Sort file:- Dover, March, 2022.

Page Updated:- Sunday, 06 March, 2022.

PUB LIST PUBLIC HOUSES Barry Smith and Paul Skelton

Earliest 1882

Malvern Inn

Open 2021+

19 Selbourne Terrace/19 Clarendon Road

01304 204010


Malvern Hotel 1920

Above photo from the John Gilham collection, circa 1920.

Malvern 2010

Above photo 2010 by Oast House Archive Creative Commons Licence.

Malvern Inn

Oil man John White (right) and Charlie Ellis (left) who worked for him, outside The Malvern.

From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 16 January, 1880. Price 1d.


They say the end of Selbourne Terrace is to be ornamented with a public-house.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 25 September, 1881. 1d.



Mr. Worsfold Mowll said he believed that the Magistrates were going to give their decision in respect to the application made by Mr. Cottenham Kingsford for a license for a house to be constructed on the Clarendon Road. In this case he had prepared:-

Mr. Lewis: I do not wish to object, but my friend has had his reply, and the case is closed, but if the case is to be re-opened I should claim to state further objections in reply. I understood that some effort was being made and I hold in my hand something bearing on the case. It is not for me to say that it is useless our mouths are opened to re-argue the case.

Mr. Worsfold Mowll: I withdraw all remarks and leave it in your Worship's hands.

Mr. Lewis: I wish to go on to say.....

Mr. Mowll: I object. We are both out of Court.

The room was cleared for the Magistrates to consider their decisions, and after a lapse of a quarter of an hour, the Court was reopened.

The Mayor said: I will state the decision of the Committee in order in which they have been taken. The application of Mr. J. C. Bowser for a provisional license for an hotel to be built at Birchington Bay is granted. The application of Mr. J. Burridge, of Station Road, Westgate-on-Sea, is granted, and the application of Mr. Cottenham Kingsford for a house to be built on Clarendon Road Dover, is granted.


Malvern Inn

Above photo circa 1980 by Barry Smith.

Malvern circa 1987

Malvern Inn  circa 1987 (Photo by Paul Skelton)

Malvern 2022

Above photo 2022.

Malvern sign 1993Malvern sign 2010

Malvern sign right 1993. Sign left 2010.

Above with thanks from Brian Curtis

From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 23 March, 1888.


An inquest was held before the Borough Coroner (Sydenham Payn, Esq.), on Wednesday afternoon at the “Malvern Hotel”, Clarendon Road, touching the death on an infant, 2 months old, the illegitimate child of Amelia Harris, 17 years of age a single woman. The following gentleman composed the Jury. Messrs J. C. Gilman, J. W. Wiles, W. Goodiff, J. G. Rowley, F. Everest, E. R. Terry, R. Turner, J. Dungey, W. Goldsack, G. J. Pilcher, J. J. Bowman, W. Davidson and C. Rogers. Mr. W. Goodiff was chosen foreman of the Jury, after viewing the body, which was lying at 124 Clarendon Street, the residence of the grandmother of the deceased the following evidence was taken:-

Charlotte Jane Smith, wife of Robert Smith a gunner in the Royal Artillery stationed at Dover Castle said: I live at 124 Clarendon Street. The body the Jury have viewed is that of Robert Henry Harris, aged 2 months, son of my daughter Amelia Harris, a single woman. The mother who is 17 years of age and was in the employ of Mr. Peter Jones, draper of 2 Sloane Square, Kings Road, Chelsea, as kitchen-maid, came to my house at 16 Clyde Street Sheerness, on the 19th of December last to be confined , the child being born on the 19th January. The mother remained about a month after her confinement at my house, and then went into another situation. I took entire charge of the child from its birth, with the intention of adopting it as my own. The infant was born with a cough, and was a very thin baby. It had the thrush very badly when it was a fortnight old. I fed the baby on new nursery milk which I diluted with water, and corn flour, and that has been its principal food since it was born. During the first month the child did not seem to make any progress. I left Sheerness and came to Dover on the 17th or 18th of February with the child, and took a house at 124, Clarendon Street. My husband lives in the Dover Castle, and is a servant to an officer. I fed the child on the same food at Dover, as I had done before, but varied it with arrowroot occasionally. The child did not seem to get any bigger. I noticed a change in the child between Friday night and Saturday morning, which was in a state of perspiration. On Saturday evening I gave a boy, who was in the street, 6d. to go for a doctor, as the child did not seem to improve, but I do not know whether the boy did go for a doctor as no doctor came, and I waited some time. On Sunday morning, as I could not leave the child and go out myself, as the baby had had convulsions, and I being a perfect stranger in Dover, I asked the milkman to fetch a doctor, but afterwards asked a neighbour to go for a doctor and he went about 11.30 a.m. and Doctor Osborn arrived at 12.30, and the baby was then just recovering from a fit of convulsions. The deceased took its food on Saturday night. The child expired shortly after the doctor arrived. I fed the child twice a day on corn flour and it drank nearly half a pint of milk a day. The deceased was properly and sufficiently fed according to its age.

The Coroner: What age is your daughter?

Witness: Seventeen years of age last birthday.

The Coroner: It is a matter that the Police must take cognizance of, as the mother is now only 17 years of age.

Witness in answer to the Coroner stated that she had seen the father of the child on one occasion when visiting her daughter, and he was then porter at the same place of business.

The Coroner here instructed Police Sergt. Harman to report the case to the Superintendent of police, and stated that the father of the child would be proceeded against for the offence he committed, when the girl was not over 16 years of age.

Mr. A. G. Osborn said that he was called shortly after 12 a.m. on Sunday, to go to 124, Clarendon Street. He went at once, and there saw the deceased in the lap of the grandmother, and breathing very faintly. He administered some stimulant, but the child died a few minutes after. From the appearance of the child and from the evidence, witness was of opinion that the child died from emaciation, the artificial food not being sufficiently nourishing. Mr. Osborn also said that he believed the child might have lived if it had had earlier attention and been properly prescribed for. A change in diet might have prolonged life.

The Coroner briefly summed up the facts of the case, after which the Jury returned a verdict in accordance with the medical testimony.



Kingsford brothers proposed building a house adjoining this terrace in 1880. 27 years earlier in 1853 there is mention of another "Malvern" but address unknown.


Their application was frowned upon at the time but it did find favour the following year when the brewer offered to surrender the "Deal Cutter". Jackson moved from the "Princess Maud" to open here in 1882. Many different brewers utilised it over the years and today it serves Shepherd Neame.


From the Dover Express, Friday 20 August, 1926.

Special Sessions for the transfer of licences were held at the Dover Police Court on Friday, before Messrs. W. B. Brett, T. Francis, H. J, Burton, and S. Lewis, when the following transfers were made:-

The "Malvern," Clarendon Rd., from Mr. Joseph Cone to Mr. Francis Albert Martin, late of the "New Commercial Quay," Dover.


Dover Express 15th July 1949.

Town, Port and Garrison.

The death took place suddenly at 41, The Tene, Baldock, recently of Mr. Richard Hawkins, aged 46, the son of Mr. & Mrs. R. Hawkins of 9 Mayfield Gardens, formerly of the "Malvern Hotel." He went to work at the S.E.R.L. Laboratories, Baldock, as maintenance electrician about 15 months ago, after having worked at the dockyard for many years. He had gone to bed and, complaining of not feeling well, got up and went into the garden, where he collapsed and died from heart trouble. He leaves a wife and young son.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 27 June 1958.

He Offered to Fight

Spent Night in the Cell

When Police were called to Clarendon Road on June 13th they found a group of six people outside the "Malvern" public house.

The Police asked the group to disperse, but one of them - Alan McGuire, of 27, Clarendon Road - shouted abuse and offered to fight.

Still declining to go home, he said to the constables: "If you arrest me I'll spit on both of you..."

He was arrested, and spent the night in a cell. Dover magistrates were told this on Friday when McGuire - serving on the "Kinbrace" - admitted being drunk and disorderly. He was fined £2.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 4 October, 1963.

Malvern Sports Club 1963

Members of the "Malvern" Sports Club held their annual outing on Sunday - a trip round Kent.

Above photo kindly sent by Ken Burnett, who says the names of the people in the photo are as follows:- Left, Edgar Hewett from Shepherdswell, the landlady, Mrs Price, Georgina Higgins and her mother Mrs. Field both have fur coats on. Milly Hewish is the woman in the white hat. Then comes Geoff Goldsack and Mr. and Mrs. Dobson, who were relations of Dobsons the bakers. Behind them is a woman unknown and just behing Mrs. Dobson on the right is Roddie Allan. The woman with the mans hand on her shoulders is also unknown, that man being Rodney Doolin who unfortunately died in the "Butcher's Arms." From the left now, is Dennis Smith and behind him the landlord, Aubrey Price. Third from right is Wilf Dixon, Mick Doolin and Pat Clark and his girlfriend. Standing behind him is Johnny Appleton.


From the Dover Express, 2 October, 2008.


THIS week is the start of the Dover Friday Night Invitation Darts League, and the competition continues to grow with a record 32 teams registered this season.

At the recent registration evening players from the league voted on which charity the league will support for the next year with the vote going unanimously to the Pilgrims Hospice and their three sites at Canterbury, Ashford and Thanet.

Malvern darts team 2008

The Malvern will be aiming to win back to back titles, in a highly competitive first division.

From the By Sam Williams, 13 February 2022.

Landlady Carol Morris celebrates 40 years at The Malvern in Dover.

A landlady is celebrating 40 years at the same pub, which she says now feels like 'part' of her.

Carol and Roger Morris took over The Malvern Inn, in Clarendon Road, Dover on February 8, 1982.

Carol Morris 2022

Carol Morris, landlady of The Malvern.

It was the couple's first pub, although they had experience having helped out at a public house in Folkestone, ran by Roger's parents.

Mrs Morris, now 73, said: "I was 33 when I walked through the doors of The Malvern.

"It was our first pub. I had been helping out at Roger's parent's pub, the "Royal George," in Folkestone.

"But we thought why don't we try and get our own?

"It was a bit run down, but we stood there and pictured what we wanted it to look like.

"It took a few years, but we got there."

Carol married Roger, who she met in Wales while he was in the RAF, when she was 17 years old.

After the couple left Wales, they moved to Folkestone, before moving to Dover in 1982.

They have four children together, Vanessa, David, Roger and Kelly, and also 20 grandchildren and 25 great-grandchildren.

Roger sadly passed away from cancer, aged 75, last March.

Roger and Carol Morris

Carol and Roger.

Since then, Carol has been running The Malvern on her own, although family help out, including cleaning the pipes.

Mrs Morris says her favourite part of the job is interacting with her punters.

She said: "I could tell some stories, but I won't.

"I love it. People ask me about retiring but I don't want to. I'd go mad.

Carol and Roger Morris

Carol and Roger.

"My favourite part is being with people, we always have a good time and a laugh.

"I never thought I'd be a landlady in all my life. I went to help with washing up and a couple of other things at the pub in Folkestone. And I got on with everyone.

"I was quite shy back then. But now I can give as good as I get."

As with all restaurants and pubs, the pandemic saw The Malvern closing and reopening due to stints of national lockdowns.

Mrs Morris also lost her husband last year. But she says she "never thought about giving it up".

She adds: "The pub is my home. It's a part of me.

"It is a family pub. I've watched all the kids around here grow up and get married and have kids of their own."

Carol will mark her 40th anniversary at the pub with a party on Saturday night.



Last pub licensee had JACKSON William Charles Row July/1882+

ILLENDEN George to Jan/1888 Dover Express

DUNN James Henry Jan/1888-95 Pikes 1895 (Late victualler of Monmouthshire) Dover Express

DUNN Mary A to Jan/1897 Dover Express

DOLBEAR James Jan/1897-99+ Dover ExpressKelly's Directory 1899

KING George 1901-Dec/03 Dover Express

HITCHCOCK Robert W Dec/1903-Mar/11 Dover Express

Last pub licensee had CONE Joseph Mar/1911-26 end Next pub licensee had (age 44 in 1911Census) Dover ExpressPost Office Directory 1913Post Office Directory 1922Pikes 1923Pikes 1924

Last pub licensee had MARTIN Francis Albert Aug/1926-32+ Post Office Directory 1930Pikes 1932-33

HOLLOWAY George William 1934-38+ Post Office Directory 1938Pikes 1938-39

MALTBY Reginald 1941 Dover Express

MARTIN Wilfred to Mar/1942 Dover Express

HAWKINS Richard senior Mar/1942-47 end Dover Express

HAWKINS Leonard H junior 1947-48+ Pikes 48-49

Last pub licensee had HOLMES Leonard 1950

HOLMES Mrs Margaret Elizabeth S 1951


BROWN Mrs Margaret 1953 end

LUNN G 1959

PRICE Aubrey 1961-63+

COOK R F 1963-67

COUSINS Eric 1970

GALLACHER John 1972-78 Library archives 1974 Shepherd Neame

MORRIS Roger A Feb/1982-25/Mar/2021 dec'd

MORRIS Carol (widow) Mar/2021+


Pikes 1895From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1895

Kelly's Directory 1899From the Kelly's Directory 1899

Post Office Directory 1913From the Post Office Directory 1913

Post Office Directory 1922From the Post Office Directory 1922

Pikes 1923From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1923

Pikes 1924From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1924

Post Office Directory 1930From the Post Office Directory 1930

Pikes 1932-33From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1932-33

Post Office Directory 1938From the Post Office Directory 1938

Pikes 1938-39From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1938-39

Pikes 48-49From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1948-49

Library archives 1974Library archives 1974

Dover ExpressFrom the Dover Express


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-