Sort file:- Dover, May, 2024.

Page Updated:- Tuesday, 28 May, 2024.

PUB LIST PUBLIC HOUSES Barry Smith and Paul Skelton

Earliest 1835

(Name from)

Duchess of Kent

Latest 1964

(Name to)

18 Market Square Kelly's Directory 1956

13 Market Square Kelly's Directory 1950Kelly's Directory 1953


Duchess of Kent 1900

Above photo, circa 1900, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Duchess of Kent 1920

Above photo from the John Gilham collection, circa 1920.

The Duchess of Kent circa 1960

Duchess of Kent next door to The Walmer Castle circa 1960.

Duchess of Kent 1920

Above postcard, circa 1920, kindly sent by Paul Wells.

Fountain Hotel and Duches of Kent

A VIEW of the Market Square, looking into King Street, taken during a procession through streets lined with spectators, many standing on farm carts suggesting it was market day. Young sailors marched alongside an old Dover lifeboat, drawn by a team of six horses, followed by members of Dover Friendly Society. Tramway standards date the picture as post-1896. Pictured on the corner of King Street is Burton's Fountain Hotel and, next door, the Duchess of Kent Inn. One sign on the Fountain advertises "MacDonald's Teeth Guaranteed.

Information taken from John Bavington Jones' book "A Perambulation of the Town, Port and Fortress of Dover", 1906. (Reprint in The South Kent Gazette, June 27th, 1979.)


MEMENTOES of Dover Tramway: One of the first Dover trams, car No 3, with open top deck heads for Buckland from the Pier terminus near the Crosswall quay and is about to overtake a cart hauled by two horses standing outside the Metropole Restaurant which was opposite St Mary's Church. In the background can be seen the Duchess of Kent and Walmer Castle public houses standing side by side near the King Street corner of the Market Square. Behind the tram is believed to Waterloo House, the very distinctive shop of Hart & Co Incorporating a very useful public clock.

Ducherss of Kent cardDuchess of Kent card 1955

Above card issued April 1955. Sign series 5 number 18.


Butchers Lane once stood nearby and in 1690 this sign was the "Butcher's Arms". It still traded as such in 1822 but had deteriorated so much that it was subsequently re-fronted. It was named "Duchess of Kent" in 1835 in honour of Queen Victoria's mother. The sign depicted her wearing a turban so obviously a story there. She honoured the town with a visit that year certainly, but her needs were attended to by the "Ship Hotel".


You could down a pub pint at three in the morning, a privilege renewed in 1874 and 1900. Legislation of 1914 banned the sale of alcohol after 9 pm, only the Duchess, the Walmer Castle and buffets at the town and harbour stations were exempt.


The "Duchess of Kent" was referred to as an eating house and mentioned as such as early as 1838 and as late as 1875 Sinnock Directory 1875.


Mr. J. R. Williams, who kept the "Duchess of Kent", was the founder of the Dover Philanthropic Society. The idea occurred to him on a snowy December day in 1838, on seeing a number of unemployed men standing in the Market Place with their hands, and nothing else, in their pockets, and starvation stamped on their wan faces. He thought with how little money their pressing wants could be met, and, on stating the case to Mr. Steriker Finnis, Mr. S. M. Latham and others, a sufficient fund was soon raised, and a soup kitchen was established.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 17 August, 1888. Price 1d.


Robert Chandler and John Hayes, two privates in the Royal Munster Fusiliers Regiment, were charged with wilfully breaking two panes of glass, value £1 4s. 6d., and stealing a large quantity of beef and ham, value 15s., the property of Caroline Hammond.

Caroline Simmonds, wife of Charles Simmonds, said she was staying with her mother, who kept the “Duchess of Kent” public house in the Market Square. At about 9.45 p.m. the previous night, she was sitting in the bar, when she heard someone tap the window with a stick, and saw the two prisoners outside. They struck the window with their hands and broke it and then took a whole ham and a small piece of pork from the window. The ham was the same as that produced. They ran away towards the “Fountain Hotel,” but were caught by some Artillerymen. Police-sergeant Stephens took the prisoners in custody. The damage done to the windows and three show cards would be £1 4s. 6d., and the value of the meat taken away was 15s.

Police-sergeant Stephens said last evening about 20 minutes to ten o'clock, he was in the Market Square, when he saw the two prisoners in front of the “Duchess of Kent.” They were tapping the windows with their sticks. Witness shouted out “piquet,” but could not see one. He went towards the prisoners, and they were just in the act of taking the meat out of the window that was broken. An Artilleryman caught hold of one of the prisoners and witness caught the other. One Artilleryman struck witness on the neck and made him lose his hold of the man he had. The prisoners were afterwards handcuffed and brought to the Police Station with the assistance of Police-constable Lockwood and Baker.

The prisoners said they wished the case to be dealt with summarily.

Major Allen, of the Royal Munster Fusiliers Regiment said the prisoners had not been convicted by a civil power before.

The Bench sentenced the prisoners to two months' imprisonment each with hard labour.


It was the custom here to open at three thirty a.m. and that privilege was renewed in 1874 and 1900.


At the end of the nineteenth century coaches were leaving the inn for St. Margaret's Bay at four thirty p.m. every day except Sunday.


It was offered to the highest bidder by Mrs. Harding in 1890 but was withdrawn at £1,100.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 8 May, 1896.


Herbert Cordukes, a private in the West Yorks, was charged with wilfully breaking a window at the “Duchess of Kent,” Market Square, value £1 15s., and stealing there from a bottle of brandy, value 3s. 6d.

P.C. James Lockwood said: On Saturday night shortly before 12 o'clock, I was in the Market Square, and heard a smash of glass in the direction of the “Duchess of Kent,” and I then saw the prisoner across the Market Square, with the bottle of brandy (produced) in his hand. I stopped him and took him back to the “Duchess of Kent,” and found the corner pane of glass broken. There was a vacant place on the shelf inside where the bottle had been taken from. The prisoner was not drunk but had been drunk. There was a second pane of glass in the partition inside the window broken.

Charles Hubbard said that the “Duchess of Kent” was kept by his wife. The window was all right when the premises were closed. About twenty to twelve, whilst in bed, he heard a smash of glass, and on looking out of the window saw the prisoner in custody. The damage was estimated at 35s.

The prisoner, who pleaded “Guilty,” was sent to Canterbury gaol for two month's hard labour.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 3 October, 1890. Price 5d.


Yesterday afternoon Messrs. Terson and Son offered five public houses, the property of Mrs. Harding, for sale by auction at the “Royal Oak Hotel.” The result was the “Duchess of Kent” in the Market Place, went up to £1,100, when it was withdrawn, it being said that the reserve price had not been reached.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 18 May, 1906. Price 1d.


An extension of an hour was allowed at the “Duchess of Kent” on Wednesday evening, when the waiters, etc. from the Yeomanry Camp, were to hold a musical evening.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 3 June, 1910


At the Dover Police Court this morning, before the Mayor (W. Emden, Esq.) in the chair, W. Bradley and G, B. Rubie, Esqrs.

Application was made for certain structural alterations to the Duchess of Kent, Market Square.

The Maror said that the plan submitted was very unsatisfactory, as it did not distinguish between the old and the new part.

The applicant stated it was simply a matter of putting in a new window.

The Mayor said the Bench must have a drawing showing the premises at the present time. The plan submitted was of no use whatsoever. If the applicant would bring the two plans up at a reasonable date, no doubt the Magistrates would consider them.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 19 September, 1913. Price 1d.


At the Dover Police Court on Monday, before Messrs. P. W. J. Mackenzie (in the chair) and F. Wright.

Henry Parkinson, a collier, was charged with wilfully breaking a pane of glass in the bar door of the “Duchess of Kent,” Market Square, doing damage to the amount of 15s., the property of Owen French, licensed victualler.

Owen French said: I am the landlord of the “Duchess of Kent,” Market Square. On Saturday the defendant came into the bar with three other men, and they called for three glasses of beer and one of whisky. Parkinson said he did not want any, and put his glass up. He seemed to have a grievance with the coal people, and got very excited, and used bad language. I asked him to go, but he would not. He then turned his abuse on to me. He wanted his drink, and I handed him that which he had put up. He would not have that, and I drew him another, and told him to drink that and go. He said he would throw it in my b____ face. I told him not to, for he would be sorry for it. He then deliberately turned round and threw the glass of beer through a pane of stained glass in my front bar door.

Police-constable Husk said: I was called at about 6.30 p.m. by the last witness, and found the defendant outside the house. The landlord said he wished to give the defendant into custody for breaking the pane of glass. The defendant was not sober, and said someone else threw it.

The defendant said he was excited. He had been teetotaller until Saturday, and met one or two mates, and had a little drink, which affected him, as he had had an accident once. He said he came from Lancashire on representations of getting money at the collieries. He applied for work, and was told that they were “sacking” 72 men at Snowdown, and neither Tilmanstone nor Shakespeare wanted anyone.

The Chairman: And yet they are advertising in the North?

The defendant said they were advertising in Lancashire, Yorkshire, and North Wales for men to come here. He came supposing there was plenty of work. He had good work at the time, but wanted a change. He was willing to pay for the damage.

The Chairman advised him to get back as soon as he could. He would be fined 25s. inclusive, and allowed fourteen days in which to pay; in default, 21 days'.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 26 December, 1924


At the Dover Police Court on Tuesday, before Alderman C. J. Sellens and Mr. C. E. Beaufoy.

Henry Williams, of Adrian Street, and Arthur Hall, of York Street, a Lance-Corporal in the 26th Company Royal Engineers, Borden, were charged with being concerned together in stealing from William Henry Page £2 10s. in gold. Hall was further charged with receiving £1, well knowing it to have been stolen.

William Henry Page, of 21, Crabble Hill, a flower seller, said that he went into the public bar of the “Duchess of Kent” about 8.10 p.m. the previous day, where he saw the two prisoners. Witness called for a soda. He knew the prisoners well and was talking to them, having always classed them as his “pals.” Witness had two sovereigns and a half sovereign in his possession and showed them to a chap whose name he did not know. He handed them to him to have a look, saying, “You don't see many of these now.” The bar was crowded, and Williams called his attention. He turned to look and Hall was standing behind him. Williams snatched the money away from the man and put it in his trouser pocket. Witness asked for it back, as it did not belong to him (witness). Williams said “You can't have no money off of me and you can go as you like,” and left the house. Witness had previously seen Williams pass some of the money to Hall. He did not know if it was a sovereign or a half. The prisoners then went to the “Criterion,” in Last Lane, and witness followed and asked for the money back, saying that he did not want to lock them up. They said “You can't have anything out of me,” and witness fetched a Policeman. Hall said “It's no use fetching one, fetch the Force.” Witness went for the Police and gave them in charge. At the door of the Police Station Williams said to him, “Why don't you hang back, you fool?” The money belonged to his wife and he met her when he was scotching these men up to the “Criterion.”

Williams: You said you would toss anyone for half a sovereign.

No tossing at all. You had no money on you to toss with.

We went outside and tossed for it, and I beat you for two sovereigns and a half.

No, sir.

Did I not say to you “Come up in the morning, and I will give you the money back?


You were not capable of looking after it.

Hall denied that he said Page could fetch the Force.

P.C. Langley said that at 8.40 p.m., when at New Bridge, he was informed by Page that he wished to give Williams in charge for stealing the £2 10s. Witness went to the “Criterion” and saw Williams, who denied stealing the money but said that he had tossed Page for the money. He told him he was not satisfied and would take him to the Police Station for further enquiries. Whilst questioning Williams, Hall was in his company, and on hearing this remark he volunteered to come on Williams' behalf. At the Police Station, Williams was further cautioned and questioned. He said “We were in the public bar of the “Duchess of Kent.” I and page tossed for the money five times, 10s a call, and I won the £2 10s. from him. I gave Hall £1, the other 30s. I gave to Mrs. Rose Thorne, of 36, Adrian Street, to give to my wife.” Hall was cautioned, and in reply said: “We were in the “Duchess of Kent,” and we tossed, a three-handed toss. I won £1 from Page. Williams won £1 10s.” Witness then went, with P.C. Merricks, to 36, Adrian Street, and saw Mrs. Thorne, who at first denied all knowledge of the money or that she had seen Williams since 2 p.m. that day, but when pressed she admitted that Williams had given her a small parcel, butt hat she did not know what it contained. It was opened in her presence, and it contained a sovereign and a half a sovereign. Hall and Williams were charged at the Police Station, and made no reply.

Hall said that he was not likely to say there was a three-handed toss when Page saw Williams hand him the sovereign.

Both defendants pleaded not guilty.

Williams said that he was a pensioner and he would not have chanced losing his pension for £2 10s. He tossed Page fairly, and he did not like it because he beat him. “I tossed for it and won it fairly outside the “Duchess of Kent,” but I told him that if he came up next morning I would give it to him back.”

Hall said that he had known Page for a long while, but never knew any good of him. He had gambled with him, and it was always the same. If he was on the winning side he was all right, but as soon as he lost he started crying. Witness was on leave from his regiment, and it was not likely that he would get himself into trouble when he had to only write to his regiment for an advance of pay. Hall added: He could not lose a cup of tea without crying.

The Chairman: Are you willing to hand over this money?

Hall: I treated the “boys” to a drink and paid for Page's soda out of the money.

The Chairman: Will you hand it back?

Williams (to Hall): Say yes.

Hall: Yes.

The Chairman said that on those conditions they would dismiss the case. They thought it an extremely foolish proceeding for a man to show off money as Page had done.



An unusual distinction was held by the business in 1914. That year, all licensed premises and clubs were prohibited from selling alcoholic drinks after nine p.m. The exceptions were the "Duchess of Kent" and the "Walmer Castle" and the buffets at the town and harbour stations.


Dover tramway

The old Duchess of Kent and Walmer Castle public houses in 1955 before they were merged to become the Elephant and Hind.

Information taken from John Bavington Jones' book "A Perambulation of the Town, Port and Fortress of Dover", 1906. (Reprint in The South Kent Gazette, July 4th, 1979.


Duchess of Kent 1930s

Above picture kindly sent to me by Andrew Emmerson who says he thinks the picture was taken circa 1938.

Duchess of Kent, date unknown



From the Dover Express, 12 October, 1951.

The funeral took place on Thursday last week, at Charlton Cemetery, of Mr Edward Charles Le Gross, whose death, at the age of 71 occurred on July 29th, at the "Duchess of Kent" Inn, Market Square, where he had been licensee for 30 years. The Rev a. s. Cooper officiated, and mourners present were:- Mrs. A. E. Le Gross (widow), Mr. M. Le Gross (son), Mr. and Mrs. Croucher (son-in-law and daughter), Mrs. O Dunn (grand-daughter), Mr. H Le Gross (brother), Mr. G Bonner and Mr. H. Sergtson (brother-in-law). Mrs. Booker, Mr. and Mrs. Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. Moody, Mr. and Mrs. Copley, ("Walmer Castle" Inn), Mr. W. Goodban, Mr. C. Nice, Mr. G. Watson, Mr. A. Hearn, Mr. G. Askham, Mr. R. Bilton, Mr. W. Bryne, Miss. G. Yates, Mrs. P. Curling, Mr. Thunder (representing Mackeson and Co., Hythe),Mr. and Mrs. McLeod, Mr. and Mrs. A. Maslin, Mrs. F. Hammond and family, Mr. Hunt, Mrs. Angell, Mrs. W. Sands and Mrs. Hogg (friends). There were numerous floral tributes. The funeral arrangements were by Mr. B. J. Andrews, 33, New Street.



In 1962, planning permission was given for this house which belonged to Mackeson, to merge with its neighbour the "Walmer Castle" which belonged to Fremlin. The licence of the "Duchess" was surrendered to make that possible and by agreement, the two brewers held equal shares in the new pub. That was named the "Elephant and Hind" to commemorate the trademarks of the two breweries in 1964.


It is now trading like a French Café under the name of "Bar Ellie".




TRIM to July/1867 dec'd Dover Express

TRIM Mrs Ann July/1867-71 (age 63 in 1871Census) Dover Express

Last pub licensee had BAKER George Sept/1871+ Next pub licensee had Dover Express

HAMMOND George Jan/1874 Dover Express

HAMMOND Stephen A 1874-75+ Post Office Directory 1874Sinnock Directory 1875

MARSH Caroline to Jan/1880 Dover Express

MARSH Henry 1881-92 Dover ExpressPost Office Directory 1882 (Blacksmith) (age 33 in 1881Census)

HAMMOND Caroline 1891-95 (widow age 62 in 1891Census) Post Office Directory 1891Pikes 1895

HUBBARD Mrs Annie Kate 1896

SUTTON Thomas 1898-99+ Kelly's Directory 1899

RACKLIFF Charles 1901-Dec/02 dec'd Post Office Directory 1903Dover ExpressPost Office Directory 1903Kelly's 1903

RACKLIFF Julia Georgina (widow) Dec/1902-Dec/03 Dover Express

WOOD Mark Witherden Dec/1903-1905 dec'd Dover Express

WOOD Mrs Ellen Louisa 1905-10 end

FRENCH Owen F 1910-26/June/17 Post Office Directory 1913Dover Express

Last pub licensee had BEANE Francis James 26/June/1917-23 end Dover ExpressPost Office Directory 1922

Last pub licensee had LEGROSS EDWIN Charles junior 1923-51 end Pikes 1924Post Office Directory 1930Pikes 1932-33Post Office Directory 1938Pikes 1938-39Pikes 48-49Kelly's Directory 1950 (Pikes 1938-39Pikes 48-49LE-GROSS)

CRONE Robert 1951-61 end Kelly's Directory 1953Kelly's Directory 1956

HARPER Eric 1962-64 end


Post Office Directory 1874From the Post Office Directory 1874

Sinnock Directory 1875From Sinnock Directory 1875

Post Office Directory 1882From the Post Office Directory 1882

Post Office Directory 1891From the Post Office Directory 1891

Pikes 1895From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1895

Kelly's Directory 1899From the Kelly's Directory 1899

Post Office Directory 1903From the Post Office Directory 1901

Post Office Directory 1903From the Post Office Directory 1903

Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903

Post Office Directory 1913From the Post Office Directory 1913

Post Office Directory 1922From the Post Office Directory 1922

Pikes 1924From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1924

Post Office Directory 1930From the Post Office Directory 1930

Post Office Directory 1938From the Post Office Directory 1938

Pikes 1938-39From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1938-39

Pikes 48-49From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1948-49

Kelly's Directory 1950From the Kelly's Directory 1950

Kelly's Directory 1953From the Kelly's Directory 1953

Kelly's Directory 1956From the Kelly's Directory 1956

Pikes 1932-33From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1932-33

Dover ExpressFrom the Dover Express


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-