1 |
Committee |
2 |
Editorial - Alan Lee |
October Meeting 2022 |
4 |
"Policing Dover" - A talk by CI Paul Barrell
- Alan Lee |
November Meeting 2022 |
5 |
"Diary of a Dig" - A talk by Rob Baldwin -
Terry Sutton |
5a |
Annual General Meeting Reminder - Alan Lee |
January Meeting 2023 |
6 |
"Wanston Rediscovered" - A talk by Jon Barker
- Terry Sutton |
7 |
More Big Guns - Terry Sutton |
7a |
Dover Society Christmas Lunch - Denise Lee |
9 |
Memories of Dover - A Nostalgic Personal
Perambulation. Part VI - Yet More Memories of Dover.... - Peter Sherred |
11 |
Remembering The Unknown Warrior - Alan Lee |
13 |
Chairman's Report Dover Society AGM 2023 -
Jenny Olpin |
16 |
Cowgate in Winter - Deborah Gasking |
17 |
Membership Spring 2023 - Ann Burke |
17a |
Environment Committee - Janet Dagys |
18 |
River Dour Partnership "Bats on the River"
- Deborah Gasking |
21 |
Application Form for Membership |
22 |
Annual General Meeting Minutes of 2022 AGM |
23 |
Annual General Meeting Agenda of the 35th AGM
2023 |
25 |
Dover Society Badges - Alan Lee |
26 |
Channel Challenge - Terry Sutton |
27 |
Looking Back 100 Years - Terry Sutton |
28 |
A Surprise Discovery at Langdon Abbey -
Tim Boyton-Adams |
30 |
Planning Committee - Graham Margery |
33 |
Around Dover Museum - The Ringlemere Cup -
Veronica Ward |
34 |
Anti-Aircraft Battery D3 Frith Farm,
Guston - Barry O'Brien |
35a |
Derek Leach - Terry Sutton |
36 |
The International Exhibition of 1862 -
Barry O'Brien |
38 |
Memories of a Tram Conductress During WWI
- Joe Harman Archive - Derek Leach |
40a |
Postcard Memories - Alan Lee |
41 |
A Theft At The Fort - Barry O'Brien |
Programme 2023 |
Adverts |