15 Commercial Quay
Woolcomber's Lane
![Bagshaw's Directory 1847](Icons/Bagshaw1847.gif)
![Mariner's Arms](Pictures/Mariners-Arms-01.jpg)
Above photo circa 1895. |
The above map, dated 1871, kindly sent by Glenn Hatfield,
identifies the location as next to the "Old Commercial Quay Inn."
However, it appears to be identified as the "Blue Anchor" in this map.
The building to the left in process of demolition is the "London
Packet." |
Bagshaw's Directory listed this as Marine Arms in Woolcomber's Street and
Thomas Johnson.
Otherwise known to the troops as "The Khedive". An outlet of the
Wellington Brewery but sold by Mrs Harding in October 1890 for £975.
From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday
20 September, 1867.
Robert Halliday, landlord of the "Mariner's Arms" public-house,
Commercial Quay, was charged with having his house open, contrary to his
license, and was fined £1 and costs.
From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer,
11 September, 1868.
Mr. Craddock, the landlord of this house, was informed that the
Magistrates had resolved to suspend the renewal of the license until
their meeting at Broadstairs, when he might apply again, the Mayor
observing that the Magistrates hope the present landlord would then be
able to show that he had conducted his house in the interim in such a
manner as would justify them in renewing the license.
From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 7
October, 1870. Price 1d.
Stephen Craddock, landlord of the "Mariner's Arms," Commercial Quay
was fined 10s. and 9s. 6d. costs for having his house open during
prohibited hours.
From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer,
10 February, 1871. Price 1d.
Mr. Fox appeared on behalf of Mr. Craddock, the proprietor of a
public-house on the Commercial Quay, who, it appeared, had cashed an
advance note of a seaman name John Hammond, whose case was before the
magistrates last week, to the value of £1 8s., the man having engaged
himself for a voyage in a ship from Dover to Aberdeen. The Magistrates
on that occasion thought the conduct of Mr. Craddock was such as to
recommend the Superintendent of Police to bring the matter before the
Magistrates on the annual licensing day; but Mr. Fox's statement went to
prove that the proceedings of Mr. Craddock in cashing the note was
perfectly regular. The bench, however, declined to vary the directions,
the Magistrates sitting on the previous week had given the
From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer,
19 September, 1873. Price 1d.
John Halliday, of the "Mariner's Arms Inn," summoned for assaulting
John Castle, was dismissed.
The licence looks to be suspended from 1868 to 1871 but the pub was
certainly active again after that. The Bench did refuse to renew the licence
however from 1891 onwards.
From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 13 April, 1888. Price 1d.
Henry Gravener, Thomas Lambert, and Henry Millington, were charged on
remand with having in their possession a quantity of steam coal, the
property of the London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway Company,
stolen from a barge of Newhaven.
The prisoner Millington is captain, and the other two prisoners are the
crew of the smack “Alice,” belonging to Mr. Cullin, ship broker of
Mr. C. Ellis, solicitor, appeared on behalf of the London, Brighton, and
South Coast Company, to prosecute. He stated that the smack “Alice,” on
which the prisoners were employed, came into the port of Newhaven on the
18th or 19th of March, and left about the 21st instant. They came back
in the smack on the 22nd or 23rd instant, owing to stress of weather,
and remained about six days. During the time the smack was there she
laid between two barges laden with coal, which the Company used for
their steam boats. The barges and the smack laid on the west side of the
harbour. The foreman of the works at Newhaven coal depot would be able
to tell the Magistrates that the coal the barges were laden with was the
same kind as the prisoners were selling in Dover. The coal was of a
peculiar kind and there was no other coal like it in Newhaven. The steam
coal was found on board the smack when she arrived in Dover. The coal
porter at Newhaven missed a large quantity of coal, more than was found
on the smack directly she left harbour. There was about 12 cwt found on
the smack which was valued at 9s. or 9. 6d. It was not an unusual
occurrence for the Company to lose quantities of coal at Newhaven, and
he would ask the Magistrates after hearing the evidence to deal with the
case summarily.
The evidence previously taken was read over and confirmed. One of the
witnesses being deaf, Mr. H. Pain was engaged to interpret the evidence
he had given in the deaf and dumb language.
James Fairway, landlord of the “Mariner's Arms,” public house gave
evidence, and stated that he bought a quantity of the steam coal off the
two prisoners Lambert and Gravener. Witness stated that he gave 4s. and
half a gallon of beer to the prisoners of the coal, the prisoner Lambert
taking the money. The captain was not present when the coal was sold.
The prisoners told witness that they had exchanged some fish for the
coal at Newhaven.
William Johnson Cullin, ship builder and smack owner, at Dover, gave
evidence. Witness stated that the smack “Alice,” belonged to him and the
three prisoners were employed on board, the prisoner Millington being
captain. Witness stated that the steam coal was not used by them as they
only used household coal.
Charles Stone, foreman of the London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway
Company's coal depot at Newhaven gave evidence. Witness stated that the
steam coal which was called double screened beat Merthyr steam coal
found in the prisoner's possession was exactly similar to the coal which
the two barges, between which the smack was lying at Newhaven, were
laden with. The value of the 12 cwts, found in the prisoner's possession
was about 10s. Witness missed some of the coal after the smack had left
the harbour.
John Atherton coal porter in the Company's employ at Newhaven, also gave
P.C. George Baker proved finding a quantity of the coal on board the
smack “Alice,” on which the prisoners were employed.
The prisoners wished the case to be dealt with summarily and each
pleaded “Not Guilty.”
The Magistrates said there was no doubt, but that the prisoners were
guilty of stealing the coal and sentenced them each to one month's hard
From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 25 January, 1889. Price 1d.
James Baker, a private in the Royal Irish Fusiliers, was charged with
being drunk and disorderly on the Commercial Quay, and assaulting
Police-constable Norman Fogg, whilst in the execution of his duty. He
was also charged with wilfully breaking a pane of glass, value 4s., at
30, Commercial Quay, and stealing a bottle of sweets, value 1s.
Police-constable Norman Fogg said he was on duty in the Commercial Quay
the previous night about 11.30, when in consequence of what he was told,
he went down the quay. He saw the prisoner and another soldier not in
custody coming along from the direction of the “Mariner's Arms” public
house. They were knocking the shutters of the houses with their sticks.
Witness told then to go along quietly, and the prisoner, who was
carrying a bottle, deliberately struck him on the helmet with his stick,
threw the bottle down, and ran away. Witness followed and caught the
prisoner near Limekiln Street, when the prisoner again struck him, and
he closed with him, and, with assistance, handcuffed him and brought him
to the Police station. The other man got away. Witness afterwards found
that a pane of glass had been broken at a general shop, No. 30,
Commercial Quay, and a bottle of sweets stolen. He found some sweets and
pieces of glass lying on the ground where the prisoner threw the bottle
Anna Brown said she lived with he aunt, Mrs. Annie Newington, who kept a
general shop at 30, Commercial Quay. The bottle produced was kept in the
window, and was partly full of sweets. About 11.30 on Friday night she
heard a crash of glass, and on coming downstairs found that the window
had been broken, and a bottle of sweets were missing.
The prisoner, in answer to the charge, pleaded “Not guilty.”
An officer of the regiment who was present, said the prisoner had been
in the service ten months, and bore a fair character.
The Bench fined the prisoner 4s. for the damage done, 5s. for the
larceny, and 7s. costs.
Dover Express 27 September 1889.
Commercial-quay, Dover, a well-situated Public House, facing the
Harbour, and near the General Post Office, to be Let with immediate
Apply to Messrs. Terson and Son, Auctioners and Valuers, 27,
Castle-street, Dover.
From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 18 July, 1890. Price 1d.
This was a claim of £5 10s, for a quarter rent of 45, Priory Hill. Mr.
Mowll appeared for the plaintiff. He said Cullen was now the landlord of
the “Mariner's Arms,” Commercial Quay, and was in possession of £200.
there was no defence, and His Honor issued an order for payment
From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 3 October, 1890. Price 5d.
Yesterday afternoon Messrs. Terson and Son offered five public houses,
the property of Mrs. Harding, for sale by auction at the “Royal Oak
Hotel.” The result was, the “Mariner's Arms,”
Commercial Quay, £975.
From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 26 December, 1890.
Richard Johnson Cullen, was called but he did not answer.
Police-sergeant Harman proved the serving of the summons on the
defendant's wife at his residence the “Mariner's Arms,” Commercial Quay.
The house was open, and there was a soldier in the tap room, but he saw
no drink.
An information under 6th George 4th Chap 21 was then read, made by
Thomas Skinner, officer of the Inland Revenue, charging Mr. R. J.
Cullen, with selling whiskey by retail without a license, at the
“Mariner's Arms,” by which he rendered himself liable to a penalty of
Mr. Thomas Skinner, officer of the Inland Revenue stated the case, and
the Acts under which his information was laid, and he asked the bench to
inflict a fine not less than £17 5s. 3d., the cost of the license and
Mr. Frederick George Sherren, an officer of the Inland Revenue, said: On
the 11th of October, I went to the “Mariner's Arms,” Commercial Quay,
and purchased a small glass of whiskey. The house was open as a public
house, I saw Mrs. Cullen and a barman in the bar, I called for a glass
of whiskey, and it was served by the barman in Mrs. Cullen's presence. I
tasted the liquor, and found that it was whiskey. Mr. Cullen knew who I
was, as I had been in once or twice before about the license. They had a
license last year, and the license transferred on the 10th of October. I
called several times subsequently, but did not see Cullen. I saw him
some time in November, and asked him to pay for the license, and he said
he would do so the following day. He came up to the office and said that
some friend would lend him the money, and he would send it directly. The
license amounts to £17 for spirits including been and wine and 5s. 3d.
for tobacco. I called again on the 11th of December, and was served with
a small glass of whiskey. Mr. Cullen was present, but a woman served me.
She asked what whiskey she should serve, and he told her. This is the
only license in the town that had not been taken up. We give a few days'
grace, and I did all I could to get the money. The house has been open
even since, as though the license were paid. Mr. Cullen made an entry of
the house in his name, which entry I now produce. He signed the entry.
He made the entry on the 17th of July 1890.
The Bench having considered the case, inflicted a penalty of £10 and 8s.
6d. costs, to be levied by distress, or in default one month's hard
labour. A distress warrant was ordered to be issued at once.
From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 28 August, 1891. Price 1d.
Objections being taken to the “Mariners' Arms,” (otherwise known as the
Khedive), both by the Watch Committee and the Temperance Party, it stood
over till the end, as did also the “Marquis of Waterford” for the same
reason, and the “Northampton Arms.”
The Magistrates' Clerk said the Magistrates would next proceed to
consider the objections to the houses standing over.
Objections were taken to the renewal of the license of this house, both
by Mr. Knocker on behalf of the Watch Committee and Mr. Mark Knowles on
behalf of the Temperance Committee.
The notice in this case had been sent by registered letter, but it had
been returned through the post.
Mr. Mark Knowles said that the holder of the license did not appear in
Court to apply for the license, therefore, he took that the license
would lapse; there was no application for the renewal.
Mr. Mowll said he appeared for the owner of the house and also for the
present occupier, Mr. Joyner, and he asked under the decision in the
case of Regina v. the Justices of Lancashire, that the license should be
granted to Joyner.
James Joyner, the man in occupation was then called. He said: I am the
occupier of the house called the “Khedive.” I apply for the renewal of
the license to me as occupier.
In reply to the Bench, the Superintendent of Police said he knew nothing
against Joyner's character. He had conducted several licensed houses
for different people in the town.
Mr. Knowles objected to a new tenant being sprung upon them without
notice in that way.
Mr. Mowll strongly objected to any interference, and contended that Mr.
Knowles had no right to be heard.
The Mayor: I am of opinion that you have no locus standi,
(In law,
standing or locus standi is the term for the ability of a party to
demonstrate to the court sufficient connection to and harm from the law
or action challenged to support that party's participation in the case)
no notice having been proved.
Mr. Knowles: I could not prove any notices. This is absolutely a new
The Mayor:' I am advised that you have no locus standi, and cannot be
Mr. Knowles: I would call the Magistrates' attention to this –
The Mayor: I must ask you to sit down.
Mr. Knocker: I should like to ask how long this man has been in
occupation of the house.
Mr. Mowll: My case is closed. The time has gone for asking my witness
Mr. Bradley (one of the Magistrates): I should like to know how long
this man has been in occupation.
The Mayor: How long have you been in occupation of this house, Joyner?
Joyner: About a week or fortnight.
The Mayor: Selling?
Joyner: No.
Mr. Mowll: Of course he could not sell.
Mr. T. V. Brown: Were the shutters down and the front doors open?
Joyner: Yes, the front door was open.
In reply to other questions, the man said he was the caretaker of the
house. He had no agreement as a tenant.
The Mayor: We will decide this later on.
The Mayor said: I will now read the decisions of the Magistrates in the
following cases:-
The “Khedive,” license refused.
Mr. Martin Mowll: may I ask on what grounds you have refused to renew
the license for the “Khedive?”
The Mayor: I understand it is the duty of the Magistrates to give
decisions and not reasons.
Mr. Mowll: There are certain cases where the persons interested are
entitled to ask on what ground the license is refused.
The Magistrates' Clerk: This is not one.
However, further research found in the Dover Express of 16 February 1906,
a passage mentions that improvements were needed for the lavatory
accommodation as it was inadequate, and that unless improvements were made
the license would not be renewed. So it looks as if this pub may have still
been serving in 1906, if not longer.
From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 16 February, 1906. Price 1d.
The Chairman announced that in respect of the “Mariner's Arms,” Strond
Street, the “Exeter Arms,” Limekiln Street, and the “Sceptre Inn,” the
lavatory accommodation was inadequate, and the licenses were granted on
the understanding that the owners gave an undertaking to put them in the
shortest possibly term in a satisfactory state.
The undertakings were given.
The Magistrates Clerk announced that the ordinary licenses would then be
renewed except in the cases where notice had been given by the Police,
and which are dealt with in this report.
JOHNSON Thomas 1838-47+
![Bagshaw's Directory 1847](Icons/Bagshaw1847.gif)
![Melville's 1858](Icons/Melville1858.gif)
BARKER Johnathan W to Feb/1861
![Dover Express](Icons/Express.gif)
FORSTER George Feb/1861-63
![Dover Express](Icons/Express.gif)
MARONEY Michael 1863
NAYLOR or TAYLOR W 1864-65 end
WARMAN William to Sep/1868 (
Mariner's Arms St. Mary)
CRADDOCK Thomas Sep/1868
( Mariner's Arms
St. Mary)
CRADDOCK Stephen Oct/1870-Sept/71
![Dover Express](Icons/Express.gif)
HALLADAY Robert Sept/1871-74+
![Dover Express](Icons/Express.gif) ![Post Office Directory 1874](Icons/POD1874.gif)
MILES William Henry Frederick Jun/1879+
![Dover Express](Icons/Express.gif)
STICKELLS Frederick John to May/1880
![Dover Express](Icons/Express.gif)
BILHAM James May/1880-82+ (age 47 in 1881 )
![Dover Express](Icons/Express.gif)
(late of London Police)
FAREWAY James 1887-88+
CULLEN Richard Johnson 1890-1991
![Post Office Directory 1891](Icons/POD1891.gif)
PEARCE Samuel Feb/1890+
![Dover Express](Icons/Express.gif)
JOYNER James 1891
From Melville's Directory 1858
From the Post Office Directory 1874
From the Post Office Directory 1882
From the Post Office Directory 1891
From the Dover Express