Sort file:- Canterbury, January, 2025.

Page Updated:- Monday, 27 January, 2025.


Earliest 1787-

Eight Bells

Closed 1922

43 (35) King Street


Eight Bells 1930

Above photo, circa 1930. Kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.  Pictured at the far end, at King Street's junction with St. Alphege Lane, is the "Prince of Wales."

Canterbury map 1874

Above 1874 map identification by Rory Kehoe.

Eight Bells 1953

Above photograph, circa 1953. Roughly 30 years after serving its last pint, the building still looked a little like a traditional two bar pub, even though, by this time, the building housed an auctioneer's store and sale room. It's not clear what the auctioneer's trading name was but the signage suggests that it might have been The Eight Bells Salerooms. Kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Eight Bells 1960

Above photo, 1960, kindly sent by Tim Timpson.

Eight Bells pre 1977

Proto pre 1977 from the Anthony Swaine Architecture Collection.

8 Bells

Above photo, date unknown.

Former Eight Bells 2012

Above photograph kindly sent to me by Len Parrick showing the former "Eight Bells" taken in March 2012.

Kentish Gazette 5 October 1787.

To the Ladies and Gentlemen of Canterbury and its Environs.

Mr. Lavoine having met with very considerable Encouruement as a Teacher of the French (his native) Language, presume now more generally to offer his service, and hopes the Public will embrace so favourable an Opportunity of learning a Language, which is not only ornamental to his Gentleman, but is ever sound very convenient for the Man of Business.

He also begs Leave tn address himself to any Gentleman or Lady, who (together with the French) may have an Inclination to learn the Latin Tongue, in which he has likewise some Pupils under his Tuition, and assures them, that his utmost Abilities will be exerted to give the fame Satisfaction which he has already had the Happiness of doing.

Terms:- For teaching French only, One Guinea per Quarter; for French and Latin, Half-a-Guinea per Month, and no entrance Money.

N. B. Mr. Lavoine may be spoken with, or directed to, at Mr. Quested's, opposite the "Eight Bells," King Street, Canterbury.


Kentish Gazette, 25 August 1820.


Aug. 24, at an advanced age, Mr. Henry Smith, Landlord of the "Eight Bells," King Street, Canterbury.


Canterbury Journal, Kentish Times and Farmers' Gazette 25 July 1846.

Mr. Ellen, landlord of the "Eight Bells," King-street, and three girls were summoned before our city magistrates on Thursday to answer a charge of secreting some regimental necessaries, belonging to a private in the 40th regt., who had deserted. It appeared that the articles in question had been deposited between the bed and mattress, in a room temporarily occupied by one of the girls, Mary Tenny, and that neither Ellen nor his housekeeper knew, of their being there. The adjutant pressed for a better answer than this, the Mutiny Act requiring that a person being in the possession of such articles should give a satisfactory account. The bench thought, under all the circumstances, that it would be straining a point to require this in the present instance, as it appeared that Ellen was too infirm to overlook his house, and his housekeeper had been in his service but a few days, and had hardly had the opportunity to do so. The girl Tenny declared her ignorance also of the things being where they were found; but her occupation of the room, and other matters, raised a doubt as to the correctness of this statement, and the bench sent her to prison for a fortnight, in default of paying the heavy fine levied in the usual way.


Canterbury Journal, Kentish Times and Farmers' Gazette 17 April 1847.


At the sitting on Monday, a number of summonses against defaulters to the poor-rate were heard.

Michael Ellen, landlord of the "Eight Bells," public-house, King-street, appeared by his daughter, who stated inability as the only reason for not paying. The usual order was made.


Kentish Gazette, 3 September 1850.

Richard Dray, the landlord of the "Eight Bells" public house in King Street, was cited to appear before our city magistrates yesterday week, on an information for allowing disorderly conduct in his house. Mr. DeLasaux appeared for the defendant.

By the evidence adduced, it appeared grossly improper conduct was indulged in at the house. Mr. DeLasaux submitted, that though there had been great impropriety, it had not been shown that the defendant had knowingly encouraged it, for he was not at home at the time.

The Clerk referred to the act, which set forth that conviction could be brought home to an individual, whether he or his servants tolerated the improper conduct, as he was responsible for the acts of those employed under him.

The bench convicted the defendant and the penalty of 40s. and costs.


Kentish Gazette, 10 September 1850.

On the annual licensing day (Thursday last) our city magistrates suspended the following licenses:-

"Military Tavern," King Street;

"Eight Bells," King Street;

"Duke of York," Riding Gate;

"Kentish Arms," Jewry Lane;

"Eagle," Whitehorse Lane;

"Golden Cross," Northgate;

"Queen's Head," Northgate;

"City of London," Tower Street;

"Duke's Head," Wincheap;

"True Briton," Northgate;

"Royal George," Northgate;

"Queen's Arms," Northgate; and

"Three Grenadiers," Military Road.


Kentish Gazette, 24 September 1850.

At the adjourned petty sessions for licensing public houses on Thursday, those licences which have been suspended excepting for for the "Eight Bells," King Street,

"Queen's Head," and

"Queen's Arms," Northgate, we're granted; as also were a few of the cases of parties who were not in attendance on the regular licensing day.


Kentish Gazette, 21 September 1852.

Thursday. Licensing.

This being the adjourned licensing day, those parties, whose licences had been suspended, again attended, and after receiving animadversion for their irregularity of conduct, had their licences granted, but with a decided caution that if again complaints were made against them they would not have their licences in future.

These parties were:- John Stairs, of the "Eight Bells," King Street;

John Noble, "Kentish Arms;"

George Kilner, "City of London;"

John Jordan, "White Heart;"

John Gillis, "Bricklayers' Arms;"

Elizabeth Forbes, "Oddfellows Arms;"

John Murphy, "Carpenter's Arms;"

Richard Wellard, "George and Dragon," Westgate;

Joseph Pentecost, "Royal George;"

and George Crow, "Rose and Crown."

Applications for New Licences.

Thomas Rodgers, of the "Sir Robert Peel" beer shop;

David Tuthwell, "True Britain;"

and Edward Gordon, "Pine Apple,"

applied for spirit licences, but which were refused.


Kentish Gazette 15 May 1855.


On Wednesday, the usual monthly meeting of this body, was held, Mr. Williamson in the chair.

The minutes of the last meeting were read.

One of the orders was, that a projecting sign-board, at the "Eight Bells," in King-street, should be removed: and the Chairman stated, that Messrs. Flint and Kingsford, brewers, the proprietors of the house, objected to its removal, as it had existed in its present position for the past thirty years, and could not in any way be deemed a nuisance or public annoyance. It now, therefore, became a question with that Court, whether the previous order should be persevered in, by compelling its removal. Several Commissioners spoke on the subject "pro and con"; and it was observed, that, if the order were enforced, the sign of "Sir John Falstaff, in Westgate Without, must also be removed.

After some half-hour spent over the matter, it was resolved, by 6 to 5, that the sign of the "Eight Bells" should remain.


Kentish Gazette 19 August 1856.



Alexander Todd, landlord of the "Eight Bells," in King-street, who has been so often before the bench on matters of dispute with his wife, was brought up for an assault on police-constable Ealse arising out of the same affair. Ealse deposed that at about half-past twelve o'clock that morning, hearing the cries of "Murder," he went towards the house—the neighbours being all up at their windows through the great disturbance that had been created,—and there saw defendant's wife, who begged him to come in, and was at the time bleeding much from a cut in the head. She gave her husband in charge, alleging that her life was in danger. He (Ealse) told the defendant that he must go with him, which he said he would not do, and struck him a severe blow on the head. Defendant charged three of the lodgers to assist him, but cowardly like, blew the candles out and ran away, which left him in darkness. Some Carabineers arriving at the time he summoned two of them to his aid, both of whom defendant bit in the hand, ran into the bar and armed himself with a shoemaker's hammer with which he threatened to split open deponent's head. He then collared him and with assistance took him to the station-house. In the scuffle defendant gave him a severe kick on the leg which had incapacitated him for continuing on duty, the pain being very great. In reply to the bench the constable stated that defendant had been drinking, but was not intoxicated.

Defendant stated his wife to have been the original disturber by breaking his windows with stones, and afterwards calling out "murder," which she was in the habit of doing; and he was not aware that he had kicked the constable.

The bench had two courses open—either to fine him £5, or prosecute him at the sessions. The Mayor told him that this was the worse conducted house in the city. For the two years that he had kept it, continually disturbances had prevailed between him and his wife, and he might rely on it he would not have the license renewed. The case brought before them in the present instance was of a most aggravated nature, which they should mark with the heaviest penalty of £5, and 6s. costs.

The money was immediately paid, and thus it may be said the disturber who had committed so much violence as to injure four persons, escaped almost without punishment; while the soldiers had to endure their smart uncomplainingly from the fear of punishment themselves for being out, and the policeman got no compensation for the serious injuries he sustained, and which but for the praiseworthy aid of the soldiers, might have proved still more serious, as it was evidently the intention of the brute to use the hammer with which he armed himself. As regards the wife—however unjustifiable such an assault as that which she received might be,—she appears to provoke much of this nature; and has but very recently emerged from prison for similar conduct herself.


From the Kentish Gazette, 18 August 1857.


Thursday. (Before the Major, Alderman Plummer, and Edward Wootton, Esq.)

James Todd was charged with an assault upon Superintendent Walker, at the "Eight Bells" public house, and obstructing him in the execution of his duty. Henry Waller, landlord of the house was also in attendance.

Superintendent Walker:- About half-past nine o’clock last night I went to the "Eight Bells," in King Street, in the execution of my duty, to see if a person I was in search of was there. When I got into the tap-room James Todd was sitting at a table. He immediately got up and put his hands upon me. I wished to look round the room (in which there were several persons at the time) and told him to keep his hands away. He then began to swear and used very bad language, telling me I had no business there, and squaring up at me in a fighting attitude. Some women rushed in between us but he pushed them off and laid hold of my arm to put me out; they however got round him again and kept him away. When he threatened to put me out Waller came up and said I had no business to search his house. If I wanted to do so I must bring a city policeman with me. I told him the man Todd was drunk, and he was responsible for his conduct. He replied that any man might get drunk in his house, and I might sit down and get drunk too.

The witness was frequently interrupted by the defendant Todd, who persisted in making comments on the evidence, and also expressed his admiration of the painting of the Judgment of Solomon, behind the Mayor’s seat.

In reply to the bench the prisoner made a rambling statement that he had been harvesting, had some beer but was not drunk. He might have offered to fight the Superintendent but did it out of no ill-feeling. It was all a joke.

Superintendent Walker said, that without wishing to prejudice the case, he would say that a man who had commuted a burglary at Harbledown had taken the stolen property to this house, which was then in the hands of another landlord. The house had always borne a bad character.

The bench told Mr. Waller, that the county police have the same jurisdiction as the city police, and that if he offered obstructions to the officers he would be liable to lose his license. Todd was fined 5s. and costs — together 11s., or seven days imprisonment, and in default of payment was locked up.


From the Kentish Gazette, 20 October 1857.

(Before Alderman Brent, Wm, Mount, Esq., E. Holttum, Esq., and Captain Love.

Henry Giles was brought up on a charge of assaulting Henry Waller, landlord of the "Eight Bells."

It appeared from the evidence of the prosecutor, that on the previous night the defendant, his mother, brother, and two wives, came to the house and asked for a quart of beer. A dispute arose, followed by a general row, in the course of which defendant knocked witness down twice. Both parties bore marks of the fray.

John Keen, who was staying in the house, and who, according to Police Constable Holloway, is a notorious pickpocket, corroborated complainant’s testimony.

The Bench fined the defendant 5s. and costs, or 7 days imprisonment. It was understood that the money would be paid.


From a report to the Mayor and Magistrates in Guildhall on 17th April 1859.

"Sergeant Ells reports that he found the following number of Prostitutes at the following public houses and beer-shops yesterday morning:

Eight Bells, King Street, 3.


South Eastern Gazette, 24 January, 1860.

Dispute between two Relieving Officers as to the Chargeability of a Pauper.

At the Wednesday’s sitting of the city justices, Mr. F. Duly, relieving officer to the Canterbury Incorporation, stated that on Monday a young woman named Caroline Fist, a prostitute, applied to him for relief, stating that she was much diseased and was unable to work. He questioned her as to her place of abode, and she stated that she had been living at the "Golden Cross," in the ville of St. Gregory, and that the previous night she slept at the "Steam Packet," in North-lane, in the parish of Westgate without. Both these parishes are in the Blean Union, and therefore ought to be relieved by the relieving officer of that union. He (Mr. Duly) should certainly refuse to relieve the pauper, because in several other instances of a similar nature parties had applied to the relieving officer of the Blean Union, and in consequence of his refusal the Canterbury incorporation had been put to the expense of keeping the paupers. The young woman said she applied to Mr. Mount, the relieving officer for the Blean Union, for relief, but he refused to grant her any, and referred her to the relieving officer of Canterbury. She also stated, in answer to the Mayor, that she had lived at the "Eight Bells," in King-street, as a prostitute, for ten months. The relieving officer for the Bleau district said he refused to grant the applicant relief, because he did not consider there had been any residence set up. The Bench, however, were of a different opinion, and the relieving officer of the Blean Union undertook to attend to the case. The Mayor then expressed, his surprise that the young woman should have been allowed to remain ten months at the "Eight Bells" public-house, for the purpose which she had stated; he therefore directed that the landlord of the house should be sent for. On his (the landlord’s) arrival, the Mayor said that circumstances had been brought before the bench which seriously reflected upon the manner in which he conducted his house. It seemed that the landlord had been in the habit of harbouring prostitutes in his house. He could assure him (the landlord) that if better arrangements were not made by him, his house would assuredly be indicted. Henry Waller, the landlord of the "Eight Bells," said he was not aware that girls lodged at his house as prostitutes. The clerk to the justices informed the bench that Waller’s house was one among a number of others that were annually reported by the superintendent for harbouring prostitutes. The Mayor cautioned Waller as to the way he conducted his house in future, and the matter then dropped.


South Eastern Gazette, 31 July, 1860.


At the city petty sessions yesterday, a man named Thomas Miller appeared to make a complaint against Henry Waller, landlord of the "Eight Bells," King-street, for having violently assaulted him on the previous Saturday. He stated that about six o’clock he was dealing with a man for some ducks, when Waller, whom he had never seen before, went up to him, and tore his shirt. He (complainant) told him he knew nothing of him, when he again rushed upon him, and tore his clothes. Complainant, knowing that he had £80 in his pocket, struck Waller. The latter then threw him down, kicked him in the face and head and hands. Inspector Dodd here stated that he saw the affair, and they were both fighting in the street. The complainant said he wished to press the charges and Waller was ordered to attend on Thursday.


South Eastern Gazette, 7 August, 1860.


Thursday. (Before E. Wootton, Esq., in the chair, Capt. Love, W. Mount, P. Martin, and T. Philpott, Esqrs.)

A Gross Assault.

Henry Waller, landlord of the "Eight Bells" public-house, King-street, was charged with having assaulted Thomas Miller, a groom, on the previous Saturday evening. Mr. W. W. Eaden appeared for complainant, and Mr. Towne was defendant.

Complainant deposed:— On Saturday evening, at about six o clock, I was outside the cattle market, when defendant, who was on the opposite side of the road, came across, and with both hands seized me by my shirt. I had not previously spoken to him. I stepped back a short distance, and told defendant that if he had anything to say to me, I would hear him, and requested him not to touch me again. Defendant immediately followed me up, and with more force than before tore my shirt open again. With his finger and thumb he fastened hold of my breast, and said "What is this? Why don’t you wear a shirt I then struck him in the face to keep him away from me. I was pulled down by the hair of my head, and with the assistance of others was kept in such a position as to be unable to protect myself. Defendant again struck me, pulled my hair, and afterwards bit my thumb and wounded it severely. I was then released, but the defendant struck me again and knocked me down. I was perfectly sober at the time, and had over £60 in my possession.

Cross-examined:— I was dealing with a man for some ducks. The defendant was not near me at that time. In the scuffle I might have thrown the defendant over a barrow, but I will not swear that I did. The scuffle lasted several minutes.

Thomas Geering, in the employ of Mr. Annaball, horse dealer, who was with the complainant at the time, corroborated the above statement.

Wm. Henry Gilman, baker, of No. 9, Upper Bridge-street, deposed that he saw Waller come out of the "Flying Horse." He went up to Miller and pulled the front of his shirt open. He did so a second time, and held up his fist to him. Miller then struck Waller. The latter then knocked Miller over witness’s bread barrow, and while on the ground he struck him fearfully in the face and pulled his hair. They scuffled together for some time.

George Dowse was also near Miller at the time in question, and heard Waller say to him, "You have not got enough money for a pint of beer, much more to buy ducks’ with." This witness also gave a corroborative description of the assault.

Mr. Towne then addressed the court at very great length, but the substance of his remarks was, that the first blow was struck by the complainant, after which a fight between the parties ensued. What was done in that fight it was impossible for anyone to tell, and he therefore contended that there was no case for the Bench to consider.

He called James Faulkener, who deposed that he saw the defendant and complainant struggling in the road. The complainant afterwards went into the "Flying Horse," and said he would fight the defendant again for any money.

A little boy, the son of the last witness, spoke to seeing Miller knock Waller down over some faggots.

Mr. Eaden then rose to address the court in reply, but Mr. Towne objected, and thought Mr. Eaden ought to read the law of evidence.

Mr. Mount, one of the justices, remarked that Mr. Eaden had better not address the court.

Mr. Towne also objected to the observation of the magistrate, because it was not in the discretion of the Bench whether or not Mr. Eaden replied. There was an Act of Parliament which strictly prohibited any reply of the kind being made.

The Bench consulted together for a short time, and ordered the defendant to pay a fine of 30s. and 11s. costs, or in default to be imprisoned for one month.

The money was paid.


From the Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, 13 April, 1867. Price 1d.


Monday. (Before W. Plummer, Esq., in the chair; and J. Hemery, Esq.)


Henry Henley was charged with stealing three counterpanes, (bed-spreads) the property of Henry Tolputt, landlord of the “Eight Bells,” King's Street, on Monday, the 1st of April.

Emma Tolpatt said:- I am the wife of Henry Tolputt. Prisoner came to our house on Saturday night, 30th of March, and asked for a bed. He slept at our house that night and the following (Sunday) night. Prisoner left our house on Monday evening, and did not pay for his lodgings. I missed the counterpanes the following morning. I saw the counterpanes on Monday afternoon in their respective places. The counterpanes produced are my husband's property. I last saw the prisoner at about 8 of clock on Monday evening.

Maria Hollingsworth said she was the wife of Frederic Hollingsworth, licensed hawker, of Northgate. On Monday afternoon last, at about two o'clock in the afternoon, the prisoner came to their house, and offered a counterpane for sale. Her husband was in the shop, and he called her down to buy the counterpane as he was not in the habit of buying such articles. She went down and paid the prisoner for the counterpane. She asked him his name and he said he was an engineer, named Hancock, and that he was living three or four houses from the “Eight Bells.” He came again at four or five, in the same afternoon, and said he had got another to sell, and Mrs. Hollingsworth gave him the same amount (2s.) for it. On the Tuesday following he amount (2a.) for it. On the Tuesday following ho came again and offered another for sale. This one was not so good as the others and she gave prisoner 1s. 6d. for it, asking him, at the same time, how he came by so many counterpanes, and why he wanted to sell them. Prisoner replied that he was going to sell off. Mrs. Hollingsworth added that each time prisoner came to her he asked if she would keep the counterpanes till Saturday, and he would re-buy them of her, but she told him that they were not allowed to deal in that way.

Superintendent Davies stated that the prisoner was handed over to him from the Folkestone police, where he had been sentenced to three months imprisonment.

The Bench fully committed prisoner to take his trial at the ensuing Quarter Sessions.


From the Canterbury Cathedral Archives, 23 August, 1881.

Conviction Notice.

William Ditton, Staplegate: drunk in charge of a horse on Church Street. Fined 5s plus 6s 6d costs payable forthwith. If in default of payment the sum to be raised by the sale of the defendant's goods or 7 days in HMP St Augustine's Canterbury.


From the Canterbury Cathedral Archives, 24 October, 1881.

Conviction Notice.

William Ridden, St Alphege: remaining on the licensed premises of William Ditton, after hours permitted by The Licensing Act 1874. Fined 2s 6d plus 12s 6d costs payable forthwith. If in default of payment the sum to be raised by the sale of the defendant's goods or 14 days in HMP St Augustine's Canterbury.


From the Canterbury Cathedral Archives, 24 October, 1881.

Conviction Notice.

John Dawkins St Alphege: remaining on the licensed premises of William Ditton after hours permitted by The Licensing Act 1874. Fined 2s 6d plus 10s 6d costs payable by 31 October. If in default of payment the sum to be raised by the sale of the defendant's goods or 14 days in HMP St Augustine's Canterbury.


From the Canterbury Cathedral Archives, 1, May, 1886.

Conviction Notice.

Rose Kelsey, St Alphege: drunk on the licensed premises of William Ditton. Fined 2s 6d plus 10s 6d costs forthwith. If in default of payment the sum to be raised by the sale of the defendant’s goods or 14 days, hard labour, in HMP St Augustine’s, Canterbury.


From the Canterbury Cathedral Archives, 20 November, 1890.

Conviction Notice.

Richard Raynor: stealing 2 live tame rabbits, value 8s, goods and chattels of Jane Ditton Witness statements: Jane Ditton living at the "Eight Bells Inn," St Alphege, Canterbury and Inspector John William Farmery Canterbury Police. Imprisoned 2 calendar months, hard labour, in HMP St Augustine’s Canterbury.


From the Canterbury Cathedral Archives, 14 May, 1891.

Conviction Notice.

William Ditton: being a person licensed for the sale of intoxicating liquors at his premises in St Alphege Canterbury did unlawfully sell beer to Edward Knight and Ann Taylor during part of the period when the premises were required under “The Licensing Act 1874” to be closed; to wit on a Sunday at 10.15am. Fined £2 plus £1/9s/9d costs payable forthwith.

If in default of payment the sum to be raised by the sale of the defendant’s goods or 1 calendar month in St Augustine’s Canterbury. “And it is further adjudged that this conviction be not endorsed on the Defendant’s License.”


From the Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, 23 May, 1891.

A publican fined.

William Ditton, landlord of the "Eight Bells," St Dunstan's, was summoned for keeping his house open during prohibited hours. Mr. R. M. Mercer defended.

Edward Knight, a labourer, living in Northgate, deposed that on the night of 2nd May he slept at Northgate. The next morning at 6.30 a.m. he went to Dittons; Mrs. Taylor went with him. Witness saw Ditton opening the shutters. He went into the house accompanied by Mrs. Taylor, and called for half a pint of beer. After he had breakfast witnessed asked for a quart of beer, for which he paid 4d. He only saw one lodger there. He had had some drink when he went in and was not drunk, only "freshy." When he left the house he was drunk. Sargent Ross deposed to visiting the "Eight Bells" on the Sunday in question with P.C. Dunk. In the kitchen was Knight sitting on a form helplessly drunk. They took Knight into the bar, and from there took him to the police station. When he saw the landlord afterwards, he replied that he said that he was a traveller.

P.C. Goddard said that Knight was sober when he left him at 6.30 on Sunday morning.

Thomas Dunton said that he had been a licensed victualler for over 11 years and had never had a complaint. Knight came to him on Sunday morning and asked him for breakfast. He never asked for any beer. He did not drink any as far as he (witness) knew. Knight afterwards went out, but witness did not see him go. He could not say that Knight did not get drunk in his house.

Jane Ditton said that she did not see Knight supplied with any drink, he was sober when the policeman took him out.

Kate Ditton also gave evidence.

The Bench, after a short consideration, found the defendant guilty, and he was find 40s and £1 9s. 9d. costs, in default one month's hard labour.


From the Canterbury Cathedral Archives, 10 April, 1894.

Conviction Notice.

Amy Barton: drunk on the licensed premises in St Alphege of William Ditton. Fined 2s 6d plus 6s costs payable on 24 Apr 1894. If in default of payments the sum to be raised by the sale of the defendant’s goods or 7 days in HMP St Augustine’s, Canterbury.


From the Canterbury Cathedral Archives, 10, April, 1894.

Conviction Notice.

John Wilson: drunk on the licensed premises in St Alphege of William Ditton. Fined 2s 6d plus 8s costs payable on 24 Apr 1894. If in default of payments the sum to be raised by the sale of the defendant’s goods or 7 days in HMP St Augustine’s, Canterbury.


From the Canterbury Cathedral Archives, 10 April, 1894.

Conviction Notice.

William Ditton: being a licensed person sold drink, in his premises in St Alphege parish, to John Wilson a drunken person. Fined £3 plus 18s costs forthwith. If in default of payments the sum to be raised by the sale of the defendant’s goods or 1 calendar month in HMP St Augustine’s Canterbury. “And it is further adjudged that this conviction be note endorsed on Defendant’s License.


Canterbury Journal, Kentish Times and Farmers' Gazette 30 May 1891.


In our Police Court news last week we inadvertently described Henry Ditton, a publican convicted of keeping his house open during prohibited hours, as the landlord of the "Eight Bells," St. Dunstan's. The house kept by Hutton is the "Eight Bells," King's Street. The "Eight Bells," St. Dunstan's, is kept by a person of quite a different name, a highly respectable man, against whom there have been no police proceedings whatever.



Prior to 1819 meetings of Lodge 24 had been held inseid the premises and in 1859 the police listed 3 prostitutes found using the inn.

I am informed that Edward Ditton was often fined for selling drink after hours, serving drunks and was fined 5 shillings with 6s 6d costs himself for being drunk in charge of a horse on Church Street in August 1881.

In the street directory for 1878 William's brother James Ditton was licensee of the "Plough" in Pound Lane, then in the 1881 Census, licensee of the "Marquis of Lorne" in Broad Street.

A report in 1893 mentioned the death of of a 4 year old child at the house and the name Jane Grant mentioned.

The premises has been mentioned as both an Inn and Tavern at various times.

The census of 1901 mentioned a Stephen Castle age 49 living there with his family and Stephen Castle was a brewers' labourer, so perhaps this premises brewed their own beer as well.

The premises used to hold Jewish wedding ceremonies inside after the Synagogue in St. Dunstans was destroyed and before the new one was built in King Street.

After closing in the 1920s, the building was used by Amos and Dawton as an auction room. Despite the Luftwaffe's best efforts, King Street largely survived WW2, only to fall foul of the City Council's plans and this row of houses was demolished in 1962.

Information from the 1939 resister suggested that the premises was empty in that year.


Canterbury Journal, Kentish Times and Farmers' Gazette 7 January 1905.




It alleged at the inquest last week that Stephen Castle, landlord of the "Eight Bells," King Street, Canterbury was refused to the Herne Bay Cottage Hospital when taken there on the advice of Dr, T, A. Bowes, and that he was sent in a critical condition to his home at Canterbury, where he died early the following morning.

The adjourned enquiry was held at the Municipal Buildlings Guildhall Street, Canterbury on Thursday afternoon, by the City Coroner, (Dr. T. S. Johnson).

The first witness called was Christine Nash, the matron of the Herne Bay Cottage Hospital.

The Coroner.— What do yon remember about Thursday, December 22nd?

As regards what?

The Coroner (sharply).— What are you here for?

Why, to answer questions.

The Coroner.— No. You have got to give me a little bit of outline. Do you want to have a little bit of fun out of me?

No, not at all.

The Coroner.— Then you must tell the jury what you have to say.

Continuing witness said that the deceased was brought to the hospital by a cabman and two friends.

The Coroner.— Well, what did you do under the circumstances?

Well, there was no letter with him, and no doctor with him. It was not an accident, and after I had seen the man I saw that it was a hopeless case. I could not admit him. Continuing, witness said she communicated with Dr. Fenoalhet by telephone, and let the man go on to Canterbury. She lent him some blankets and made him as comfortable as possible.

Harry Hawkins, a carpenter in the employ of Mr. Douglass Collard, at Herne Bay, said that he was a fellow workman of the deceased. On December 22nd deceased was taken a little queer whilst at work about 10.80, and he walked down the road about a quarter of a mile. When he (witness) went home to dinner, just after 12 o'clock, deceased was worst, and he (witness) sent for a doctor. Dr. Bowes came and said the deceased was not fit to be moved further than the Cottage Hospital. Dr. Bowes did not prescribe for him in any way or give him any instructions except to take the deceased to the Hospital.

Dr Fenoulhet, who attended voluntarily on behalf of the governors of the Herne Bay Cottage Hospital, made a statement to the jury, in which be explained that Dr. Senior was the Cottage Hospital doctor for the week, but that, owing to delay he (Dr. Fenoulhet) had to give instructions in the master. He would like to mention that the Herne Bay Hospital was not like the Canterbury one; they had no resident medical man to attend to cases immediately they came in, and they had only one nurse matron and a probationer. They had lately had patients sent to them without any notice and, moreover, hopeless cases. The Governors considered that they had been abused in this way, and a rule had been passed and instructions given to the Matron, not to admit patients without some kind of notice. In that case there was no doctor or message with the man.

The Coroner, in summing up, remarked that that was the second case which had come before him in which Dr. Bowes had sent a man to a hospital without a note. The duty of a medical man, he said, was to see a case through, and not deal with it in that happy-go-lucky fashion, for it was after all, very little trouble for a man who took charge of a case to write a note to be taken to any institution. Dr. Bowes had had a notice about that adjourned inquest and yet he had not seen fit to attend. He was of opinion that the man should have been kept at his lodgings for if there was no hope of his recovery, he should have been allowed to pass away peacefully, and to have had a nurse and that sort of thing. It was, there was no doubt, a very improper thing to send a man all that distance when he was suffering from an attack of apoplexy.

The jury returned a verdict in accordance with the medical evidence of Mr. Greasley that death was due to apoplexy, and added a rider that Dr. Bowes acted neglectfully in not sending a note to the Cottage Hospital when ordering the deceased to the deceased to be taken there.

At the request of the jury, the Coroner commended Hawkins for his action in the matter.


After closure for many years it was used as sales and auction rooms. By the mid 1970s, after being threatened by demolition it was bought by Griffiths Builders, renovated and converted into a residential property in 1977.

The building is now (2017) called Eight Bells House.



SMITH Henry 1808-24/Aug/1820 dec'd

PLANK Richard 1824+ Pigot's Directory 1824

ELLEN Michael 1828-46+ (age 63 in 1841Census) Pigot's Directory 1828-29Pigot's Directory 1832-34Stapletons GuidePigot's Directory 1840

DRAY Richard 1847-50+ Bagshaw's Directory 1847

STAIRS John 1851-52+ (age 46 in 1851Census)

TODD Alexander 1854-56+ Kentish Gazette

WALLER Henry 1857-Feb/67 (age 28 in 1861CensusMelville's 1858Post Office Directory 1862Whitstable Times

TOLPUTT George Feb/1867-68+ Whitstable TimesGreens Canterbury Directory 1868

MILLS Edward 1871-Nov/79 (age 55 in 1871Census) Post Office Directory 1874South Eastern Gazette

DITTON William Nov/1879-95+ (labourer and publican age 53 in 1881 Census) South Eastern GazetteHistoric Canterbury web sitePost Office Directory 1882Kelly's 1882

CASTLE Stephen 1901+ (brewers labourer age 49 in 1901Census)

PITHER William Robert 1913+ Post Office Directory 1913

BARKER/BARBER Richard 1915-21+ Historic Canterbury web site

LONGLAND Edward 1920-22+ Post Office Directory 1922


Pigot's Directory 1824From the Pigot's Directory 1824

Pigot's Directory 1828-29From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29

Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34

Stapletons GuideStapleton's Guide 1838

Pigot's Directory 1840From the Pigot's Directory 1840

Bagshaw's Directory 1847From Bagshaw Directory 1847

Melville's 1858From Melville's Directory 1858

Post Office Directory 1862From the Post Office Directory 1862

Greens Canterbury Directory 1868Greens Canterbury Directory 1868

Post Office Directory 1874From the Post Office Directory 1874


Post Office Directory 1882From the Post Office Directory 1882

Kelly's 1882From the Kelly's Directory 1882

Post Office Directory 1891From the Post Office Directory 1891

Post Office Directory 1913From the Post Office Directory 1913

Post Office Directory 1922From the Post Office Directory 1922

Post Office Directory 1930From the Post Office Directory 1930

Post Office Directory 1938From the Post Office Directory 1938

Historic Canterbury web siteHistoric Canterbury web site

Whitstable TimesWhitstable Times

Kentish GazetteKentish Gazette

South Eastern GazetteSouth Eastern Gazette


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
