Sort file:- Deal, August, 2024.

Page Updated:- Tuesday, 20 August, 2024.


Earliest 1730

Three Kings

Latest 1837

(Name to)

52 Beach Street


From the Kentish Post or Canterbury News-Letter, August 22-25, 1730. Kindly sent from Alec Hasenson.

To be sold by auction at the Sign of the Three Kings in Deal, on Monday the 17th Day of September next, in one Lot, the several Public Houses following, all lying at Deal, viz. the Sign of the Crown, late in the occupation of the widow Brockman; the Sign of the Bricklayer's Arms, now in the occupation of Stephen Forrest; the Sign of the Unicorn, in the occupation of Henry Hillgrove; the Sign of the Fleece, in the occupation of John Wealand; the Sign of the Globe, in the occupation of Stephen Norris; and the Sign of the Carpenter's Arms, in the occupation of William Savine; with another Tenement adjoining, in the occupation of Nicholas Ladd: the first of which Houses is Freehold, the two next are Leasehold for eleven years, renewable on a small fine certain, and the rest Leasehold from the Archbishop of Canterbury.


From the Kentish Post, April 25-28, 1739. Kindly sent from Alec Hasenson.

Sale of Upholsterer's Goods near the "Three Kings" in Bench Street, Deal.


Kentish Gazette, August 22-25, 1753. Kindly sent from Alec Hasenson.

A sale advertised at the Three Kings in Deal on September 17.


Kentish Gazette, July 31 to August 4, 1779. Kindly sent from Alec Hasenson.

Sale of a Cutter at the THREE KINGS, Deal, August 5, 1779.


Kentish Gazette, 3 December, 1783.

Saturday morning died Mrs. Underdown, widow of the late Mr. Underdown, and eminent Brewer, at Deal.

Same day died, after a long illness, Mrs. Knocker, wife of Mr. Knocker, at the "Three Kings," Deal.


From Kentish Gazette - Wednesday 19 January 1785.



The following LEASEHOLD ESTATES, Situate in DEAL, in the County of Kent.

THE "THREE KINGS INN," together with the Stables and Coach-house adjoining.

Also a TENEMENT or DWELLING-HOUSE, and two large Stables, situate in a Lane near the Middle Street.

Also a large convenient STABLE, situate in a Lane called the THREE KINGS LANE, and next to the Inn.

And also a TENEMENT or DWELLING-HOUSE, situate near to the said Inn, and which may easily be converted into a Tap-house.

The Purchaser may have immediate Possession of the advertised Premises, as the present Owner is retiring from Business.

The HOUSEHOLD GOODS and STOCK in TRADE of the said INN, together with the POST-CHAISES, HORSES, and other EFFECTS, to be taken at a fair Appraisement, by the Purchaser of the INN.

For further Particulars apply to :- MR. SAMPSON, Attorney at Law, DEAL.


From the Kentish Gazette, Friday 19 October 1792.


James Elliott, duly sensible of many favours he has received from a generous public, takes this opportunity of returning his sincere thanks, and informs them he has taken, and now fitting up in an elegant and general manner, the "Three Kings Inn," Deal, where he hopes to meet with a continuation of that patronage his exertions may merit, being determined to spare no expense for the accommodation of those whose business or pleasure may call them to Deal.

A new suit of elegant Rooms will be immediately built facing the sea, which will command the most extensive and fine prospect on the sea coast.


Kentish Gazette, 11 February, 1806.



A Good, substantial, and convenient BREW-HOUSE., with the Store-houses, Yard and Appurtenances. in the Parish of WALMER late in the occupation of Mr. George Quested: A capital Inn, called the "Three King's Inn," with sundry Stables, a good Billiard Room, and Yards and Appurtenances, in the town of DEAL, now in the occupation of Mr. Thomas Cross.

A Freehold Public House, in Deal, called the "Black Bull," now in the occupation of Mr. Thomas Jelly.

Another Public House, in Deal, called the "Duke’s Head," now in the occupation of Mr. John Carlton.

Another Public House, in Deal, called the "Three Kings Tap," now in the occupation of Mr. Robert Simmons.

Another Public House, in Walmer, called the "Union Flag," now in the occupation of Mr. Francis Simmons.

Another Public House, in Walmer, called the "Lord Nelson," now in the occupation of Mr. Thomas Simmons.

A convenient Dwelling-House, in Broad-street, in Deal, late in the occupation of Mr. Quested, and now of Mr. Ladd.

Another Dwelling-House in Deal, near the old Market-place, late the "Fleur-de-Lis" Public House.

For particulars apply at the office of Mr. May, in Deal.


Kentish Weekly Post or Canterbury Journal, Tuesday 11 February 1806.


Good, substantial, and convenient BREWHOUSE, with the Store-houses, Yard and Appurtenances, in the Parish of WALMER, late in the occupation of Mr George Quested:-

A capital Inn, called the "Three King's Inn," with sundry Stables, a good Billiard Room, and Yards and Appurtenances, in the town of DEAL, now in the occupation of Mr. Thomas Cross.


Another Public House, in Deal, called the "Three Kings Tap," now in the occupation of Mr. Robert Simmons.


For particulars apply at the office of Mr. May, in Deal.


Kentish Gazette, 26 August, 1806.



Lot 1. A CAPITAL INN, called the "Three King's," with sundry stables, a good billiard-room, and yards; and also the TAP, near adjoining, with the apputenances, in the town of Deal, and now in the several occupations of Mr. Thomas Cross, and Mr. Robert Simmons.

N. B. Part of the purchase money for this lot may remain on mortgage, if required.

Lot 2. A BREWHOUSE, with the storehouses, yard, and ground thereunto adjoining and belonging, situate and being in the parish of Walmer, and late in the occupation of Mr. George Quested, deceased.

For particulars apply at Mr. May’s Office, in Deal, and on Monday next, the 25th of August, at one o'clock in the afternoon.


All the Brewing Utensils of the said George Quested, deceased.


Kentish Weekly Post or Canterbury Journal 26 February 1811.


To be sold by Auction, at the "Three Kings Inn," Deal, on Tuesday, March 5, at Twelve.

20 Anchors from three to 18 cwt.

Also, by virtue of a Commission of Sale, &c,

Sundry Pieces of Cables, from nine to 16 inches in circumference, and from 10 to 50 fathoms in length.


From the Dover Telegraph and Cinque Ports General Advertiser, Saturday 16 January, 1836. Price 7d.

On Wednesday, the Town Council celebrated their own dignity and the good taste of the Burgesses, by a liberal festival at the "Three Kings Hotel." Public notices were issued some days previous, and they were honoured with 13 visitors, exclusive of their own select body, making the total 39. The names of the Clergy, Officers of the Navy and Army, &c. present, have not transpired. Some of the Livery were present, and there was no lack of grace on the occasion. The Council-cup passed freely round; and various boasted and astonishing improvements were mooted. Amongst which, the great bubble of Beach-street was splendidly blown, to the great delight of the admiring spectators. Several choice Reform toasts and sentiments were elicited, and a few anthems were sung, long metre! After which the company separated, highly delighted with themselves, and deeply impressed with the refined suavity and politeness of their worthy president.


From the Kentish Gazette 3 April 1838.


Last week, at Dover, at an advanced age, Mr. Thos. Rickman, many years a respected innkeeper at Deal.


From the Kentish Gazette, 26 December 1843.


Dec. 21, at Wharton-street, Pentonville, Mrs. Rickman, relict of Mr. Rickman, late of the "Three King's Hotel," Deal, aged 79.


From the Kentish Gazette, 8 February 1848.


Jan. 17, at Broadstairs, Mr. Robert Gibbs, aged 79 for several years landlord of the "Three Kings Hotel," Deal.


From Laker 1917, P. 314.

Quoting Kentish Gazette re embarkation of troops for the Helder 9th September 1799.

"About 8 a.m. his Grace the Duke of Portland, accompanied by Lord Cavan, arrived at the "Three Kings" Hotel from Dover in a post chaise and four, the horses decorated with orange coloured ribbons; he went on the balcony fronting the beach to see the embarkation, which extended from one end of the town to the other and immediately opposite the "Three Kings", the Deal boatmen contrived to launch several of their large boats full of soldiers from the top of the beach at one time, which had a fine effect. His Grace was joined on the balcony by Lady Jane and Mr. Dundas & occasionally by the Duke of York, Lord Frederick Somerset, Lord Chatham and Mr. Pitt. Mr. Pitt waited upon the Port Admiral and had a long conference with him and afterwards walked home to Walmer Castle alone. The Duchess of York and Portland with their suits, walked to the "Hoop and Griffin" Inn, from the beach opposite which they were launched in one of the largest Deal boats and returned by water to Walmer for dinner.

The two Dukes stood up in the boat, waving their hats and bowing to the people. The water being low, the boat ground soon after she was pushed off, when the boatmen of the place, with great spirit, rushed into the water up to their necks and even swam around the boat to get her off."


From Laker 1917, P. 318.

Re attack on Boulogne flotilla and return of wounded to Deal (from Times 17 August 1801 and Nelson's letters)

"At 4 p.m. Nelson landed, attended by Captain Gore of the "Medussa" and took up his residence at the "Three King's" Hotel.

Laker says - "although the 'Times' correspondent says that Nelson had taken up residence at the "Three King's," it would appear that during this period of his stay he went there merely for his meals when ashore, his usual procedure being to come ashore after 10 each morning and return to the "Medusa" at three or later."


From Laker 1917, P. 319.

1801 - "About the 31st August, Nelson was joined by Sir William and Lady Hamilton and Mrs. Nelson, his sister-in-law. They took lodgings at the "Three Kings" and remained in Deal until September 30th."


From Laker 1917, P. 341.

"Princess Adelaide of Saxe-Meinegen stayed at the "Three King's"  on 31st July, 1818."


From Laker 1917, P. 398.

1794 - "The Austrian Colonel Mack who surrendered to Napoleon at Ulm in 1805, stayed at the "Three King's."


Obviously going back to as early as 1730 and keeping that name till at least 1828, this pub eventually ended up by 1837 as the "Royal Hotel."

In 1832, there was also mention of the "Three Kings Tap" also in Beach Street. Taps were usually subsidiaries of hotels, but often in research they cannot be identified as belonging to the hotel or indeed part of the same building, so more research is definitely needed for this one. The "Three Kings Tap" was also mentioned in 1804.


From the Kentish Gazette, 22 November 1836.

We understand that Deal is about to be made a watering place. The Licensed Victuallers' Company have purchased the "Three Kings Tavern," and some adjoining houses, with the view of erecting an hotel of the first rate order on the site. It is the intention of certain moneyed parties to apply for an act of parliament to form a commodious harbour and erect a pier, for which purpose it is said the Company will advance, by way of shares, £100,000.


From the East Kent Mercury, October 23, 1986.

The item is by the late Tony Arnold who turned out fascinating pieces of information.

Duke of York was a visitor.

A previous Duke of York was a frequent visitor to Deal. George III's son was in command of forces in the town at the time of the war with Revolutionary France.

He made his headquarters in the comfortable Three Kings Hotel, spurning the spartan quarters offered at the castles.

The Three Kings (now the "Royal Hotel") had a balcony from which the Duke used to view the Downs and shipping each morning.

Kindly sent by Patricia Streater.



Last pub licensee had ELLIOTT James Oct/1792+

KNOCKER Richard 1793-97+ (Inn and Excise Office Keeper)

GROSS Thomas 1804-06+

SIMMONS Robert 1806+ (Three King's Tap)

RIEKMAN/RICKMAN Thomas 1823+ Pigot's Directory 1823

GIBBS Robert 1826-39+ Pigot's Directory 1828-29Pigot's Directory 1832-34Pigot's Directory 1839

CRAMP Thomas 1832-39+ (Pigot's Directory 1832-34Pigot's Directory 1839 Three Kings Tap, Beach Street)


Pigot's Directory 1823From the Pigot's Directory 1823

Pigot's Directory 1828-29From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29

Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34

Pigot's Directory 1839From the Pigot's Directory 1839


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-