Sort file:- Dover, September, 2021.

Page Updated:- Tuesday, 07 September, 2021.

PUB LIST PUBLIC HOUSES Barry Smith and Paul Skelton

Earliest 1852

Spotted Cow

Latest 1882

Durham Place



Originally one of "Elgar and Page's," but this was auctioned off in 1874 and sold to "Satchell's" in that auction but then passed to Barker of Maidstone in 1881. This area developed between 1830 and 1850. The pub itself retailing by 1852. The beer licence was refused in 1877 as also was an application for a spirit licence the following year.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 6 March, 1874. Price 1d.


Important sale of an old-established and well-arranged BREWERY, together with 13 Freehold and Leasehold Public and Beer-houses, a Private Residence, Malt-house, Stabling, &c.

WORSFOLD, HAYWARD, & Co. Have received instructions from the Trusteee of the Estate of Mr. G. S. Page (in liquidation by arrangement, in connection with the Mortgagees, to Sell by Auction, at the “Royal Oak Hotel,” Dover, on Tuesday, 24th March, 1874, at three o'clock precisely, in one or right lots, the following important and Valuable Property.

LOT 8.

Five fully licensed Public-houses, all situate in the Borough of Dover, comprising the “Lion,” Elizabeth Street, the “Sportsman,” Charlton Green, the “Northampton Arms,” Northampton Street, the “Three Compasses,” Finnis' Hill, and the “Spotted Cow,” Durham Place. Also two good beer-houses, the “Plough,” Laurestone Place, and the “Hope and Anchor,” Blucher Row. These houses are held upon leases having from 12 to 20 years to run, and present at first-rate opportunity to any brewer wishing to open or extend a connection in Dover.


From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 17 August, 1877. Price 1d.


To the editor of the "Dover Express."

Sir, Monday next is fixed as a Special Sessions for the transfer of licenses. There are 17 applications, among which are the following:-

The "Spotted Cow," empty house; application from Mr. Onion, a brewer's servant......

Six brewers' houses empty! Will any of the six gentlemen who are applying for these licenses live on the premises to conduct the houses themselves? and, if not, should the magistrate grant the transfers?

Yours &c.,



From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 24 August, 1877. Price 1d.


An application was made for the transfer of the license of the "Spotted Cow" to Mr. Henry Onion.

The Superintendent Sanders said there had been two or three convictions for Sunday trading, and on the last conviction the license was endorsed.

The Bench retired to consider the matter, and on their return refused the application.


From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 31 August, 1877. Price 1d.


Mr. Fox asked for a renewal of the license of this house, it having been closed.

Mr. Henry Hayward proved that the house was empty.

Mr. Superintendent Sanders said there were two convictions against the house.

Mr. Fox said there had been only one conviction since "Mr. Satchell" had been the owner. The tenant was dismissed as soon as the conviction was obtained.

The Bench said they would give their decision in this case at the close of the proceedings.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 6 September, 1878


The annual sitting of the Dover Magistrates Licensing Committee took place on Monday at Dover, for the purpose of renewing public-house licenses, and hearing applications for new ones. The Licensing Committee consists of E. F. Astley, S. Finnis, R. Dickeson, T. E. Black, R. Rees, W. R. Mowll, and C. Stein, Esqrs. They were all present except Mr. Dickeson, who is in Cumberland.


Thomas Wright applied for a licence for the sale of spirits at the “Spotted Cow,” Durham Hill, but the application was refused.


It met with refusal again in 1879 and 1880. In 1887, it was described as being empty for some time and a reopening was refused because of several convictions for selling on Sundays. The earlier refusals of 1879 and 1880 I should point out, were due to the nature of the premises themselves. The size and valuation of the property could not satisfy the licensing laws of the time.


In September 1881 the premises was sold along with another 10 public-houses to Mr. Barker, Loose, near Maidstone, for £610. (Click here.)

There is mention of the premises taking in lodgers in 1882 as shown below.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 21 July, 1882. 1d.


Lewis Burns was summoned by Dick Heath for stealing one blanket and two pillows, value 11s. 8d.

Dick Heath said: I am a costermonger, and live at the “Spotted Cow,” which is kept by my brother and myself. On the 7th of May last the prisoner and her husband, a pensioner, came to our house and hired one sitting room and one bedroom at 4s. a week, and it was agreed that they should pay the rent on pension day. Among the articles of furniture in the bedroom were the two pillows and blanket produced. The prisoner never had permission to pledge them or take them away. On the 7th July, pension day, the husband left the house and did not return, and until this day I have not seen him. On the 8th the prisoner came home drunk, and shortly afterwards left the house and never returned. The next morning I went into the bedroom the prisoner had occupied, and found that the two pillows and one blanket produced were missing, and a large quantity of feathers from the bed. Afterwards I found the three pawn tickets produced in a pint pot on the mantel shelf. One ticket was from Long and Bacon's, for 1s., and the other two from Mr. Barnard's, one for 1s. and the other for 9d., for pillows pledged on the 20th and 23rd of May. I had never seen the tickets before the 10th of July.

Thomas Burns, assistant to Messrs. H. Hart and Co., pawnbrokers, and successor to Messrs. Long and Bacon, said: On the 18th of may last the blanket now produced was pledged at our shop by the prisoner's sister for 1s., and the name given was Burns. The prisoner has frequently been to our shop.

Samuel Barnard, pawnbroker, carrying on business in Last Lane and Queen Street, said: On the 20th of May one of the pillows was pledged at my shop by the prisoner for 1s. in the name of Louisa Burns. On the 23rd another pillow was brought and pawned for 9d, in the name of Maria Burns. The prisoner had been to my shop several times, both for pledging and redeeming goods. She has been since these things have been in pawn, and tried to redeem them, but had lost the tickets, but I did not allow her to have them, because I heard that they were stolen.

Frances Heath, wife of Richard Heath, said: I live with my son at the “Spotted Cow Inn.” On the 7th of May the defendant and her husband came to lodge with us, and continued with us till the 7th of July, when the postman brought the defendant's husband his order for payment of his pension, and he went out with it but never returned. I was with my son when the pawn tickets were found afterwards, and it was at the time that I was opening the windows to let the “stink” out, as it was in such a dirty condition. (Laughter.) The room was disgraceful. I didn't know that the things were pledged. Neither the husband nor the defendant had done any work while they were with us.

The prisoner denied the charge, and said that the witness Mrs. Heath had given her permission to pawn the things, and she was to pay her back on the pension day, but because her husband had left without paying this was spite against her for it.

After some questions had been asked of the witness, Mrs. Heath, which were unsatisfactorily answered, The Bench said that they believed that permission had been given to pawn the things therefore they should dismiss the case.





Last pub licensee had BRACKENBURY William Palmer 1858-64 dec'd (age 50 in 1861Census) Melville's 1858Post Office Directory 1862

BRACKENBURY Mrs Elizabeth Mar/1864+ Dover Express

Last pub licensee had BAKER George 1875 Next pub licensee had

BAKER 1877


HEATH Dick 1882+ Dover Express


Melville's 1858From Melville's Directory 1858

Post Office Directory 1862From the Post Office Directory 1862

Dover ExpressFrom the Dover Express


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
