Sort file:- Rainham, November, 2024.

Page Updated:- Saturday, 23 November, 2024.


Earliest 1755-

Cricketer's Inn

Open 2020+

88 High Street


01634 387272

Cricketers 1863

Above photo, circa 1863.  Kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Cricketers 1901

Above photo, 1901.

Cricketer's 1905

Above photo circa 1905. The "Cricketer's" shown right below the church tower.

Cricketer's Inn 1906

Above photo, 1906, celebrating the arrival of the first tram.

Cricketers 1906

Above photo, 1906, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

White Horse 1906

Above postcard 1906, celebrating the arrival of the first tram, showing the "White Horse" right, and "Cricketer's" left.

Cricketer's 1906

Above postcard, 1906, celebrating the arrival of the first tram.


Above photo, date unknown.

Above photo circa 1910. Also showing the "White Horse" left.

Cricketer's 1910

Above photo circa 1910. Also showing the "White Horse" right.

Cricketer's 1910

Above postcard, circa 1910.

Cricketer's 1920s

Above photo circa 1920s.

Cricketer's Inn tea garden 1920s

Above postcard, circa 1920s. Just showing a tea garden. This is part of the same photo as above.

Cricketers 1927

Above postcard, circa 1927, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Cricketer's 1930

Above postcard circa 1930. Also showing the "White Horse" left.

Cricketer's 1938

Above photo circa 1938, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Cricketer's 1940

Above postcard, 1940, showing Barclays Bank on the right and the car park of the newly built Cricketer's on the left a little further from the A2 than the original.

Cricketer's 1950

Above postcard, circa 1950.

Cricketers 1972

Above postcard, circa 1972.

Cricketers 2001

Above photo 2001.

Cricketer's 2004

Above photo 2004.

Cricketer's 2012

Above Google image, May 2012.

Cricketers 2014

Above photo 2014.

Cricketers 2018

Above Google image 2018.

Above photo, August 2021, kindly sent by Maggie Francis.

Cricketers sign 2003Cricketers sign 2021

Above sign left, 2003.

With thanks from Brian Curtis

Above Green King sign right, August 2021, kindly sent by Maggie Francis.

Cricketer's sign 2008

Above sign, 2008.

With thanks from Roger Pester


This premises operated its own Cricketers Inn Benefit Society, where participants would save for a special occasion, such as Christmas.

I have also seen reference from vestry meetings written in the Gillingham Chronicles by a Mr. Baldwin that mentions the "Cricketers" as early as 1766.

The original building which had a bowling green and tea gardens was demolished for road widening in the 1930s and rebuilt a little further back.


Kentish Gazette, Wednesday 3 May 1755.

To be Sold by Auction, by John Wright, Auctioneer, on Thursday the 4th day of May instant, and the two following days.

The household Goods, Plate, Linen, China, and Wearing Apparel, of Mrs. Ann Aggar, lately deceased, at her dwelling house, the Sign of the "Kings Head," at Blue houses, Sheerness; consisting of Four-post Bedsteads with Check Furniture; Goose and other Feather beds, Quilts, Blankets, and Counterpanes; Mahogany Chairs; Card and other Tables, Looking-glasses, and great Variety of Kitchen Furniture; fine China; a great Quantity of Linen and Wearing Apparel.

Catalogues to be had at the "George" at Queenborough, the "White Hart" at Milton, "Red Lion" at Sittingbourne, "Ship" at Faversham, "Bull" at Newington, "Cricketers" at Rainham, "Kings Arms" at Minster, and the Place of Sale, at John Wright's Chatham, and at Fishers Printing office, Rochester.

The sale to begin each day at 10 o'clock; the Goods to be viewed the Day before the Sale, and to the time of Sale each Day.


Kentish Gazette, Tuesday 14 August 1860.

Rainham. Forestry.

"The Star of Rochester" Court 2644 held its anniversary a few days ago, at the "Rosary and Cricketers Inn," Rainham, when a large number attended from "Court Pride" of New Brompton, "Rose of Kent," Chatham &c.

The Rosary possesses a beautiful garden, laid out in modern style, contrasting strangely with the ancient house, which, like the adjoining church, appears to have been built in the 15th century.

At 6 o'clock tea was provided by Brother Harris, on the lawn, after which dancing was resumed, to the beautiful music of the Marine band, and ultimately all took to the road to the sound of "Home Sweet Home."


South Eastern Gazette, 14 August, 1860.

Petty Sessions, Monday. (Before E. Twopeny, Esq., in the chair, Sir J. M. Tylden, Bart., the Rev. G. B. Moore, and W. Bland, Esq.)

Richard Costen, a gardener, was charged with stealing a watch, value £3, the property of Edward Nicholas, at Upchurch, on the 31st July.

It seemed that the prosecutor, a labourer living at Rainham, was at the "Cricketers" public-house on the night in question, where there was a club festival, and on getting home he missed his watch. He returned to the "Cricketers," and asked a person named Harris if he had seen it, the prisoner being present. Next day prosecutor saw prisoner at a public-house in Gillingham, when he said he had taken the watch, and was very sorry for it. It was then found that he had pledged it in Chatham for 20s., and the duplicate was found in his possession when apprehended. The prisoner pleaded guilty, and was committed for three months’ hard labour.


From the Maidstone Telegraph, Rochester and Chatham Gazette, 1 June 1861.

Sittingbourne. Forestry.

On Monday a considerable number of the members of the Court Resolution, recently opened at the Wesleyan School-room, with several members of the Milton Court, and accompanied by the Sittingbourne fife and drum band, paid a friendly visit to the Court Garden of Kent, Rainham. Mr. Harris, of the "Cricketers Inn," provided an excellent tea, and made every arrangement for the enjoyment of the company. After tea a portion of the Sittingbourne brass band joined them, and the evening was spent very merely.


Maidstone Journal and Kentish Advertiser, Monday 30 October 1865.

Rainham. Forester's Funeral.

On Sunday afternoon the funeral of a Forester, named Edward Munns, a member of Court 3,378, took place here.

The brethren assembled at Brother G. Harris's, "Cricketers Inn," Rainham. The deceased was interred in the village church yard, and was followed to the ground by nearly 50 of his brother Foresters.

As this was the first funeral of the kind that ever took place in this village, the solemn and impressive sight caused a number of the inhabitants to assemble together to witness it.


Maidstone Journal and Kentish Advertiser, Monday 2 July 1866.

Rainham. Ancient Order of Foresters.

Today (Monday) the Court "Garden of Kent," No. 3378 of the Order of Foresters, held its anniversary at the "Cricketers Arms," Rainham.

After partaking of an excellent dinner, provided by Brother Harris, the worthy hosts, various games were indulged in by the brethren, and the day was spent right merrily.


East Kent Gazette, Saturday 1 June 1867.

The Bankruptcy Act, 1861.

In the County Court of Kent, holden at Sittingbourne, George Harris, occupying lodgings at Rose Cottage, Brompton Lane, in the parish of Gillingham, in the county of Kent, out of business, before that of the "Cricketers Inn," Rainham, in the county of Kent, licensed victualler, gardener, and tea garden proprietor, having been adjudged Bankrupt on the 8th day of May, 1867, a public sitting for the said Bankrupt to pass his last examination and make application for his discharge, will be held at the said Court, at Sittingbourne, on the 15th day of June, 1867, at 12 o'clock at noon precisely, the day last aforesaid being the day limited for the said Bankrupt to surrender.

The Registrar of the Court is the official assignee, and William Webb Hayward, Esquire, of Rochester, is the Solicitor acting in the Bankruptcy.

J. A. Anderson, High bailiff.


East Kent Gazette, Saturday 9 May 1868.

To Pleasure Parties in the Public Generally.

W. Pretty, "Cricketers Inn," Rainham. Is open to serve the public and private parties with tea, at 9d. each person. Children, half-price. A good meat tea supplied at 1s. 3d. each.

Court Garden of Kent.


Faversham Times and Mercury and North-East Kent Journal, Saturday 20 September 1879.

Sittingbourne Petty Sessions.

The Bench then proceeded to the consideration of the licence in the cases in which there were complaints about the manner in which the houses were conducted, or in which the holders of the licences had been convicted during the last 12 months of offence against the Licensing Act.

These were John Hughes, "Cricketers Arms," Sheerness (convicted for permitting gambling on February 28th); Peter Newton Barlow "Shipwrights Arms," Sheerness, (convicted of a similar offence); John Bircham, "Highlanders Arms," Minster; Samuel Jarrett, "Cricketers," Rainham; Thomas Grewcock, "Green Lion," Rainham; Elizabeth Sayer, "White Horse," Rainham; Richard Charles Wallace, "Three King's," Sittingbourne; James Millington, beer house keeper, Borden, William Kitchenham, "Rose," Rainham; John Jordan, "Billet beer house", Milton.

The publicans having been cautioned, the Bench renewed each licence, with the exception of those of Bircham and Jarrett, Superintendent Mayne objected to the renewal of the licence to Bircham because of the manner in which it was conducted, owing to the drunkenness, &c., of his wife and frequent quarrels between them. Jarrett's house had also been conducted in a very unsatisfactory way. The bench refused to renew the licence to Bircham and Jarrett, but adjourned the question of renewal until September 29th, notice of which will be given to the owners of the houses.


Faversham Times and Mercury and North-East Kent Journal, Saturday 20 September 1879.

Sittingbourne Petty Sessions.

Samuel Jarrett landlord of the "Cricketers Arms," Rainham, was fined 30s. and 13s. costs for allowing dice playing on his premises, on August 30th.


East Kent Gazette, Saturday 19 January 1884.

Theft From a Public House at Rainham.

Jessie Naylor, 29, mate of the barge Rapid, was charged with stealing a part of a cooked goose, a knife and fork, a beer can, and a piece of carpet, the property of Mr. Samuel Jarrett, landlord of the "Cricketers Inn," Rainham, on January 14th.

Patience Jarrett, the landlady, stated that on the night of 14th January she missed the portion of goose produced from the pantry, and gave information to the police.

The prisoner was in the house between 8 and 9 that night. The beer tin, knife and fork, piece of carpeting, and goose now produced were her property.

Police Constable Packman, stationed at Rainham, stated that from what the last witness told him he went to a barge lying at Otterham Quay, at about 12 o'clock on the night of the 14th. He there saw the prisoner, who was mate of the barge. He told him he had come to see about a goose stolen from the "Cricketers." Prisoner said he knew nothing about it; he had not stolen any, and if witness thought he had, he would go with him to Sittingbourne at once. Witness told him he should search the barge first. Prisoner refused to show him a light, or to go down into the cabin. He did so after a while, and on searching the cabin witness found a bag, and the goose, beer tin, knife and fork, and piece of carpet identified by Mrs. Jarrett in it.

Prisoner said, "I know you have been watching for me, and you have got me at last; I hope I'll get 10 years for it." I then apprehended him.

Remanded till the petty sessions.


Maidstone Journal and Kentish Advertiser, Thursday 8 August 1895.

Rainham Publicans' Transaction.

Mr. Russell formerly landlord of the "Cricketers Arms," Rainham, but now of Maidstone, sued F W Goodsell, of the "Lion Hotel," Rainham, for 15 guineas, for a quantity of furniture sold and delivered.

There was a counter claim for £3 7s. consisting of £2 that was not paid by Russell in cashing a cheque for Goodsell, and £1 7s. for hire of a horse and trap.

Mr. A J Ellis was for plaintive, and Mr. F Smith or the defendant.

The plaintiffs case was that he sold a number of articles of furniture, &c., to defendant, on his leaving the "Cricketers Inn."

The defence set up was that the furniture was paid for at the time, evidence being given to this effect by defendant and his wife, Jane Argie, William Crowcher, Reuben Hodges, and Eliza Broomfield.

His Honour, in giving judgement, said it was clear that deliberate perjury had been committed, either by plaintiff or defendant, but, just on the balance of the evidence, he should find for defendant on both claims.

Mr. Smith applied for solicitor's costs and his Honour granted the application at once.


From the Anchor, (house magazine for Barclay, Perkins Anchor Brewery Volume XVIII, No.10, October 1938.

Cricketers, Rainham.

The new Cricketers, recently opened on the Dover Road (Watling Street) in Rainham, Kent, is a pleasing, half-timbered building, in harmony with its old-world surrounding.

Parts of the old house were of considerable age and many additions have been made at various times to cope with the increasing trade from local customers and stage coaches on their way to Dover.

Recently, it has been found necessary to provide an entirely new house and this has been planned to include a spacious Lounge, Saloon, Private and Public Bars, also Children's Room, and Tea Gardens and Bowling Green.

For motorists, ample parking accommodation has been provided and catering facilities are available in the Lounge. A very pleasing effect has been obtained in the Lounge by leaving the timbered studding and ceiling joists exposed and a special feature is the chimney corner with seats in the chimney breasts covered in oak shingles.

The landlord of the Cricketers is Mr. J W Wickham, in whose hands the new house can confidently be placed. Mr. Wickham comes from a well-known family in the trade in Kent, his uncle being licensee of the "Boatswain & Call," Chatham, another uncle of his having just retired from the "Star," Watling Street, after 40 years.

Mr. P G Searles, Surveyor to Style & Winch Ltd, designed the new "Cricketers" and was responsible for the very attractive furnishings.


From the By Dean Kilpatrick, 3 August 2018.

Man was punched and woman hit with bottle of Prosecco at The Cricketers in Rainham High Street.

Restrictions have been placed on a Medway pub after a “melee” which saw a man punched unconscious and a woman struck by a glass bottle of Prosecco.

The Cricketers in Rainham High Street can now only trade up until 11pm on Fridays and Saturdays as part of interim steps imposed by Medway Council following a series of incidents.

An emergency licensing hearing panel meeting was held last week as Kent Police said “there is a risk of serious crime and disorder recurring at these premises” until action is taken.

The latest problem night at the Greene King pub took place in the early hours of Saturday, July 21 while a disco was being held on a makeshift dancefloor.

A group of men are said to have assaulted “at least three separate people” – two of whom were punched and kicked to the floor inside the pub, while another man was punched to the ground and knocked unconscious outside.

Meanwhile, a woman inside the pub and not linked to the violent disturbance was hit on the head by a glass bottle of Prosecco thrown during what Kent Police described as a “melee”.

Officers are continuing to investigate the incident.

Meeting minutes published on Wednesday (August 1) read: “PC Chris Hill said the CCTV footage of the incident on July 21 showed that although the three door staff on duty had worked hard, there had been an insufficient number of them to deal with the level of disturbance."

Previous incidents at the pub were reported in February 2018 – which led to a restriction on the use of glass, and an increase in door staff numbers – and during this summer’s World Cup.

Police called for the designated premises supervisor (DPS) to be removed as part of the interim steps, although Greene King says the process is already under way.

In the meeting minutes, a representative said the chain had already “identified a number of experienced individuals” for the post.

The notes continue: “On behalf of the premises licence holder, Ms Jung emphasised Greene King’s experience in operating licensed premises in a professional manner and expressed their regret that this incident had occurred.

“The Cricketers was a large, well-run family-friendly public house. The disco that was held on Friday and Saturday evenings did not play the type of music that was conducive to violent behaviour.”

Greene King also said those involved in the incident will be barred from the premises.

The panel, chaired by Cllr Diane Chambers (Con), imposed interim steps reducing the opening times by two hours on Fridays and Saturdays, removal of all glass after 8pm, and an increase in door staff.

A full hearing will take place on Tuesday, August 21.


From the By Dean Kilpatrick, 21 August 2018.

The Cricketers in Rainham High Street ditches dancefloor after trouble.

A pub which “became a nightclub” at weekends has agreed to remove its dancefloor after an incident which saw a man punched unconscious and a woman struck by a bottle of Prosecco.

Greene King, which operates the Cricketers in Rainham High Street, brought forward proposed changes to the licence following a series of incidents which culminated in last month’s melee.

These include ditching the makeshift dancefloor, having four door staff when the pub is open post-11pm, and hosting only 10 pre-booked events – such as festive and charity evenings – every year.

Alcohol will still be served until 1am on Fridays and Saturdays, with the pub closing at 1.30am – something which the chain said was crucial for the business to be viable in the future.

Medway Council’s licensing hearing panel agreed the new conditions this morning, and they should come into effect “by the end of the week” once a confirmation letter has been sent out.

PC Chris Hill, licensing officer at Kent Police, said: “The large majority of that pub wasn’t being operated in a manner that I would describe as a pub.

“The very rear of the premises had chairs moved to the side, a dancefloor was created, and there was a DJ booth and dancing. To all intents and purposes, in my view, it became a nightclub.

“It is that element – the high-energy venue – that was a concern for Kent Police. We are finding we were having disorder then, when we weren’t during the week when it was operating as a pub.

“Greene King has come up with a plan that removes the disco/nightclub element. If that isn’t there and goes back to being a pub, our concerns are mitigated somewhat.”

Kent Police said there was an “uncomfortable” atmosphere brewing at the pub over the months, with 10 “violent incidents” reported to the force so far this year.

On July 21, a group of men assaulted “at least three separate people”, including a woman who suffered a large cut to the crown of her head when she was hit by a tossed glass bottle of Prosecco.

PC Hill described the incident as: “It’s not pleasant, it’s not nice, but you’ve probably seen worse.”

In the hope of attracting a different clientele, live music will still be performed as such acts “tend not to be what the kids want to see any more”. Meals will also be served later into the night at weekends.

Interim steps, which stopped the pub from trading after 11pm on Fridays and Saturdays, saw alcohol sales between 7pm and 1am fall by 70%.

Customers dining at the pub also complained about having to drink wine out of plastic cups.

Andrea Greenwood, Greene King’s operations manager, said the Cricketers was in “huge decline and struggling,” adding: “We’ve had to reduce our staff numbers”.

Head office has vowed to “keep an eye” on any progress made once the conditions come into effect.

Piers Warne, a solicitor representing the firm, said: “We could have come back between then and now (since the first panel meeting), and asked for interim steps to be modified.

“We chose not to take that option because we took the concerns seriously, and wanted to take the proper time to assess rather than racing back to try and change things.

“One is now in the hands of fate, to a degree, in terms of where customers have found themselves going and whether they come back, but we are prepared to change the nature of the business to deal with the concerns.”

Independent adviser Adrian Stud suggested to the panel that reducing opening hours could just move the problem, rather than addressing it.

Cllr Diane Chambers (Con), panel chairman, concluded: “The decision the panel took in July has led them to have a very significant look at the operation of the premises.

“To be fair to them, they have reacted to the concerns expressed by the panel at that time, and it is their intention to reset the operation.”

Greene King also confirmed it is still looking for a long-term designated premises supervisor, having made an interim appointment to satisfy previous worries.



MARTIN William 1826-29+ Pigots 1826Pigot's Directory 1828-29

HARRIS Thomas 1832-55+ (age 59 in 1851Census) Pigot's Directory 1832-34Pigot's Directory 1839Pigot's Directory 1840Bagshaw's Directory 1847Post Office Directory 1850Post Office Directory 1851Post Office Directory 1855

HARRIS George 1858-67 (age 38 in 1861Census) Post Office Directory 1858Post Office Directory 1859Post Office Directory 1862Post Office Directory 1867Kent Harrods Directory 1867

PRETTY W 1868+

OAKENFULL George 1870-71+ (age 32 in 1871Census) Post Office Directory 1870

SIDDALL George 1874-77+ Post Office Directory 1874Mannings & Co Directory 1877

JARRETT Samuel 1878-5/May/92 dec'd (age 48 in 1891Census) Post Office Directory 1878Kelly's 1882Kelly's 1887Kelly's 1891

RUSSELL Mr to 1895

WOODCOCK Henry G 1895+ Kelly's 1895

SCHURIG Paul Alex 1899-1903+ (age 46 in 1901Census) Kelly's 1899Kelly's 1903

BIRCH Frederick George 1905-07+ Kelly's 1905Kelly's 1907

TAYLOR Harry Charles 1908-09+ Sitingbourne District Parrett's Directory 1908Kelly's 1909

BALLARD Thomas 1911+ (age 30 in 1911Census)

CHITTENDEN Thomas 1912-13 Kelly's 1912

SHAW Charles William 1913-24+ Kelly's 1913Kelly's 1914Kelly's 1915Kelly's 1916Kelly's 1918Kelly's 1922Kelly's 1924

WICKHAM Walter John 1927-55+ Kelly's 1927Kelly's 1928Kelly's 1830Kelly's 1933Kelly's 1934Kelly's 1935Kelly's 1937Kelly's 1838Kelly's 1939Kelly's 1948Kelly's 1951Kelly's 1953Kelly's 1955Kelly's 1957

Last pub licensee had STYLES Ronald 1957-62 Next pub licensee had

GODDARD Walter 1971-74+ Kelly's 1971Kelly's 1972Kelly's 1973Kelly's 1974


Pigots 1826From the Pigot's Directory 1826

Pigot's Directory 1828-29From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29

Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34

Pigot's Directory 1839From the Pigot's Directory 1839

Pigot's Directory 1840From the Pigot's Directory 1840

Bagshaw's Directory 1847From Bagshaw Directory 1847

Post Office Directory 1850From the Post Office Directory 1850

Post Office Directory 1851From the Post Office Directory 1851

Post Office Directory 1855From the Post Office Directory 1855

Post Office Directory 1858From the Post Office Directory 1858

Post Office Directory 1859From the Post Office Directory 1859

Post Office Directory 1862From the Post Office Directory 1862

Post Office Directory 1867From the Post Office Directory 1867

Kent Harrods Directory 1867From Kent Harrods Directory 1867

Post Office Directory 1870From the Post Office Directory 1870

Post Office Directory 1874From the Post Office Directory 1874

Mannings & Co Directory 1877Mannings & Co Directory 1877

Post Office Directory 1878From the Post Office Directory 1878

Kelly's 1882From the Kelly's Directory 1882

Kelly's 1887From the Kelly's Directory 1887

Kelly's 1891From the Kelly's Directory 1891

Kelly's 1895From the Kelly's Directory 1895

Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903

Kelly's 1905From the Kelly's Directory 1905

Kelly's 1907From the Kelly's Directory 1907

Sitingbourne District Parrett's Directory 1908From the Sittingbourne District Parrett's Directory 1908

Kelly's 1909From the Kelly's Directory 1909

Kelly's 1912From the Medway Kelly's Directory 1912

Kelly's 1913From the Kelly's Directory 1913

Kelly's 1914From the Medway Kelly's Directory 1914/15

Kelly's 1915From the Kelly's Directory 1915

Kelly's 1916From the Medway Kelly's Directory 1916

Kelly's 1918From the Kelly's Directory 1918

Kelly's 1922From the Kelly's Directory 1922

Kelly's 1924From the Kelly's Directory 1924

Kelly's 1927From the Kelly's Directory 1927

Kelly's 1928From the Medway Kelly's Directory 1928

Kelly's 1830From the Kelly's Directory 1930

Kelly's 1933From the Medway Kelly's Directory 1933

Kelly's 1934From the Kelly's Directory 1934

Kelly's 1935From the Medway Kelly's Directory 1935

Kelly's 1838From the Kelly's Directory 1938

Kelly's 1939From the Medway Kelly's Directory 1939

Kelly's 1948From the Medway Kelly's Directory 1948

Kelly's 1951From the Medway Kelly's Directory 1951

Kelly's 1953From the Kelly's Directory 1953

Kelly's 1955From the Medway Kelly's Directory 1955

Kelly's 1957From the Medway Kelly's Directory 1957

Kelly's 1971From the Medway Kelly's Directory 1971

Kelly's 1972From the Medway Kelly's Directory 1972

Kelly's 1973From the Medway Kelly's Directory 1973

Kelly's 1974From the Medway Kelly's Directory 1974



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-