High Street
Above photo, 1900, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. |
Above photo of a pub showing the Swan Inn, unknown date, kindly sent by Peter Moynahan. |
Above photo, date unknown. |
Above photo, circa 1903, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. |
Above postcard, circa 1906, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. |
Above postcard, 1912, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. |
Above photo, circa 1980, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. Gent second from
right may be the licensee, Laurie Ayris. |
Above photo, circa 1981, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. |
Above photo, circa 1982, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. |
Above image from Google 2009. |
Above image from Google, August 2009. |
Above photo, November 2017, by Rory Kehoe. |

Above sign left, September 1986, sign right, July 1991.

Above sign left, July 1991, sign right, June 1995.
With thanks from Brian Curtis
Kentish Gazette 17 April 1770.
On Wednesday last the farmers, tradesmen, and inhabitants in general of
Sturry, met at the "Swan Inn," to celebrate the releasement of John
Wilkes, Esq; 45 gallons of punch were given away to the populace, an
exhibition of fireworks was played off, many loyal toasts were dranks,
and every demonstration of joy was shewn by the company present, which
consisted of two hundred people.
Kentish Gazette 22 October 1802.
On Tuesday were interred, with military honours, at St. James's
Chapel, Tottenham Court Road, the remains of Lieutenant Fraser, late
of the 1st Regiment of Life Guards. The spectacle was unusually
grand and impressive.
As many erroneous and contradictory accounts have been given of
the melancholy accident which occasions his death, we think it may
not be improper to state the following particulars, upon authority:-
He was on his way to Ramsgate, in a tandem, accompanied by his
groom. About 3 miles beyond Canterbury, he overtook a wagon on an
uneven part of the road. He was at all times a steady and cautious
driver; and, in truth, his extreme caution on this occasion prove
fatal to him. That he might be at as great a distance as possible
from the wagon, he unhappily drove too near the hedge, in which a
post concealed in the quickset, coming in contact with the wheel of
the tandem, overset it. The near-side, fell short of the wagon; but
Mr' Fraser was thrown from a great height to a greater distance, and
unfortunately fell between the fore and hind wheels of his wagon,
which passed over the lower part of his breast. When he was raised
from the ground, he said to his servants, "John don't leave me - I
am a dead man." His servant having supported him against the hedge,
and committed him to the humanity of some persons who were looking
on, disengaged the leader from the traces, and rode full speed to
Canterbury for professional assistance.
In the mean time, Mr. Fraser was conveyed, on a hurdle covered
with straw, to the "Swan Inn" at Sturry, about a quarter of a mile
from a spot where the fatal accident happened. He complained of
being cold; and called for some brandy and water.
When the Surgeon arrived, Mr. Fraser begged that he might be
bled; but the Surgeon, on examining his pulse, and finding it low
and languid, and his body extremely cold, declared he could not
venture to do so; but requested that he would suffer himself to be
conveyed to Canterbury, where all proper attention might be paid
him. He acquiesced; for he was by this time incapable of opposition.
He was put into a post-chaise, in which, supported by the Surgeon
and his faithful attendant, he was conveyed to Canterbury with as
much expedition as the nature of his situation would admit. When he
reached the "Kings Head Inn" at Canterbury, the Surgeon ventured to
bleed him, and administered some of other remedies, but in vain, for
in about a quarter of an hour he expired, after a slight convulsion.
Thus perished, in the bloom of youth, a gentleman, of whom his
friends had justly entertained the most sanguine expectations. He
was in person remarkably handsome; frank and easy in his manners; of
a manly deportment, and sound and firm principles.
His ultimate fate has excited a very great degree of sympathy,
and has been to his friends and connections a cause of the deepest
Kentish Gazette, 25 November, 1806.
Sunday, Mr. Wm. Marsh, of the "White Swan" public-house, Sturry.
From the Kentish Weekly Post or Canterbury Journal 7 September 1819.
Free Public Houses and other estates,
To be Sold By Auction, By Messrs. White, (Without Reserve).
Pursuant to certain orders of the Vice Chancellor of Great Britain, and
before the Major part of the Commissioners named and authorised in and
by a Commission of bankrupt awarded and issued against Matthew William
Sankey, of the City of Canterbury, brewer, dealer and chapman, at the
Guildhall, of the said city of Canterbury, on Wednesday next, the 22nd
day of September next, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, (subject to
such conditions of sale as shall be then and there produced.)
The following very Valuable Freehold Estates, in Lots.
Valuable Brewery free public houses and other Estates to be sold by
auction by Mrs white without reserve.
Lot 15. A Messuage called the "Swan," with the stable, yard, garden and
appurtenances, situate at Sturry, in the said county, and now in the
occupation of Henry Hills.
From the Kentish Gazette 26 June 1838.
Last week, at Sturry, Ann, only child of Mr. Wm. Bowles of the "Swan
Kentish Gazette, 30 January 1844.
Jan. 19, at Sturry, Elizabeth, wife of Mr. William Bowles, landlord of
the "Swan" public
house, aged 57.
From the Kentish Gazette, 25 February 1845.
Bowles:— Feb. 12, at the "Swan Inn," Sturry, alter a short illness, Mr.
William Bowles, aged 60.
Maidstone Journal and Kentish Advertiser, Tuesday 12 June 1849.
Important sale of the extensive Brewery of Messr's Flint, including 30
old established Inns and Public Houses, and other valuable property.
Mr. V. J., has received instructions to sell by auction, at the
"Fountain Hotel," Canterbury, on Tuesday and Wednesday, 26th and 27th of
June, at 12 o'clock each day, (in consequence of the death of the senior
acting partner and the retirement of the surviving partners,) the
valuable property known as Messrs. Flint's Brewery, in Stour Street,
Canterbury, and the Inns, Public Houses, and other valuable property
connected with theirwith. The first day sale on Tuesday, 26th June,
1849, will comprise the following property in and near the city.
Public houses.
Lot 1. The "City of Canterbury," situate on the road to Whitstable.
Lot 2. The "George and Dragon," Westgate without, leasehold under Hind's
charity for 17 years unexpired.
Lot 3. The "Three Compasses," Westgate
within. Freehold.
Lot 4. The "Bell Inn" and Coach Office, in the High Street. Freehold.
Lot 5. The "Prince of Wales," St. Alphege Lane,. Freehold.
Lot 6. The "Weavers Arms," Broad Street, freehold and partly leasehold.
Lot 7. The "White Swan," Northgate. Leasehold under St. John's Hospital
for a short term, at a ground rent.
Lot 8. The "Kings Head," Northgate.
Lot 9. The "Swan Inn," at Sturry (close to the railway station).
Lot 10. The "Ship," St. Martins Hill, freehold.
Lots 12. The "Star Commercial Inn and Tap," St George's, close to the
Cattle market and Dane John. Freehold.
Lot 13. The "Blue Anchor," Old Dover Lane, near the Cattle market.
Lot 14. The "Fleece Inn," High Street, opposite to the Corn market.
Lot 28. Three neat Cottages opposite the Brewery, with large gardens
extending to the river.
Lot 29. The "Two Brewers" public house and Spirit Warehouse, adjoining
the last lot.
Lot 31. The "Black Dog" public house, Castle Street.
Lot 34. The "Duke's Head" Public House, Wincheap Street.
Lot 35. The "King's Head," Public House, Wincheap Street.
Lot 37. The "Royal Exchange," public house, Stour Street.
Lot 38. The "Kentish Arms," public house, and 5 cottages in Jewry Lane.
Leasehold for a short term at a low rent.
Lot 40. The "Duke William," at Ickham, abiout five miles from
Canterbury. Freehold.
Lot 41. The "Royal Oak Inn," at Deal. Freehold except a small portion.
Lot 42. The "King's Arms," Beach Street, Deal, and Cottage in the rear.
leasehold for a short term, at a Ground rent.
Lot 43. The "Fleur De Lis," near the Railway Station, Dover. Leasehold
for a term of 6 years, at a Ground rent of £3.
Lot 44. The "Two Brewers," Limekiln Street, Dover. leasehold for a term
of 46 years, at a ground rent of £3.
Lot 45. The "Fountain Inn, adjoining the Market place at Dover.
Lot 46. The "Lord Nelson," Radnor Street, near the harbour, Folkestone.
Lot 47. The "Bricklayers Arms," Fancy Street, Folkestone. Freehold.
Lot 48. The "Castle Inn," at Sandgate. Leasehold for a short term, at a
ground rent of 7s. 6d.
Lot 49. The "King's Head Hotel and Tap," at Margate. Freehold.
Lot 50. The "New Inn," at Elham, on the road to Hythe. Freehold.
Lot 51. The "King's Arms," at Milton near Sittingbourne. Freehold.
The Public Houses are for the most part in the occupation of
unexceptionable tenants, and the majority of them are doing trades, both
in beer and spirits, considerably above the average run of Country
houses. (None of them have been beer shops; they're all old Licence
Houses, with connections of long standing, thereby affording ample
security for the permanency of the trade). The Premises generally are in
a superior state of repair.
Particulars and Plans, price 1s. each, may be had of Messr's. Furleys
and Mercer, Solicitors, Canterbury; at the "Fountain Hotel;" and of Mr.
V. J. Collins, 3, Moorgate Street, London.
South Eastern Gazette, 20 November, 1860.
Saturday. (Before W. Delmar, Esq. in the chair, W. Slarke, W.
Plummer, and W. Ellis, Esqrs.)
Richard Steed, of Hoath, was charged with being drunk, at Sturry, on
Sunday last. P.C. Skilton, K.C.C. stated that he was called into the
"Swan" public-house at Sturry, at eleven o’clock, and was requested
by the landlord to clear his house of some men who were there. The
defendant refused to go out, and caused a disturbance.
Defendant said he was sure the constable did not ask him to leave
the house, and called a man named Hammond, who spoke to the same
Fined 5s. and 10s. costs.
From the Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald. 14 September 1867. Price 1d.
At the annual licensing day for the Home division of the County of
Kent, held at Canterbury on Saturday last,
A man named Evan Llowarch then applied for a license for the “Swan,” but
his application was refused.
Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, Saturday 21 February 1874.
On Friday last an inquest was held at the "Swan Inn," Sturry, upon the
body of Mr. Charles Mead, who met his death through a fall from his home
while hunting with the East Kent Fox Hounds. T. T. Delasaux, Esq., was
the coroner, and Mr. James Groombridge was the foreman of the jury. The
following evidence was taken.
Henry Pett, of the parish of St. Paul, in the city of Canterbury, said
that on Friday, the 30th day of January last, he was out hunting with
the deceased and other persons with the East Kent Fox Hounds. He was
near Hamden Wood, and witness saw him jump a small hedge and fall off
his horse, which ran away and was afterwards caught. It was purely an
accident. Deceased placed his hand on his side and seemed to be in great
John Kingsmill, of Elmsted, corroborated the evidence of the previous
Mr. Henry Denne, surgeon, of Canterbury, said that on Tuesday, the 3rd
of February, he was called to the deceased at Sturry. Deceased appeared
to be in great pain and experienced a difficulty in breathing. Witness
continued to attend him until his death, which occurred on Monday, the
9th. Yesterday and that day he made a post-mortem examination, assisted
by Mr. Jameson and Mr. Atkins, and he found the right lung much
congested and hurt, and the left partially so. This was the cause of his
death, and witness believed it to have been caused in the manner
described by the two former witnesses.
The jury returned a verdict of "Accidental death."
The pub closed in 2014, although KentOnLone suggests it closed in 2011, and at the time of writing (February 2015) it is
believed it is going to re-open as a restaurant with small bar area.
From the
https://www.kentonline.co.uk By Lydia Chantler-Hicks,13 December 2019.
The Junior King's School plans to turn The Swan Inn pub in Sturry into cafe.
A school hopes to transform a village pub that has stood empty
for almost a decade into a café.
The Swan Inn in Sturry High Street stopped trading in 2011, and has
since stood vacant.
Its boarded-up frontage has deteriorated over the years, with the
building frequently targeted by vandals.
The Swan Inn in Sturry.
But the Junior King’s School hopes to breathe new life into the
property by transforming its ground floor into a café serving hot
and cold drinks and food.
Parts of the premises are thought to date back to the 1400s.
But despite its prominent position in the centre of Sturry, little
is known about its history, other than that is was likely once used
as a staging post for coaches travelling to Herne Bay and Thanet.
Several years ago, an application to have The Swan registered as an
“asset of community value” was rejected by the council. It was then
marketed as a pub, but no buyer was found.
It was purchased by the school less than a year ago.
The private co-ed says turning the inn into a café would have a
positive impact on the village community, while "no significant
changes" would be made to the Grade II-listed building.
Documents attached to its planning application say: “There is no
similar facility or service available in the immediate area.
“It will provide a venue where people can meet during the day,
socialise whilst obtaining food and refreshments in a centrally
accessible and highly sustainable location.
"The proposals will provide a positive contribution by enhancing the
range of services available locally.”
If the plans are given the green light, the café would employ three
full-time staff.
It would run from 9am until 5pm daily, occasionally staying open
until 9pm for private events.
Upstairs, the property’s four-bedroom flat would be used as
accommodation for school staff, while outside there would be parking
for cars, as well as a seating area and garden.
From the
https://www.kentonline.co.uk By Lydia Chantler-Hicks, 12 February 2021.
The Swan Inn pub in Sturry to be restored by Junior King's School in Canterbury.
A historic village pub which has stood empty for a decade is set to
be restored to its former glory - by one of Kent's most prestigious
private schools.
The Swan Inn in Sturry High Street, near Canterbury, called last
orders for the final time in 2011 and has been vacant ever since.
But The Junior King's School wants to transform it into "the premier
licensed premises in the village" - by relaunching it as a pub and
The £9,000-a-term school purchased the Grade II-listed site, parts
of which are thought to date back to the 1400s, several years ago.
The boarded-up tavern had deteriorated over the years and been
targeted by vandals but has recently undergone renovation.
Last year, The Junior King's School was granted permission to
transform the Swan Inn's ground floor into a café, with
accommodation for school staff upstairs.
But new plans show the private co-ed now wants to relaunch it as a
pub, while developing the restaurant side of the business and
letting out rooms to tourists.
The boarded-up Swan Inn in Sturry.
It hopes to build a single-storey block in the pub grounds that will
house six double bedrooms; along with a two-storey extension behind
the main building that would accommodate a kitchen, storage and
staff facilities.
It also intends to revamp the inn's outside areas and to resurface
the car park, keeping its current capacity of about 12 cars.
But the application has already been met with several objections.
Sturry Parish Council says there is "insufficient off-road parking"
to accommodate both bed-and-breakfast guests and pub visitors.
The plans would see the pub open at 10am each day, with the option
of staying open until 1.30am on Fridays and Saturdays and until
midnight the rest of the week.
But the parish council says the proposed weekend opening hours are
"excessive for a premises in a residential area".
Sturry resident Garry Smith echoes these concerns, describing the
parking as "woefully inadequate for a development of this size".
"The proposed late-night opening on Friday and Saturday nights will
be intolerable, with the inevitable shouting, doors slamming and
loud engines," he added, suggesting a midnight closing time would be
more appropriate.
"This is a large-scale development of a historic listed building
that will undoubtedly spoil the character and heritage of the
building forever."
But the applicant says the pub would be a "quality business" that it
hopes would "become part of the local scene with an image befitting
the character of old Sturry village".
The applicant says the designs incorporate "traditional forms and
materials, so that the development would fit into the existing
fabric of the village".
It adds: "It is anticipated that any parking required in connection
with the rooms will only occur overnight and in the late evening,
when the car park is otherwise not used by pub customers."
The Junior King's School hopes the historic inn will function "very
much as it did prior to closing down in 2011".
But it hopes that focusing more on food and offering
bed-and-breakfast facilities will provide a more economically viable
business model than that of a traditional pub.
"The intention is that the reinvigorated Swan Inn would act as a
focus for the village but also be attractive as a base for tourists
wishing to visit Canterbury and east Kent," say the plans.
If given the green light, the business would employ five to 10
people and would "represent a significant investment in the local
economy of Sturry, bringing trade, employment and staying tourists
to the village environment", it adds.
The plans are available to view on the city council's planning
website, under reference CA/20/02882.
From the
https://www.kentonline.co.uk By Ruth Cassidy, 30 March 2024.
Junior King’s u-turns on plan to restore former Swan Inn pub in
Sturry to former glory.
Villagers have been left dismayed by a prestigious private school’s
decision to u-turn on plans to restore a historic pub to its former
The Swan Inn in Sturry High Street, near Canterbury, called last
orders for the final time in 2011 and has been empty ever since.
It had been hoped the site would once again host a traditional
boozer after new owner Junior King’s unveiled plans to restore the
inn as a pub with bed and breakfast.
But fresh proposals from the £14,000-a-term school – which is based
about 200 yards away in Milner Court – reveal the project has now
been dropped.
Documents show the private co-ed instead wants to provide a 61-place
newly built nursery, an after-school club, new staff accommodation
and a private hire community space where alcohol will be prohibited.
It means Sturry will continue to remain without a single pub, with
the last of the village’s six taverns – the "Middle of the Road" –
shutting in 2021.
Peta Boucher, chair of the Sturry and Broad Oak Residents'
Association, says the decision is a “shame” and a “huge missed
“It is very disingenuous. Although some residents believed the pub
would reopen as a pub, I never thought they would go through with it
as they kept putting it off,” she said.
“The King’s School has never been part of the community here, and
they want to use their land for the benefit of King’s School. The
community never come into it at all.
“I think they should just admit that it's not going to be used by
the community. They say they have a commitment to supporting young
people in our community, but how are they going to do that?
“It’s not going to be something that many local parents will be able
to afford anyway. If they were to say they would offer some free
places to locals then that would be a community asset, but not as it
“We don’t have a single pub in Sturry. The Swan, because it's such a
large central space, would serve the community much better than
serving just the school.
“There is no pretence that this is about the community, this is all
about what benefits them.
“It’s a huge missed opportunity at a time when most of us are
finding things really difficult in these challenging financial times
and it would be wonderful to have something that lifts and supports
the community rather than just for the elite that use the school.
It’s a shame.”
The boarded-up tavern had deteriorated over the years and been
targeted by vandals before undergoing considerable renovations in
The same year, Junior King's applied for permission to reopen the
Swan Inn's ground floor into a pub, with rooms to rent upstairs.
But new documents show the plans have been ditched, with the focus
now largely on expanding the provision of its nursery, which
currently costs parents £4,300 a term.
The papers also reveal the proposal is merely phase one of a
“masterplan” that would eventually see the Junior King’s School
double in size.
But despite the school saying its “intent is to retain and celebrate
the building’s significance in the locality and the opportunity for
community access”, residents feel the proposals will fail to serve
the village’s needs.
Hiring the communal space will be restricted to school hours during
term time, will not accept bookings for adult parties, music volume
will be limited, and alcohol will not be permitted on site.
Neighbours fear an increased capacity will worsen the “horrendous”
traffic that snarls up the village during pick-up and drop-off.
They are concerned that a lack of parking to the rear of the former
pub will encourage parents to stop dangerously in the area to
collect their children.
Louise Harvey-Quirke, a former Sturry councillor and now
Conservative parliamentary candidate for Canterbury, said: “As a
local person, who worked and socialised in the Swan in my youth, it
would have been a huge asset to the community to have the pub
“However, I am aware there were concerns about parking and
late-night use and the impact on residents.
“I'll be watching with interest to see how the plans develop going
A spokesperson for Junior King’s said: “The building has not
operated as a pub for many years and we are keen to bring it back
into use for the community.
“We have therefore applied for planning consent for the building to
become a year-round nursery, open to all children in the area.” |
MARSH William to Nov/1806 dec'd
HILLS Henry 1819+
BOWLES William 1828-Feb/45 dec'd age 60
DEWE Joseph 1858+
LAWRENCE Robert 1862+
JEZARD James 1873-74+ (age 55 in 1871 )
JEZARD Robert Tassel 1871-91+ (age 54 in 1871 )
GRANT William 1901-03+ (age 30 in 1901 )

LUCAS Harry 1911-22+ (age 50 in 1911 )
LUCAS Louisa Mrs 1930-38
AYRIS Laurie 1970-88+
From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29
From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34
From the Kelly's Directory 1903