16 Charlton Green

(No 2 in 1861 )
Maison Dieu Road
(8 Palmerstone Terrace 1901 )
Above showing the Sportsman Inn, August 1913. Kindly sent by Phil Eyden.
The original full copy shown above by kind permission of the Kings
Own Royal Museum.
www.kingsownmuseum.plus.com. Showing a lovely image of Charlton Green and dates
from 4th August 1913. It shows the 1st Battalion Kings Own Royal
Lancaster Regiment in a solemn parade to St James's Cemetery where their
Commanding Officer, Lt. Col, Thomas Marker, was about to be buried
following a cerebral haemorrhage. They were based at the Grand Shaft and
South Front Barracks at the time.
An aerial view of the Charlton Green to Beaconsfield Road area 1940's. In the foreground is London Road, with the Methodist Church, in
original form, on the corner of Beaconsfield Road. Leading off London
Road at right angles, in the centre of the picture, is Churchill Street
at the end of which can be seen Charlton Mill. Note the houses on either
side of Granville Street which connects Churchill Street with
Beaconsfield Road. Bridge Street, running diagonally up to Charlton
Green from the right, is also lined with houses on either side.
top of the picture are the Girls' Grammar School, part of Frith Road
and Salisbury Road. At the bottom of Frith Road are the extensive
premises of Ashdown, the monumental mason and undertaker and, facing
Dover Engineering Works the properties include Dour View Cottages,
Castle Cottages, Cook's Cottages, the carriage business of E. Wellard,
F. W. Horton, the cabinet maker, Maison Dieu Garage and the Sportsman
Inn. All these buildings together with Palmerston Terrace, which
adjoined what is now the Louis Armstrong public house, have been swept
away and the site is occupied by a Post Office sorting office.
From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 31
December, 1859.
Henry Ratcliff, a labourer living in Tower Hamlets, was charged by
Edward Groombridge, landlord of the "Sportsman" public house, Charlton
Green, with maliciously breaking a square of glass and threatening to
"do" for him.
Mr. Groombridge was sworn for the purpose of giving evidence, when
the defendant applied for a postponement of the case until the following
day for the production of witnesses who he said would be able to
contradict the allegations of the complainant.
The Magistrates complied with the application, adjourning the further
hearing of the case till Monday next, and admitted the defendant to bail
in his own recognizance's.
Dover Telegraph and Cinque Ports General Advertiser, Saturday 29 March 1862.
Sportsman Inn, Charlton Green Dover.
To be sold by auction, by Mr. H. Stockwell, on Monday, March 31st, 1862,
at 1 o'clock precisely, all the household furniture, large bagatelle
board, light spring cart, building materials, shrubs, plants, flower
roots, and other effects in and upon the house and grounds of the
"Sportsman Inn," Charlton Green, Dover.
May be viewed in the Morning of the day of Sale.
From the Kentish Chronicle, 7 November, 1863.
On Sunday morning last Thomas Chaney, a builder
residing at Charlton, committed suicide in one of the buildings now in
course of erection in the Maison Dieu-road. For some time back the
deceased is said to have been in a disturbed state of mind, brought on
by the failure of some building speculations into which he had entered
rather largely. The act of suicide was a very determined one, and he was
quite dead when found. An inquest was held on the body at the "Sportsman
inn," on Saturday evening, when a verdict of "Temporary Insanity " was
A life size effigy of a sportsman dominated the fore court
and a bowling green once occupied the rear. It was rebuilt in 1868. I have
heard of a "Sportsman's Gun" but have found no evidence.
Although it was leased to Satchell in 1874 it seems to
have remained inactive because when the licence was renewed in September 1881 it was
stated that it had been closed for seven years.
From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 6 March, 1874. Price 1d.
Important sale of an old-established and well-arranged BREWERY, together
with 13 Freehold and Leasehold Public and Beer-houses, a Private
Residence, Malt-house, Stabling, &c.
WORSFOLD, HAYWARD, & Co. Have received instructions from the Trusteee of the Estate of Mr. G. S.
Page (in liquidation by arrangement, in connection with the Mortgagees,
to Sell by Auction, at the “Royal Oak Hotel,” Dover, on Tuesday, 24th
March, 1874, at three o'clock precisely, in one or right lots, the
following important and Valuable Property.
LOT 8.
Five fully licensed Public-houses, all situate in the Borough of Dover,
comprising the “Lion,” Elizabeth Street, the “Sportsman,” Charlton
Green, the “Northampton Arms,” Northampton Street, the “Three
Compasses,” Finnis' Hill, and the “Spotted Cow,” Durham Place. Also two
good beer-houses, the “Plough,” Laurestone Place, and the “Hope and
Anchor,” Blucher Row. These houses are held upon leases having from 12
to 20 years to run, and present at first-rate opportunity to any brewer
wishing to open or extend a connection in Dover.
Barker purchased that year
for £610. (Click here.)
The lot comprising five fully licensed outlets, four beerhouses and the
"Spotted Cow" on Durham Hill. There is no further evidence of it being
closed before 1943.
From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 25 September, 1881. 1d.
Mr. Claris said he had an application to make on behalf of Mr. W.
Bromley, the owner of the “Sportsman Inn,” Charlton Green. It would be
recollected that on Licensing Day at Dover the application for the
renewal of this license was refused, owing to the house having been shut
up for some considerable period. It appeared that in the month of
December 1874, this house was leased by the then owner, Mr. Prichard to
Mr. Satchell, and the lease unfortunately did not contain the usual
clause provided for keeping the house open and providing against
anything being done by which the license might be jeopardized. Mr.
Pritchard finding that the house was shut up, applied to Mr. Satchell
for the sale of the lease, but he refused, stating that he should put in
a tenant immediately. The owner, therefore, was obliged to stand idle by
while the property was being depreciated, because a house of this sort
was not half so valuable without a license as it was with one. On behalf
of Mr. Bromley, the present owner, he applied for the license to be
renewed, as he had a tenant, Mr. H. Larkins, of Military Road, Dover,
who was prepared to occupy it immediately.
From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 9 May, 1884. 1d.
Mr. Coleman also applied for the license of the “Sportsman” to be
transferred to Mr. Hawlk, who had kept a house in Elham, and had a good
It was granted.
From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 28 August, 1891. Price 1d.
This stood over, notice of objection having been lodged in the name of
the Temperance Council.
The Magistrates' Clerk said the Magistrates would next proceed to
consider the objections to the houses standing over, and would commence
Mr. Mark Knowles: May it please your Worships: I appear, instructed by
Mr. Montague Bradley, to oppose in this case; to oppose on the ground
that the license is not wanted. But, before doing so, I wish first of
all to put in this petition from the women of Dover. At this stage it
will not be required to be proved, therefore, without occupying your
time further on this point, I will just hand it in.
The Mayor: The Magistrates consider that this is quite irrelevant. The
Magistrates have announced their decision on the general question of
public houses in Dover, and do not wish that part of the question to be
Mr. Mark Knowles: I do not propose to re-open it, and I will not occupy
your Worship's time after the brusque way you have dealt with me. I
simply wished to offer my client's protest amongst the large number of
public houses in Dover, but I have no wish to irritate the Magistrates
at all.
The Mayor: Then we will proceed.
Mr. Mark Knocker: But in other places there has been an idea given of
the extent to which the Magistrates intend to carry their refusal of
licenses in the future. At Bath on Saturday the Magistrates foreshadowed
in some districts a reduction of 25 per cent.
The Mayor: The magistrates are not prepared to give any such
Mr. Mark Knowles: Then I will not carry that part further, but probably
you will accept this evidence as being applicable to the whole of the
houses that we ask to be suppressed.
The Mayor: Understand be clearly; we are prepared to deal with these
houses seriatim, (Seriatim (Latin for "in series") is a legal term
typically used to indicate that a court is addressing multiple issues in
a certain order, such as the order that the issues were originally
presented to the court) and your remarks must be applied to this one
especially, and not to the general question of the number of public
houses in the borough.
Mr. Mark Knocker: Beyond the question of the number of these houses, I
wish to call attention to the changes in the ownership of these houses.
Mr. Martyn Mowll: Your Worship, I really must protest –
Mr. Mark Knowles: Will my friend sit down.
The Mayor: The learned Counsel –
Mr. Martyn Mowll: I wish this gentleman to confine himself to the notice
of opposition which he has given.
Mr. Mark Knocker: I am submitting my case to the Bench within the
lines of my notice, and the evidence that I propose to give as to why
this license is not required. I contend that the fact that a license has
changed hands frequently, is the best proof that the house is not wanted
in the neighbourhood. If you do not wish to have that evidence I will
not press it; but I submit that there is nothing more clearly to the
point than such evidence.
The Mayor: Go on, we are prepared to hear you.
Mr. Mark Knowles: I simply wish to impress on your Worships this point,
that the repeated changes of the occupants of this house, the knowledge
of which is before the Court, is evidence that you should not renew it.
The Magistrates' Clerk: What evidence do you offer on that point?
Mr. Mark Knowles: It is within the knowledge of the Court.
The Magistrates' Clerk: The Magistrates can only adjudicate on evidence
given before them on oath.
Mr. Mark Knowles: Then I will, without further occupying your time, call
my witnesses.
James Gray, having been sworn, in reply to Mr. Knowles said: I delivered
the notice now produced to the postal authorities, addressed to G. Long,
at the “Sportsman Inn,” Charlton Green, and it has not been returned
through the post.
The Magistrates' Clerk then read the notice of objection, the ground of
objection to the renewal being that the license is not required by the
neighbourhood. The notice was signed by G. Wilkie, who was in Court.
The Magistrates' Clerk: Is that Mr. Wilkie's signature?
Mr. Wilkie: No, that is a copy, the original was served on the holder of
the license as proved.
The Magistrates' Clerk: It is usual for the original, and the copy to be
Mr. Mark Knowles then stated that there were changes in the ownership of
the “Sportsman Inn” in 1882, 1884 twice, 1885, 1886 twice, 1888 twice,
in 1889 and 1890, and he called Superintendent T. O. Sanders, whom he
examined as follows:-
Was the license of this house transferred in January, 1882?
The register will tell that, I cannot tell from memory. If I had known
that I was going to be asked this question I could have prepared for it.
The documentary evidence is in your possession, and I am only following
the usual course in asking this question; but I will ask you generally
if the ownership of this house has not frequently changed?
Several times it has changed hands.
In cross-examination by Mr. Mowll, the witness said that the house had
been conducted in a proper manner. He could not say that a change of
hands was evidence that a house was being well conducted. No doubt if a
landlord would encourage all sorts of persons he might sell more beer in
some cases; in other cases the rough trade would drive the respectable
trade away. There were four houses in the neighbourhood, the “Sportsman”
the “Rose,” the “Grapes,” and the “Red Lion.” He could not say which was
the best house; the “Sportsman” was the newest, but some people liked
the old houses best. In 1882 this house received the special
consideration of the Bench, and on that occasion the license was renewed
and at an adjournment at Broadstairs.
Mr. Mark Knowles: I will not put Mr. Wilkie into the box now, so that
will be the whole of the evidence.
Mr. Martin Mowll: I don't wish to lead this gentleman into a trap; but I
should like to know if he has definitely closed the case or not.
Mr. Knowles: I said I had closed my case.
Mr. Mowll: Then I must first contend that he has not proved his notice;
the gentleman should have put Mr. Wilkie into the box to prove that he
was a person capable of objecting to this license. Who signed the
notice? That has not been proved. I must take the ruling of your Worship
on this point before going into the merit of the case.
The Mayor: The consideration of our decision will be adjourned until all
the cases have been heard.
Mr. Mowll: I have a good answer on the merits of the case, but I first
take this preliminary objection that the notice has not been
sufficiently proved.
The Magistrates' Clerk: I think the notice has been sufficiently proved.
Mr. Mowll: There is no evidence that Mr. Wilkie is a ratepayer.
The Magistrates' Clerk: I don't think that evidence is necessary. If you
or Mr. Knocker can show me that I am wrong, I shall be glad to put
Mr. Mowll: I see the clause says “any person.”
After some further technical points had been discussed, Mr. Mowll argued
on the merits of the case, and there was no ground for refusing this
license. The house was well conducted, and it was the best house in the
neighbourhood. It was true that there had been changes in its
management, but he contended that that was evidence of a desire to
conduct the house properly.
The decision of the Bench was reserved to the end of the sitting.
The Mayor said: I will now read the decisions of the Magistrates in the
following cases:-
The “Sportsman Tavern,” license granted.
From Dover Express 12 July 1907.
At the Dover Police Court on Friday, before M. Pepper, Esq., and a full
Bench, Frederick Thomas Herbert, 19, Peter Street, and Henry Hatfield,
12, Charlton Green, were summoned for assaulting Eileen Amelia Dunk,
Landlady of the "Sportsman Inn." They both pleaded Guilty. Mrs. Dunk said that her husband keeps the
"Sportsman Inn" Charlton Green. On Monday last she went into the bar,
when Herbert was disorderly, and would not leave when desired to do so.
Hearing a scuffle she went into the bar, and Hatfield struck her, making
her nose and mouth bleed. Her husband went out to fetch a policeman, she
being in the house alone. She went to close the bar door, when Herbert came in from the street, and
deliberately struck her in the eye. The Chairman said that the men were cowards, and they would go to
Canterbury gaol for one month with hard labour. N.B. Clearly shows Henry Hatfield aged 12. |
From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 5 August, 1910.
At the Dover Police Court this morning, before J. L. Bradley, M.
Pepper, J. W. Bussey, E. Chitty, H. F. Edwin, G. C. Rubie, F. G. Wright,
P. W. J. Mackenzie, and W. J. Barnes, Esqs.
Plans showing alterations to the bar parlour of the "Sportsman,"
Charlton Green,
were approved.
The alteration would make a better means of access to the private
part of the house.
Mr. Chitty made objections to the alterations, but the other
Magistrates expressed themselves in favour of it, and the Chief
Constable also expressed his view in favour of it. At present the
approach for the applicant's children to the house was through the bar.
The alteration was approved subject to the gate leading to the new
entrance being closed during closing hours.
From the Dover Express, Friday 8 April 1938.
Objection to extension.
The Magistrates Clerk said that there was an application from the
licensee of the "Sportsman Inn" for an extension in connection
with a darts match.
The Chief Constable said that he intended to object to the application
on the grounds that it was not a special occasion, but as no
one had attended to make the application that might save time. |
A compulsory purchase order was made by Dover Corporation
in December 1945 for 638 square yards of land or thereabouts, with the war
damaged building on part thereof, formerly known as "The Sportsman Inn".
That order was confirmed in September 1946, at which time Charlton Green was
being, or had been, taken down. The pub and two houses in Palmerston Place
survived that initial onslaught but it was only a postponement.
Dover Express, Friday 29 March 1946.
The public enquiry. An objector disputes a statement.
To the editor of The Dover Express.
Sir, - At the enquiry into the proposal to acquire the compulsory
purchase under the Town and Country Planning Act of 1944 of land for
industrial purposes in the Charlton Green area you reported the Town
Clerk as saying that Mrs. George Beer and Rigden were communicated with
personally by the Borough Surveyor by letter informing them of what was
proposed and no answer was received. If this is a correct report of what
the Town Clerk said it is misleading. The facts are that on behalf of my
firm (George Beer and Rigden Ltd.) I wrote to the Borough Engineer on
the 5th September, 1945, stating that we had an application for the
tenancy of the "Sportsman Inn," and asked for assistance to enable the
necessary work of repair to be done. The Borough Engineer wrote on the
1st October, 1945, that:- "the premises are situated in an area which is
the subject of a direction under article 5 of the Town and Country
Planning (General Interim Development) Order, 1945, and furthermore it
is probable that the Council, as the Planning Authority, will desire to
acquire the premises in the very near future to enable the area as a
whole to be laid out afresh. Under the circumstances I regret that it is
not possible for me to either agree to carry out the repairs to the
residential quarters, or to issue you a Building Licence to enable you
to have the repairs effected by your own builder. I should add that the
"Sportsman" public house is one of those properties which will receive
immediate attention by the Council, it being the intention to acquire
the whole of the property in the immediate vicinity of this house within
the course of months, in order to make way for industry." He added:- "I
have referred the matter to the Town Clerk, from whom, doubtless, you
will be hearing within the course of the next few days." No further
communication was received the from the Town Clerk or from the Borough
Engineer. This being the position, as soon as I heard that the Public
Inquiry was to be held it was agreed arranged to join in the opposition
and steps were taken by me to this end. No formal notice was given of
our intended opposition because I took the view that as it was a public
enquiry and all those interested were invited to appear and state their
views, no formal notice was necessary, but authority was given to those
in charge of the opposition to represent my company in respect of the
"Sportsman Inn," and it was correctly stated at the enquiry that my firm
was opposing. I thought perhaps that the Town Clerk was led to make this
erroneous statement in regard of my Company's attitude by the
considerable heat, judging by the report, that was engaged at the
Inquiry, but on my writing to the Town Clerk pointing out this error he
replies in a long letter justifying his statement. To use his own words,
he says that "I have refreshed my memory..... I could not wish to
express myself any differently." No doubt this is the Town Clerk's
considered view, but I think it desirable that the public should know
the facts, and I should be grateful if you would allow this letter to
appear in your next issue.
W. J. Jennings, Chairman, George Beer and Rigden Ltd, Kennington Hall,
Ashford, Kent. 27th March, 1946.
Maison Dieu Road, between the "Grapes" and Frith Road was
widened in 1952 and that would have been when the effigy, mentioned earlier,
disappeared. It had been moved nearer the road post war and was a
significant landmark up to that time.
Another with this name was reported in Priory Place from
From the Dover Express and East Kent News. 4 June, 1920.
At the Dover Police Court on Saturday, before Messrs W. H. Brett (in
the chair) and C. J. Sellons.
Charles Wilfred George Drummond, of 2 Selbourne Terrace, was charged
with, on May 20th cheating the sum of of £5 18s. by means of a worthless
cheque from Walter Scopes.
Walter Scopes, landlord of the "Sportsman Inn," Charlton Green,
Dover, said "I first saw the defendant on Tuesday, May 10th, in the
public bar. He said he was a cloth dealer, and had come to Dover to
start a business. He asked me to change a £2 cheque. I did so and the
cheque was all right and passed through. On May 20th he again came into
the house and asked me to change a cheque for £5 18s. He undersigned the
cheque. I passed the cheque through my banking account, and it was
returned endorsed "R D" As I had changed one previously, I thought that
this was also a genuine cheque."
In reply to Mr. Sellons, witness said that he could not read or
write. His housekeeper told him that it was all right. He did not know
the defendant's name.
P. C. Roberts said that on Friday evening he received the warrant,
and was on duty in the Folkestone Road, he saw the defendant. He did not
know him, but stopped him and asked if his name was Drummond. The
defendant said "Yes," and he was told that a warrant had been issued for
his arrest on the above charge. He replied, "There must be some mistake,
as I pay £375 into my bank a few days ago, but I will accompany you to
the Police Station and and explain matters to your inspector." At the
Police Station, after the warrant was read over to the defendant, he was
The case was remanded till next Friday, bail to be two securities of
£50 and himself in £50.
GROOMBRIDGE Edward 1854-61+ ( Nursery
& seedsman age 41 in 1861 )
PRITCHARD Leonard Wm Castle 1862-65

HAMMOND Stephen 1871+ (age 48 in 1871 )
LEWIS John Teetgen 1874

LEWIS Thomas June/1878+

SMALL Edward F to Jan/1880

NORTHOVER John Jan/1880+
BROMLEY William 1881
(age 34 in 1881 )
PRITCHARD Leonard Wm Castle 1882


SMEED Charles Horace to Apr/1888

MILLS Albert Apr/1888+

WHITE W G 1890 end
LONG George 1895-Jan/97 dec'd
LONG Mrs (widow) Jan/1897+

1898 end
COX William Shelvey 1898-July/1900
YOUNG George Charles July/1900-03
(age 67 in 1901 )
MANSER Mrs Elizabeth Ann 1903-05 end
DUNK David Frederick 1905-Aug/10
HALL Frederick Edward Aug/1910-13+
SCOPES WaIter William 1917-Mar/22

ROTHWELL Henry James Mar/1922-Apr/25
DEVERSON Gilbert Charles Apr/1925-Apr/33
TWIGG William Hugh Apr/1933-Nov/35
principal Officer, Brixton Prison.)
AYLETT Ernest Herbert Nov/1935-43
HOWLAND Henrietta Maud 1943
Frederick Hall was from Folkestone and was a licensed victualler.
From Melville's Directory 1858
From the Post Office Directory 1862
From the Post Office Directory 1874
From the Post Office Directory 1882
From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1895
From the Kelly's Directory 1899
From the Post Office Directory 1901
From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1909
From the Post Office Directory 1913
From the Post Office Directory 1922
From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1924
From the Post Office Directory 1930
From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1932-33
From the Post Office Directory 1938
From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1938-39
From the Dover Express