Sort file:- Canterbury, October, 2024.

Page Updated Canterbury:- Wednesday, 30 October, 2024.

PUB LIST PUBLIC HOUSES Paul Skelton & Rory Kehoe

Earliest 1857-

Brewery Tap

Latest 1882+

(Name to)

22 Ivy Lane



Brewery Tap 1900

Above photo showing the locations circa 1900. Kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Brewery Tap position 1980

Above photo showing the position in red of the pub. Photo taken in 1980.

Brewery Tap 2017

Above photo and identification by Rory Kehoe, August 2017.

Brewery Tap 2017

Above photo and identification by Rory Kehoe, August 2017.

Brewery Tap vicinity 2009

The above picture taken from Google March 2009 shows the end house as number 21 and decreasing in numbers to the left. So I would say the Brewery Tap would have been where the car park is today.

Northgate map 1905

Above map 1905, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.


This lane was once called Lodderlane and Beggar's Lane.

Brewer William Anslow once lived at number 20, but I do not have a year yet for this person.

The "Eagle Brewery" was also along this Lane in the 1870s and was a large building that was probably at the end of the road on the same side as the pub, and I assume the premises was the tap to this brewery.

The following passage from the Kentish Chronicle makes reference to a pub called the "Eagles" and I am assuming that this is one and the same building.


From the Kentish Gazette, 2 June 1857.


On Wednesday an inquest was held by Mr. Delasaux at the "Brewery Tap," in this city, on the body of James Savage, who hung himself the previous evening. Deceased, who had been addicted to intemperate habits, resided with his aged mother in Chantry-lane, Longport; and on going home that evening, his mother, who was bed-ridden, upbraided him for his irregular conduit; on which he placed a handkerchief on her bed, saying he should want it no more. He also said, "God bless you, mother. I hope God will forgive me. I shall never see you more." He immediately went and hanged himself with a piece of clothes line. When the mother obtained assistance, Mrs. Sampson, the wife of a policeman, was called in, and she immediately cut him down, he being suspended to a nail in the wall, he was then quite dead. She had heard of his having quarrelled with his sister. Harriet Gilman, who had known the deceased for some years, stated that she saw him intoxicated on Tuesday evening; he had appeared very strange in his habits for the past month, and said once in her hearing that he thought he could not last long. She had thought him insane, and had mentioned it to his mother and sister, who attributed it to his having nothing to do. The jury returned a verdict "That deceased destroyed himself while insane."


From the Kentish Chronicle, Saturday, 10 September, 1859. Price 1½d.


A melancholy and fatal accident occurred at the works in the course of construction near the Ivy House, for the East Kent line, on the afternoon of Thursday Inst. A navvy named Frederick Smith about 35 years of age, was engaged in driving one of the chalk trucks, it was his duty, at a certain point, to unfasten the horse and step on one side, while the truck, by the force of its own momentum, entered the cutting. By some menus, the poor fellow, was prevented from clearing the truck, and the result was, he was jammed against the side of the cutting, his chest being severely injured and the left arm broken. Smith was immediately conveyed to the Hospital on a shutter, but the internal injuries were of such a character, that medical science was unavailing, and the man died about nine o'clock the following morning. He has left a wife and four little helpless children totally unprovided for.


Last evening, at seven o'clock, the deputy coroner, C. J. Fox, Esq., held an inquest on the body of the deceased at the “Eagles” Ivy Lane. Evidence was give to corroborate of the above, and Mr. Hall, foreman of the works, attended, and deposed, on oath, that although the deceased was taken to the Hospital at about five o'clock, up to half-past eight he had not received any medical attendance. The Jury expressed themselves dissatisfied with the conduct of the Hospital officials, and returned a verdict—That the deceased was accidentally killed,” adding, “that they were of opinion that the officials at the Hospital were guilty of great neglect, and suggested that the Institution should not he left without a medical practitioner.


South Eastern Gazette, 7 February, 1860.

Breaking Windows.

At the City Petty Sessions, yesterday, Michael Donahue, a private of the 64th Regt., was convicted of breaking windows at the "Brewery Tap," Ivy-lane, St. Paul’s, at 10 o’clock on Saturday night, and was ordered to be imprisoned for fourteen days, in default of paying the penalty and costs.


From the Kentish Chronicle, 11 February, 1860.


(Before the Mayor, Captain Love, and W. Mount, Esq.)

William Hubbard, labourer, Wincheap, was charged by Police-sergeant Else with being drunk and using abusive language on Saturday afternoon. Discharged with a caution.

Michael Douaghue, a private in the 64th regiment, was charged with breaking windows at the "Brewery Tap" public-house, Ivy-lane.

Charles Rye, stated that on Saturday night, about ten o'clock, the defendant and another soldier came to his house in a state of intoxication. They created a disturbance and he turned them out. He got them away, but one of them (the defendant) came in afterwards and broke the window. He (complainant) saw the defendant kick his foot through one pane, and another was afterwards broken in the scuffle which ensued to get the defendant out.

The defendant said he went into the public-house along with his mate. There were some navvies drinking there who commenced abusing the soldiers and the royal family. He told one of them that he had better mind what he was saying or he might be sorry for it. He and his mate then left the house, but they were followed into the street by the navvies. His mate was knocked down and five or six of the men attacked him. He afterwards went into the house to look for his mate, when he was again attacked, and the windows were broken by the navvies in the row. The Bench ordered the defendant to pay 1s. damages, and 6s. expenses, or in default to be imprisoned 14 days.


South Eastern Gazette, 11 September, 1860.


There were nine applications for new licenses, as follow:—

Granted. Isaac Barlow, for the "Tower Inn," Pound-lane.

Elizabeth Martin, for the "Kentish Arms," sic Westgate.

Refused. William Todd, for the "Plough," Pound-lane.

Isaac Pierce, for the "Millers Arms," Pound-lane.

James Henry Robins, for the "Sovereign," Castle-street.

Richard Yeomans, for the "Steam Packet," North-lane.

John Sidney Hawkes, for the "Cannon Inn," Northgate sic.

Edward Yeomans, for the "Man of Kent."

John Gillis, for the "Fortune of War."

A billiard license was granted to William Dilnot Wildish, Parade. Possible "Brewery Tap."


Canterbury Journal, Kentish Times and Farmers' Gazette 15 September 1866.

At the City Petty Sessions on Thursday, it being the annual licensing day, the following applications for new licenses were refused:-

H. Workman, "Brewery Tap," Northgate,

There are now 168 licensed houses in Canterbury besides beer shops and refreshment houses."




RYE William 1858+ Melville's 1858

RYE Charles 1860+

WILDISH W 1862+ Post Office Directory 1862

WORKMAN H Sept/1866 (license refused) Canterbury Journal

AUSTIN E 1867+

DANIEL George 1871+ (Brewers Servant age 33 in 1871Census)

ROYLE Henry John 1874-82+ (also labourer in age 69 1881Census) Post Office Directory 1874Greens Canterbury Directory 1868Post Office Directory 1882

STANMORE James after 1882+


Melville's 1858From Melville's Directory 1858

Post Office Directory 1862From the Post Office Directory 1862

Canterbury JournalCanterbury Journal, Kentish Times and Farmers' Gazette

Greens Canterbury Directory 1868Greens Canterbury Directory 1868

Post Office Directory 1874From the Post Office Directory 1874

Greens Canterbury Directory 1868Greens Canterbury Directory 1878


Post Office Directory 1882From the Post Office Directory 1882


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
