Sort file:- Canterbury, March, 2024.

Page Updated:- Tuesday, 26 March, 2024.


Earliest 1836-

Steam Packet

Latest 1871

(Name to)

North Lane



Number 8 North Lane used to be the "Golden Ball" public house and this has been traced from between 1874 and 1889. This pub I have so far traced from between 1840 and 1862, so the two do not overlap.

Along North Lane is a Passage called Steam Packet Passage which is very close to number 8 North lane. It may be that this pub changed name to the "Golden Ball." With so many other pubs in this street, I am going to assume that it did, but do not have the evidence yet.


Canterbury Journal, Kentish Times and Farmers' Gazette 10 December 1836.

Dec 5th at the "Steam Packet," North Lane, Canterbury James Iddlethite, well known in this county as a vendor in earthenware, in his 36th year.


Canterbury Weekly, 10 December, 1836.

Dec 5. at the "Steam Packet", North Lane, Canterbury, James Iddlethite, well known in this county as a vendor of earthenware, in his 36th year.


From the Kentish Gazette, 1 March 1842.

Uttering Base Coin.

Yesterday week five persons, named Edward Weekes, Benjamin Boakes, John Miles, Ann Boakes, and Mary Smith, all strangers to Canterbury, were examined before the city magistrates on a charge of uttering base coin.

From the evidence of the policemen and others, it appeared that Weekes attempted to pass a counterfeit half-crown at the shop of Mr. Cobb, grocer, on the previous Saturday evening. He was taken into custody, an on his way to the station-house he dropped a bad half-crown, which the policeman picked up. Ann Boakes was identified by Mr. Gould, of King’s Bridge, with having tendered him a base shilling in payment for snuff. This witness also charged Mary Smith with giving him a base shilling in payment for cocoa. Gould subsequently saw the two women together, and he charged Smith with having given him the bad shilling, and demanded the cocoa and the change, or another shilling. The prisoner gave up the cocoa and money, observing that she had no more about her. The prisoners were remanded till Thursday, when further evidence was given against them. Police Constable Epps stated that he found in a basket at the "Steam Packet" public-house, in North-lane, a quantity of plaster of Paris, several files, ten counterfeit half-crowns, and thirty-four shillings. The basket was owned by Mary Smith; the counterfeit money was found in bundles belonging to the prisoner. Other witnesses proved the attempt made by the prisoners to get rid of the counterfeit coin, but which was so palpably bad, that not one person in a hundred could have hesitated a moment in rejecting it. The prisoners were remanded until yesterday, when they were again brought up for examination, and were fully committed for trial at the next general session for this city.


Kentish Gazette, 10 January 1854.


John Marshall, 16, sailor, stealing one shirt, value 5s., the property of Jane Clark, at Harbledown, on the 6th of December, 1853.

Mary Thorogood, receiving the same, well knowing it to have been stolen. Marshall pleaded guilty—the other prisoner protested her innocence.

On the 6th of December last, Jane Clark, a laundress, at Harbledown, missed a linen shirt from her yard—it was of peculiar make, and was of the value of 5s.

Jame's Condy, a tramping lad, proved the stealing of the shirt by Marshall. Knowler, a constable apprehended Marshall at the house where the prisoner Thorogood lived as housekeeper, and asked her if she knew anything of any shirts that had been sold in her house; she said she did not.

Superintendent Walker went to the the "Steam Packet" public-house, and inquired about some shirts that were misting, but the prisoner Thorogood denied all knowledge of any. He then asked her if she had seen anything like shirts in her house during the week, or whether any had been offered to her for sale; but she denied that she had either seen any shirts or that any had been offered to her for sale; the also denied any knowledge of the prisoner Marshall. On the following Monday, he again called at the "Steam Packet," when the shirt produced was brought forward, at his request, by the prisoner Thorogood; she said she gave 1s. for it, and that it was in the same state as when she found it. The house in which she lived was a low lodging house for tramps.

The prisoner Marshall was then placed in the witness-box, and deposed to selling the shirt to Mrs. Thorogood; it was in the same state when he sold it, as when he stole it. He took it on Tuesday, and sold it on the following Thursday morning. He had been in gaol six times before the present occasion, and was 17 years of age; was in prison the first time two years back, for stealing fruit out of a garden; he had also been imprisoned for stealing a watch, also for stealing some porter and pigeons,—he could out tell what he was in gaol for on the other two occasions. The statement made by the prisoner Thorogood was then put in; after which Mr. Horne addressed the jury in her behalf, commenting in strong terms on the character of the evidence adduced against her, and contended that it was such that it could not be relied on.

He then called Sarah Sharp, a hawker, who stated that she was present at the "Steam Packet," when Marshall offered the shirt for sale; witness took it into the bar, but Mrs. Thorogood would not buy it; others would have purchased it, but they had not got any money. The next morning the boy sold the shirt to Mrs. Thorogood, saying in answer to her, that he "had begged it."

Eliza Langham, the wife of a tailor, attached to the Dragoon, confirmed the statement of the last witness. William Bushell gave the prisoner a good character for honesty—he had never heard anything against her before.

Benjamin Mutton gave similar evidence.

Mr. Papillou, who was for the prosecution, briefly reviewed the evidence adduced for the defence, after which the Chairman summed up, and the jury returned a verdict of "Not Guilty."

Marshall was sentenced to be imprisoned for one month, and once privately whipped.


From the Kentish Chronicle, Saturday, 3 September, 1859. Price 1½d.


Present:- the Mayor. Alderman Brent, Masters, and Plummer, Capt. Love, Thomas Philpott, K. Holttum, W Mount, and W. Brock, Esqs.

This was a special session for the granting of the licenses to the victuallers residing within the city and boundary. The whole of the old licenses were renewed with scarcely an observation, with the exception of that of the “Steam Packet,” in North Lane, which was withheld for the present.


From the Kentish Chronicle, 18 February, 1860.

(Before William Mount, Esq., Captain Love, and T. Philpott, Esq.)

Francis Brooks, who stated that he came from Sussex, was brought up in custody, charged with stealing a blanket, the property of Mr. Richard Yeomans, the landlord of the "Steam Packet" beer house, in North-lane, on the previous evening.

The prisoner admitted the theft, and wished the case to be dealt with summarily. He said he had served thirteen years and a half in the 96th regiment, and had never been before a magistrate till that occasion.

Mr. Mount hoped he would be more careful in future about taking property which was not his own. As the Bench did not know anything to the contrary of what the prisoner had related respecting his previous character, they would not deal severely with the case. He would be committed to the City gaol for a month, with hard labour.


South Eastern Gazette, 24 January, 1860.

Dispute between two Relieving Officers as to the Chargeability of a Pauper.

At the Wednesday’s sitting of the city justices, Mr. F. Duly, relieving officer to the Canterbury Incorporation, stated that on Monday a young woman named Caroline Fist, a prostitute, applied to him for relief, stating that she was much diseased and was unable to work. He questioned her as to her place of abode, and she stated that she had been living at the "Golden Cross," in the ville of St. Gregory, and that the previous night she slept at the "Steam Packet," in North-lane, in the parish of Westgate without. Both these parishes are in the Blean Union, and therefore ought to be relieved by the relieving officer of that union. He (Mr. Duly) should certainly refuse to relieve the pauper, because in several other instances of a similar nature parties had applied to the relieving officer of the Blean Union, and in consequence of his refusal the Canterbury incorporation had been put to the expense of keeping the paupers. The young woman said she applied to Mr. Mount, the relieving officer for the Blean Union, for relief, but he refused to grant her any, and referred her to the relieving officer of Canterbury. She also stated, in answer to the Mayor, that she had lived at the "Eight Bells," in King-street, as a prostitute, for ten months. The relieving officer for the Bleau district said he refused to grant the applicant relief, because he did not consider there had been any residence set up. The Bench, however, were of a different opinion, and the relieving officer of the Blean Union undertook to attend to the case. The Mayor then expressed, his surprise that the young woman should have been allowed to remain ten months at the "Eight Bells" public-house, for the purpose which she had stated; he therefore directed that the landlord of the house should be sent for. On his (the landlord’s) arrival, the Mayor said that circumstances had been brought before the bench which seriously reflected upon the manner in which he conducted his house. It seemed that the landlord had been in the habit of harbouring prostitutes in his house. He could assure him (the landlord) that if better arrangements were not made by him, his house would assuredly be indicted. Henry Waller, the landlord of the "Eight Bells," said he was not aware that girls lodged at his house as prostitutes. The clerk to the justices informed the bench that Waller’s house was one among a number of others that were annually reported by the superintendent for harbouring prostitutes. The Mayor cautioned Waller as to the way he conducted his house in future, and the matter then dropped.


From the Kentish Chronicle, 25 February, 1860.


Henry Dyer, labourer, Samuel Davis, labourer and Jane Ross, single-woman, were charged with stealing ten half-crowns, and a crown piece, the property of William Tanner.

The prosecutor said he had been lodging at the "Steam Packet." When he retired to bed on Friday night the money was safe in his pocket, but when he got up in the morning he found the pocket had been cut off, and together with the contents taken away. He gave information to the police, and the prisoners who also lodged at the "Steam Packet", were apprehended on suspicion. No trace having been found of the money, and the evidence in no way implicating the prisoners, they were discharged.


South Eastern Gazette, 11 September, 1860.


There were nine applications for new licenses, as follow:—

Granted. Isaac Barlow, for the "Tower Inn," Pound-lane.

Elizabeth Martin, for the "Kentish Arms," sic Westgate.

Refused. William Todd, for the "Plough," Pound-lane.

Isaac Pierce, for the "Millers Arms," Pound-lane.

James Henry Robins, for the "Sovereign," Castle-street.

Richard Yeomans, for the "Steam Packet," North-lane.

John Sidney Hawkes, for the "Cannon Inn," Northgate sic.

Edward Yeomans, for the "Man of Kent."

John Gillis, for the "Fortune of War."

A billiard license was granted to William Dilnot Wildish, Parade. Possible "Brewery Tap."


From the Kentish Chronicle, 2 February, 1861.

Charles Plakington and John Harvey were charged with having stolen a saw of the value of 2s.

William Lee, of Ivy Lane, said:— I left the saw at Mrs. Goodenron’s at the White Mill, when I went to kill some pigs. From information I received, I missed the saw on Tuesday morning.

Sarah Sprent, servant at the "Steam Packet," North-lane, said:— On Monday afternoon, between two and three o’clock, the two prisoners, and another soldier, came to the house. One of them had the saw now produced. He asked me to buy it. I took it to my mistress, but she would not have it. They then went away. Between seven and eight I went into the washhouse and there found the saw. I gave it to the police-constable who afterwards called about it.

Harvey sentenced to 14 days’, to commence at the expiration of his previous sentence; and Plakington to one month.


From the Kentish Chronicle, 20 April, 1861.

George Tomkinson, labourer, was charged with stealing a quantity of beef and suet, the property of James Field, butcher, Northgate. Mr. Field stated that, on Saturday he weighed up 371bs. of beef and suet and sent it to the “Queen’s Head Inn,” to be forwarded by a carrier to a customer of his at Chilham. He afterwards ascertained that the beef had been taken away. He identified the beef produced as a portion of that which he weighed up.

It was proved by other witnesses that on Saturday afternoon the prisoner took the beef to the “Steam Packet” public-house. North-lane, where he had been lodging, and where the prisoner was apprehended on Saturday night.

The prisoner, who pleaded not guilty, was committed for trial at the next Quarter Sessions.

There was a second charge against the prisoner of stealing a bullock's head and a quantity of meat, the property of James Gammon, from a cart in the “Sun Inn” yard on the same day. This case was very similar to the above, and the prisoner was also committed for trial upon the second charge.


From the Kentish Chronicle and General Advertiser, 1 March, 1862. Price 1 1/2d.

James Russell was charged with stealing deal boards, the properly of Mr. Sabine, from his yard in Westgate-without.

Mr. Sabine identified one of the boards produced as his property, and its value was 2s. 6d.

P.C. Andrews said that about twelve o'clock on Saturday he was told that a man answering the description of the prisoner had taken some boards to the “Steam-packet” public-house, North-lane. He went there and found three deal boards and several small pieces in the nine pin alley. The prisoner was then in bed, but he was called up, and as he could not give a satisfactory account of how he became possessed of the boards he was taken into custody. One of the boards found in the nine-pin alley was identified by Mr. Sabine as his property.

The prisoner said he admitted taking the boards. He had a wife and four children, and he took the boards for the purpose of getting something for them to cut as he was out of work.

Sentenced to 21 days’ imprisonment in the city gaol.


From the Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald. 22 June 1867. Price 1d.


Thomas Steeting and William Streeting, father and son, and Mary Ann Shaw, were charged with stealing three quarts of rum, the property of Thomas Drew, landlord of the “Steam Packet,” North Lane.

The prosecutor stated that on Wednesday afternoon, he made arrangements with the male defendants to take his things from a booth in the cricket ground to his house in North-lane. Amongst the articles was a jar containing rum. When the defendants arrived at his house, prosecutor noticed that they were intoxicated; and one of the bottles of spirits was three quarts deficient. The female prisoner said she had taken the rum, and the other bottle that was missing. Prosecutor would not like to swear they were drunk. He did not employ the female prisoner at all.

P.C. Epps:- At about half-past 7 o'clock on Wednesday evening, the prosecutor came to the station-house, and said he had been robbed of some rum - about two or three quarts. I then went down with him to his house, and waited there about twenty minutes, till the defendants came back again. They went from prosecutor's house to the cricket ground seven or eight times. After they had come in, Mr. Drew gave them into my custody on the charge of stealing three quarto of rum. The woman was with them, and said she hoped I should not take the prisoners to the station-house. I told her I was compelled to take them. I then went to Thomas Streeting's house, and found the missing bottle in a closet.

Cross-examined by Mr. Delasaux, for the prisoners. - Streeting did not go to his house with me. The female prisoner said the other prisoners knew nothing about the rum, and that she had taken it herself. I asked the male prisoners if they had stolen, the gin, and they replied that they knew nothing about it.

All three of the prisoners were committed to take their trial at the Quarter Sessions.


From the Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald. 6 July 1867. Price 1d.


Thomas Streeton, William Streeton, and Mary Ann Shaw, were charged with stealing three quarts of rum, value 10s., the property of Richard Drew, landlord of the “Steam Packet,” North Lane, on the 12th of June.

Mr. Biron prosecuted, and Mr. Barrow defended the prisoners.

The two male prisoners were discharged; and the female prisoner, Mary Ann Shaw, pleaded guilty, and was sentenced to two weeks in the city gaol.



HOOPER James William 1836+ Kentish Gazette

ALLAN Charles 1838+ Stapletons Guide

KILNER George 1840+ Pigot's Directory 1840

WHITTINGTON Benjamin 1858+ Melville's 1858

YEOMANS Richard 1860+

HILLS Charles 1861-62+ (age 33 in 1861Census) Post Office Directory 1862

DREW Thomas 1867+ Whitstable Times

TERRY Daniel 1871+ (age 54 in 1871Census)


Kentish GazetteKentish Gazette

Stapletons GuideStapleton's Guide 1838

Pigot's Directory 1840From the Pigot's Directory 1840

Melville's 1858From Melville's Directory 1858

Post Office Directory 1862From the Post Office Directory 1862

Whitstable TimesWhitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
