Sort file:- Rainham, August, 2024.

Page Updated:- Monday, 19 August, 2024.


Earliest 1725-

Lion Hotel

Latest 1766-

(Name to)

14 High Street


Lion Hotel circa 1900

Above photo circa 1900.

Lion 1910

Above postcard, circa 1910, showing "Lion" on the right.

Lion Hotel 1913

Above postcard, 1913.

Lion 1920

Above photo, 1920, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Lion 1900

Above photo showing part of the same image as the above.


The pub used to advertise the fact that you could telephone from inside the building.

It changed name to the "Green Lion."

I believe this pub has been called the "Green Lion" prior to 1773 as well, as I have seen reference to the pub called by that name when an auction was taking place in September 1773 and catalogues could be obtained from this premises.

I have also seen reference from vestry meetings written in the Gillingham Chronicles by a Mr. Baldwin that mentions the "Green Lyon" as early as 1725.


I am not yet sure whether there have been two different "Green Lions" at different times as archive material at present is a little vague as to exact location of the earlier "Green Lion".


East Kent Gazette - Saturday 16 August 1873.

Sudden Death.

An inquest was held at the green line public house, Rainham, on Monday last, before Mr. G Winch, deputy coroner, and a jury of whom Mr. George Turner was foreman, on the body of Mr Frederick Castle, 27 years of age, landlord of the said house, who died suddenly about 11 o'clock on the previous Saturday.

It seems that the deceased, in company with a man, named Raynard Lockyer was out in the yard at the rear of his house, and was about to go indoors, for which purpose he had to turn a corner, when he was observed by his wife to fall. She called out to Lockyer, who had not then turned the corner, to run to his assistance, and he found deceased leaning against the wall. He never spoke afterwards, and death must have been almost instantaneous.

Dr. Penfold was sent for, and was immediately in attendance, but as life was extinct, his services were of no avail.

Deceased had complained of a feeling of faintness earlier in the morning, and had taken a stimulant in the shape of a glass of brandy and water, in the hope that it would pass off.

After hearing the evidence of Lockyer and Dr. Penfold the jury returned a verdict to the effect that deceased died from natural causes.


Kentish Gazette, Saturday 4th November 1780.

To be Sold by Auction.

On Monday the 6th of November, and the four following days, all the genteel and good household furniture, plate, linen and china of the late Mrs. Mary Bland, of Tunstall House, near Sittingbourne, deceased; consisting of Goose Feather Beds, Mahogany Four Post Bedsteads, with Damask and Cotton Furniture; Mahogany and Walnut-tree Chairs; Chimney, Pier, and Dressing Glasses; a very elegant Post-coach as good as new, with Harness for a Pair of Horses; also 5 Horses, 8 Cows, 1 Sow and Pigs, 16 other Hogs, 31 Baron Sheep, a Waggon, a Bavin-tug, Carts, Plows, Harrows, a Roll, with Waggon and Plough-harness, and all other Implements of Husbandry.

The sale to begin each day at 10 o'clock.

Catalogues may be had at the "Fountain," and "Red Lion," Canterbury; "Ship," and "Dolphin," Faversham; "Red Lion," Ospringe; "Rose," "George," and "Red Lion," Sittingbourne; "George," and "Bull," at Newington; "Green Lion," Rainham; "Mitre," and "Sun," Chatham; "King's Head," "White Hart," and "Crown," at Rochester; "Swan," Green Street; "George," Newham; "Chequer," Donnington; "Swan," Charing; and of W. Jordan, auctioneer, at Milton.

Also to be sold by private contract, about 50 acres of exceeding good arable land, in the parishes of Tunstall and Borden, near Sittingbourne.

For particulars, apply to Mr. William Wise, at Borden and; or Mr. Howe, at Kingsdown.


Kentish Gazette 12 April 1793.

Friday died Mr. Heard, master of the "Green Lion Inn," Rainham.


Canterbury Journal, Kentish Times and Farmers' Gazette - Saturday 21 August 1886.

Petty Sessions.

At Mondays Petty Sessions some bad cases of adulteration of spirits came before the bench.

Kennett Jordan of Rainham, whose whiskey at the time the superintendent's visit was found to be 28.15 degrees under proof and 5.15 degrees below the legal limits of strength, was fine 10s. and costs, this being his first offence.

George Excel, of Sittingbourne, who appeared on remand charged with stealing 4s. 6d. from a till of a public house on July 22nd, was sentenced to 14 days imprisonment.


Maidstone Journal and Kentish Advertiser - Thursday 8 June 1891.

East Kent Gazette - Saturday 20 June 1891.

Rainham. Transfer of Licences.

At the Sittingbourne Petty sessions on Monday last the licence of the "Lion Hotel," Rainham was transferred from Kennett Jordan to George Tegg.


Maidstone Journal and Kentish Advertiser - Thursday 8 June 1893.

George Tegg, landlord of the "Lion Inn," Rainham, was summoned by a potland named William Croucher, for assaulting him on May 23rd. It was alleged that the complainant miss conducted himself, and as he refused to leave the premises he was turned out. In the end the Bench dismissed the case.


Maidstone Journal and Kentish Advertiser, Thursday 8 August 1895.

Rainham Publicans' Transaction.

Mr. Russell formerly landlord of the "Cricketers Arms," Rainham, but now of Maidstone, sued F W Goodsell, of the "Lion Hotel," Rainham, for 15 guineas, for a quantity of furniture sold and delivered.

There was a counter claim for £3 7s. consisting of £2 that was not paid by Russell in cashing a cheque for Goodsell, and £1 7s. for hire of a horse and trap.

Mr. A J Ellis was for plaintive, and Mr. F Smith or the defendant.

The plaintiffs case was that he sold a number of articles of furniture, &c., to defendant, on his leaving the "Cricketers Inn."

The defence set up was that the furniture was paid for at the time, evidence being given to this effect by defendant and his wife, Jane Argie, William Crowcher, Reuben Hodges, and Eliza Broomfield.

His Honour, in giving judgement, said it was clear that deliberate perjury had been committed, either by plaintiff or defendant, but, just on the balance of the evidence, he should find for defendant on both claims.

Mr. Smith applied for solicitor's costs and his Honour granted the application at once.


Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald - Saturday 7 August 1897.

RAINHAM. Alleged theft of tankards.

At the Sittingbourne Police Court, on Friday, George Foord, dealer, of Lime Tree House, Rainham, was charged, on remand, with having stolen 6 metal tankards, value at £3. 16s, the property of William Hinkley, of the "Lion Hotel," Rainham, on the 11th of February last.

The evidence for the prosecution was to the effect that the prosecutor took over the business of the "Lion Hotel," in succession to Mrs. Emmerson, and that during the evening the accused, after calling for several "halves of bitter," which he drank, took the respective tankards out to the back of the house, and conveyed them home. The prosecutor afterwards missed them from the inventory of the goods and chattels of the house.

Time passed on, and no one knew what had become of them, when it came to the prosecutors knowledge that the tankards were in the possession of the accused. He placed the matter in the hands of the police, and Foord was apprehended.

It transpired that the tankards had at one time being buried in a lane, in a distant part of the parish, and after that they were concealed in a cesspool on Foord's premises, having been suspended therein from a piece of string. It was suggested that Mrs. Emmerson then asked Foord to take care of the tankards for her, while another suggestion was that he had the tankards as security for money lost.

Mr. A Booth Hearn (Chatham), who defended, said the defence would be reserved, upon receiving an information from the Bench that the case will go for trial.

Foord was committed for trial at the Quarter Sessions.


Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald - Saturday 23 October 1897.

A Peculiar Case.

George Foord, a fruit dealer was indicted for stealing 6 tankard pots, of the value of £3, the goods of William Hinkley, at Rainham, on the 11th February 1897.

Prisoner pleaded not guilty.

Mr. Alick Tassell appeared for the prosecution and Mr. G F Hobler for prisoner.

William John Hinkley, landlord of the "Lion Inn," Rainham stated that he took over the business from Mrs. Emmerson on the 11th February. An inventory of the goods was made at the time and it's specify 12 tankards of half a pint and a pint each, but he found six were missing.

They were all marked with a former tenant's name.

About a month afterwards he put the matter in the hands of Superintendent Capps.

About 2 months after witness was in the house, prisoner came and asked him if he had found the tankards.

Mr. Hobler:- He could not say whether the prisoner told him that Mrs. Emmerson gave him the pots.

Harriet Gertrude Annie Arnold, who was general servant to Mrs. Emmerson, deposed that on the 11th of February she saw prisoner in the bath drinking halves of bitter. He put the pot in his pocket and went out the back. He ordered several pots of bitter and took the pots out the back. About 2 months afterwards he saw the tankards standing on a table in the prisoners house. On one occasion he said his father took the pots into Bradhurst Lane and buried them.

Cross-examined:- She did not tell anyone about prisoner taking the pots as it was nothing to do with her. She told Mr. Hinkley all about it when she was asked. She did not take the pots to prisoner wrapped up in brown paper.

Sarah Jane Emmerson, deposed that up to 11th February, she was landlady at the "Lion Inn, Rainham. She was in the car on the evening of 11th February up to 9 o'clock. She then went into the kitchen and saw the prisoner go and get some halves of bitter. He said to her once "Here's another of old Hinkley's pots going wrong."

Two months afterwards she saw the pots in prisoners house. She told him he would be locked up if anyone saw them, and he replied but no ----- policeman would have found them. He then took her out to a cess pool and pulled the pots up hung to a string. She never gave prisoner any of the pots, for they were not hers to give as she had sold them.

Charlotte Wheatley, a married woman, stated that she was at one time barmaid to Mrs. Emmerson. On one occasion Foord said that he had told Hinkley over six of his tankards and that when it was all blown over he would have them taken to London to get the names run out.

P.C. Turner deposed that on the 19th July last he went to prisoner's house and saw in the parlour a parcel wrapped in brown paper. On opening it he found the six tankards produced which were afterwards identified by prosecutor.

About 7 o'clock the same evening he saw prisoner in High Street, Rainham, and ask him about the pots. He took him to prosecutor and prisoner said "This is a pretty start Mr. Hinkley." Prosecutor said he did not want to hear anything as the matter was in the hands of the police. When witness charged prisoner he said "I never took the tankards, Mrs. Emmerson sent them up by her servant to my sister.

For the defence Mr. Hobler called Mariah Foord, mother of prisoner, who deposed that on the 12th February Miss Arnold brought a brown paper parcel to the house and asked witness to keep it for Mrs Emmerson. A short time after that the potman brought a cupboard to the house for Mrs. Emmerson and they put the parcel inside it. In May witness' son said he found that there were tankards in the parcel and surely they did not belong to Mr. Hinkley.

Witness sent for Mrs. Emmerson and asked her if they were her sons or prosecutors. She said indeed they are mine I bought them for my children."

Mrs. Emily Warren, daughter of last witness corroborated.

At this point His Honour asked the jury if they wished to go on with the case but they said they did not desire to do so, an expression of opinion which the Chairman said was a right one for arrive at. He then discharged the prisoner.



The Post Office Directories between 1862 and 1878 called this the "Red Lion, and the Mannings & Co Directory of 1877 referred to it as the "Lion Commercial Inn."



SIMMONDS William 1783-85+

HARD/HEARD Peter 1790-Apr/93 dec'd


RUMMEN Charles Mar/1813-14+

SNOSWELL Abraham 1828-29+ Next pub licensee had Pigot's Directory 1828-29

PRID/FRID James 1832-34 Pigot's Directory 1832-34

GIBBS William 1840+

ALLSWORTH William Joseph 1847-62+ (age 69 in 1861Census) Post Office Directory 1855Melville's 1858Post Office Directory 1859Post Office Directory 1862

BLEEZE William J 1866-67+ Post Office Directory 1866Kent Harrods Directory 1867

CASTLE Fred 1870-9/Aug/73 dec'd (age 25 in 1871Census) Post Office Directory 1870

CASTLE Mary Anne Mrs 9/Aug/1873-74+ Post Office Directory 1874 ("Red Lion")

MOSS Charles 1877+ Mannings & Co Directory 1877

PLOWRIGHT Edward 1878+ Post Office Directory 1878

GREWCOCK Patience 1881 Census

SINGER Walter S E 1882+ Post Office Directory 1882

JORDAN Kennett 1886-June/93 (age 51 in 1891Census) Kelly's 1887Kelly's 1891

TEGG George June/1891-95+ Kelly's 1895


EMMERSON Henry pre 1897

EMMERSON Sarah Jane to 11/Feb/1897

HINKLEY William 11/Feb/1897+

CURLING Walter Philip 1899-16+ Kelly's 1899CensusKelly's 1903Kelly's 1905Sitingbourne District Parrett's Directory 1908Kelly's 1912Kelly's 1916

CURLING Agnes Mrs 1918-22+ Kelly's 1918Kelly's 1922

MOORE James W 1924-27+ Kelly's 1924Kelly's 1927

Last pub licensee had BARTLETT Alfred & Lizzie 1928-39 dec'd Kelly's 1928Kelly's 1830Kelly's 1933Kelly's 1939

BARTLETT Lizzie (widow) 1939-45

GOODSELL Mr to Jan/1946 dec'd East Kent Gazette

GOODSELL Sarah (widow) Jan/1946+ East Kent Gazette

STANDEN Hazel 1968-86


Pigot's Directory 1828-29From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29

Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34


Post Office Directory 1855From the Post Office Directory 1855

Melville's 1858From Melville's Directory 1858

Post Office Directory 1859From the Post Office Directory 1859

Post Office Directory 1862From the Post Office Directory 1862

Post Office Directory 1866From the Post Office Directory 1866-67

Kent Harrods Directory 1867From Kent Harrods Directory 1867

Post Office Directory 1870From the Post Office Directory 1870

Post Office Directory 1874From the Post Office Directory 1874

Mannings & Co Directory 1877Mannings & Co Directory 1877

Post Office Directory 1878From the Post Office Directory 1878

Post Office Directory 1882From the Post Office Directory 1882

Kelly's 1887From the Kelly's Directory 1887

Kelly's 1891From the Kelly's Directory 1891

Kelly's 1895From the Kelly's Directory 1895

Kelly's 1899From the Kelly's Directory 1899

Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903

Kelly's 1905From the Kelly's Directory 1905

Sitingbourne District Parrett's Directory 1908From the Sittingbourne District Parrett's Directory 1908

Kelly's 1912From the Medway Kelly's Directory 1912/13

Kelly's 1916From the Medway Kelly's Directory 1916

Kelly's 1918From the Kelly's Directory 1918

Kelly's 1922From the Kelly's Directory 1922

Kelly's 1924From the Kelly's Directory 1924

Kelly's 1927From the Kelly's Directory 1927

Kelly's 1928From the Medway Kelly's Directory 1928

Kelly's 1830From the Kelly's Directory 1930

Kelly's 1933From the Medway Kelly's Directory 1933

Kelly's 1939From the Medway Kelly's Directory 1939

East Kent GazetteEast Kent Gazette


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-