Sort file:- Dover, September, 2022.

Page Updated:- Friday, 09 September, 2022.

PUB LIST PUBLIC HOUSES Barry Smith and Paul Skelton

Earliest 1832

Duke of York

Latest Oct 1906

71a Snargate Street

70½ Snargate Street Post Office Directory 1874



An outlet of Thompson, fully licensed and enjoying the dubious privilege of opening at five a.m. from 1876.


From the Dover Telegraph and Cinque Ports General Advertiser, Saturday 28 July, 1838. Price 5d.

DURTNALL, John, Mr. died 27 July at Dover of the "Duke of York," Snargate Street.

From the Dover Telegraph and Cinque Ports General Advertiser, Saturday 2 January, 1841. Price 5d.


Henry Older was charged by Mr. R. Payne, an excise-man with selling beer without a licence. It appeared that the defendant took the "Duke of York" beer-shop, Shooter's Hill, (sic) a short time since of a Mrs. Durtnall; and being ignorant of the law of the case in such matters, sold beer under her licence. Information bearing of this, went to the house and called for a glass of beer, which he drank and paid for. The magistrates thinking it a somewhat hard case, fined the defendant in the lowest mitigating penalty allowed, £5., and recommended that the board do further mitigate the penalty, or altogether remit it.



From the Dover Telegraph and Cinque Ports General Advertiser, Saturday 27 January, 1844. Price 5d.

Thomas Cope, landlord of the "Duke of York," was charged by Miss Ellen Eldridge, who keeps a shop next door, with chalking obscene language on her shutters. It appeared this conduct had been repeated on many occasions, and that, on Monday evening, she caught Cope in the act of using the chalk. After some conversation the Bench said that although there was no doubt who had been the guilty party on other occasions, but there being no evidence to that effect, they did not think the words in this case, sufficient to come within the provisions of the act for the prevention of nuisances, and, as defendant had not appeared to the summons, they must decline granting a warrant for his apprehension.


From the Dover Telegraph and Cinque Ports General Advertiser, Saturday 4 January, 1845. Price 5d.


On Monday evening a coroner's inquest was held at the "Duke of York," Buckland, before G. T. Thompson, Esq., coroner for the borough, on the body of William Smith Pittock, baker, aged 22, who committed suicide on Sunday morning, by hanging himself at Shooter's hill, Buckland. The jury having appointed Mr. R. Peckham foreman, they proceeded to view the body, ad on their return, the following evidence was adduced:-

W. D. Venner - I am a painter, and reside in Bridge-street, Charlton. I have seen the body, and identified it as that of William Smith Pittock, a baker, aged 22, lately living with Mr. Hunt. I was with the deceased on Saturday last, and prior to me leaving, about 12 o'clock, he expressed a wish that I should meet him at his residence, Shooter's hill, on the following morning at 10 o'clock, to which I assented. This appointment I attended to, and reached the shop at half-past 10. A young man named Valentine Ladd, was standing near at the time, to whom I remarked that some one had been to the shop, as the door shutters were open, which I had myself closed on the previous night. Having the keys in my possession, I then unlocked the door, ad saw the deceased's coat upon the bin, and his hat upon the floor; and on looking further I saw him hanging. I felt his hands, and finding them cold ran immediately for assistance. I at first applied the two men who were passing, but they refused to help me. I then went to Mr. Stiff's, but he was not at home. My next application was to Mr. Clarke, the mayor, who at once returned with me. I locked the door before going for assistance. The bench stands now as it did then. The back door was locked on the inside.

W. Clarke, Esq., mayor of Dover - On Sunday morning, at about half-past ten o'clock, on leaving my residence for church, I was accosted by the last witness, who told me that a young man had hung himself on the hill above. I immediately accompanied him to the place he pointed out, a baker's shop the door of which he unlocked, and on entering I saw the deceased hanging, from a hook in the ceiling, by a cord round his neck. I cut him down with my penknife, and observed that from the livid appearance of the features he must have been hanging some considerable time. I then placed him on the ground, being perfectly satisfied that life had been extinct two hours, and that any attempt to restore animation would prove together unavailing. There was warmth about the body, but the hands were quite cold.

E. C. Correl, superintendent of police, deposed to receiving from police-constable Hammond, the piece of rope taken from the neck of deceased.

Edmund Swinnock, grocer - I reside in Market-street, and knew the deceased, who had been staying at my house for some time. On Sunday morning he rose at half-past 7, and on my going down stairs at 8, I found him in the sitting-room. He breakfasted in my presence, and on that occasion I asked of him that state of his health, as I had heard that he was sick on the preceding night. He replied that he was about the same. At about half-past 8 he left my house, previously to which, however, he asked me to give him a piece of rope. I gave him a piece, and on receiving it he observed that it was not sufficiently strong for the purpose requiring its use. I told him that it would bear a hundred weight; but he still appeared dissatisfied with it, and noticing a box of Mr. Fuller's, a neighbour of mine, he asked me to give him the cord which bound it. I at first objected to do so, but afterwards, deeming it of no value, told him that he might take it. He cut the cord from the box himself, and, while remarking that it was just the piece he wanted, put it into his pocket. The cord now produced is the same taken from Mr. Fuller's box. The deceased very pointedly asked if I would visit him on the Sunday morning in question, to which I replied in the negative, at the same time stating the cause which prevented me from acceding to his request. For the last week the mind of the deceased has appeared to be in a very desponding state, but I am unable to account for such despondency. During the same period he has also appeared to be very unwell.

Mary Ann Swinnock, wife of the preceding witness - The deceased resided in my house for some time past. On Friday week I perceived a change in his conduct. He always had been cheerful before, but on that occasion something appeared to agitate his mind and depress his spirits. Having been absent on the night of the previous day, he remarked, alluding to his absence, that he had known what would have transpired he would have remained at home. I felt alarmed at his appearance at the time; he looked very pale, and his lips were white. He also seemed very drowsy, and for a short time slept a disturbed sleep while sitting in his chair. On the following Tuesday he appeared to have rallied, but on Saturday night he was again very depressed. During the evening his young woman, Mary Ballard, came to see him; but his spirits were so low that he soon bade her good night, and went to bed. I heard him reach very much in the night, and in the morning I ascertained that he had been sick. The matter ejected from his stomach was of a greenish colour. On Sunday morning, after I left the house, I found some white powder in the rear of the premises, which I considered as of no importance till I heard of the sad occurrence that had taken place. I cannot tell what could have led to the committal of the act. I looked for the paper which contained the powder, but did not find it.

F. G. Ashmore, chemist - I have known the deceased for some time, arising from his occasionally making purchases at my shop. On Saturday evening, soon after 6, he came to purchase some arsenic, stating that his premises were infested with rats, which had made a hole in the floor. I told him that I was not in the habit of letting persons have arsenic without a witness; but as he was well known to me, and observing nothing in his appearance to excite my suspicion, I supplied him with the quantity he desired (three drachms, two pennyworth,) and advised him to be particularly careful as to where he laid it. He replied that no one would be in the house on the next day, (Sunday,) as it was a leisure one, and he should mix the arsenic with some fat. A few observations passed between me and the deceased relative to his entering into business. He appeared to be labouring under no depression of spirits, but seemed quite composed. I heard of no reports injurious to his character, and had sold the same article to other parties, to Mr. Elgar, on the same day; and had also remarked that it was somewhat singular to have supplied two friends with arsenic in one and the same day.

W. D. Venner recalled - The deceased informed me that he intended to leave the town, and wished me to return the things that he had obtained from Mr. Fletcher, and from  other persons; and he requested that I would see him again on the Sunday, as he intended to leave on the Monday. He told me that he had received a letter from Anne Pepper, which appeared to operate upon his feelings in a very distressing manner; and he moreover stated that he never could be happy with the girl to whom he was about to be married to. The deceased had ordered two sacks of flour, which should have been delivered at his shop on Wednesday, but not arriving at the time agreed on, the disappointment seemed to add afresh to his distress and he gave expressions to his fears that some person had spoken discreditably of him to the party of whom the flour had been ordered.

Philip Still, builder - I lately fitted up the deceased's shop, the key of which Venner ( the first witness) left at my shop on Saturday night. On Sunday morning, about 8 o'clock, the deceased called himself for the key, saying, "Give me the key, if you please." I gave him the key, and asked if he intended to bake on that day. He said that he thought of doing so, and then went away. The appearance of the deceased, during the past week, has been that of a person evidently distressed in mind.

The evidence being concluded, the Coroner summed up in a clear and concise manner, adverting briefly to various points in the evidence, to facilitate the finding of a just verdict by the jury, who, after a few minutes' consultation, returned the following:- That the deceased destroyed himself when in a state of temporary insanity.


Dover Telegraph and Cinque Ports General Advertiser, Saturday 19 December 1857.

The "Duke of York" Public House, Situate in Snargate Street, Dover.

TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, The above Public House. For particulars apply to Mr. George Stone, (the Proprietor,) Fancy Street, Folkestone.

The present Tenant has had notice to quit on the 6th of January next, or pay £26 a-year rent.

16th December, 1857.


From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 22 April, 1865. Price 1d.


John M'Kay a hulking, lazy-looking fellow, was charged with being drunk and disorderly and breaking two panes of glass at the house of William Southey, landlord of the "Duke of York," Snargate Street, on Saturday evening.

From the evidence of the prosecutor it appeared that the prisoner entered the house a little after eleven o'clock on the night named and proceeding into one of the rooms, he deliberately took up the glasses of the person s assembled and coolly poured the contents down his own throat. At first the good-humoured among those who were in the rooms thought the prisoner's proceedings a very fair joke, but as he gave no signs of the least approach to seriousness, but continued to swallow other people's liquor without their consent, a "row," in the words of the landlord, was fast brewing, when he went in and dragged the prisoner out. The prisoner, after being ejected from the premises, took up a couple of stones and hurled them at one of the windows, doing the damage described.

The prisoner, it appeared, had already been brought before the Bench under the Vagrancy Act, and the Magistrates putting some faith in a story he then told, gave him relief from the poor-box. Mr. Latham, who delivered the judgement of the bench, said that if this was the only way he could show his appreciation of the Magistrates' indulgence, he must undergo a different course of treatment. He had been guilty of a wanton and impudent offence, and he must be punished for it with a month's hard labour.


From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 9 March, 1866.


An ale and liquor score of 3s. Plaintiff (W. Southey) is the landlord of the "Duke of York" public-house, Snargate Street, and the defendant a blacksmith's labourer in the employ of Messrs. Ismay and Smyth.

The plaintiff, in reply to the Judge, said the defendant some time since, was in the habit of running a weekly score at his house, and the amount of the present claim was the last week's demand upon him.

To be paid in three days.



Considerable damage was caused, although the property was saved, when an ironmongers shop next door was destroyed by fire on 6 March 1884.


Durtnall had obliged customers here as early as 1832, if the Dover Telegraph can be trusted, as one mention states the pub was in Snargate Street when John died and another makes suggestions that his wife had taken the pub over, but the location was a different public house with the same name situated in Shooters Hill, Buckland, some 2 miles away.


In 1900, the brewer wished to transfer the licence to a new pub he proposed to build at Clarendon at a cost of £1,600. That was not entertained by the Bench and six years later this was brought to the notice of the Compensation Authority.


DOVER EXPRESS first week OCTOBER 1906 reported the following:- Canterbury Sessions decided to close, under the Compensation Act, six Dover pubs including the "William and Albert", "Three Compasses", "Duke of York", The "Wellesley", The "Old Commercial Quay" and the "Half Moon".


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 16 February, 1906. Price 1d.


The next case taken was the objection to the “Duke of York,” Snargate Street, the landlord of which was Mr. John Hills, the ground of the objection being that the license was unnecessary in the interests of the public.

No one appeared for the owner nor the tenant in this case.

Inspector Fox said that the present tenant took over the house on the 8th April, 1904. The house had changed hands twice in the last twenty years. There are five houses in the immediate vicinity, the “Duke of Cambridge” being next door, the “Lord Roberts” two doors off, then the “Mitre” about the same distance the “York House” nearly opposite, and the “Ordinance” 84 yards away. In the block of houses in which this was situated , on the Commercial Quay, and in Snargate Street, there were 16 licensed premises. There had been one conviction against this house, in 1899.

Mr. E. Dawes said that they were not ???? ???? there that day, and they left it entirely in the hands of the Bench. If they decided to recommend it to Canterbury of ???? they would have more to say then.


After a short consultation in private, the Magistrates turned to the Bench. The Chairman said “The following houses will be referred to the Kent Compensation Committee of the Quarter Sessions in due form: The “William and Albert,” The “Three Compasses,” the “Wellesley Inn,” the “Old Commercial Quay,” the “Duke of York,” and the “Half Moon.” The licenses for these houses will run until the time when the compensation is paid, and then the licences will cease. With respect to the “Devonshire Arms” and the “Lord Roberts,” and the “Nottingham Castle,” they will be withdrawn from the list.- These licences will be renewed in the ordinary way.


From the Canterbury Journal and Farmers' Gazette, Saturday 6 October, 1906.

On Tuesday the Committee settled the compensation to be paid to the owners and tenants of some of the houses, the licenses of which had been taken away. The following figures were agreed upon:-

"Duke of York," Dover. £695.

To the owners (Messrs. Thompson and Son, Walmer) £668.

To the Tenant. (John Hills) £32.



They finalised the matter in October 1906 by closing the pub and paying the brewer £663 for his loss and the tenant, John Hills, received £32.


It was after running the Guildhall Vaults from 1888-91 that John Hills went back to being a Huntsman and joined the East Kent Hunt at Waldershare Park. He then went to the West Kent Hunt living at the kennels in Elham. He was also for a while with the Thanet Harriers at Monkton kennels. 1901 census shows John as a Groom at Redcliffe Stable, Westgate-on-Sea (aged 64) and with his birthplace as Abingdon, Berkshire.

He then retired to become licensee at The Old Endeavour, The Guildhall Vaults again and then the Duke of York. John died aged 86 and is buried with his wife at Waldershare Park. Lucy was the mother of Julia who is referred to in the newspaper article, my grandmother Julia Hills (later Matson). I hope this is of interest. I have attached photos of both John Hills and his wife Julia.

John Hills Julia Hills

Kindly provided by Roger Hurst.



Last pub licensee had DURTNALL John 1832-38 dec'd Pigot's Directory 1832-34Pigot's Directory 1839

DURTNALL Mrs June/1838-41

OLDER/HOLDER Henry 1841+ (age 40 in 1841Census)

COPE Thomas 1844

WESTON John 1851-58 (age 32 in 1851Census) Melville's 1858

SOUTHEY William 1865-Dec/1879 dec'd Dover ExpressPost Office Directory 1874 (age 41 in 1871Census)

SOUTHEY Jane Jan/1880+ Dover Express (widow and executrix of deceased)

RITCHARDS/PRITCHARD Henry James Jan/1880-82+ (age 27 in 1881Census) Post Office Directory 1882

Last pub licensee had BALL Elizabeth Mrs Sept/1884-Dec/1900+ (age 50 in 1891Census) Dover ExpressPikes 1889Post Office Directory 1891Pikes 1895Kelly's Directory 1899Post Office Directory 1903Kelly's 1903

VAUGHAN Henry Dec/1902-04 end Dover Express

Last pub licensee had HILLS Johnathan 1904-Dec/06


Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34

Pigot's Directory 1839From the Pigot's Directory 1839

Melville's 1858From Melville's Directory 1858

Post Office Directory 1874From the Post Office Directory 1874

Post Office Directory 1882From the Post Office Directory 1882

Pikes 1889From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1889

Post Office Directory 1891From the Post Office Directory 1891

Pikes 1895From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1895

Kelly's Directory 1899From the Kelly's Directory 1899

Post Office Directory 1903From the Post Office Directory 1903

Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903

Dover ExpressFrom the Dover Express



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
