11, in St. Dunstan's, Canterbury, at an advanced age, Mr. Rogers, landlord of the "Wagoner’s Arms."


From the Kentish Gazette, 9 September 1845.


At the annual licensing on Thursday, the city magistrates renewed one hundred and nineteen licences.

Nine new applicants were granted us follows:— Thomas Attwood, "Old City of Canterbury," Oatenhill; Charles Denham, for the "Queen's Head," Northgate; Henry Clements, for the "Alto Douro," St. George’s-place; Eliz. Clinch. "Plasterers' Arms," Northgate; Joseph Harrison, "Royal George," Northgate; Joseph Hirst, "Dragoon," Military-road; Angel Hyde, "Military Tavern," King-street; George Lilley, "Waggoners' Arms," St. Dunstan; Henry James Page, "Windsor Castle," Bridge-street.


From the Kentish Chronicle, 26 May, 1860.


(Before the Mayor, Alderman Masters, and T. Philpott, Esq).

Edward Keen, labourer, Harbledown, was charged with creating a disturbance at the "Waggoner's Arms" public-house, and with assaulting John Cashman, a private in the 90th Regiment. The complainant stated that he and a companion were at the "Waggoner's Arms" between ten and eleven o'clock on Saturday night. The prisoner was singing a song and after he had done, complainant sang a song also. The defendant called him an Irish blackguard and some words ensued. The complainant and his companion left and were going to the barracks when they were followed by the defendant and some other men. The defendant came behind and knocked him down. Complainant was taking off his belt and preparing to fight again when the police came up and took them away.

A boy named Terry, who resides at St. Dunstan’s, deposed that he saw the whole of the disturbance. The soldiers came out of the "Waggoners Arms," and were going quietly home when they were attacked by the defendant and his brother. The brother knocked the complainant down first, and afterwards the defendant followed up the attack by knocking him down a second time. The brothers then attacked him together, and the soldier was knocked down before he retaliated. Other witnesses were called but their evidence was not of a material character. The complainant’s face was much disfigured, as was also the face of a witness who was accidentally struck during the disturbance. The Bench found the assault proved and fined the defendant 5s. and 8s. expenses.


From the Kentish Chronicle, 30 July, 1864.


One evening last week an accident, which resulted fatally, occurred on the Whitstable Road, St, Dunstan's. A man named James Parker, who resided in the parish of Blean, was returning home in charge of a tug drawn by one horse. He appeared to have been riding on the fore part of the tug, and on passing the houses at the foot of St. Thomas's Hill, the horse started off at a rapid pace. The unfortunate man, who was the worse for liquor at the time, fell off the tug in front of the wheels, which passed over his cheat. Assistance was speedily rendered, and the man was taken into the house of Mr. Maple, the “Waggoner's Arms.” Mr. A. B. Andrews, surgeon, was sent for, but was unable from a cursory examination to ascertain the nature of the man's injuries, which, however, appeared to be serious. He was removed home the same evening, and was attended subsequently by Mr. Williams. After lingering till Saturday morning he died.


From the Whitstable Times, 26 November, 1870.


James Culver was summoned for keeping his house open for the sale of liquor after prohibited hours, on the night of Sunday, the 13th inst. P.C. Mantle said the defendant kept the “Waggoners' Arms,” St. Dunstan’s, and on the night of the 13th, at about forty-five minutes past eleven, he went into the house, and saw several men drinking beer. The defence was that the men would not leave the house when requested to do so. The beer was drawn before eleven o'clock.

Case dismissed.



ROGERS Mr to 11/Nov/1843 dec'd

LILLEY George Sept/1845-58+ Bagshaw's Directory 1847Melville's 1858

HOBBS Mrs E 1862+ Post Office Directory 1862

MAPLE S Mr 1864-67+ Kentish Chronicle

CULVER James 1870+


Bagshaw's Directory 1847From Bagshaw Directory 1847

Melville's 1858From Melville's Directory 1858

Post Office Directory 1862From the Post Office Directory 1862

Kentish ChronicleKentish Chronicle


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
