Sort file:- Dover, November, 2021.

Page Updated:- Thursday, 25 November, 2021.

PUB LIST PUBLIC HOUSES Barry Smith and Paul Skelton

Earliest 1851

William and Albert

Latest 1906

14 Seven Star Street Kelly's 1899



Always a beerhouse and I would suggest George Beer as the last brewer. Found sometimes as number 7 and sometimes as 14 and found also addressed Oxenden Street Perhaps a change of site on the cards.

For photo of Seven Star Street click here.


From the Dover Express, Hythe News, and East Kent Intelligencer, Saturday, 29 October, 1864.


William MacSpadon a gunner in the 13th Brigade Royal Artillery, was charged with stealing 18s. 9d. from Catherine Green, while in her company, at the "William and Albert" beer-house, Seven Star Street.

Catherine Green, on being sworn, said that she was a servant, and lived in Bulwark Court. Between eleven and twelve o'clock on Tuesday night she was in the company of the prisoner at the "William and Albert" beer-bouse, Seven Star Street. While sitting together drinking, the prisoner tried several times to put his hand into her pocket, and finding he could not succeed, he took out his pocket handkerchief and gave it to her, saying, "Wrap up all your money in that.” She did so, and she then put the handkerchief, containing 8s. 9d. into her bosom. Prisoner immediately took the handkerchief and its contents from her and rushed out of the door. She caught him by the shoulder and tore his shoulder-strap off which she produced. Prisoner got away, and she did not see him again until about 3 o'clock on Wednesday afternoon, when she gave him into custody. She went to the police-station immediately after the robbery and gave information. The handkerchief produced was the one prisoner gave her to wrap her money in.

Prisoner: Didn't I give you some money when I gave you my handkerchief, and say “Wrap your money and that together?"

Witness: No, not a copper.

Mary Carlton said her husband kept the "William and Albert" beer-house, Seven Star Street. Prisoner was in her house on the previous Tuesday evening in company with proeecutrix. They had some beer and prosecutrix paid for one pint. She took a shilling to pay for the beer out of a white handkerchief, which contained, she (witness) thought, nearly a pound's worth of silver. They were in the house about an hour. During that time she heard the female say several times, "You shan't have my money." She heard some scuffling, and heard the prisoner rush out of the house. Prosecutrix came to her directly and showed her the shoulder strap she had torn off the soldier's coat.

Police-constable Connors said: Yesterday afternoon I was on duty in Snargate Street. I was called by the prosecutrix, and in consequence of what she told me I went after the prisoner, who was then running down the street. He turned down a lane close by and ran up Pentside. I pursued him, and caught him in Northampton Street. Prisoner was taken to the station-house, and then after the charge had been taken, I searched him, and found in his pocket two shillings and some coppers. I also found a bag-purse, which was hung down his back, next to his skin by means of a cord. This bag contained four half crowns and two shillings, and an empty purse.

Prisoner having been cautioned in the customary manner, pleaded not guilty; and the Magistrates committed him for trial at the next Quarter Sessions.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 31 December, 1869.

William Langridge, landlord of the beer-shop "William and Albert," was summoned on the information of Police-sergeant Barton, for having his house open on Sunday last, at 11.45 a.m. and he was fined 1s., and the costs, 9s. 6d.


From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 16 September, 1870. Price 1d.


George Dennis, W. T. Bond, and W. Langridge, who had been convicted for some infringement of their license, were severely cautioned.


From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 20 January, 1871. Price 1d.


William Langridge, landlord of the "William Albert" public-house, Seven Star Street, was fined £1 and 9s. 6d., costs, for an infringement of his license.



This was obviously a step too far for the Kingsford Brewery as the in June 1871 the premises was being advertised for letting.


From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 23 June, 1871. Price 1d.


The "Yew Tree" public-house, and cottage, situated at Barfreston; also, the "William Albert," Seven-star Street, Dover. Apply to Alfred Kingsford, Buckland Brewery, Dover.



I am not certain who took it at the time, but by 1885 it was being supplied by the Dover Brewery Company who were prepared to surrender this licence in 1885 so they could open another in Clarendon Street but it was not permitted. Other attempts by Elvey in 1887 and George Beer in 1892 were also shelved.


Beer was obtainable here in 1864 then I next heard of it in 1889 when it was said to have been shut for several years.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 30 August, 1889. Price 1d.



This house has been closed for want of a tenant, and the application of the license was at the request of Mr. Mowll, adjourned to Broadstairs.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 13 September, 1889. Price 1d.


At the adjourned meeting at Broadstairs on Wednesday, Sir Richard Dickeson was in the chair, and the other Magistrates present were F. S. Pierce, T. V. Brown, J. L. Bradley, and A. Bottle, Esqrs.

The licence of the “William and Albert,” Seven Stars Street, was granted to J. T. Tyler.


From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 28 February, 1902. Price 1d.


John Main was charged with having in his possession on the Crosswall, four pint bottles of ale and not giving a satisfactory account of how he became possessed of them.

Police-sergeant Morris said that at 10.15 on Sunday morning his attention was called by police-constable Southey to the prisoner, who came along Clarence Place having something bulky under his shirt, his coat and vest thing open. On being questioned the prisoner said he had nothing particular. Witness opened his shirt and found the four pint bottles produced. The seal of one was broken. The prisoner said he had been round to Dick Gillman's house to fetch them, and that Gillman was working in the coal yard. He took the prisoner round to Round Tower Street, where he said Dick Gillman's house was, but he was unable to show it to him, although he pointed out an unoccupied house. He said he had been sleeping in the coal yard, but often stopped at the “William and Albert,” Seven Star Street. Witness took him there, and he was shown a case of ale from which four bottles were missing. The landlady said she could only account for one of these. She said the prisoner slept at the house on Saturday, and left early on Sunday morning. He took the prisoner into custody for being in possession of the ale and not being able to account for having possession of the same.

The Magistrates' Clerk asked witness the value of the ale, and the Sergeant replied that he generally paid 3d for his. (Laughter.) he afterwards found on making enquiries that a man named Jones gave the prisoner 2/- to get some ale. The prisoner, however, never mentioned his name.

In reply to the Magistrates, the prisoner said he had the beer overnight.

The landlord of the “William and Albert” was called, and on being asked if he knew anything about the beer, replied that he thought it belonged to Mr. Beer. (Laughter.)

The Chairman said the charge would be dismissed. They were not by any means satisfied with the explanation, but there was no evidence to convict.



DOVER EXPRESS first week OCTOBER 1906 reported the following:- Canterbury Sessions decided to close, under the Compensation Act, six Dover pubs including the "William and Albert", "Three Compasses", "Duke of York", The "Wellesley", The "Old Commercial Quay" and the "Half Moon".


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 16 February, 1906. Price 1d.


The next objection taken was that against the license of the “William and Albert,” Seven Star Street, the landlady of which was Mrs. Martha Lafevre. Mr. Mowll appeared for the owner and tenant. The ground of the objection was that the licence was not necessary.

Inspector Fox said that the licence was transferred to the present tenant on the 4th August 1905, and had changed hands three times in the last two years, and eight times in the last 20. There were 16 licensed premises in the vicinity the premises of the Railway Station buffet and the “Lord Warden Hotel.”

Mr. Mowll: A serious competition. (Laughter.)


After a short consultation in private, the Magistrates turned to the Bench. The Chairman said “The following houses will be referred to the Kent Compensation Committee of the Quarter Sessions in due form: The “William and Albert,” The “Three Compasses,” the “Wellesley Inn,” the “Old Commercial Quay,” the “Duke of York,” and the “Half Moon.” The licenses for these houses will run until the time when the compensation is paid, and then the licences will cease. With respect to the “Devonshire Arms” and the “Lord Roberts,” and the “Nottingham Castle,” they will be withdrawn from the list.- These licences will be renewed in the ordinary way.


From the Canterbury Journal and Farmers' Gazette, Saturday 6 October, 1906.

On Tuesday the Committee settled the compensation to be paid to the owners and tenants of some of the houses, the licenses of which had been taken away. The following figures were agreed upon:-

"William and Albert," Dover £203.

To the owners (Messrs. George Beer, Canterbury) £188.

To the Tenant. (Martha Le Fevre) £15.


 The brewer was compensated with £188 and the tenant £15. It must have belonged to the town in 1914 when demolition was authorised, although some parts of Seven Star Street were still being removed in 1934.


Of a like name, the "William and John" beerhouse shows in Snargate Street in 1871. It was next door to the "Army and Navy". There is also evidence of a "William and Mary", which was said to pass from Woodhams, (probably Wittams), to Philpott in 1903. That could be my error and it might well be this one, the "William and Albert".



WHITINGSTALL Sarah 1851-61+ (age 60 in 1861Census)


LINDRIDGE William 1861-71 (age 40 in 1861Census)

THOMPSON Zacharia 1874

RUTTER Mark 1875

TYLER George Townsend Sept/1889+ Dover Express

WITTAMS Charles 1899-1901+ Kelly's Directory 1899Post Office Directory 1903

(Referred to as beer retailer 1899 Kelly's Directory 1899)

WOODHAM Mr C to Dec/1903 Dover Express

PHILPOTT Mr George Dec/1903-Oct/04 Next pub licensee had Dover Express

BROWN Mrs Louisa (Widow) Oct/1904-05 end Dover Express

LE FEVRE Mrs Martha 1905-Dec/06


Kelly's Directory 1899From the Kelly's Directory 1899

Post Office Directory 1903From the Post Office Directory 1901

Dover ExpressFrom the Dover Express



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
