1 Brewer Street
164 Middle Street

Above photo, kindly sent by Patricia Streater, 23 January 2010, shows
1 Brewer Street today, which I believe used to be the "Star" and is now
called The Paragon, but unfortunately no longer a public house. After
1873 it was the "Paragon Public House
and Music Hall." |
It's suggested that between this and the "Two
Brewers" the premises may have been known as the "General
From the East Kent Mercury, 27th November 1997.
By L. W. Cozens.
The building is on the North corner of Brewer Street, at its junction
with Middle Street. In the late 1700s it was called the "Star Inn" and
renamed the "Paragon Music Hall" in 1873.
It was always of dubious character, and the Royal Marines were, at one
time, banned from it.
In 1866, the landlord of the "Star" appeared before the Bench to answer
to answer the complaint of an "unfortunate" who said she had been unable to
obtain possession of articles given to her. She was accompanied by one or
two "frail sisters."
The landlord said the girls were his servants.
In 1871 the landlord, one Mr. Elson took over the licence, coming from
Ramsgate with four or five prostitutes. Elson denied that and said that
three of the girls were servants and two went on stage. He still got his
In 1900 it was bought by Chitty, the miller of Deal, who, to raise the
tone of the place, turned it into a reading and leisure room for young men.
In 1908 it was called "Citizens Hall," in 1928 "McLuskie's Billiard Hall"
and in 1934 the "Social and Billiards Club." It was empty during the war
years and is now a private residence.
From the Kentish Gazette, 18 April 1848.
To Brewers, Innkeepers, and Others.
AT the "Black Horse Inn," in Deal, on TUESDAY, the 2nd day of May, 1848.
at Two o’clock in the afternoon
All that very desirable FREEHOLD INN or FREE PUBLIC HOUSE, called or
known by the name of the "Star,"
situate in Middle Street and Brewer Street, in DEAL in the centre of the
town; comprising, on the ground
floor, a convenient bar, excellent parlour, large tap-room. 23 feet
long, and a good kitchen; on the 2nd floor
another excellent parlour, a spacious and well-appointed club-room,
upwards of 26 feet long, and can be
extended to 37 feet, and two bed-rooms; and on the 3rd floor three
attics and storeroom. The cellarage
comprises a very large beer-cellar, and a good wine-cellar. There is
also a wash-house detached, large
bottle store and loft, two pumps, stable, coal store, and shed, together
with a garden and yard.
And also all those well-known RETAIL WINE and SPIRIT VAULTS, in Brewer
Street, adjoining and
conveniently communicating with the Inn.
The above premises offer a rare opportunity of obtaining in this town a
large and commodious Inn, with
Retail Vaults, and combine every convenience for carrying on the Wine
and Spirit business wholesale and
Immediate possession may be had of the above Premises, which were for
many years in the occupation of
Mr. William Kennett, since of his Widow, and now unoccupied.
For further particulars, and to view the premises, apply to the
Auctioneer, Lower-street; or to Messrs.
Mercer and Edwards, Solicitors. Deal.
Canterbury Journal, Kentish Times and Farmers' Gazette, Saturday 12 January 1850.
The annual supper of the "Deal Boatman's Committee" took place at the
"Star Inn," on New Year's Eve. Attendance, as usual on this occasion,
was numerous. Ample justice was done, by the worthy blue jackets, to the
pigs, poultry &c., which were served up in a style that reflects credit
on the worthy hosts, Mr. George Hines. A good clearance having been
affected, and the evening spent with much hilarity, the party separated,
wishing each other a Happy New Year.
From the Deal, Walmer, and Sandwich Mercury,
20 March, 1869. 1d.
Thomas Bailey, 18, waterman, was charged with
wilfully breaking a jug, and also damaging a door, at the "Star"
public-house, the property of Elizabeth Weston. Prisoner was before the
Magistrates for a similar offence only a fortnight since, (Click
here) and was then fined £1.
Mrs. Weston deposed: I live at No. 1, Brewer Stree, and keep the
"Star" public-house. On Thursday evening last, I heard a noise in my
tap-room as of a jug being broken, and I went in and enquired who had
broken it. All of those present said the prisoner Bailey had, and I
said to him, "Bailey, you have broken several things of mine, and you
must therefore pay for the jug." he then became very abusive and
followed me out of the tap-room, and demanded a pint of beer. I refused
to serve it him, and he then struck the door of the tap-room, which I
was holding, and smashed one of the panels and otherwise broke it. He
broke the door because I would not serve him with the beer. Mr. Waters,
a carpenter, has examined the door and says it will cost 6s. to repair.
(Prisoner, who had been conducting himself in a very boorish manner
during the whole time, here commenced whistling, which, however, was
instantly suppressed. He was very unruly and declared that he could get
the door repaired for 1s.) Mrs. Weston continued: Mr. Waters told me
that that was the cheapest he could repair the door for. The prisoner
came into my house before and broke a jug and I was then obliged to call
for the police. The piece that was knocked off the top of the door fell
on me. Prisoner was not sober, but he knew what he was about. He has
been constantly upsetting me for the last 10 weeks, and I have
repeatedly had to send for the police to remove him from my house. He
has frequently been found lying outside the house drunk, and has greatly
annoyed the neighbours. His father and mother have been to me repeatedly
to have him taken away from the house. P.C. Cox took the prisoner into
Prisoner: I can get the door repaired for 1s., which he says cannot
be done for less than 6s.
I defence, prisoner further said: I say I broke the pot accidentally,
and the door was split as I was going out of the room, when I tripped
and fell against the door, and my fist went through it. A child two
years old could break the door.
Mr. Iggulden: We cannot believe what you say.
Prisoner (insolently): Why not, as well as Mrs. Weston? There are
several chaps in court who were in the room at the time.
After a short consultation the Mayor said it was no use giving the
prisoner good advice, as they endeavoured to do that when he was here
before. He was always in rows and riots, doing damage to himself as well
as to others. He knew that Mrs. Weston had been lying almost at death's
door, but he did not seem to have cared for that, as he had abused her
with violent language. The bench considered that he had done the damage
wilfully and by way of a drunken, stupid frolic, and they would
therefore send him to prison for three weeks, with hard labour.
Prisoner: But how am I going to do the hard labour with one arm?
The mayor said no doubt the prison surgeon would attend to that.
As Bailey was leaving the court he addressed Mrs. Weston, and said if
he had known he was going to have three weeks' imprisonment he would
"have given her a lift under the ear."
There were several of prisoner's companions present in court, and it
was pretty well known that they were quite ready to club round to pay
any fine the Magistrates might have inflicted; but the Bench very
properly considered that it was time that more stringent measures were
taken to check the prevalence of cases of drunkenness and disorderly
conduct, which have recently become so common amongst the class to which
Bailey belongs.
From the Deal, Walmer, and Sandwich Mercury, 10 April,
1869. 1d.
Thomas Bailey was brought up for having on the 7th inst. again
assaulted Mrs. A. E. Weston, landlady of the "Star" public-house, and
also with threatening to do her further harm, as well as destroying her
The prisoner was before the Magistrates only about a month since for
a similar offence, when he was committed for three weeks, which had only
terminated on the previous Friday.
Ann Elizabeth Weston deposed: I keep the "Star" public-house, Brewer
Street. On the afternoon of the 7th inst., about half-past three or four
o'clock, the prisoner came to my house and threatened to smash the front
of my house belonging to me in Beach Street, and said i had robbed other
people to buy it. He also said he would smash the front of the "Star,"
that he would wring my neck and cut my head off, that he intended to
"do" for me in some way before long, and made use of very bad language
not fit to repeat. He attempted to strike me, and in doing so tore my
jacket. I opened the front door and asked him to go out, when he caught
hold of me, but I resisted him, and got the door shut. He came in again
and got into the concert room. I followed him out at the back door. He
then tried to grasp me by the throat, but I got the better of him and
fastened the back door, when he got over the gate and came in again by
the window. He then came out and wanted me to draw him a pint of beer,
but I would not, and the then commenced abusing me again in front of the
bar. After some time he went away. This was the third time he had been
to my house that day. He came again in the evening and threatened he
would destroy everything he came near and me too. I stood in the passage
and my daughter also watched him. We would not draw him any beer.
By the Mayor: I have been very ill in health for a long time - almost
at death's door, which Bailey perfectly well knew. I feel quite inn
danger of my life since he has followed the house.
Bailey, being asked whether he wished to put any questions to Mrs.
Weston, denied that he mentioned a word to her about the house in Beach
Street, and also declared that nearly everything she had said was wrong.
He denied most positively that he touched her at all, and said that Mrs.
Weston chased him out the back-way, and that in doing tripped and fell
and that my means tore her dress. She also threatened to tear his eyes
out, and in attempting to do so did scratch his hand.
Mrs. Weston said that very likely when the prisoner was trying to get
at her throat she did say she would tear his eyes out and scratch him,
but whatever she did was to protect herself.
Bailey said there were three girls and some "Walmer-roaders" present
at the time, who could prove that he never touched Mrs. Weston.
The Mayor after conferring with his brother Magistrates, said that
as it was a matter of veracity between two persons, they would like to
send for Mrs. Weston's daughter if she was handy.
Bailey requested that one of the girls he had referred to, and who
lodged at the "Star," should also be asked to attend; and a constable
was accordingly despatched to obtain the two witnesses in question.
After a short interval, Mrs. Sarah Elazabeth Allwork, entered the
court, and after being sworn, deposed the following: I am the daughter
of the complainant, and have been staying with her a few days. I was
there on Wednesday last. The first I heard of the affair was the very
abusive language from Bailey to my mother, and a scuffle between them in
the tap-room, near the front door. I ran to her assistance, but I was
not in time to see the dress torn, but I saw it afterwards. the language
was of a threatening character, and to the effect that he would knock my
mother's head off; that he had had 21 days through her, and that he
would "cop" her for it. I spoke to him and asked him if he was not
ashamed of his own tack. i saw my mother fall. She was going to fasten
him out of the door. She was very much agitated, and I think this has
somewhat to do with her fall. I saw Bailey pulling my mother, I think by
the body, and he was vary violent. She fastened him out, but he
afterwards got over the gate and obtained an entrance by the window.
P.C. Spicer informed his Worship that he had seen the young woman
mentioned by Bailey, but she said she knew nothing about the affair and
should decline coming.
Bailey then said there was one of the "Walmer-roaders" who was
present at the "Star," in court, but this worthy also pleaded ignorance
and declined to give evidence.
After a short consultation the Magistrates committed the prisoner to
gaol for two months, with hard labour, and informed him that at the end
of that time he would be required to two sureties in £10 each for his
good behaviour for three months, and unless he could find those sureties
he would have to lay in gaol for another three months.
Mr. Chittended, who had attended before the Magistrates on the
previous day to complain of Bailey having broken an oar belonging to one
of his boats, and also of his having taken another of his boats from off
the beach and gone to Ramsgate in it and left it there, did not appear
to-day, and consequently no further notice was taken of the matter.
From the Deal, Walmer, and Sandwich Mercury,
14 January, 1871. 1d.
Mr. Elson, of Ramsgate, applied to have the license of the "Star"
public-house, Brewer Street, endorsed in his name till next transfer
day, he having taken the business off Mrs. Weston. In answer to the
Magistrates, Supt. Parker said he understood applicant had brought four
of five prostitutes with him, and that he had kept such a house in
Ramsgate. Mr. Elson, however, denied this, and said that two of the four
women he had brought with him were servants and the others went on the
stage. He handed in several testimonials of character from tradesmen at
Ramsgate, but the Bench considered it preferable that the Superintendent
should make official enquiries, and accordingly adjourned the
application till Thursday next.
From the Deal, Walmer, and Sandwich Mercury,
7 December, 1872. 1d.
James Elson, landlord of the "Star Inn," Brewer Street, was summoned,
upon the information of Mr. G. Sutton, for allowing a ferocious dog to
go at large unmuzzled, contrary to the pavement Act, whereby he had
rendered himself liable to a penalty not exceeding £5.
George Sutton deposed: I live at 161, Middle Street. On the night of
the 25th November, I and my wife were going home about twenty-five
minutes to eight. When we had proceeded as far as Mr. Stubberfield's
shop in Middle Street, Mrs. Budd came down from Coppen Street, and she
spoke to my wife, who is her sister. Just then a dog named "Tiger"
turned upon my missus and seized her by the hip. I kicked the dog, and
it let go, and caught my wife by the shawl at the throat. A woman then
called "Tiger," and the dog went off. The woman, I believe, was Mr.
Elson's daughter. I took my wife indoors, and afterwards went to Mr.
Parker's. The dog, which belongs to the defendant, attacked my wife
early in the summer. The present attack lasted, I should think, about
two or three minutes. the woman who whistled the dog off was standing by
Mr. Langley's shop in Middle Street. It is a large black dog. Neither I
nor my wife said or done anything to irritate it. I can assure you it is
a ferocious dog and it has been complained of to the police before.
Cross-examined by defendant: I have not laid this information through
any spite towards you. There was mud in the roads on the night in
question, and the dog's feet would be muddy. The dog was of a black
colour. I won't say whether it had a collar on. I could tell a black dog
from a brown one in the dark. I could not tell what colour its paws
Mrs. Budd deposed: I saw my sister and brother near to Mrs.
Stubberfield's shop. I saw the daughter of defendant with the dog coming
from Middle Street. I spoke a word to my sister, and whilst doing so the
dog rushed at her and barked very loudly. It frightened me so that I
could not stop. I went down to the police-station, thinking the dog
could be fastened up. I have frequently seen the dog before. It comes
with Elson's daughter to Mr. May's for milk, and she is often obliged to
drag it by the collar. It seems rather a rough dog, I have never seen
any other ferocious act. It generally goes quietly with the young woman.
I think the dog aught not to be at large.
Supt Parker said there had been a complaint made against the dog by a
person living in Farrier Street.
In defence Elson said the dog was not ferocious, and it was not out
on the night in question. He called Mrs. Bailey, who stated that as she
was going to the "Star" on the night in question to fetch her supper
beer, she heard a hubbub in the street and waited a little while till it
was over. When she went in she saw the dog, and said to it "Well, my
lord, what have you been up to?" Mr. Elson asked her what she meant, and
she asked him if it had not flew at Mrs. Sutton just before. He said
"No. The dog has not been out," and upon her stroking the dog she found
it was not in the least wet. It was a rainy night. She did not think he
could have been dried in the short time that elapsed between the noise
in the street and her entering the house. She did not consider the
animal at all ferocious, and had frequently seen it playing with the
boys' caps.
Thomas Kenny, a musician living at the "Star Inn," deposed that the
dog was in the kitchen from six till eight on the evening in question.
The Magistrates were about to dispose of the case by ordering
defendant to pay the cost of the damage done to the shawl, remarking
that although defendant denied that his dog was out, he had refrained
from producing his daughter, who was alleged to have been with the dog
at the time it attacked complaint's wife.
Defendant said his daughter could be easily fetched, and a constable
was accordingly despatched for her.
Sarah Eyers, the young woman in question, deposed; I am step-daughter
to Mr. Elson, who keeps the "Star Inn." I live there, and was at home on
Monday week. I went to Lewis's marionettes at the "Royal Oak," about a
quarter or ten minutes to eight that evening. I had been at home till
that time. I took a little girl with me. I left the dog indoors in the
kitchen. I did not see anyone on my way to the "Oak," nor did I speak to
anyone. I will swear that. I will swear I did not take the dog out that
evening, nor was I near Mr. Stubberfield's at the bottom of Coppen
Street. I do not know Mrs. Budd or Mrs. Sutton. I do not go for the
milk, as a boy always calls at our house with it. I have no sister in
The case was then dismissed.
From the Deal, Walmer, and Sandwich Mercury, 23 May,
1874. 1d.
Mr. J. Elson, landlord of the "Star Inn," Brewer Street, was granted
permission to keep his house open till one o'clock on Saturday
morning, on the occasion of a supper to the professionals engaged in the
Music Hall, which is to be closed for the season.
By 1903 it was known as the "Empire" under the reign of a H W May but not
known whether licensed or not, it was certainly not licensed at all in 1908.
KENNETT William 1823-28+
KENNETT Ann 1832-41+ (age 50 in 1841 )
KENNETT Thomas & Edward 1847+

HINDS George 1851+
(age 35 in 1851 )
ASHDOWN Edmund 1861+ (age 24 in 1861 )
WESTON Ann Elizabeth 1869+
ELSON Mr James 1871-74
(age 36 in 1871 )

Changed name to the "Paragon Inn."
From the Pigot's Directory 1823
From the Pigot's Directory 1824
From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29
From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34
From the Pigot's Directory 1839
From the Pigot's Directory 1840
From Bagshaw Directory 1847
From the Post Office Directory 1874